A/N: So I was looking at Doom and Docorrus and realized not a whole lot of MaskyxJet going on presently (well its still being planned out but at the moment not a whole lot). So I decided to do a side story to allow me to have some fun with MaskyxJet and VikixSpectra. This should be just a one shot. Mainly because I don't have the time to write another long ass story.

Also I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants here, so we'll see how this goes.

This is set where Masquerade has escaped from the hospital with help from Jet and Viki has fallen under Spectra's power.

But its before Masquerade and Spectra's brawl.

Also please note, this really might not fit in with DD since I may or may not have bird brain brawl here and 'spoilers' in DD he can't brawl worth a damn against Masky.

So just consider this a spin off story.

Anyways as you guys should already know by now, I don't own Bakugan. Or Masquerade. I only own Jet, Skylord, Mike and Hydrogator.


The sun was setting on the lake, making the blue lake glow as it reflected the bright burning circle of light turning the sky blazing orange, and casting the clouds in shades of purples and pinks as the sun continued to dip lower and lower beyond the sight of the water.

A girl with long blond hair and dressed in purple sat on the edge of the dock her bakugan sitting at her side.

"Katie," The dock groaned minutely as a tall brown haired man made his way towards the girl sitting on the edge. Katie turned to look up at him. "We'll be leaving soon, I just have to put away the evo system and we'll be good. Are you almost ready to go?"

Katie smiled and nodded. "Yes Dad, I just want to watch the sunset for a little longer." She said nodding towards the sunset.

Her father smiled as he looked out at the sunset. "Yes it is a very beautiful sunset, all right, I'll come get you when I've finished." He turned to go before he paused and turned back to her. "You did good today, you and Chamelia." He said nodding to the gunmetal gray bakugan that sat beside Katie on the ground.

Chamelia turned a whirring noise sounding as she did. "Your thanks are unnecessary, I was merely doing my job, becoming stronger and stronger to ensure we can one day take down Masquerade."

The professor chuckled. "I'm sure that after a few more tournaments he won't stand, a ghost of a chance."


"Why do we have to do this again?" Masquerade said with a grumble as he made his way towards the lakefront spiky blond hair being blown back slightly by the breeze.

Hydranoid turned to his master. "A girl named Katie who once possessed a chamelia has somehow obtained another one, and Master Naga wants to find out why, and to get rid of it."

Masquerade scowled as he reached a hand up to rub his head. It hadn't been so long since his encounter with Vanessa and her goons and his head still hurt minutely. It wasn't completely debilitating but he got the feeling if he pushed too hard the pain would get worse.

However, the pain in his head would be the least of his concerns if he went against Naga on this. For some reason Naga stressed the extermination of the Chamelia's very greatly and it made Masquerade wonder what was going on in the crazy white dragon's head.

'But really who cares? I take out this girl again, and then I can go home and take a nap. It could be worse, I could have to go deal with the brawlers.' Masquerade winced at the thought, after everything that had happened these past few days he really wasn't up to facing any of the brawlers at the moment. It wasn't that he feared defeat, it was who he feared he'd meet. If Naga sent him on the brawlers he'd risk having to face Jet, and he really hadn't figured out what he was going to do about the girl in the first place. He'd rather have some more time to figure out some sort of approach to deal with her before he took the chance of running into her.

Getting back to the matter at hand Masquerade looked around for any sign of his target. When he saw the blond haired girl he smirked. 'Well least I won't have to look too far.'

"Hey," He said as he walked towards her. He smirked slightly as the girl tensed up and whipped around eyes widening in alarm. He folded his arms across his chest, unfortunately he was facing towards the sun so his face wasn't shadowed, damned bad lighting, he'd have much rather been in shadow. Hey, if he's got to be the villain, he might as well take advantage of it as much and have fun playing up the dark and mystery of being the masked villain.

"Masquerade!" The girl cried jumping to her feet, yelping as her arms windmilled her feet not fully planted firmly on the dock throwing the girl off balance. However after a second of wobbling and windmilling the girl regained her balance and placed her feet firmly on solid ground. Heaving a sigh of relief she glanced back at the water.

"That's my name." Masquerade said making the girl's head snap back towards him. He smirked. "And I assume you'd be Katie Lowery? "

Katie swallowed glancing back at the water and then back at Masquerade, she didn't answer but a gunmetal gray bakugan ball popped open on her shoulder. "WHAT DO YOU WANT CREEP?" It demanded in a mechanical voice.

