
I hurried down the road, wanting to get it over and done with with Kishinuma. Suddenly, a hand clapped my mouth and I could not make a sound. What was happening!? Despite my struggles, I was pulled into a narrow alleyway, tall buildings casting shadows onto the ground making it hard to see. I was tied and left on the lonely path, my attacker hiding in the shadows. Male or female? I couldn't tell... All I knew was that they were bigger and stronger then me. The ropes were tied tightly and hurt my arms and legs and I was sore where I was thrown to the ground so roughly. Why me...!? I managed to send one single text to Kishinuma before having my phone snatched away. Tears started to well in my eyes but I forbid them to fall. I had to find a way out... Somehow...

Suddenly, the gag in my mouth slipped and I had one second to scream before my attacker emerged to stop me. That person was...


I followed the source of the sound and ended up in a dark alleyway. A tall man towered over a cowering figure. "Shinohara...!" I whispered. I couldn't be seen yet, I had to figure out something. However, I was not one for stopping to plan, I usually just did what I want. But Seiko's life was on the line. I had to control myself. And it hit me then how important she was to me. All this time, those casual waves, those cheerful smiles… they weren't so meaningless really. And how could I let Ayumi boss me about like that!? Really, what was wrong with me!? And then another thing came clear... What Ayumi said to Seiko! How could I have been so oblivious...? This man... I've seen him before... Ayumi's... Cousin? Then Ayumi must be here some where... It all fits!

"Well well well, hello Shinohara! I'm just reading your phone... Poor kishinuma, wondering where you are! Haha!" That was unmistakably Ayumi's cattish laugh. How many times had I heard it taunt me? "Well I'm sorry... But he's alll mine!"

And she slapped Seiko, hard across the face.


It stung. It stung so much. But what stung more was that I let kishinuma down. He'll never know my feelings for him. And Ayumi will never let me forget it. I can never be happy again. She reached in, as if to slap me again. I braced myself. The other person, who I'm sure was a man, stepped back.

I was scared. Why Ayumi, why do you have to do this?

She was going to do it again...!

"NO!" Cried a voice. Kishinuma!

I couldn't talk with the gag but Ayumi was overcome with glee. "Look Kishinuma, look! I've got the bitch who tried to ruin our relationship! Now we can be happy together!" She seemed slightly insane. "You're dismissed," she added to the tall silhouette, who shrugged and left the scene.

"Let her go, Shinozaki you bitch!" Shouted kishinuma, moving closer but ayumi said

"What? I've already caught the bitch! No need to worry!" She giggled.

"You're insane! Let shinohara go or you have me to deal with!"

Ayumi looked shocked. "A-are we BREAKING UP!?"

"Of course we are! My heart belongs to someone else so you leave shinohara alone and get away. Now."

I was completely shocked. I couldn't believe it.

Did kishinuma like me?


I watched her run away crying, and immediately went to untie the ropes binding Seiko. The minute I removed the gag, she was full of thanks. I hugged her. "I'm glad you're safe..."

Much to my pleasure, she hugged me back but suddenly broke down crying. "What's up?"

"Th-that was so scary...!" She shivered. I gave her my jacket.

"I'll never let anything happen to you …" I handed her her phone. "I'll protect you …"

"But you love Ayumi..."

I laughed. "Really? After that? No no, my heart belongs to someone else."

She looks at me and I help her up. She's so cute when she smiles like that!


I felt my face grow hot.

"Well …it's this really sweet girl with shining eyes and the cutest smile!"

We were walking through the park by then.

"I'm jealous of them..."

"Heh, well I am pretty amazing."

She giggles and it's so adorable.

"Seiko… you're the only one for me."


My heart was pounding, my face was red but all I could do was stare in those intelligent grey eyes I had come to love.


He seemed nervous, probably from my lack of reply.


"I love you."

He said it quite quickly, as if he was afraid of my answer.

"I love you too."

The first thing I did when I returned home was give a detailed description to Naomi of everything that happened. And I knew that it wasn't over yet.

I hope you liked it, if there's any ship you want me to do, just message me because I write often anyway. Thank you :)