WARNING: This is a new spin off which means new characters and new setting. If you are new then I recommend you read the first episode so you know what's happening. Otherwise, please review and enjoy.

A/N: Sixth episode. Please review and tell me what you think.

I also have put a trailer for this series on youtube.


Quick thing about the trailer: it is not just a bunch of random clips with music; I did not put it in there unless it was going to happen in one of my episodes (with a few obvious exceptions). It may be slightly different but similar enough that you can watch the trailer and point out which clip/audio came from which episode. If you see it in the trailer, it will happen in one of the episodes.

I have also started a forum about this on gateworld. threads/89185-Stargate-Millennium If you wish to ask me something just go to the forum page. Anyways, enjoy.



It has been twenty years; it's been twenty years since the first team of humans was sent to Abydos. Thanks to the massive stone ring known as the stargate, Earth has made enormous leaps technology. They have a fleet of ships ready to defend their planet. They unlocked the secret of the lost city of Atlantis and the mysterious ninth chevron that led to Destiny. But, they had barely scratched the surface of the Alliance of Four Great Races. To this end, Earth has launched a new expedition to the fabled city Millennium, built by all four races. It's a new expedition in a new galaxy, and these are their adventures...


When Earth first opened the stargate, it unlocked an entire galaxy of dangers. From the jaffa with their stone cold will and code of honor to the nightmarish wraith with their incredible regenerative abilities to god-like Ori priors capable of destroying armies with a mere thought, alien warriors have challenged the primitives from the planet called Earth. But, unlocking Caldwell 70 has unlocked a new enemy. Dedicating their life and existence to combat, no other sight on the battlefield strikes fear like the Ror'char trooper. The dark samurai and black knights of the universe, these nigh unstoppable killing machines use some of the most advanced weapons and armor the stargate program has ever seen to compliment their supernatural skill and lethality. When the Ror'char armies march, entire worlds fall.


Previously on Stargate Millennium

In the Atlantis database was the description of a city built by the Alliance of Four Great Races called the Millennium in the galaxy of Caldwell 70. The SGC mounted the largest expedition to date in order to explore this city and unlock its secret. It is a one way expedition. Upon their arrival, the expedition comes across another team exploring the station lead by Exodan Krell. Krell explains that is he a military leader of the Ror'char, a coalition of empires that are this galaxy's superpowers. Their goal is galaxy-wide peace and prosperity. However, they believe that the only way to achieve this is by absolute control. They believe chaos, crime, and cruelty stem from freedom and a society must be told what to do or fall prey to this.


"According to texts discovered by archaeologists, this is around the time the Ancients came across a vampiric race residing in the galaxy. It is said that these creatures possessed the ability to suck the very life out of a person with the mere touch of its hand. Historians still debate whether this is a mere myth or this vampiric race is actually an alien life form."

Professor Corin Nevec scanned the lecture hall, which was filled with students. He spotted some of them already fast asleep while others were fighting the urge, dozing off then jerking back up. Still, many were paying close attention to his lecture, their digital notepads open as they jotted down notes on what he said.

Corin turned his attention back to his holographic screen, which held the image of a deathly pale human, at least humanoid creature, with long white hair and a bony mask that covered its face.

"This right here is actually a depiction of the creature derived from descriptions found in ancient texts."

Corin briefly glanced at his watch. His time was nearly up. This was his last class of the day so that meant he could head home once this was over.

"We should about wrap this up," Corin said with a slight groan as he began stacking the papers on his desk. Hearing this, the class immediately began packing their bags. The digital notepad was certainly a big help with this, especially with how small it was no matter how many notes was put in it.

"Remember to read the next chapter: Failings of a Free Society. After our midterm, we will be covering the book: Strong Government, Strong People."

He didn't know how many people were actually listening as they filed out the door. Corin looked at his own digital notepad. It looked like a regular notebook but it only had one paper. He made a gesture as if he was going to turn the page. The words on the paper faded away and was replaced with another text. It wasn't long until the lecture hall was empty. Corin put all his materials into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. This was his last class for the day and it was time for him to head home.

Outside the lecture room was a black-watch guard. He wasn't a regular Ror'char trooper and wore a gray and white uniform underneath their black vests of armor and had tinted faceplates on their helmets.

