Catch Up
Sasuke clung to Naruto's hand as they waited to be seen by the doctor. He was nervous but he was sure that if Naruto was there then he could do this. He took another look at his angel and seemed to relax.
Naruto looked at him and gave a smile. "Don't worry. I won't leave you." He kissed their hands. "Believe it." His grin grew when Sasuke nodded.
The door opened to show a busty blond woman. Her eyes narrowed on Naruto. "Brat! Why the hell did it take you so long to make an appointment with me?! Sasuke obviously need help you idiot! Well don't just sit there come in."
Sasuke was tense, eyes wide. If Naruto was his angel, then this woman had to be the devil. He looked at Naruto in shock as he led him into the fires of Hell, aka the office. What had he gotten himself into?!
Naruto rubbed the back of his head and gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry Granny. I didn't think that it was that bad. He hasn't really told me much about his background and- OW!"
The blond woman had stormed over and smacked Naruto in the back of the head. "Show some respect to your elders! Don't call me 'Granny'!" She turned to the slightly frightened raven and gave a kind smile. Her demeaner changed quickly. "Hey Sasuke. I doubt you remember me but my name is Dr. Tsunade. I'm going to help you today."
Sasuke quickly shook his head and clung to Naruto's arm.
Tsunade chuckled. "I know, I don't really give the best first impressions. Anyway, you two should come on back."
Naruto stood up, allowing Sasuke to continued clinging to his arm. He gently led the scared male to follow the doctor. He whispered soothingly, "Don't worry. Remember, I'll protect you."
Sasuke nodded and calmed down a bit. If his angel said he was safe then he'd believe it. After all, angels couldn't lie. Right?
They entered an office with a large desk, two chairs in front of it and one chair behind it. Tsunade took the latter chair and Naruto and Sasuke took the former ones. In the corner was an examination table, a counter with a sink and medical equipment and a few other items that Sasuke didn't know.
Tsunade pulled up something on her computer before looking at the two. "Okay brat. Tell me what you know. After I get info from you, I'll get the rest from Sasuke. Then I'll examine him physically. We'll go from there."
Naruto nodded. "Well I found him on the street. He was really ragged looking and didn't even recognize me." Sasuke heard the sadness in his voice. "He still doesn't really recognize me." He gave a soft smile and looked at the raven. "But we're doing better. Anyway, he doesn't talk and he gets scared really easily. I have him writing on a notepad in order to communicate with me." He rubbed the back of his head again in what Sasuke now recognized as a nervous habit. "The first time I went back to work he had a panic attack but wouldn't tell me what happened. He also has had bad nightmares and tried to…um…"
Tsunade raised a brow. "Tried to what?" She had been typing all this information into the computer.
Naruto coughed and looked away, a cute blush on his face. "Well he tried to have sex with me at one point and I scared him when I told him to stop." He quickly went into further explanation at Tsunade's hard gaze. "I had told him before that we wouldn't have sex until he was better because I knew it wouldn't be good for him. I guess he just forgot."
Sasuke began tearing up at the memory and he suddenly moved from the chair to the floor, bowing on all fours, prostrating himself in penance. He heard Tsunade and Naruto gasp and he began shaking. He somehow managed to lower himself further to the ground. He flinched when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, positive he was going to be hit. He had defied an order and was now being reminded of it. His punishment would happen.
But what he didn't expect was the soft voice of his angel. "Sasuke. I'm not mad. I get it. You were trying to thank me in your own way. I'm sorry I didn't handle it better and I know I scared you. Will you forgive me? After all, it should be me bowing to you."
Sasuke's head shot up, eyes wide. His angel wanted to bow….to him? He couldn't grasp this concept. After a few minutes he nodded slowly. Of course he could forgive him. He never even thought that it might be someone else's fault. That's just not how he thought. He allowed himself to be raised off the floor and put in the chair.
Tsunade had watched the entire process and now had a worried look on her face. "His mental status is even worse than I thought." She sighed. "Sasuke." She waited for the raven to look at her. He was still a bit dazed by the experience. "I know it's going to be hard but I need you to tell me everything that happened while you were gone. I want you to write it out." She saw the panicked look and quickly continued. "I have to know what happened so that I can help you. You'll have all the time you need and Naruto will be right here. I cleared my entire schedule today. I figured I'd need plenty of time with you."
