Hello, everyone!

OMG, this is the LAST CHAPTER!

I still can't believe I wrote FIVE CHAPTERS. I am so impressed with myself :) This is my first multi-chaptered story and I just love this Klaine! As much as I want to continue writing about this Klaine, I will end this story here. But I'll write new stories in the future, so I really hope you will come back again to read them. :)

Thank you so much everyone who read, faved and followed this story. And for people who left a review, I LOVE all the reviews! You guys all encouraged me to keep writing this story. You are ALL awesome, I love you all!

And to Chris, my wonderful beta, and one of my best friends. I really can't thank you enough what you did for me and my story! Not only were you willing to become my beta, you encouraged me and gave me LOTS of advice about the writing. You sacrificed your limited free time to edit my story. I'm SUPER lucky to have you as my beta. It was such an honor working with someone who's talented like you. If it weren't for you, I couldn't have done this alone. So, THANK YOU, and I LOVE YOU!

Finally, I really hope you guys enjoy this last chapter. Thank you so much again!

Chapter 5

I knew I loved you before I met you

I think I dreamed you into life

I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life

(I knew I Loved You Before I Met You - By Savage Garden)

"What's this?" Blaine asked when Kurt handed him an envelope after they had ordered their food at Blaine's favorite Chinese restaurant.

"I know it's a few days early, but Happy Birthday," Kurt said, smiling at him. "Open it."

"Oh, thank you!" Blaine opened the envelope and found a card and a football ticket. He read the card and looked at the ticket carefully.

"Giants and Cowboys, August 20th, this Saturday for my birthday?" Blaine asked, giving Kurt a deadpanned look.

"Yeah. Do you remember when you asked me to go watch a football or baseball game before, and I said I would think about it? Well, I did. And I found this game on your birthday and I thought that would be a great birthday gift for you."

Blaine was about to speak but Kurt interrupted.

"And of course I'm coming with you. I have my ticket at home." He had thought about this for a while and he couldn't think of any better ideas. He knew Blaine loved to watch sports both in person and on TV. And he knew Blaine would be happy if Kurt said he would go with him. But he was still nervous. This was the first present Kurt had given him and honestly, he didn't know if Blaine would like it or not.

"Oh my God, Kurt, this is perfect! Thank you so much!" Blaine beamed at Kurt and Kurt swore he could see his tail wagging. Kurt now, he knew he had done something right for him. He smiled when Blaine came around the table and gave him a tight squeeze around his neck.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it," Kurt said, laughing into Blaine's embrace and patting his arm. "I also invited Finn and Rachel to come along with us. It should be fun."

"Oh that's even better. We're going to have a double date!" Blaine said excitedly, pulling back and holding Kurt's shoulders.

"I know right? Finn will drive all of us to the stadium in New Jersey. So you don't have to worry about a thing. Just enjoy the day with us," Kurt looked up and locked his eyes with Blaine's, smiling.

"Kurt, thank you so much," Blaine gave Kurt his I-want-to-kiss-you-right-now look. But he looked around, remembering where they were, and gripped his shoulders tightly instead. Then he reluctantly went back to his seat.

"No problem. Anything for you, Blaine."

Over the last couple of weeks, Kurt's feelings towards Blaine had developed to the level that he really meant what he had just said. He couldn't deny anymore that he loved him. He literally would do anything to make his boyfriend happy. But he was too scared to tell him about his feelings, because he wasn't sure if Blaine felt the same way. He didn't want it to be so when he told Blaine that he loved him, he didn't want to hear an "I love spending time with you." No. He wanted to hear the exact same words back from him.

Was he asking for too much? Maybe he was. But there was nothing wrong with that, because he wasn't going to tell him about it anytime soon. He was going to wait a little bit longer until he was sure that Blaine loved him back, or, he was ready to hear Blaine wasn't there yet. Well, he wasn't ready for either of them yet.

It was quiet in the car after Finn and Rachel picked Kurt and Blaine up at Kurt's apartment to go to the Giants Stadium on Saturday. Well, Rachel didn't know what was going on between the boys. When Finn and Rachel arrived in front of Kurt's apartment earlier, they tried to reach Kurt's and Blaine's phone, but both didn't answer. Finn went up to tell them they were waiting downstairs, all boys came down, and hadn't talked since. Finn was driving, looking straight ahead, Kurt was staring at the outside of the window, Blaine was nervously glancing at Kurt and Finn every now and then, and Rachel was just sitting in the passenger seat quietly.