"Evening, professor," a guard greeted as Corin exited. Corin glanced at the green and gray pulse carbine in his hands.

"Evening," Corin said friendlily back as he quickly walked passed.

His teal car wasn't far from the lecture hall. He didn't try to pay much attention to the squads of other black-watch guards marching down the street. He quickly went back on the road and headed for the gate port at the edge of the city. Even from a distance, he could see the crowded parking lot, dozens of cars parked inside the grid of parking spaces. He looked at his watch as he went into the parking lot outside the gate port and waited. Finding one was, surprisingly, easy. A gate port was the only way, aside from space port, to get off a planet and it was always at least half full. Luckily, gate ports also built huge parking lots to compensate for this.

This was the Ror'char Empire. This was life in the empire. In many ways, it was a utopia. Crime was next to nonexistent. Every citizen was guaranteed a job. And people praised the Ror'char for this. But, all this came at a cost.

"Wormhole to Yardris," the announcer boomed. "All transports, please prepare for departure."

Corin was pulled out of his thoughts. It was right on time. Corin and a small handful of other cars and one truck backed out of the parking lot and drove onto the ramp, ready for transport. At the end of the ramp, pearly white chevrons clamped around the edge, was a silver stargate and its shimmering event horizon covered the center of it like the surface of a pond.

"Wormhole active," the announcer said. "Transports, you may proceed." All the cars and the ramp began to slowly move forward. One by one they disappeared through the event horizon.

"Professor Nevec."

Corin looked up in surprise, tossed out of his thoughts and back into reality. He was in the Millennium conference room with his team, Wolf Pack. They were all seated around the U-shaped table and he was the only one standing. Old man General William Mercer sat at the other end of the table, his hands folded in front of him.

"Sorry," Corin said, taking a seat. General Mercer stared at Corin for moment, a little surprised to see Corin detached from reality for a moment.

"I apologize for my tardiness," Mercer said, straightening his tie and dress shirt. "The Dune Jumpers met some…unpleasant primitives."

Major Terra Nova, leader of Wolf Pack, understood what Mercer was hinting at. In Milky Way and Pegasus, a majority of the civilizations encountered by the teams were primitive humans that still lived in huts and used bows and arrows. In the galaxy of Caldwell 70, most of the civilizations were actually pretty advanced. Encountering a more primitive race was actually rare.

"I digress," Mercer added pleasantly. "You just came back from a mission, I'm interested in what happened."

Doctor Steven Chen and Lieutenant Charles Martin looked toward Nova to get to explaining.

This was also the time Martin would begin to feel useless. Nova was the team leader and would to most of the explaining. Chen was an engineer and the team's tech expert so he would talk about the technology. Corin was always in charge of foreign relations so he would talk about the alien cultures and negotiations. As for Martin, he was only the team's second in command and often felt useless as he waited for the briefing to be over.

"As you know, we've spent the past week working on building relations with the humans from the planet Elora," Nova explained.

"And we've made some good progress," Mercer said. "From your report, the people of Elora are not only technologically advanced but willing to establish an alliance. If we succeed in establishing relations, we can solve our resource problems."

"Considering how advanced Elora is, we can do more than that," Corin remarked. "Union of Amestris is one of the major countries on the planet and has been running a stargate program in secret for decades. Only four other super powers on the planet are aware of its existence and have been working with Amestris to obtain alien technology to defend their planet. That's why they started using the stargate to begin with: to find allies and technology to defend their planet."

"They've done a good job of that, by the way," Chen added. "Technologically, they're still decades away from naturally making hyperdrives but, thanks to alien technology they've obtained, they've created a fleet of seventeen ships capable of interstellar travel. They say they've established a powerful planetary defense. Surface to orbit missiles, phase dischargers, laser cannons, you name it. We still don't have a ship either. We might even be able to convince them to build us one."

"To defend themselves from the Ror'char?" Mercer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually, they've never run into the Ror'char," Nova clarified.

"The Ror'char are in control of less than half the galaxy," Corin explained. "They've heard of the Ror'char in their explorations but they've never actually run into them. They've actually been defending them planet from pirate gangs."

"You mentioned them before," Mercer pointed out.