Sasuke chewed his lip. It would indeed be hard…but…He looked at Naruto and seeing the nod allowed him to do his own nod. He saw a pad of paper be pushed to him as well as a pen. He took a deep breath and began writing.
"I don't have a memory of before I was living with my Master. I think I might have had a head injury. All I know was that I started out being happy but he didn't like it. So I stopped. There were probably times that I could have just left but for some reason I stayed. I don't know, it was like I felt that it was against my principles to just walk out."
He sighed, pausing in his writing. He continued after a moment.
"I tried to please Master but every time I showed any kind of emotion I was tossed aside. I tried to hide it but he always knew. He had others there that were called pets and they were treated nicely. But I wasn't called a pet. I wasn't actually called anything really." He frowned. "I think this went on for about 6 months. I finally asked why I was different and he…he told me I was a slut. He explained it very well and when I saw he was right I decided to change. I didn't want to be thrown out after all. So I hid everything and just stopped feeling. I had slip ups, but I finally just stopped reacting. I was the perfect thing." The writing stopped and tears slowly filled his eyes. "But I was broken…so he threw me out."
He handed the piece of paper to Tsunade who quickly ran her eyes over it. She frowned at what she saw before setting the information down. "…Sasuke? I need to know why you can't speak. Did they hurt you in a way that caused it?"
Sasuke shook his head. He took the paper and pencil back and began writing.
"There is no need for a thing to make noise. I am not a person or an animal. Just a thing."
His expression as he handed it back was one of which he believed the reason was obvious. He looked to Naruto when his hand was gently taken. The angel's eyes were shining with unshed tears which made Sasuke feel bad but also confused. Why was the angel sad that he was telling the truth? Was there something wrong with it? Sasuke was missing something and had no clue what it was.
Tsunade nodded and put the new information into the computer. "Okay. Now I need to do a physical examination. Naruto, please bring Sasuke over to the table there." She nodded her head to where she meant.
Naruto helped the raven up and led him to the table. "It's going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere and she is only here to help. Okay?" When he got a nod he looked at the busty woman. "I think he's ready."
She washed her hands before she got her things together. "For now you can remain like this but I'll need you to take off your clothes later. Is that okay?" She was expecting fear or panic. But instead she got an accepting nod. 'Well I guess it makes sense if he considers himself only a thing. Still, it's rather disturbing.' She checked his pulse and temperature, checking his reflexes and other things such as that. She would pause and write some things down before moving onto the next task. Finally she stepped back. "Okay. I need you to strip." She frowned when he stood up and did it as if it was no big deal. She made a note of the lack of reaction.
Naruto felt sadness fill him up at this. Sasuke was in need of so much help. But did he have the skills to help him?
Sasuke sat back down once he was completely nude. He was confused by the sad reactions he was getting but just shrugged it off as yet another thing he wasn't understanding. Tsunade checked his body, noting the scars and how skinny he was. He was weighed and that was also written down. Sasuke did blush though when the doctor had to check his privates for any damage and he blushed again when he had to stand up and bend over so she could do a quick internal look. She finally said it was okay to put back on his clothes and he did so. She then took some vials of blood and a urine sample.
After all that they were once again sitting down at the desk. Tsunade sighed as she looked at the two. "I will run the tests on the samples I have but for now, let me tell you my initial diagnoses." Her eyes narrowed on the piece of paper. "Sasuke has amnesia, post traumatic stress disorder, extreme selective mutism, dissociative disorder, and a possible addiction to sex." She looked up at the two who were watched her intensely and with a bit of confusion. "His PTSD seems to be triggered by negative responses or things he believes he did wrong."
Naruto nodded. "I can vouch for that. What's the dissociative disorder thing?"
The blond looked at Naruto. "It's how he can back away from all emotional responses. He goes into a sort of trance where nothing can touch him mentally. It's a way to protect himself. It's become such a normal thing for him that he does it without even realizing it." She smiled softly. "It's actually probably what saved his life."