Masquerade raised an unseen eyebrow before he smirked. "Ah, I get it now, you didn't get your Chamelia back after all, you just created a replacement for it." He chuckled. "Well this should be easier than I thought." He said pulling out his field card.

Katie's eyes widened and she let out a gasp of alarm.

"KATIE, RUN." M. Chamelia barked the girl jumping before she took off running.

"Oh no you," Masquerade moved forwards reaching out a hand to snag the girls arm but the girl shoved him aside making the masked brawler stumble backwards thankfully on dry land rather than on the dock. Masquerade recovered and glared in the direction the girl had run in. She had ran off to some warehouse nearby as he could catch the faintest glimpse of light blond hair and purple just before it disappeared inside.

"Urgh, its going to be one of those days," Masquerade grumbled as he jogged towards the warehouse. "Look, can we just brawl and be done with it? I'm not in the mood for these-" He trailed off as he entered and took sight of the massive machine in front of him. "Games." He finished quietly his eyes running over the machine.

'What is this thing?' He wondered as he studied it for a moment. Then he stiffened when he heard it powering up.

"I WILL PROTECT KATIE." A mechanical voice above him made Masquerade look up to see the gunmetal grey bakugan perched atop a console and stomping down on various buttons.

"Master," Hydranoid began. "I don't like this." He said.

Masquerade nodded as he moved towards the machine. He didn't need Hydranoid to tell him, everyone of his instincts were telling him that something was off about this machine, he had to get it to shut off before the crazy mechanical Frankenstein could use it on him. "Right, lets disable it and then go after the girl." He said as he scanned the machine rapidly as he moved towards it grasping onto a cable and tugging hard on it.

"IT WON'T DO YOU ANY GOOD." The mechanical bakugan told him. Masquerade hissing as electricity crackled around the machine a few bolts licking at him before it got too much and he was forced to drop it drawing back.

"Perhaps it'd be better to retreat!" Hydranoid cried as the machine began to glow brightly as it powered up.

Masquerade nodded hand snapping to his pocket as he edged back, his finger tips just brushing his DT Masquerade's shoulder slumping with relief. When he tensed up feeling like something was clawing something out of him. It felt like a tickle at first in the back of his mind before the feeling grew from a soft tickle to excruciating pain exploding in his head. Crying out in agony Masquerade dropped to his knees clutching at his head screwing his eyes shut.

When Masquerade fell to his knees Hydranoid tumbled off his shoulder twitching and rolling in his own agony. His battle form appeared faintly over the bakugan ball revealing the massive four legged beast staggering about his head thrashing from side to side as he tried to fight off the strange attack. But slowly but surely parts of his form broke away until the image of his battle form shattered completely leaving nothing but the silent empty shell of a ball form left.

Masquerade continued to howl in agony the pain in his head getting worse and worse. He clutched tighter at his head fingers digging into his skin as he tried to get the pain to stop. Then there was a click and the mechanical droning sound that had been faintly present in the background petered off and the pain lessened slightly but it left Masquerade sucking in quick breaths through his teeth. Every thought that darted through hurt, and it hurt bad.

Finally the machine turned off and Masquerade rested his head on the ground below, the shock of the cooler ground made him stiffen black spots coating his vision, almost making the masked brawler sigh with relief. It meant unconsciousness was coming, an escape from the pain. He rolled onto his side the dark spots increasing rapidly as he could faintly make out a purple and yellow blob beside something white. He felt something wet run down his cheek and drip on the ground but he was too weak to wonder about it. The last thing he saw before unconsciousness took him was the two shapes moving quickly towards him.

Then everything went black.


"Oh my god." The professor said as he rushed over to the fallen darkus brawler, Katie rushing after him.

Masquerade lay unconscious on his side on the ground blood oozing out from his nose leaving a red streak that disappeared underneath the mask.

The professor rolled him onto his back as he examined the boy placing two fingers to the boys neck feeling for a pulse. "What the hell happened!" He demanded looking towards Katie.

Katie trembled and looked close to tears. "I-I don't know. He showed up to battle me and I-I got scared and ran." She sniffled. "I was so afraid he'd take Chamelia away I couldn't think about anything else but getting away. I was running towards where you were taking down all the decorations when I heard his screams." She said wiping at her eyes. "I'm sorry Dad."

Her father sighed as he rose to his feet and went over to her wrapping her in a one armed hug. "It's all right sweetie, its understandable you'd be frightened by the appearance of such a delinquent." He said casting a look down at the boy. "Well he's alive, but from the way the blood is trickling out of his nose, he's suffered some type of brain injury."