"Yeah, the pirates 'control' about a third of this galaxy," Corin said. "'Pirates' is more of a general term we use to talk about groups of people who lack any form of government and use criminal and terrorist tactics to get what they want."

"Think Lucian Alliance," Nova clarified.

"And you say they've successfully created a defense system against them?" Mercer asked with interest.

"They say they've actually stopped several attacks without their population ever finding out what happened," Chen said. "I'm hoping they wouldn't mind showing us what they can do."

"What's the catch?" Mercer asked. To him, this sounded all too easy.

"Well," Corin began to hesitantly explain. "Amestris has been thinking about revealing their stargate to the rest of the planet for a while. They have a defense fleet that's already succeeded in protecting their planet from numerous pirate attacks. For the most part, their planet is safe. But, they say they want to make their program public and use our proposed alliance to help drive it, that having 'aliens' interested in forming an alliance would help with the politics. They say they'll only complete our alliance once their stargate program is public."

"I see," Mercer said, his voice darkening. "That is troublesome; we need resources as soon as possible."

"They did permit us to study their starships while the negotiations are taking place," Chen chirped. "They've even invited us back while the negotiations are happening." He was not letting the opportunity to study alien technology slip out of his hands.

"These negotiations cannot simply take place over night," Mercer mentioned. Because of his high rank, General Mercer knew the basic workings of politics and knew that doing something like revealing a classified program as big as the stargate to the world would take a while.

"They're not," Nova said. "But, they've offered us room and board. They think the face of peaceful 'aliens' will help with the politics."

A smile spread across Mercer's face.

"Excellent," he said. "I will tell Commander Umar that I am temporarily transferring Major Hailey from the Dusk Riders to Wolf Pack for this mission. She and Doctor Chen can study Eloran technology together."

Chen groaned when he heard this.

"General, I think I can take care of this by myself," he protested.

"Major Jennifer Hailey is one of our best experts in alien technology," Mercer pointed out calmly. "Colonel Carter was, in fact, the one who recruited her for the stargate program."

"From one of her lectures on theoretical astrophysics, I know," Chen said. "People keep calling her a Carter clone. But, General, I think I can manage studying all the tech the ships myself."

"I thought one of the things they teach you as an engineer is to work with teams," Nova said.

"I don't have a problem working with others; I have a problem with astrophysicists," Chen protested. "The last thing I need is a person who specializes in making things more complicated than it seems. Have you heard Carter try to explain something? She takes what could be a really simple explanation…and finds the most complicated way of explaining it."

"I thought you worked well with Colonel Carter," Martin mentioned, remembering Chen was actually working with Carter to build a BC-305 before he left for Millennium.

"I do and I respect her, but astrophysicists are buckets of headaches and Jennifer Hailey is a gallon tub it packaged into a four foot nine box."

"This isn't a democracy," Mercer said. "Major Hailey will be working with Wolf Pack for the duration of this mission." Chen sighed in defeat. If Mercer insists on it, he can't stop it. "I understand this this will be a long term mission. Wolf Pack will return to Elora. Doctor Chen and Major Hailey will study their starship technology, see if there's anything we can harness. The rest of you will be there to…protect our investment. I want regular check in. Understood."

"Yes sir," Nova said with a nod.

"Great," Chen mumbled.



Corin still had a lot on his mind as he headed from the locker room to the gate room. He had more trouble holstering his nine millimeter than usual.

He left his homeworld over a month ago and now it was almost haunting him. He had begun to rethink his decision to leave.

"C'mon Corin," Nova called. The rest of Wolf Pack was geared up and ready, P90's in hand. Among them was a short young woman whose blonde hair was braided and pulled up in a bun behind her head but it was concealed under her black cap. Nova had her brown her tied in a ponytail for the mission. Chen carried a larger pack than usual and Corin suspected it was packed with computer equipment. Martin carried an ion rifle taken from the Ror'char, the one alien weapon on the team.

"You ready, mate?" Martin asked. Corin looked up in surprise, not expecting to be called.

"Yeah," Corin said, finally jamming his pistol into his holster. Hearing this, Nova looked toward the control room and gave the thumbs up. Donavan immediately dialing the DHD.