"Dudes," Finn spoke first.

"What?" Kurt answered, annoyed and knowing what Finn was going to say.

"Don't get laid in the bathroom at the stadium today, please?" Finn looked at Kurt through the rear-view mirror.

"We won't, okay? It's not like we're horny 24-7," Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Then what was that I saw earlier at your apartment?" Finn had slightly, raising his voice.

"We were just making out," Kurt simply stated.

"You guys were making out on the couch, ripping each other's clothes off!"

"You could've knocked first!"

"You could've locked the door!"

The two were now shouting at each other.

"You came over early, Finn! Besides, that's my apartment. I can do whatever I want! If I want to fuck with my boyfriend, I can!"

"We texted and called you first, before coming up to your apartment! You knew we were coming to pick you up anyway! Why couldn't you just wait doing nothing, or maybe, bake some chocolate chip cookies, instead, huh!?"

"Wha – Is that it, Finn? Is that your problem? You're upset because I didn't bake chocolate chip cookies for you?" Kurt said in disbelief.

"You always bake them when we go out somewhere and you know how much I love your chocolate chip cookies! You didn't bake them because you were busy doing…"

"STOP IT!" Rachel yelled at them before Finn could finish his sentence. Kurt and Finn both closed their mouths shut, even Blaine sat up straight. "Alright then," Rachel coughed and opened her mouth once again the car fell silent. "So, Kurt and Blaine were making out, huh?"

"Yeah, they were really going at it." Finn answered, tapping his index finger on the steering wheel with frustration.

"Why is it always you who catches them messing around!? Why not me? It's not fair!" Everyone in the car was caught off guard when unexpected words came out from Rachel.

"Oh my God, Rachel! Why are you so obsessed about it!? What's wrong with you!?" Finn shouted at her who looked surprised by being shouted at by her boyfriend.

"Well, they are two extremely cute boys together and it's impossible for girls not to ship them. You have to understand that, Finn," Rachel said proudly and that only caused Finn to sigh deeply. Kurt smirked and Blaine was just quietly laughing, looking down and trying not to get caught by Finn.

"Anyway, keep your hands to yourselves today, will ya?" With much calmed voice, Finn said to Kurt and Blaine.

"We will," Kurt said, looking at the window again.

"Sure," Blaine nodded, smiling.

"Good. So, when will you bake chocolate chip cookies next time, Kurt?"

"I will bake you a batch or two tomorrow and bring them to you," After a moment, Kurt replied with a sigh, strongly believing that this was Finn's only problem.

"Awesome," Finn nodded contentedly and turned up the volume of the radio. Sam Smith's latest song started streaming in the car. Finn was drumming his fingers on the steering wheels and Kurt was humming along with the song, as if they hadn't been arguing a minute ago.

"Siblings," Rachel shook her head, looking back at Blaine to get an agreement from him.

"I know," Blaine chuckled, giving the brothers loving eyes.

"Oh, c'mon! That was an offside!" Finn shouted dramatically, standing up from his seat.

"Where the hell is the ref looking at!? Can't believe he missed that!" Blaine threw his hands up in the air.

While Finn and Blaine were still ranting about the referee's missed call (that was what they said), the referee blew the whistle to finish the second quarter.

Finn and Rachel left for the bathroom, and Kurt and Blaine remained in their seats.

"Are you having fun?" Kurt asked Blaine, nudging his arm.

"Are you kidding me? This is awesome! I haven't watched a game in ages. I'm having a blast!" Blaine said, looking around the stadium and seeing the cheerleaders coming out on the field. Blaine breathed deeply and was absolutely enjoying this atmosphere. It was so much fun watching a game in person rather than watching it on the TV screen in the living room.

"But… are you Kurt? I know you're not into sports, and you're only here because it's my birthday. I'm kind of feeling bad," Blaine said in an apologetic tone.