"HE WAS MEDDLING WITH THE MACHINE," Chamelia reported making the professor and Katie turn to the gunmetal grey bakugan as she rolled over to them from beneath part of the machine. "PROBABLY TO DAMAGE IT TO KEEP US FROM USING IT." She told them.

The professor scowled. "Well he got what he deserves then." He said glaring down at the masked blond. "However, we'll need to do something about him." He said as he looked around tapping his chin. "I think I'll try to move him out of here, so the authorities don't come around asking questions about the machine," He said nodding to the machine before he reached down and grabbed onto the masked brawler's shoulders ignoring the soft groan of pain that came from the boy. "Katie you go call 911 and tell them we've found this boy passed out by the docks. Nothing more." He said firmly Katie looking conflicted.

"But wouldn't that be lying?" She asked.

"No it just won't involve us telling them that he chased after you, and that he passed out after coming into contact with the machine. Okay sweetheart?" The professor said to Katie as he began to drag the masked brawler out of the warehouse. "Its for your safety as well as ensuring that the Evo Tournament carries on."

Katie still looked conflicted she looked towards M. Chamelia. "What do you think?"


Katie sighed. "I guess you're right." She said as she reached into her pocket to pull out her cell phone walking around the ware house to make sure nothing was amiss with the machine as she waited for the dispatcher to pick up.

'911 what's your emergency?' A womans voice came over the phone.

"My father and I found this boy passed out by the docks!" Katie said quickly her heart pounding in her chest. "He's bleeding from the nose and my dad thinks he might have a brain injury. He needs medical attention."

'All right I'm dispatching an ambulance to your location, can you tell me anything else?'

Katie's hand shook as she licked her lips. "No m'am, my dad and I were cleaning up after our event we had near the docks when we found him. We have no idea how he got there, or what happened to him."

'Okay, the ambulance will be arriving at your location shortly.'

Sure enough Katie could hear the faint sound of sirens off in the distance, she finished her sweep of the warehouse and began to make her way out. "I hear them, thanks."

'No problem, do you want me to stay on the line miss?'

"No, no, thank you though." Katie said as she ended the call and closed her phone hurrying to the entrance to the warehouse slowing down when something black and purple caught her eye. She stopped and turned eyeing the object. Then recognition dawned in her eyes, it was a darkus bakugan. Walking over to it she knelt down and picked it up. It was a quadruped with a lot of spikes and horns. It probably looked rather monstrous in battle form.

"Is this Masquerade's?" Katie wondered aloud as she looked over the bakugan.

"INDEED, I BELIEVE IT IS A DARKUS HYDRANOID." M. Chamelia informed her as Katie ran her finger over the spiky horned head of the bakugan. "WE SHOULD KEEP IT."

Katie blinked and looked at her. "What are you-?"


Katie frowned as she closed her hand over the darkus bakugan looking down as she considered this. "I just, it feels wrong Chamelia," She said worrying her lower lip. "But…" She took in a deep breath and closed Hydranoid up and stuffed the silent bakugan in her pocket. "You're right, the less power Masquerade has to use on kids would be for the better."

"RIGHT," M. Chamelia said as Katie walked towards the opening leading into the warehouse. "YOU'RE DOING THE RIGHT THING KATIE, THE WHOLE BAKUGAN COMMUNITY SHOULD BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU'RE DOING."

Katie didn't say anything just nodded as she went over to the right side of the door and flicked off the light switch the lights in the warehouse going out, casting the warehouse into darkness. Katie glanced back to make sure that the machine was powered off and hidden within the darkness of the warehouse. Upon confirming this the girl headed towards the crack of light that was the outside world and stepped into the light. She paused to take in the sight before her for a moment.

The paramedics had arrived and while one talked with Katie's father, the others were loading Masquerade on a stretcher onto the ambulance. When she confirmed that none of them were paying her or the warehouse any interest Katie turned around facing the two open doors and grabbing a hold. She waited a moment gathering her strength before slamming the door shut of the warehouse leaving her father's machine hidden in the darkness.


Jenny sighed as she sat down across from Jewls to watch the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars eager to enjoy a relaxing evening after a rather grueling past few days.

"Man, touring wasn't as stressful as these past few days have been." Jenny mused to Jewls who nodded.

"Like seriously!" Jewls agreed reaching into a bowl of popcorn that had been placed in front of them on the coffee table in front of them. "I mean first we get attacked by some psycho, then we meet Jet and Viki, then we find out Jet's been taken to the hospital along with one of the brawlers, and then we go to Masquerade's evil mansion and you team up with him to fight off some aliens who were after him! Can't get any more crazy than that." She said as she tossed some popcorn in her mouth. "Granted its too bad we didn't get any information out of Masquerade before he escaped."