"Do we have any idea what type of technology they're going to show us?" Hailey asked as Corin strapped the last of his stuff into his vest pockets.

"They're reluctant to show us their weapons technology," Chen said with a groan, not wanting to explain anything. If he was working alone, he wouldn't have to. "They said they wouldn't mind showing us their shield technology."

"Should be fun," Hailey said cheerfully. She remembered that the stargate program on Earth was started for the purpose of finding advanced civilizations and technology to defend their home planet. For her, it was almost ironic that they discovered another civilization doing the same thing. Chen simply grumbled as the last chevron was engaged and the stargate activated, the great kawoosh shooting out of the ring before being sucked back into the shimmering puddle.

"Wolf Pack," General Mercer announced from the balcony of the control room. "You have a go." Nova gave a nod.

"Roll out!" she ordered.


It was clear that Elora was one of the more advanced civilizations that the stargate program has encountered. The gate room on the receiving end was a massive chamber that looked more like the hangar for a starship. Stacks of crates were piled at the sides. A massive system of rails with a crane hung from the ceiling. There wasn't a single window in sight, except for the ones from their control room. All the light came from glowing panels in the floor and ceiling. Soldiers were scurrying about with supplies and boxes in their hands. These soldiers obviously weren't geared for a fight, wearing their yellow uniforms instead of brown power armors.

"What's going on here?" Nova wondered aloud. It was obvious something was up. All the soldiers were moving around as if they were getting ready for something. It wasn't long before a familiar face emerged from the crowd.

"Chief Bronston," Nova greeted as a large and rather large gnarly man whose jaw was covered in hair stepped out of the crowd of soldiers.

"Major Nova," Bronston said. "Sorry about the mess."

"This is Major Jennifer Hailey," Nova introduced. Hailey instinctively saluted at this. "She and Chen will be studying your starship technology."

"Of course," Bronston said with a slight bow. He remembered their arrangement. Meeting alien cultures and forming an alliance with them was no easy task. You couldn't just befriend an alien race overnight any more than a man can become best friends with a stranger in the first five minutes of meeting. It took the Millennium Expedition and the Elorans a week to trust each other. "I'm glad you're here; your timing is perfect."

"What's going on here?" Nova asked. Bronston looked around, never realizing how it looked.

"We'll talk on the transport," he said, gesturing toward the hall. The team followed Bronston as he led them to the hangar, where the gray transport ship was waiting. It was a small box-shaped ship with a triangular two-man cockpit. In many ways, it looked like a transport helicopter without a rotor. The team loaded in with a few other soldiers and crates. Seats lined the wall with a space at the back for the cargo. The roof began to retract, revealing the starry night sky. Once everyone was inside the engines engaged and they took off. Long trails of flames spewed out of the engines as the transport lifted up out of the hangar and into the air. The doors around the transport closed and the ship pressurized. Through the windows, Wolf Pack could see the Amestrian Stargate Headquarters, at least the surface of it. Most of it was actually underground. But, the Amestrian government intended to change that.

"Where we headed?" Corin asked as the transport headed off.

"The capital," Bronston said. "Our president is getting ready to announce to the world the existence of the stargate program."

"This quickly?" Martin asked, surprised by how fast things were moving.

"It's about time we did, in my opinion," Bronston remarked. "When we first started the stargate program several decades ago, the galaxy was a lawless place run by criminal organizations and pirates. We've worked hard but, finally, we've reached a point where we can actually handle most of what's thrown at it. We all know we can't keep this a secret forever. This is as good a time as any to tell the word."

"You are aware of the potential political fallout, right?" Corin asked.

"If the world sees how small their problems are, what's really important, they'll come together," Bronston said confidently. "Once people realize that this is not just about individual countries anymore, they will begin to focus on their similarities instead of their differences."

"So you hope," Chen said bluntly. It was obvious that was not as confident about this.

"We're one planet. If we ever want to start exploring the galaxy, we have to do it together as a planet. We have the backing of the other world powers too, who've known about and participated in using our stargate for several decades."

"This could be beneficial to you too," Corin said to Nova. "If you ever find a way back to your planet before they go public with the gate on your world, it might give you some idea of what to expect or how people will react."

"What about us?" Hailey asked. "You said that you would give us a look at your starship technology."