Sasuke coughed and slid the paper that he had just written on forward. "I don't have an addiction to sex."
Tsunade chuckled. "Not in the direct sense but I'm talking about in a way where you are desensitized from it and see it as a natural reaction to everyday things." She got another confused look and she sighed. "It's why you believed that it was the right way to thank Naruto for helping you. While you don't crave it, it is the first thing you go to when you don't know how to act." She held up a hand when he went to grab the paper to argue. "This is just an assessment. Besides, I'm not a psychiatrist. But I do suggest you see one. It would greatly improve the odds of you remembering who you are and getting better."
The two males nodded and after a few more words they stood.
Tsunade handed Naruto a piece of paper. "These are some ways that you might be able to help him. I also suggest you do some research of your own on how to handle people with PTSD." Her eyes were sad but she gave a small smile. "If anyone can bring him back it's you Naruto. Get him on a schedule and call the people I have on this sheet. They might be able to help as well."
Naruto took it and returned the smile. "Thanks Granny. I'll take good care of him." He then took Sasuke's hand and led him out of the building.
When they got home, Naruto looked at the list. "Okay. So Granny says you should be on a schedule. I think we can handle that." He looked over at the raven who seemed a bit tired. "First though, I think you need a nap. That probably took a lot out of you." He could sense that the other was about to argue, especially since he saw him reach for his pad and pen. "Uh-uh. Go take a nap. I'll wake you when I have dinner ready."
Sasuke sighed and nodded. The angel had given him an order and he would follow it. He was actually tired after all and there was no real reason why he should fight it. He went to his bedroom and climbed into bed, relaxing and falling asleep almost immediately.
"I told you I don't keep sluts." SMACK "Why do you think that is?"
"Because sluts are dirty. And you hate dirty things?"
"That's right. So if you're going to be a slut then I don't want you anywhere near here."
"I can change Master I promise!"
"Once a slut, always a slut." SMACK "And don't call me Master. I own you and that's all." Sneer. "Tch, I don't know why I ever allowed you to come here. Such a waste of space."
"Please sir. I can't just leave. I made a contract and I have to see it through." Kneeling on the ground. "I'll do everything you say, just as originally agreed. Even if that means to stop…feeling…"
"Fine. I'll hold you to it. After all, you have your pride as an Uchiha to uphold." A smirk is given. "At least you're good to look at. Now leave, I have business to finish."
Sasuke's eyes opened and he was breathing heavily. Was that a memory? He quickly grabbed the pad on the bedside table and wrote down everything before he forgot it again. That must have been before he hurt his head. He looked up when Naruto came into the room. He actually smiled and ran over, holding out what he had written down.
Naruto quickly read it and blinked. "…wait…contract?" He wanted to frown but kept in mind what Tsunade said about negative responses. So he instead looked at it a different way and smiled brightly. "This is great Sasuke! I guess seeing Tsunade helped you! I'll email this to her, if that's okay with you?" He got a nod in response and another smile. "We're one step closer to figuring out what happened." He then took a risk and quickly placed a kiss on the raven's head. "I'm proud of you. Now let's eat. I made ramen again." Naruto led the way with Sasuke behind him. "I'll get some cookbooks and stuff so that there'll be more options."
Sasuke was lightly blushing. He had been given a kiss. And such an innocent one too. He touched his forehead where those warm soft lips had been pressed. He had been worried at the tone of voice in the beginning, but he was praised in the end. It was a wonderful feeling to know he did something right.
They ate dinner in the living room while a movie played. After Naruto finished eating he pulled his computer onto his lap.
To: Dr. Tsunade
From: Naruto Uzumaki
Hey. So Sasuke had a dream that we believe is a memory from before he hit his head, or whatever happened. In the dream he mentions a contract and agreeing to do what the guy says. I don't know what this means but I made sure to praise him and tell him he did a good job. He actually smiled at me which was pretty cool. I think I'm going to call that psychiatrist like you said. The memories are in there, we just have to find them. Keep me updated on the results. Thanks a lot granny.