Jenny nodded mutely as the show began turning her attention to the big screen in their living room.

The two were just getting ready to settle in for a good 30 minutes of watching when the phone rang. They ignored the first few rings, before Jewls reluctantly snatched up the remote.

"Go grab the phone Jenny," She said pausing the show which paused it on one of the girl characters looking worriedly down at her phone with a threatening text on it. "If it's the manager I don't want to deal with her throwing a fit about us keeping her waiting." Jewls pulled a face before grabbing another handful of popcorn and shoving it into her face.

Jenny sighed as she pushed herself to her feet and headed over to the side table where a wireless pink phone was placed on its charger. The magenta haired girl reached down and picked it up before lifting it to her ear.

"Hello?" She said wearily bracing herself for the slew of commands from their irritating manager. She swore that once they got their latest album released they were throwing out their manager. She was just too ridiculously strict and uptight.

Instead she was surprised to hear an unfamiliar crisp male voice on the phone. 'Hello this is Wardington Hospital. We're calling in hopes that you can point us in the direction of the next of kin of someone who was just admitted.

Jenny blinked. "Um, depends, who was it that was just admitted?" 'Oh god is it Jet or Viki again?' She thought worriedly.

"Who is it?" Jewls called from the couch. Jenny covered the receiver of the phone and turning to look at Jewls.

"Hospital." She said Jewls' eyes widening her mouth falling open.

"Who?" Jewls said quickly sitting up straighter as Jenny sat down beside her.

"I'm not sure yet." Jenny said moving to sit down beside Jewls changing the phone to speaker as the man came back on.

"All we know about the young man is he's the one you and your friends brought in yesterday." The male nurse said Jenny and Jewls exchanging looks as the man continued. "Spiky Blond hair, wears a mask? That ring a bell? You admitted him yesterday under the name… Masquerade?"

Jenny nearly dropped the phone which Jewls dove to catch it before it could hit the floor.

"Um, this is Jewls. We'll uh get in contact with...someone… who…is…close to him?" Jewls said looking at Jenny as she tried to figure out how to word it. Jenny held up her hands in a helpless gesture. How was she supposed to know how to describe what was going on between Masquerade and Jet.

"Are you sure? If you could just tell me the name, I'm sure I can-"

"Sorry, but no thanks. We'll be in touch." Jewls said before she hung up the phone. She heaved a sigh. "Well so much for a break." She muttered.

"I can't believe that Masquerade's been readmitted to the hospital." Jenny murmured frowning as she got up walking out of the room in search of her bakupod Jewls turning in her seat towards Jenny.

"I'm not happy either! He escaped just to get put back in there, its like so irritating!" Jewls whined before turning to look back at the paused TV. "I mean we could've gotten a wealth of information out of him but NO!" Jewls said throwing up her hands. "He had to escape. And look where it got him! I mean was the prospect of being our prisoner really that bad?" Jewls said lowering her hands and turning to look at Jenny who had walked in her bakupod on her wrist and an image of brown haired girl with a purple and white jacket and black hoodie popped up on the small screen.

"Okay did I just hear Jewls mention something about a prisoner, should I be concerned?" Jet's voice sounded tinny through the bakupod's speakers.

Jenny sighed. "Its nothing Jet,"

"Nothing! We miss out on grilling Masquerade for information and you call that 'nothing'?" Jewls protested.

"Ah, that again." Jet said with a weary sigh. "What's brought that up? Masquerade escaped, he was injured already its better that he got away to get some rest."

Jenny pursed her lips. "Well…"

Jet frowned. "What? Oh please don't tell me you guys went after him. I really don't need to deal with that on top of everything else." She said pleadingly. "Seriously there's a new guy here that is asking to be punched every bloody 5 seconds and Viki's acting weird. Mike's acting weird all the brawlers are acting weird. I don't need you guys messing around with Masquerade and Naga right now!" She burst out faint footsteps sounding over the bakupod signaling the girl had started pacing as her image ran a hand through her messy brown hair.

"No, Jenny's still morally conflicted on the issue," Jewls said grudging resting her chin in her hand as she watched Jenny talk with Jet on the bakupod.

Jet stopped pacing and frowned. "So what's the call about?"

Jenny sighed. "Well we need you to go to Wardington Hospital."

Jet's expression darkened. "Why?" She asked as the sound of a door opening and closing came from her end and the background on Jet's side shifted as the girl began to walk down a hall.