"Don't be. Believe it or not, I'm having fun too," Kurt reassured him, taking Blaine's hand into his. "I haven't told you this yet, but I was in a football team for a bit when I was in high school."

"What? You? In a football team?" Blaine thought he misheard it, but when he saw Kurt's face, he knew he didn't.

"Well, it was kind of a phase, you know, where I was lying to myself who I really was. I tried to prove my dad that I was a man and not gay. It didn't last long, though. Anyway, I know about football and I like it. It was fun," Kurt told, watching cheerleaders starting to dance, and that reminded him one more thing. "When I was in the team, we even danced on the field one time during a game. I was in charge of choreography. Can you believe that?"

"Oh, are you telling him that you used to be a cheerleader?" bright, innocent Rachel's voice came from behind.

"A cheerleader?" Blaine's eyebrows were shot up, eyes got even wider.

"Oh my God, Rachel, shut up! Blaine, it's nothing! She must have mixed me up with someone else." Kurt quickly tried to pretend it had nothing to do with him, but failed by the other innocent voice that followed his.

"No, it was you, Kurt. You were a cheerleader. Don't you remember?" Finn said, offering drinks to Kurt and Blaine.

"Thanks, Finn," Kurt snatched a drink off his brother's hand, giving him a death glare.

"Are you serious, Kurt? You were a cheerleader? What's the story?" Blaine asked. He still couldn't digest what he had just heard.

"It was another phase where I was being silly and looking for a spotlight. That's all," Kurt told Blaine with a shrug, trying to sound like it was not a big deal. It was something he wasn't planning to tell his boyfriend. But he didn't want to hide things for Blaine, so it was all well after all.

"Wow. I'm impressed, Kurt. But actually, that explains why you're so bendy, when, you know…" Blaine suggestively pressed a small kiss on Kurt's cheek, making him blush.

"That's my little brother, Blaine," Finn roughly handed a box of popcorn over Blaine, dropping some of it on the floor.

"Sorry," Blaine received the box against his chest and immediately sat up straight in his seat.

"Hey, do you still have this cheerleader uniform?" Blaine shifted his body towards Kurt, lowering his voice so that Finn and Rachel couldn't hear him.

"Yeah, I do. Why?" Kurt replied, directing a suspicious look toward him.

"Can you wear it someday and let me fuck you?" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear.

"You are such a perv," Kurt smirked at him. "But the answer is yes."

"Great," Blaine straightened himself and shifted his focus on the field. Kurt giggled, shaking his head.

The cheerleaders finished their performance and withdrew. Now it was time for the second half of the game.

The game finished at 17-13, the victory went to the Giants. It was a close game and everyone had enjoyed it a lot. Finn and Blaine ended up purchasing Giants' knit hats and pullover hoodies, spending almost $100 each.

When they returned to New York City, they stopped by their local bar to grab a couple of drinks for Blaine's birthday (coke for Finn, the designated driver). Kurt managed to successfully surprise him by secretly ordering a small cake with candles. Blaine made a wish and blew the candles, smiling shyly when everyone around their table cheered for him too.

Finn and Rachel dropped Blaine and Kurt off at Kurt's apartment just a little past midnight. They were both so tired, so they just went straight to Kurt's bedroom.

"It was really nice spending my birthday with you, Kurt. Thank you," Blaine said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't be silly. I'm your boyfriend. Of course I want to spend your birthday with you," Kurt dropped himself down on the bed, next to Blaine. "So, did you enjoy today?"

"Very much," Blaine smiled.

"Good," Kurt leaned in for a peck on Blaine's cheek.

"I'm going to take a shower. Wait here," Kurt stood up and walked towards the bathroom door.

"I'm not going anywhere," Blaine lied down, deciding to relax a little bit and close his eyes. Kurt smiled at him and quietly closed the door.

Blaine was feeling tipsy from the alcohol. It was a really nice day. Just spending his birthday with his boyfriend and best friends made him smile. This was something that hadn't happened to him before. And he liked it. Ever since he started dating Kurt, he automatically had opportunities to hang out with Finn and Rachel. And before he knew it, they became his best friends. That includes Kurt.

Kurt was his boyfriend, yet also he had become his best friend. They talked about absolutely everything and shared many moments, from bitter to sweet.