Naruto pressed send and closed the computer. He glanced at Sasuke who was focused completely on the movie, Homeward Bound. He smiled at the sight. Sasuke didn't used to like these kinds of movies, finding all the emotions to be annoying, but Naruto figured that him seeing soft-plotted movies might be good to keep him relaxed and happy. Seems he was right so far. He looked at the screen to see the mountain lion being launched through the air. He grinned as he heard a snort of amusement coming from Sasuke. There had been just the slightest bit of vocal action in that sound and that made the blond unbelievably happy. He would get Sasuke talking again. Believe it.
Soon it grew dark out and it was time for bed. "Starting tomorrow we're gonna try to get you on a schedule. Tsunade says we should try getting you outside as well for fresh air." He stood and led the way back to the bedrooms. "Do you wanna sleep in your bed or in mine?" He expected Sasuke to immediately choose his as he had since he brought him here, so he was rather surprised when Sasuke pointed to his own door. He grinned, letting him know that his choice was fine. "Cool! Well just know that I'm right here if you have a bad dream or something." He hugged Sasuke close, loving the feel of him in his arms. "Get some sleep Sasuke. I'll see you in the morning."
Sasuke slept well, which was surprising since it was the first time he had slept alone here. Well besides naps that is. He got up and breathed in, smiling as he smelled something really yummy. Seems Naruto let him sleep in. He rolled his eyes at that. 'Aren't I supposed to be on a schedule now?' He got up and stretched, sighing as he heard his back popping a little. He got a change of clothes and went into the bathroom. Might as well take his shower before going to breakfast. It had taken a while for him to get used to using an actual shower. But he definitely preferred it over the other way he had become accustomed to. He sighed as the hot water pounded his skin, relaxing his muscles. He couldn't remember if he even had dreams the past night, and he was okay with that. Seems he really did feel safe around his angel. Perhaps knowing they had a plan was all it took for him.
He got out once he was clean and dried his hair before his body. He put on the clean clothes, frowning at how they still didn't fit him right. He wasn't going to complain though. He'd never complain. He was lucky that Naruto let him use his clothes at all. His smile faded and he stared at his reflection. What did Naruto see in him? He shrugged after a bit, got his hair under control, and left the bathroom. When he walked into the kitchen he blinked at what he saw. Naruto was wearing a frog apron, cooking French toast, and dancing to a song he didn't recognize but sounded like a chic song. Then he started singing!
"I want your love and I want your revenge! You and me, could write a bad romance! I want your love and all your lovers revenge! You and me, could write a bad romance!" He shook his hips to it, completely unaware that he had an audience. "Rah rah ah ah ah! Ro mah ro mah mah! Gaga oolah lah. Want your bad romance!" He did a spin and was about to continue when he froze at the sight.
Sasuke was standing in the door way with a confused yet amused expression on his face. Naruto blushed bright red and used the hand not holding the spatula to scratch the back of his head. "Oh uh….hey….how long have you been standing there?" He figured it couldn't have been too long. Then the coolest thing happened. Sasuke smirked! It was the old smirk that made Naruto both annoyed and overjoyed!
Sasuke shrugged and moved his hand in a gesture that meant 'not long but long enough'. He raised a brow at the stupid grin on the angel's face. What was that about?
Naruto chuckled and turned back around to finish up the breakfast. "Yeah, sorry about that. I can get kinda weird when I'm alone in the kitchen."
'That's an understatement.'
Naruto hung up the apron and turned off the stove. "I pulled out an old recipe from my mom. She made the best French toast." He picked up the big plate of hot bread slices and carried it into the living room.
Sasuke followed with plates and utensils and such as that. Soon they were on the floor. Naruto had coffee in front of him and Sasuke had tomato juice. He had rediscovered his love for it thanks to his angel. It had made him extremely happy to learn that something Naruto said about him was true. Made it seem just a tiny bit possible that he really did used to be something to his beautiful person.
They ate in silence as usual and Sasuke had to admit that these were pretty good. He didn't use much syrup though, not really liking how sweet it was. When they were finished he stood and took the dishes to the kitchen. He decided that since Naruto had cooked, he should clean. And he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He shooed Naruto out of the kitchen and began cleaning.