"It's about Masquerade…." Jenny began.


Masquerade regained his senses slowly. The first thing he detected was a dull throb in his skull that made him grit his teeth. He was still trapped in the darkness of unconsciousness, but already reality was beginning to fix its claws back into him dragging him out of the senseless but peaceful and painless existence he'd been stuck in for the past… hours or so. How long had he been unconscious?

Minutes? Hours? Days? He really really hoped it hadn't been months or years. Because he was pretty sure he'd be waking up in hell for sure by that point.

Considering that the next sense that came to him was sound, which delivered a harsh high pitched voice to his aching brain. Hell seemed like a very likely option.

"We need to remove the mask!" A loud shrill voice originating somewhere to his left and growing all too closer. "He could have trauma elsewhere.

Masquerade nearly bit his tongue, he wished he could move his limbs just so he could cover his ears from the audio assault that voice delivered to him. God who the hell was that? Wait, mask. NO! No one touched the mask. He wouldn't let them!

With the threat of his identity being revealed Masquerade tried to push himself into consciousness. But the rush of willpower was quickly met with an agonizing bolt of pain that made Masquerade let out a hiss and his hands moved up on their own accord to the grip the sides of his head.

Why, why did his head hurt so much?! Was it just one too many conscussions? But he didn't recall hitting his head again. What happened-

He felt hands reach for the mask and tug at the glass making him instinctively tighten his grip. But he was in so much pain his grip was weak and he could vaguely feel someone prying his hands off his mask and begin to tug the mask away. He could feel the band beginning to slide upwards and the feel of the glass against his face beginning to fade.

"No!" He rasped weakly, not fully sure he'd said it out loud or in his head. But it did little as his last line of defense continued to be brutally ripped away.

It was then he heard a loud bang, a lot like a door making contact with a wall after being thrown open.

"What the heck do you think you're doing!" A very familiar voice shouted growing louder and clearer as its owner rushed to Masquerade's side. Masquerade heaved a sigh of relief as the prying hands let go of his mask and his mask was fixed back into place. "Leave the mask be!"

"Who do you think you are barging in here!" The shrill voice countered. "We need to check for trauma."

"It's a head injury!" The familiar voice snapped. Masquerade recognized it as a female voice and that it was familiar, very familiar but the name was escaping him at the moment. Along with a lot of things. Oh how his head HURT. "What do you need to go looking at his face for?!"

The other voice spluttered and Masquerade heard the faint click of heels as his 'assailant' took a few steps back.

"That was exactly what I was trying to get at!" Another voice. How'd he miss that? "But she wouldn't listen to me!" Okay seriously, now would be a good time to get his eyes to work or his mouth.

"Neither of you should be here! You're not next of kin!" The assailant snapped so loud it made Masquerade cringe.

"I am, I'm Jet Raynet, me and Jenny brought him in yesterday!" Jet? retorted. "He has no next of kin!"

"How do you know that!" The assailant shot back.

The voices continued to argue and grow in volume until Masquerade was forced to grip the sides of his head tighter practically curling up into his side the sounds painfully pounding against his brain.

Oh god just make it stop! It hurt so much. Just-just

"Just shut the hell up already!" Masquerade snapped his voice sounding hoarse and a jagged bit of pain bit into his mind but he ignored it as his outburst had effectively silenced the room.

It was also then he noticed that when he'd burst out he'd shot up on the bed and was now glaring at 3 blurry shapes. So he could see somewhat again, wonderful.

"Masquerade!" Jet said sounding relieved though her voice was much quieter now as she went over to him and threw her arms around him making the masked brawler grunt. Blinking the boy slowly tilted his head to look down at her. Blinking rapidly to try and get the image to come up clearer.

"Agh, you're blurry still. Jet..." He muttered shaking his head slowly Jet pulling back immediately.

"Oh I'm sorry, was that too hard?" She asked him her hands still placed gently on his shoulders. Which he now noted since he could feel her rather small hands there, he realized that not only was his coat gone, but his breast plate as well.

Masquerade snorted. "No, no I'm fine. I'm…" He trailed off as his vision cleared and he could see Jet clearly now. The girl's hair was messy a couple of hairs at the top of her head standing straight up. The girls pale face was flushed to the point it was still fairly red. But considering that she had just been in a shouting match with, a glance in the direction of where he'd last heard his assailant's voice revealed a shrewd blond woman with a pinched expression on her face dressed in a nurse outfit. He felt bad for Jet and probably Jenny or Julie (he couldn't see who it was because they were too far out of his peripheral vision but it had to be one of the two as they'd be the only other two girls who'd support Jet in keeping his identity secret). Anyways irrelevant people aside Masquerade focused on Jet who was looking at him slightly concerned bright blue eyes fixed on him and head tilted slightly studying him. He watched as her eyebrows furrowed and she pursed her lips.