Especially when Blaine had had a bad day, no matter how late it was, Kurt came over to his home with his delicious chocolate chip cookies. (Yes, they were so good that he now understood exactly why Finn was that upset about Kurt not baking any for him earlier today.) Kurt would sit and listen to him complain and comfort him with thoughtful words that he just needed to hear. Then Kurt would hold him until he fell asleep, making Blaine feel safe and home, knowing nothing bad would happen.

Before Blaine met Kurt, he was alone. He had a few friends, but he didn't have best friends. His parents were not very accepting about him being gay and it didn't make Blaine feel much comfortable around them. Eventually their relationship had grown distant. He still visited his parents a couple of times of a year, it was only for events, like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Blaine didn't care anymore. He thought his mediocre life wouldn't be so exciting and he got used to being alone. He wasn't looking for a relationship and he was having meaningless sex with people who meant nothing to him, just for pure pleasure. But then he met Kurt. Now his gorgeous, amazing boyfriend. Kurt made him laugh and made him incredibly happy. Kurt made him feel like his life wasn't that bad. Kurt made him feel like he was important and meant something. He made him feel like he loved him. No. Blaine didn't feel like he loved Kurt, he knew he loved him.

Blaine loved Kurt. He hadn't told him yet, but he did. Every time they had a moment, or even shared an innocent small kiss, he was urging to tell him that he loved him. But he gathered all the strength he could muster to stop him from telling that. Because this relationship with Kurt was everything to him right now and he didn't want to ruin it. He didn't want to scare him out and leave him as a result. He guessed he could wait for now. He could just enjoy their time together for a while, and when the time came, he would know. Then he would tell Kurt how he felt.

Blaine started dozing off on the bed, listening to the sound of the shower in the bathroom adjacent to Kurt's bedroom.

"Hey, wake up, birthday boy." Sudden, soft voice woke Blaine up, and then he felt warmth against his lips. He allowed himself to open his eyes and realized Kurt had just kissed him.

"Hmm, what time is it?" Blaine asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's almost one." Kurt pressed a sweet kiss on Blaine's lips again. He was straddling Blaine, naked.

"So technically, my birthday is over. I'm not a birthday boy anymore then," Blaine smiled sleepily and reached his hands to rub Kurt's thighs, feeling the smoothness of his creamy skin. Kurt's skin always felt so good.

"I think that's my call tonight," Kurt said playfully before starting to kiss Blaine's cheeks and jawline.

"Oh, it is?" Blaine looked at Kurt with a smug smile on his lips.

"Uh-huh," Kurt sat up on Blaine's stomach and took his T-shirt off with his help. He then pressed some kisses on Blaine's neck and torso, while he was unbuckling Blaine's belt. Once he was done, he undid the button of the pants and unzipped the jeans skillfully. Blaine watched Kurt slowly pulling the jeans and underwear down at once. Kurt took them off completely and tossed them on the floor.

"Happy Birthday, Blaine," Kurt said softly with a smile and moved closer to Blaine's half hard cock, holding it with one hand.

Blaine gulped when Kurt slid his hand up and down a few times before he parted his thin lips to take his cock. He let out a small sigh of pleasure, closing his eyes.

Kurt's mouth started moving at a slow pace first, then he gradually increased his speed. His hand on Blaine's cock moved simultaneously at its bottom where Kurt's mouth couldn't reach.

"Oh God, Kurt. This feels so fucking good," Blaine leant back against the pillow and brushed some of his curly bangs back with his fingers.

Kurt took Blaine's cock deeply, twirling his tongue around it, before he let the cock out of his mouth. He now tilted his head and moved his lips up and down against every side of the shaft, sucking and sometimes putting just the tip into his mouth.

Kurt loved giving Blaine a blowjob. He also loved listening to the noises Blaine made, the proof he was doing it right, the proof Blaine loved it too. And his voice was so low and sexy, making Kurt want to give more. He just would be doing this until Blaine would cum. Kurt was lost for a while and just concentrated on sucking his cock. However, it seemed that Blaine wasn't thinking likewise.

