
It just wasn't fair... The way he would always look at Ayumi... I wish he would look at me that way! But no, I, Seiko Shinohara, is classed as merely a friend to Yoshiki Kishinuma.

He seems way more interested in Ayumi Shinozaki and the worst thing is... She is starting to realise my affections for her lover! I try my best not to show my feelings towards him but how can I not drool when I see those sparkling grey orbs of his? The way his brilliant blonde locks barely hide his pale forehead? Just yesterday, I was at lunch chatting to Naomi when he walked past our table with Ayumi! Immediately, I smiled and waved at him but Ayumi saw and gave me a hatred-filled stare while he waved back. She came closer and whispered in my ear, "He's mine, okay? So stay away!" She looked so menacing, all I could do was hang my head.

"What's up?" Said Yoshiki. "Nothing!" Said Ayumi and nestled into him. Looking slightly uncomfortable,Yoshiki lead her away.

"You okay?" Asked Naomi, concerned. "Of course! You're so paranoid! Just give me some space, alright Naomi?" I replied and stormed away. She seemed really confused but I didn't really care. I was just so heart broken.

Just remembering the events of yesterday made my heart turn cold because Yoshiki was the only one for me. I lay down on my bed and started to daydream about him. Then I thought to myself. The only thing stopping me from having Yoshiki was Ayumi! So if I could get her out of the way...

Determined to win over his heart, I jumped off my bed, eagerly. All I needed to do was earn his affection. However, it would take some time. I'd have to chip away at the wall between us little by little. It would be hard. It would take long. But I was willing to give up everything I had to win Yoshiki's love. I started to daydream again, fantasising about the future that could possibly be available to me if I played my cards right. But daydreaming wouldn't help. It would be so much easier if Ayumi just happened to despise Yoshiki but i guess i gotta work at this. I could do this. I could.


I became really uncomfortable when I witnessed Ayumi whisper aggressively into Shinohara's ear. Even her body language showed that she was implying some kind of threat and I just couldn't bear to see Shinohara's guilty expression. But I knew if I said something, Ayumi would turn on me. It was only recently she agreed to date me and even now we barely have a relationship. I didn't want to make it worse. However, when she turned back to me, she seemed... Changed. "Come on Yoshiki!" She said and I lead her to a table where we sat usually. UNusually, she was acting extremely affectionate towards me which made me think... Shinohara has something to do with this. Ayumi cuddled into me and all I could do was let her. It would be awful to upset her, after all. But I was still suspicious. Even now, one day later, I lay on my bed with Shinohara's guilty face haunting me... Plaguing me... What was wrong? Was Ayumi... Trying to prove something? And what had she whispered to Shinohara so aggressively? Stressed out, I headed to my garden holding a rather crumpled up cigarette.


I called Naomi.


{Hi Seiko, you okay now?}

{Yeah.. Sorry about yesterday}

{It's fine! What's up?}

{I... I kinda like someone...}

{Really? Who!?}



{Yes! Shut up Naomi!}

{Sorry... But what about Ayumi?}

{Well... (Seiko tells Naomi what happened yesterday because I'm too lazy to)}

{Ayumi said that!? No wonder she acted so protectively}


{Well, the best thing to do is tell him outright}

{I should?}

{Yep. It's easier to get over rejection then know he'll never think of you that way}

{That's true.. Okay I'll try it!}

{Cool! I gotta go, bye}

{Bye! And thanks!}

Oh gosh, why did you have to make it sound so easy Naomi! How could I confess my feelings without being so humiliated!

And if Ayumi finds out... No! No, Seiko no! Don't let Ayumi get to you! You said you'd try everything you could so that's what you'll do! You'll text him to meet up with him alone. You will tell him there. It has to lead up to something... But what?


[Hey Kishinuma, want to meet up at the park at three? ~Shinohara]

[sure, I'd love to ~Kishinuma]

"What could she want...? Could it be something to do with what Ayumi said...? Well, at least I'll find out soon..."

I put on a jacket, it looked cold outside. It was nearly three and I arrived at the park and looked around for Shinohara. Where was she? Probably running late. I sat down on a bench and waited. Several minutes passed. Nothing. I checked my phone for any messages. None. What was going on? Was she okay? I was probably overreacting but there was always that possibility... The one that only occurs to you when you realise something is wrong.

"Shinohara... Where are you?" I muttered to myself.

That's it. I couldn't wait anymore. Something was up and I had to help her. I could tell. Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my pocket and whipped out my phone. Before I could check it, I heard a short but loud shriek coming from the North. "Shinohara..?"


So this was Part 1. I will post Part 2 later on so I can start on a new one. I hope you like it, and you can suggest recommendations on what you want me to do next. ~Thankyou~