"Masquerade?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Masquerade said.

"I can't tell for sure but I'm pretty sure you're staring." Jet said removing her hands and placing them on her hips. Masquerade followed her hands noting the distinct lack of her purple hooded jacket, leaving her in just her white and purple shirt, which showed off her fairly decent figure. She wasn't thin or have a perfect hourglass figure, but she wasn't ridiculously heavy either. She was just… in the middle. Like she was in a lot of things actually…

"Is he okay?" Jenny asked coming over to Jet who brought a hand to her chin tapping it thoughtfully.

"I'm fine." Masquerade said coolly turning to Jenny fighting back a wince as a twinge of pain erupted in his head. It seemed that unlike last time where he was relatively painless after waking up in the hospital and attacking mike whatever had happened this time had some… lingering side effects.

"Well if he's fine then you." Jet said turning her attention on the unwanted intruder in the room, narrowing her eyes. "Can leave,"

"What! But I need to check him over!" The nurse spluttered looking like she was just a moment from stamping her foot. "If I don't he can't be cleared to leave."

Jet scowled. "That wasn't a request, you're disturbing the patient." She said before she glanced at Masquerade raising an eyebrow.

Tilting his head before Masquerade smirked slightly at Jet, though he wiped his face of any expression as he addressed the nurse turning his head only slightly towards her. "You're voice is particularly grating, and I fear your presence worsens my condition." Masquerade said in a deadpan which made Jet smile slightly. Nodding in approval the girl turned to look smugly at the nurse.

"You heard him, out. We'll send for a doctor if we need help." Jet said making a shooing gesture with her hands.

The nurse scoffed as she grabbed her clipboard that was on one of the bedside tables and hurried out shooting a dirty look at Jet and Jenny as she went.

Jet heaved a sigh of relief. "Geez, what is it with all these assholes these days, first Bird brain and now bitchy nurses, what's next?" She said shaking her head before turning to Masquerade. "All right so out with it, what happened?" She asked frowning slightly. "I let you get away and you come back barely 24 hours later with another head injury, although apparently much worse," She said.

Masquerade frowned tilting his head. "How so?"

"You were bleeding from your nose." Jet said studying his face. "And since you're wearing your mask without pain and it doesn't look broken its likely because of brain injury." Jet put her hands on her hips. "What the hell were you doing to make things worse! I thought you were going to rest!"

Masquerade scowled. "Believe me I wanted to! But Naga gave his orders, that I had to…" He screwed up his face hissing as a spasm of pain made him reach up to grab at his head. Jet reacting and reaching for him as Masquerade sat down on his bed.

"Should I call for a doctor?" Jenny asked tentatively moving towards the door.

"No!" Masquerade bit out. "No Doctors, not now, it'll pass." He said glaring at the pop star. The girl hesitated looking to Jet who shrugged.

"He's going to throw a fit if we bring a doctor in we're best off trying to find out what happened, then I'll leave him to the doctor." Jet said ignoring Masquerade's dirty look in her direction. "Anyways, what did Naga say you had to do?" Jet urged reaching out a hand to touch his arm.

Masquerade frowned trying to think without inciting too much agony in his head. Scowling he shut his eyes tight and fought to find it immediately receiving a bolt of pain that made him cringe for his trouble.

"I can't remember." He said at last shaking his head.

"Well it must've been severe." A voice commented popping out of Jet's pocket, Masquerade blinking as a bakugan flew up to Jet's shoulder. "Me and Reaper went through all your stuff and found your hydranoid's missing."

Masquerade gaped at the bakugan his eyes widening. Then Jet sighed and shook her head.

"Drat so much for asking him what happened." Jet muttered before she turned to Masquerade raising an eyebrow. "You look like you've just seen a ghost, or something like that, what's the deal?"

"Your bakugan is talking." Masquerade said simply gesturing to Skylord. "And you aren't reacting at all."

Jet blinked and tilted her head exchanging a confused look with Jenny who looked worried. "Um yeah bakugan talk, your hydranoid talks, heck I even have Reaper who was yours and he talks. Right?" When she saw Masquerade's expression not change at all. "Reaper, come here." She said as the bakugan sighed and popped open and flew up.