"O-okay, Kurt, that's enough. I don't want to cum yet," Blaine's broken voice brought Kurt back to reality. Kurt slowly opened his eyes and reluctantly pulled away. Blaine suddenly felt cold air around his cock. He hissed between teeth. He needed Kurt's warmth again. Now.

"Lube," Blaine said, looking down at Kurt with desperate eyes.

"Okay," Kurt dug lube from the nightstand drawer and handed it to Blaine. He climbed up and straddled Blaine again. Blaine poured some onto his palm and spread it between his both hands, and then he tried to reach Kurt's ass.

"Don't need it." Kurt said quietly.

"Kurt, you should…"

"No. I mean, I've already taken care of it by myself in the shower. So don't worry, just relax. Okay?" Kurt whispered against Blaine's lips before crashing his lips with them. Their mouths immediately opened, tongues invaded each other's mouth hungrily. Kurt's hand grabbed one of Blaine's slicked hands and guided it to Blaine's own cock. He then moved Blaine's hand over his cock a few times to spread the lube.

"Kurt," Blaine muttered when Kurt broke from the heated kiss and sucked his neck and held his cock to line up at his entrance. Then Kurt slowly sank down onto his cock.

Both boys moaned loudly when Kurt slammed his hips down furiously to take the last few inches of his cock into his ass.

Kurt fell down onto Blaine's chest. They stayed still like that, holding onto each other for a while, until Blaine couldn't wait anymore to move for a pleasure. "Fuck, Kurt, please move." Blaine's voice almost sounded begging.

Kurt smirked at that before straightening himself up, putting both his hands on Blaine's stomach. He felt Blaine's cock filled his inside and now it was pressing the deepest wall inside of him. Kurt winced his face at first, but the pressure he felt soon became pleasure. So he slowly started grinding his hips and that made Blaine sigh with relief.

Kurt gradually sped up his hips and after a while, he was practically bouncing up and down against Blaine's cock. He was throwing his head back, exposing his pale neck, which Blaine would've bitten right away, only if it was closer. Wanton moans were spilling out from his parted lips with erotic breathing that made Blaine want to kiss him and swallow them. Kurt seemed to be lost in his action.

Blaine couldn't take his eyes off of Kurt. His beautiful boyfriend was riding him like this. How could he?

"You feel so good, Kurt," Blaine couldn't resist the attraction of his perfect skin, so he touched his thighs. He could feel the muscles were moving as Kurt was rhythmically moving.

"Mmm, you too," Kurt answered, opening his eyes dully and leaning down to kiss him.

Blaine placed his arms around Kurt's waist, but Kurt's hands grabbed them, pinning them down onto the mattress. Kurt entwined their fingers, still their mouths were busy working on kissing, and started rocking his hips sweetly.

Blaine moaned between kisses, and Kurt loved that. Kurt loved the fact that he was the one who was making Blaine moan. Kurt loved Blaine's sex voice. It was so low and sexy and dirty, and every time he heard it, a shiver ran through his spine, his stomach twitched. He would never get enough of it.

"I love riding you," Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear, grinding his hips faster now.

"I love it too, babe," Blaine was thrusting his hips up too, at this point, matching Kurt's movement. "But you know what? I know what you love more."

Before Kurt could respond, Blaine untangled their hands and suddenly got up, supporting Kurt, and dropped him on his back. Kurt's body bounced against the mattress. Now Blaine was on top of Kurt, pinning his arms over his head by one hand. His other hand hoisted Kurt's one leg over his shoulder, leaning towards Kurt to go deeper inside. Kurt cried out loudly.

"You love being fucked hard, don't you, Kurt?" Blaine started trusting in and out forcefully without warning, making Kurt scream.

"Y-yes!" With Kurt's shout, Blaine leaned further and plunged himself into Kurt's sweet hole again and again vigorously. Kurt's thigh was touching his own chest, brushing his nipple, and his pre-cum-wet cock was rubbing against his own stomach. The frictions were almost too much for Kurt to give in.

Blaine crushed their lips, but the pleasure was occupying their minds so that the kiss was sloppy but dirty. He let go of Kurt's hands and snatched a pillow to slide under Kurt's hips, then continued fucking him, holding his thighs. The pillow made a change to the angle and now Blaine was attacking Kurt's prostate. As the bed was rocking and squeaking because of Blaine's violent thrusts, Kurt felt like the entire room was shaking.