"We're stopping at the capital first," Bronston explained. "There's something we need you to see. We will then take Chen and Hailey to the Valorous."

"Cool," Hailey said enthusiastically.


"Transport two-niner, your identification has been verified. You are cleared for approach."

"Copy that, control. We are coming in for landing carrying our off-world VIP's."

As the transport came in for a landing, the team could see the capital city through the windows. They watched as the glossy towers and spires reaching for the sky. Intricate mazes of roads wound between marble white buildings. The ship passed over this and headed for the airport.

The transport hovered over the landing pad as it slowly began its descent. A cloud of dust picked up under the ship as it neared the pad. Finally it set down, the hum of the engine fading.

"Oh yes, Major," Bronston said as he stood up. Workers immediately boarded the transport to unload the crates. "We did talk about bringing weapons to the capital."

"You said we could bring them if we leave them in our room," Nova said as Wolf Pack got ready to disembark the ship.

"Your quarters in in a building linked directly to the Amestrian Defense Headquarters," Bronston said. "There will be a limo waiting for us outside to take us there."

Martin instinctively smiled when he heard this. They got to ride a limo.

Bronston lead the team outside where a sleek silver limo, at least limo-like vehicle, was waiting for them. On the road, they got a good look at the city. The sun had just begun to rise and the city lights had just begun to blend with the sunlight.

"When will we be allowed to see the ship?" Chen asked Chief Bronston as the limo cruised down the street.

"We have a ring platform built in the ADH. It'll lead straight to our fleet."

"So the reveal will take place while you show us some of your technology," Hailey said, putting the pieces together.

"I'm sorry if we're dragging you into our politics," Bronston apologized as they drove down the crowded streets. "We'll honor our end of the agreement once our stargate program becomes public knowledge. We've already dedicated too many resources into keeping it a secret."

"We need these resources to survive," Nova said. "Corin wouldn't mind observing your politics though." Corin looked at Nova in mild surprise. She knew he actually enjoyed watching history unfold before him. It was one thing to study text books about planets revealing the stargate to the public or stories of similar scenarios but he was actually going to see it happen first hand.

"He can watch, but I'm not sure if our president will want him to take part in it," Bronston replied. "Today is the day. Representatives from every country are arriving as we speak as well as reporters from every news station."

"Just wondering?" Martin spoke up. "What are the rest of us going to do? No offense, I don't like politics." Bronston didn't answer; he smiled at this question.

"We're here," the driver announced as the vehicle pulled to the side.


The majestic green walls with a dark blue carpet made the Amestrian Defense Headquarters feel like a palace. The security guards were easily identified by their mechanical power suits, which would increase their strength while protecting them at the same time. It was clear security didn't like the 'aliens' walking around a government complex with guns. This was the day the stargate would be revealed on their planet and their government was hoping the face of some 'friendly aliens' would help with the politics.

"Before we continue, there is something we need you to see," Brontson said.

"What is it?" Nova asked. This was the second time Bronston mentioned this. Whatever he wanted to show them, it must've been big.

"Around the same time our exploration team ran into you, another team ran into another alien group interested in an alliance," Bronston explained. "Though, their offer isn't as nice."

"Who?" Nova asked. It was at that moment Wolf Pack immediately froze in their tracks. They had to call on every ounce of control to not raise their weapons. Their eyes widened in shock as their answer emerged from the crowd with a pair of bodyguards, black trench coat waving with every step he took. They stared a familiar rigid gray face emerged, laying his oily black eyes on Wolf Pack.

"Hello again, Major Nova," Overlord Exodan Krell greeted. Bronston looked at Krell, then back at Wolf Pack, stunned that the two were acquainted.

Martin had his eyes on the two troopers standing behind Krell. It was strange not seeing them with their ion rifles but even without them, the two troopers stood tall like a pair of grim reapers just waiting for the order and opportunity to send them to the afterlife. He almost wished he could see their expressions through their tinted gray face plates. Even without their guns, they still wore their black suits of armor that was lined with pockets and pouches.

"What are you doing here?" Nova asked darkly.

"Diplomacy," Krell said. "As Overlord, I also begin acting as a representative on behalf of my sovereignty."