"I don't see why I have to help, you know I hate him," Reaper grumbled glaring at Masquerade.

Masquerade however was shaking his head slowly. "Okay, maybe I haven't woken up at all." He muttered.

Jet face palmed. "Oh god," The girl moaned waving her hand at Jenny. "Go get a doctor Masky's somehow forgot about bakugan talking, I mean you're the one who tells Dan that bakugan is more than a game!"

Masquerade scowled as Jenny nodded her head and hastily ran out of the room in search of a doctor. "You're sending out to get a doctor to check my head when I find it odd that the plastic toys are talking?" He said. "I'd think not finding it odd would be crazy." He grumbled folding his arms across his chest. "Then again I can hear them, so maybe I am losing it."

Jet growled and stamped her foot. "I am not a figment of your imagination."

Masquerade tilted his head. "Hmm, well it's a possibility if you think about it. You care about me, maybe even love me despite all the bad I did. Perhaps you are something my lonely mind produced and that I've convinced is rea-"

He trailed off as Jet drew back her fist and socked him in the gut. Masquerade gasped as he doubled over wheezing clutching at his stomach.

Jet glowered down at him eyes narrowed blue eyes blazing. "Was that a figment of your imagination?" She said cracking her knuckles. "Cause even though I can't smack you upside the head. I can still kick you. And trust me if I kick you it'll hurt." Jet said and Masquerade growled gritting his teeth.

"That was unnecessary." Masquerade grumbled rubbing his stomach as he straightened up. "Noe I've got to wonder if maybe I'm the sane one and you're the crazy one."

Jet grumbled and rolled her eyes. "Do you accept that this is reality and this is not going on in your head." She asked as she stepped back folding her arms across her chest her two bakugan setting down on her shoulders.

Masquerade sighed still rubbing his tender stomach, now he knew why he'd worn his breast plate. "I guess. I mean that did hurt, and after spending so long under with no pain seems weird to still be unconscious and feeling pain. So yes, I guess this is reality." He said frowning. "Although its insane." He muttered.

Jet sighed. "Guess it'll have to do." She said. "Anyways, why are you bellyaching over my bakugan talking," Suddenly a thought dawned on her and her eyes widened and she jabbed a finger at him "Heck you even mentioned Naga! How do you explain away that talking bakugan!"

Masquerade paused at that. He considered her words, as he tried to picture Naga in his head. His mind summoned the image of a creepy green goblin like creature with ugly hair and he tried to connect Naga's name to it but as he thought about it he realized it didn't match up. The creepy monster wasn't Naga he was someone else… Hal-G! Yes yes that was Hal-G, then who was Naga.

Masquerade screwed up his face as he tilted his head back and thought hard tapping his fingers against the matress.

"Is he okay?" Skylord asked not too quietly breaking Masquerade's concentration.

"Hush Sky, he's thinking." Jet said frowning.

Masquerade shot Jet and Skylord a glare before fixing his gaze on the ceiling. He could feel a headache on the edge of his mind but he ignored it. He had to figure this out first.

Naga, Naga who was Naga. He thought of every instant he'd spoken with Naga.

'Masquerade has already explained why the Dragonoid continues to live.'

Masquerade frowned as he recalled the line. At first the voice seemed odd but then it clicked to him that it was indeed Naga's voice. But the voice was too harsh to be human. But if he wasn't that goblin creature.

Pain skyrocketed through Masquerade's head making the blond cry out in pain grabbing at his head as images raced through his head. Clutching at his skull, images of a scaly bone dragon floating in front of him speaking to him, using mind control upon a group of 5 kids, Naga banishing two other talking bakugan to the doom dimension.

But although the images and memories came through the pain was a constant too. It made the blond double over screwing his eyes shut clutching at the sides of his mask. The pain was like waves, they'd smack into his head, recede for a moment and then hit him again and again seemingly getting worse and worse.

Masquerade bit back a cry of agony. Then he felt something warm wrap around him enveloping his side. Masquerade tilted his head and bumped against something soft.

"Its okay," Jet mumbled, "I'm here." She said as she wrapped her arms around him. "Just let it flow." She murmured.

Masquerade winced reaching out a shaky arm to grab onto Jet's shoulder as the pain continued to run through him.

Jet didn't move away or protest his actions she just remained there steadfastly and unmoved.

Several minutes passed with Jet hugging Masquerade tightly letting him rest his cheek against the top of her head his breath rustling her thin golden brown hair. She didn't complain as the hand on his shoulder tightened and dug into the skin and muscle as pain went through him. She just stood there supporting him.