"Ahhhh!" Kurt started screaming even more loudly, fingers raking and fisting in his hair. He seemed he couldn't stop making filthy noise anymore.

"Do you like this, Kurt?" Although it was obvious that Kurt liked it, Blaine asked him anyway.

"Fuck, Blaine! Yes, I… I love it. Mmm, please… Please don't stop, please, Blaine, no, I…" Kurt was mumbling incoherent words now, holding Blaine's wrists on his thighs.

"I won't stop until you cum, baby," Blaine was panting heavily, getting close to the edge, but didn't stop or slow down his movements.

"Blaine, I… I'm cumming, I'm… Ahh, Blaine!"

Kurt's whole body shivered as he came hard, gripping Blaine's wrists hard, leaving bruises there. Kurt was pretty sure he blacked out for a few seconds. Then he realized Blaine pulled out from inside, and his eyes widened when he saw what Blaine did. Blaine leant over and licked off Kurt's warm cum on his chests and stomach with his tongue.

"Oh God, Blaine," Kurt breathed out and watched him completely cleaning his torso. Once he was done, Blaine climbed up and kissed Kurt, pushing himself inside of him again. Kurt whimpered when he tasted himself and felt Blaine's still hard cock moving in his sensitive inside.

Blaine was moving slowly, locking his eyes with Kurt's. Kurt's hair was a complete mess, but he still looked so beautiful. His face was flushed and blissed-out from the orgasm, his watery, gorgeous blue eyes were half closed and his red lips were parted, eliciting soft moans. Blaine ran his hand through Kurt's hair and cupped his head, pressing a gentle open-mouth kiss on Kurt's thin lips. Kurt slowly responded, humming softly and hooking his arms around Blaine's neck.

As the kiss deepened, Blaine thrust his hips faster and faster. They broke from the kiss and rocked their bodies together, looking at each other once again. They shared sweet kisses here and there, while Blaine focused on reaching his climax.

Judging from the way of Blaine's breathing and the movement of his hips, Kurt knew Blaine was about to cum. So he closed his eyes and tugged him closer, tightening his arms around Blaine's neck.

"I love you," Blaine mumbled with a desperate, shuddered voice between his panting. Kurt's eyes snapped open and froze. Even though his voice was so small that it was almost inaudible, Kurt didn't miss hearing it.

With those three words, Blaine came inside of him. He jerked his hips while he came, resting his forehead on Kurt's crook of his neck, moaning.

Kurt waited Blaine's breathing slowed down before he spoke. "Blaine, you said…"

"Fuck, I said it out loud, didn't I?" Blaine looked down to avert Kurt's gaze. "I… I'm sorry. It slipped out," Blaine withdrew himself from Kurt. "You were not supposed to hear that."

"Blaine," Kurt cupped Blaine's face with both hands and lifted it so then Blaine would look at him. "Did you mean it?" Staring into Blaine's eyes, Kurt asked softly.

"I…" Blaine stumbled, and Kurt really didn't give him a chance to say another word.

"Because, I love you too." His blue eyes looked up to meet a pair of hazel eyes. "I love you, Blaine."

"Y-yes, I meant it. God, I love you so much, Kurt," Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips before he kissed him hard. Blaine lied down next to Kurt, their mouths and tongues were constantly moving against one another, searching for a new approach.

When they pulled away, both smiled widely, looking at each other.

"I've wanted to tell you that for a while," Kurt confessed, caressing Blaine's cheek with his thumb, feeling a little bit of stubble.

"Actually, me too," Blaine smiled affectionately.

"Really? Oh God, I should've said it earlier!" Kurt bit his lips to try to hold back his blushing face.

"Hey, it's okay. Now we can say that as much as we want," Blaine chucked, kissing Kurt's temple to reassure him. "Guess what? When we first met, I didn't want to know your name."

"Why?" Kurt frowned a bit at Blaine's words.