Naruto went into the living room and pulled out the papers Tsunade had given him. "Guess now is a good time to make that appointment."
A few days later, Naruto got a call that made him stop eating. "Tsunade? Hey! Did you get his tests back?"
Sasuke watched from where he sat in front of the coffee table. He guessed it was good news considering the expression on the blond's face. So he just continued eating.
Naruto nodded. "Good….yeah, I'm taking him next week. I made the appointment and explained it to him already. Yeah he's been doing fine….a few nightmares but nothing major…I don't really know. We haven't discussed that yet."
That perked Sasuke's interest and he looked up. 'Discuss what? Is something going to happen?' Sasuke hated how he was easily worked up and was really trying to get better at it but he wasn't always able to hide the panic. When Naruto hung up he quickly scribbled on the pad.
"There's something you want to talk to me about?"
Naruto nodded and rubbed the back of his head. Uh-oh. This was going to be awkward at least. "Yeah. I know we've kind of been getting you on a schedule and things are going pretty good." He looked away. "We even went on a walk yesterday and it seemed to help you a bit." He sighed which put Sasuke even more on edge. "Granny wants us to start talking about how you'll be able to deal with me going to back work. I mean, I don't have to just yet…but it is a thing we should figure out."
Sasuke calmed down at that. 'Oh, well that was rather normal.' He nodded and began writing to add his input into the conversation.
"Once I figure out a schedule it'll be easier because I won't have so much free time to worry about things. We can make me a chore list and yesterday you mentioned even starting a garden."
Naruto grinned. "Yeah! That sounds like a great idea! You can even grow your own tomatoes." That had been a big reason why he thought of a garden. That way the raven would have as many as he needed or wanted. "Normally you can't do actual gardens in an apartment but believe it or not the landlord and building manager is actually my godfather." He chuckled. "Probably why I got it actually. You see, Jiraiya wanted to just give me the place but I refused and said I'd pay my own way." He shrugged. "Guess I gave him a good impression huh? Anyway, I can talk to him and probably pull some strings about having your own garden in the ground right off our patio."
Sasuke smiled and nodded at that. It sounded pretty good. And it made sense that his angel would have friends in high places. Also made sense why he was allowed to pain the walls that gaudy orange color. No sane landlord would have allowed that. "Will I get to meet Jiraiya?"
The blond read it and blinked. He suddenly face-palmed, startling Sasuke. "Holy shit! How could I have not already introduced you?!" His grin widened. "Of course! After we finish lunch I can take you to the office. I kind of want to add you back onto the lease anyway since you're living here again."
Sasuke nodded, agreeing to that and they quickly finished up their food before cleaning. Soon they were both at the apartment door and Sasuke was wringing his hands nervously. This would be the first time since seeing Tsunade that he would be meeting someone new and it was actually a bit overwhelming.
Naruto paused, about to say something, and looked at him. He could see the nervousness and almost feel the tension in the air. Yeah, it was way too soon for Sasuke to be meeting people. "You know…let's do this a different time. He's probably busy right now anyway. I want you to feel relaxed when you meet him and right now…you don't seem very relaxed."
Sasuke wanted to argue, he wanted to be better, but he couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard those words. He looked down, ashamed. Strong fingers were placed under his chin and he looked up to meet beautiful blue eyes.
"Don't be sad. I shouldn't have tried to rush things. I just got really excited. This is my fault and not yours." He placed a kiss on that porcelain skin. "Let's play a video game, kay?"
The raven merely nodded and followed the blond back into the living room to set up the system.
Sasuke looked up at the building. They were standing outside a doctor's office but this one was a different kind of doctor than Tsunade. This was a psychiatrist. He took a deep breath and walked in, knowing Naruto was right behind him. He had gotten on a schedule and was doing good with keeping it. It was easier to go through the day, knowing exactly what he had to do and when. He helped with the cleaning and such so he didn't feel like a waste of space. He and Naruto went into the office and Sasuke sat down as the blond checked him in.
Sasuke immediately took Naruto's hand when the angel sat next to him. He scribbled on a piece of paper, "Will you come in with me?"