Nova stared at Krell. She knew Ror'char diplomacy only ended one way.

"You," Krell said, looking at Chen. The gray-skin alien remembered the human quite well from the last time they fought, hand to hand. "You were the one I fought in the Asgard ruins. What is your name?" Chen looked at Krell suspiciously. Giving a name shouldn't hurt.

"Chen," he answered.

"Yes, we crossed paths," Krell said with a smile. "You are a most capable fighter; applaud your skill."

Bronston looked at Krell then at Nova in surprise. It was obvious the two knew each other.

"Why not I show you to your quarters first," Bronston suggested. Nova gave a nod and followed as they walked off. Corin glared at Krell as they walked past.


"What is Krell doing here?!" Martin exclaimed as he paced around their quarters. Several massive bedrooms were connected to the luxurious lounge with a couch, and a holographic television which was off at the moment. A table sat beside a balcony and held a holographic computer. Chen was busy trying to hook up their computers to the Eloran one. The closet door was open and stored their equipment. Their weapons leaned against the back of the closet and their vests hung on several hangars. It would've been enjoyable to sit back and relax here. However, they weren't relaxed.

"Wasn't Krell the one that lead the attack on Millennium?" Hailey asked from the couch she sat on. She had her hat off and let her braid lose, dangling behind her head.

"Sorta," Nova said. "He spent most of his time in the conference room and ran when the fighting started."

"However the negotiations went back then will be exactly how negotiations between him and the Elorans will be," Corin said. "He won't accept anything except annexation into the sovereignty."

"Done!" Chen said, throwing up his hands as if to celebrate. "We're hooked up to the computer system. We can access their internet as if it was Earth's."

"Well, we can now watch what happens once they make the reveal," Nova remarked. "If this works, we will have an advanced ally that can give enough resources to survive."

"What do we do about Krell then?" Martin asked. "If Elora gets annexed then we aren't going to get any of this."

"And we can't fight them either," Hailey said. "They've integrated dozens of aspects of Alliance technology into their own. I'm still trying to figure out how it works." Nova took a moment to ponder this. They couldn't let the Ror'char get Elora but they couldn't fight with force.

"Even if the Ror'char weren't here, our situation isn't looking any better," Chen remarked. "We need Elora's public disclosure to go well if we want any sort of alliance with them."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"You mean aside from the Elorans blowing themselves up?"

"The social and political implications may be more important than you think," Corin pointed out. "I've been reading stuff about your planet, Earth, and Elora definitely has a lot of similarities. This isn't Earth but it'll give us a good idea on what to expect if the stargate program is revealed."

"You blokes worry too much," Martin said. "Yeah, I'm sure there'll be some problems and downsides, some greedy business people will want to take advantage of alien tech, protests and rioting probably, and I'm sure there'll be people racist against aliens, and there's going to be a bunch of politics that needs to be sorted, and such, but everything will be fine."

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Nova called.

The door opened a crack and a young woman peeked in.

"I don't mean to interrupt," she said timidly. "Chief Bronston is ready to take Doctor Chen and Major Hailey to the Valorous."

"Alrighty then," Chen said, him and Hailey standing up. "We'll see what they can show us."

"One more thing. Major Nova, Overlord Krell wants to see you."

Nova looked up in surprise when she heard this.

"Did he say why?" Nova asked. The woman at the door simply shook her head.

"Right," Nova said, getting up to leave. "Martin, Corin, General Mercer's going to gate in for a check in. Be ready to receive."

"We got it, Major," Martin said with an enthusiastic thumbs up.


"Doctor," Bronston greeted as Chen and Hailey made it to the ring platform. They could see the circle built into the ground. Several armored security guards stood on standby as they watched Hailey and Chen step into the circle.

"They're in position," Bronston said over his communicator as he stepped back from the circle. There was a loud whoosh as a set of marble white rings shot up from the floor, surrounding the duo. A blinding flash of light completely covered the world around them like a curtain. The light then faded away, revealing the sleek silver hallway of the ship they were now on.

"Doctor Chen and Hailey," a croaking voice said as the commander stepped forth, dawning a dark blue uniform. He didn't have the raw and gnarly look that Bronston had but a stern and commanding appearance. "I'm Commander Galligan. Welcome aboard the Valorous." Chen and Hailey stared in amazement as several members of the crew walked past in their silver uniforms.