"Because I knew that once I knew your name, I wouldn't be able to stop wanting to know more about you. I knew I would have to have you in my life. I thought that that idea was ridiculous and dangerous. And I didn't know anything about you. I knew that if I had told you this early you would've thought I was some crazy stalker or something. So I didn't ask you for your name." Blaine's story made Kurt giggle. He had no idea Blaine had been thinking like that when they first met. "So, I'm really glad you asked me for my name first, because I don't know what to do with my life without you anymore. You've come that far in my life, Kurt. So yeah, I love you so much. And this is only the beginning of our story. I'd love to experience absolutely everything with you from now." Kurt listened silently and melted into Blaine's sweet words.

"You sound like you are proposing to me," Kurt chucked, blushing hard now.

"Not yet. Maybe in the future," Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt's nose, making Kurt giggle.

"I want to do everything with you too, Blaine. Even if it's old and I've already done it before, it's still going to feel brand new to me when I do it with you. I've never felt like this way with anyone else before. I think this is pretty cool." Kurt looked at Blaine lovingly, holding his hand into his.

"Yeah, it really is," Blaine said, squeezing Kurt's hand, and kissed his knuckle. "This is from pure curiosity, though, but have you ever had sex, wearing that cheerleading uniform on?"

"God, you just can't drop it, can you? And thanks for ruining the moment," Kurt rolled his eyes, couldn't help but laugh at Blaine's question which came out of the blue.

"You said you would do it," Blaine pouted his mouth and Kurt thought it was unbelievably adorable.

"I will. But just not tonight. And no, I haven't done it with anyone yet."

"Good to know. I'll wait then," Blaine said with satisfaction. Kurt sometimes just couldn't understand this man, but he loved this randomness side of his. Actually, he loved everything about him.

Instead of telling him that, Kurt smirked, pecking Blaine's lips playfully. "Thank you for being patient."

The next morning, when Kurt and Blaine were already making out under the blanket, the alarm suddenly went off. It was 7 in the morning. And the noise the alarm was making was too loud for a quiet, early Sunday morning.

"Mmmm, turn it off," Blaine grunted, breaking from the heated kiss. Kurt quickly pulled his head down to continue the kiss and rolled both of them over to reach and hit the button to turn the alarm off.

"Why the hell did you set the alarm at 7 on Sunday anyway?" Blaine asked, grinding his hips up against Kurt's, their cocks slid against each other, causing other man moan.

"Remember last night, during the round 2, you fucked me hard bending me over the nightstand, making me knock everything onto the floor? Probably the alarm was turned on when it hit on the floor," Kurt said breathlessly from their heavy make out session.

"Ah, makes sense. So, we don't have to get up early today?"

"No. We can have sex all day long, if we want," Kurt said seductively, playing with a few of Blaine's curls.

"Hmm, tempting. But I want to eat something first. I can make us some blueberry pancakes. Then maybe shower. I need to take a shower. I want to watch some movies too. We can cuddle while we watch them. Oh! Can I borrow your laptop? I want to check… Mmph," Kurt muffled Blaine's chatty mouth with his with a passionate kiss.

"Would you shut up and keep kissing me? I need your mouth on mine," Kurt asked him teasingly and leaned down for another kiss.

"Okay, beautiful," Blaine whispered before their lips were crushed, eyes fixed on Kurt's.

Beep, beep, beep! Alarm again.

"You didn't turn it off, Kurt! You just hit snooze!" Blaine once again broke from the kiss and laughed.

"Sorry!" Kurt's hand flew over the alarm, and this time, he made sure he turned it off. "There, it's off. Happy now?"

"Yeah, I'm happy. Because you love me," Blaine said with a smile, putting his fingers into Kurt's mussed hair and pulling him down for a sweet kiss.

"It was not what I meant, but, yeah, I'm happy that you love me too," Kurt smiled back when he pulled away from the kiss, and started kissing down Blaine's neck.

They exchanged more I love yous on that day. Once they let out those words, they couldn't believe how easy it was to say that now, as if they'd been saying it for a long time. Loving someone like this never happened to either boys before, yet, it felt so right and comfortable for them.

They've taken a detour and waited to find each other to love, just to complete their lives. People might think that sounded crazy, but that sounded real and legit to the boys.

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too, Blaine."

Blaine and Kurt had said the same words one last time before the day ended, falling asleep in each other's arms. They probably would say those simple three words for years and years to come.