Naruto gave a slow nod. "If they let me. They may not. But even if they don't, I'll be right here when you get out."
Sasuke wasn't too sure he liked that answer but he'd have to settle with it. Soon the door to the offices opened and a young man, at least he thought it was a man, stepped out. He had beautiful hair, delicate features, and a slim body. He could tell by the flat chest that it was most likely a very feminine male.
"Sasuke Uchiha? I'm Dr. Haku Yuki. Will you please follow me?" The man gestured to the doorway.
Sasuke looked nervous and glanced at Naruto. Naruto translated, "Sasuke is really nervous. I'm wondering if I can come in at least for part of it until he calms down?"
Haku raised a brow but simply smiled. "As long as it's okay with Mr. Uchiha. And you are?"
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. He's staying with me." He gave a soft chuckle. "I'm the one that made the appointment."
Haku nodded and once Sasuke and Naruto had made their way back he led them to the office. He made sure that the two men were seated comfortably on the couch before he sat in his own chair. "Now. What's the problem?"
Naruto squeezed Sasuke's hand to tell him it'd be alright. He could feel the other tensing next to him. "First off, Sasuke has been diagnosed with extreme selective mutism so he can really only write out answers. It's another reason why I'm here. To help. I actually brought this so I wouldn't accidentally mess up any information." He handed the man the paper that Tsunade had given him. "We saw Dr. Tsunade and she's the one that recommended you."
Haku read over the paper and nodded. "I see. Well I'll do my best. Hopefully we'll get this cleared up soon." He pulled out an empty file and placed the documents in it. "Is it okay if I keep this?"
Naruto shrugged. "Yeah. I made a copy of it, figuring you'd want that in his records or something."
A chuckle was the response. "Now, Sasuke." He locked eyes with the man. "I see you have a pad of your own. Can you tell me what you do remember?"
The raven quickly wrote out what he had told Tsunade but then added the information from the dream at the end. He handed it over once he was finished and watched the doctor's eyes move over it.
Haku hummed softly and made a few notes of his own on a different notepad. "Interesting. So you remember a contract." At the affirmation nod he gave a soft smile. "It sounds to me like you might have entered into a BDSM contract with this man."
Sasuke turned bright red and Naruto sputtered a bit. "A what?!" But it did make some sense. Especially if Sasuke had expected to be a pet.
Haku chuckled. "I help all kinds of people and this isn't the first time I've come across this. What we really need to know is if you entered this on your own terms, who you entered it with, what were the parameters of the contract, and how you lost your memory. Because something doesn't add up. Most contracts last for a year but from my understanding you were gone 2 years. This makes me believe that the man you gave yourself to did not hold up his end."
The raven slowly nodded. Made sense to him. But how were they going to figure that stuff out? Sasuke couldn't talk and he'd only had that one dream. He reached for his pencil. "Do you have an idea that could help me remember?"
Haku nodded. "Yes. I believe hypnosis might work. Now this will be a bit different due to you being unable to speak but the overall premise will be the same. I'll put you under, walk you through the process, and if I sense you having any kind of discomfort you will be snapped out of it. Mr. Uzumaki can remain in the room to help me and once it's all done you can write out what you remembered."
Naruto smiled. "Cool! What do you think Sasuke? Sound okay?"
He chewed his lip. It actually sounded kind of scary. He hesitantly wrote out, "I guess so…will I be hurt by it?" He didn't know how these things worked but if there was a chance that the man could hurt him again, he wouldn't risk it.
The doctor shook his head. "No. Like I said, we'll set up a fail-safe such as you squeezing Naruto's hand for when you get too scared. I've done these before. But first, I'll need you to sign this document here stating that you understand everything I just told you. Read it over carefully and think this through." He handed Naruto a small packet and watched them flip through it.
A few minutes later Sasuke was taking a deep breath and signing his name on the line. He got a weird feeling of deja vu but shrugged it off.
Haku filed the document away. "Very well. Let's begin."
Hey everyone. So here's the new chapter. It took a bit to get it just right since I'm trying to make longer chapters. But I got it done and here it is and I have a good start for the next chapter. Now just gotta update each of my other stories as well.
Peace-Out ^-^v