"Is there anything you're interested in looking at first?" Galligan asked.

"Shields would be nice," Chen said.

"Guess I'll look at engines then?" Hailey asked. Chen grumbled in agitation.

"You go do what astrophysicists do best: find something simple and complicate it."


Nova eyed the single guard at the door in front of Krell's room. This wasn't the usual Ror'char trooper. For one, this one was much larger, an easy seven feet tall. Its armor was a dull tan instead of oily black. Its helmet was a dull gray but wasn't shape like the helmets of the Ror'char troopers. It was a dome shaped around his head with green glowing view ports. While this guard was humanoid it was obvious he wasn't human from the fact he had four of these view ports; whatever wore this armor had four eyes. He didn't have a gun but it didn't look like this hulking giant would need one.

"I'm here to see Overlord Krell," Nova said. The guard stared at her for a moment.

"She's here," the guard finally said through its radio.

"Send her in," Krell replied.

The guard gently pushed the door open and Nova walked inside. She didn't know what to expect but she was surprised when she saw that Krell was not alone. He was staring out the window and standing next to him was another Ror'char soldier. This one wore the regular trooper gear but had his helmet off, revealing a clearly alien face. Whatever race this person was, he looked like a fish that decided to take human form. The armor concealed his body but she could see the trooper's dark purplish skin that glistened in the light. A frill of webbed spines protruded from the back of his head as if it was their version of hair. Where the ears would be were another pair of webbed spines. Nova couldn't tell if these covered their ears or if these were their version of ears.

"That'll be all," Krell told the trooper. "You're dismissed." The fish-like Ror'char trooper gave a single bow as his image seemed to distort then vanish. He was simply a hologram.

Krell could not help but notice Nova's surprised look. She knew she shouldn't be surprised. The Ror'char had been conquering civilizations all across the galaxy and incorporating the races they came across into their civilization, so even the most alien became a part of their society.

"You've never seen an icthyan before, have you?" Krell asked. Nova instinctively glanced over her shoulder, wondering if Krell was referring to the giant guard as the four eyed guard closed the door.

"Or an antenok for that matter," Krell added.

"You're point?" Nova asked. Krell slowly turned away from the window, his hands folded behind his back.

"After our first encounter, I could not help but wonder," he said. "You were clearly aware of how to use the stargate and are familiar with Alliance technology. Yet, you have never even heard of the Ror'char, one of the superpowers in this galaxy. This would suggest you have not ventured out into this galaxy much at all. Yet, you've clearly mastered gate travel to a degree. So I wondered how this could be possible."

Krell slowly paced over to a table which held what looked like a glass of wine. He picked up the crystalline glass and took a sip.

"There is only one explanation," he said. "You're not from this galaxy."

Nova shifted uncomfortably. She thought about the wraith, who became obsessed with finding Earth after finding out that the expedition was from another galaxy.

"Do not be so surprised," Krell said simply, taking another sip of his drink. "You are in fact the third extragalactic force here."

"Third?" Nova asked.

"Indeed. The Ror'char themselves did not originate in this galaxy. The Ror'char actually originated in another galaxy far from this one. They freed their entire galaxy of both oppressive and defective governments, using Alliance technology they acquired, integrating this technology into their own. Among this technology was advanced hyperdrives that let them travel to other galaxies. The Ror'char have already completely liberated two galaxies, one being their own. Once this one has been freed, this will be the third and hopefully the turning point to our civil war."

"And the third force?" Nova asked. She wasn't interested in how many galaxies the Ror'char ruled but who the third power they had to worry about was.

"The other superpower, the Harvesters, are a force from another galaxy. They arrived here not long after the Ror'char did."

"You mentioned them before. Who are the Harvesters?" Nova remembered when they first encountered Krell on the Millennium, he mentioned fighting the Harvesters.

Krell simply smiled when he heard this.

"I'll let you and your people have the pleasure of encountering them first hand," he chuckled. "But, for now, I'm interested in your presence on Elora."

"A peaceful alliance," Nova said bluntly. "Unlike yours."

"My intentions are peaceful," Krell said innocently.

"And when they turn down your offer you attack," Nova pointed out.

"Which is done for their own good," Krell stated, setting down his glass. "But enough of that. I'm sure you've already heard enough philosophical preaching. It is obvious we will never see eye to eye on this, so let's put our different philosophies to the test."

"What do you have in mind?" she asked suspiciously. Krell set down his glass and slowly walked up to her.

"The five superpowers of Elora have already turned down the offer for annexation," Krell explained. "Under normal circumstances, I would have no choice but to use force, call upon a fleet and claim the planet for the empire. However, things are different now. Their reveal of their stargate will be…an opportunity. They are apparently revealing the stargate to their world today. I will go and gather my fleet but I will not attack. Starting tomorrow, they will have thirty days to unite the governments of this world. By the end of this, I will scan the entire planet. If they have succeeded, I will call off my fleet and use it to ensure no force beyond his planet will threaten it again."

"You're offering to protect it," Nova translated, surprised that Krell would make such an offer.

"If the planet succeeds in uniting, then yes. It will be their reward for being able to put aside their differences and come together. Normally, a simply united planet would not be enough. But, if they do succeed, I can make an exception."

"Awfully generous of you," Nova remarked. Krell smiled at this statement. There was one more thing he had to say.

"Our methods are different but our wishes are all the same," Krell said. "I have little doubt, though, that in the end, the Ror'char will have to save this planet from the hammer of destruction swung by their own hands. Tell the Amestrians of this. They must unite this planet, or it will be forced to unite under our rule."


The reveal meeting was going to take place in a circular conference room. A single balcony that lined the walls overlooked the meeting tables below and was the perfect place for the mob of reporters that hung over the rails like a child trying to get a closer look at the animals at the zoo. It was obvious something big was going to happen but they did not know what.

An army of security guards lined the sides. Security was already tighter than a pressure clamp but there could be no risks. The background checks on each and every reporter took what seemed like an eternity as they went in. Additional security guards were posted right outside the doors of their off-world visitors to make sure that they don't do anything fishy.

At the conference tables below was packed with almost two hundred representatives with their tidy and fancy suits. Corin and Martin sat on the couch in the quarters, watching the situation unfold on their television.

Nova was with Bronston, telling him about the development with Krell was they made their way down the hall. For him, the revelation was a relief. At least they weren't just going to be outright invaded. But, they still had the challenge of informing the world about the stargate. Nova broke off as they approached the conference room. The reporters in there wouldn't know she was an alien but she couldn't take any chances.

As she walked away, she could not help but wonder how Earth would reveal the stargate if they chose to. Would they call upon representatives from every country and tell them together? Would they simply announce it to their public and let the information seep into the foreign governments over time? But, the biggest question that hung in her mind was, how would Earth react? Martin was confident in humanity; he knew that Earth had problems but he felt that these problems could be put aside and that people could unite as one planet. Chen's faith in humanity might as well be zero; he saw humans as greedy and self serving and that the ones that choose not to be are simply used as tools, that people would become even more violent once they see the stargate and do whatever it takes so that they and they alone would reap the benefits. Nova was undecided. It go could go either way. She's never seen anything that would sway her opinion one way or the other. Only the events on Elora would affect her opinion.


"Ladies and gentlemen!" Bronston announced over the thundering voices of conversation. Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent as the noise receded like waves on a shore. The news reporters leaned even further over the rails. The government representatives took their seats. All eyes were on Bronston as he turned on the giant holographic monitor at the front.

"Thank you all for coming," Bronston said. "I'll admit that it feels overwhelming to seeing representatives from every country around the world in this room but we need the whole world for this. It is high time we did this. I come before you to reveal to not only you but the whole world of a device the Amestrian government has been using for the past several decades that allows instantaneous transportation to other planets called the stargate."


Krell was in his quarters, standing in front of his own holographic television watching the public reveal.

"Overlord," a distorted voice said over his radio. "The ships have reached the edge of the solar system."

"Hold your position," Krell ordered. "We have a deal to uphold."

Krell smiled he watched Bronston explain the stargate and their usage of it. The alien commander muttered humorously under his breath.

"All the cards have been dealt. All the pieces are now on the board. It is now the players who decide the outcome. Let us begin."