Masquerade heaved a sigh. "I feel all right, you-you were right, Naga is a talking bakugan and… I don't know… But it was just like…" He frowned as he looked at Skylord. "Like I was stuck between thinking bakugan were just toys and I just wanted to be the best like I had in the past," He grimaced. "But at the same time I knew I was Masquerade who served Naga an evil bakugan who wanted me to send bakugan to the doom dimension. And that I knew bakugan were living entities."

Jet frowned. "You thought Bakugan were toys like you had in the past, like you half forgot what you knew?" She said and Masquerade could feel her tense.

"I guess so why?"

Jet winced pulling back. "I think I have an idea of what happened now." She muttered. "Does the name Chamelia ring a bell?" She asked.

Masquerade's eyes widened as he remembered Naga ordering him after it just yesterday. "Yes! Yes! That was my target. Apparently there was another one he wanted me to get rid of." He said snapping his fingers. "I went there and-and…" He trailed off.

"And?" Jet urged moving to stand in front of him looking at him in the face.

"And…" Masquerade grabbed at the side of his head. "I can't remember…" He muttered. "Its all a big blank."

Jet frowned. "Well that's not good. But it's a good thing I have an idea what may have happened." She said moving towards the bedside table and retrieving a card case and handful of darkus bakugan. "Once the Doctor's cleared you we're going to have to go on a hunt."

Masquerade tilted his head as he took his gear from her attaching the bakugan to his belt, picking up his card case and opening it intending to make sure he had all his cards. "Hunt after what?"

"I'll explain once we're out, I want to make sure you're up for the amount of info I'll dump on you." Jet said folding her arms across her chest as she walked over to the window tapping her toe softly on the ground.

Masquerade scoffed. "I'm not made of glass you know, I can handle it." He muttered as he pulled out his cards and his eyes widened as he went through the cards until he was all the way through his 'deck' "Is this some kind of joke!" The masked blond snapped suddenly throwing the cards down onto the bed and rising to his feet rounding on Jet.

Jet turned blinking in surprise. "What? What's a joke."

"These!" Masquerade snapped holding up a handful of the cards. "I can't read them at all! They're written in some kind of foreign language I can't make heads or tails of! What have you done with my stuff!" He snarled advancing towards her. Jet's eyes wide.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about! No one touched your cards!" Jet cried as Masquerade grabbed her by the biceps and pushed her back against the wall. "Hey! Back off!" Jet cried eyes widening as Masquerade leaned over her scowling mask glinting dangerously.

"Then explain to me why can't I read it!" He snapped shoving the cards in Jet's face.

Jet blinked giving them a once over. "They're third judgement, Dimension 4, and Joker's wild! What are you on about?! I can read them just fine!" She said shoving him back. "Jeez calm down!" She drew back eyes narrowed distrustfully. "I'm trying to help you! Why are you attacking me."

Masquerade scowled working his jaw as he looked down at the 3 cards he held flipping and turning them over in his hands. No matter how he looked at them he couldn't make heads or tails out of what they said.

"Give me one of your ability cards." He snapped holding out a hand for Jet's card.

Jet gave him a glare crossing her arms across her chest. "Why should I! You attacked me!" She retorted edging back and jerking her head away from him. "I'm waiting for the doctor to get back before I try to talk to you."

Masquerade heaved a heavy sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm-I'm sorry, its this isn't something I'm used to okay Jet? Just please let me see one of your cards." He reached a hand towards her.

Jet turned to look at him eyeing him a moment. Before she huffed and reached into her belt withdrawing a card. She glanced at it to find out what it said before she handed it to him.

Masquerade nodded as he took the card and examined it. His mouth ran dry. Just like his cards, he couldn't make heads or tails of what the card was telling him.

"I-I can't read it." Masquerade said quietly making Jet gape at him.

"But that's aftershock, its just one word at the top and an explanation at the bottom." Jet said taking the card from him and holding it in front of him pointing at a mishmash of symbols at the top. "That says Aftershock." She says before she points to lines of symbols that Masquerade doesn't even know where to begin to try and comprehend it. "And it explains here how it works…" She trailed off eyes wide with horror as Masquerade clenched his fists and turned away. "You really can't read it?"

"I can't…." Masquerade said quietly. "I can't read it at all! Damn it all!" Masquerade snarled punching a nearby wall.

"But how are you going to-" She asked reaching a hand to cover her mouth.

Masquerade raised his head and looked at her his throat tightening.

"How the hell am I going to brawl?" He whispered to her.


A/N Okay really rough start, forgive me guys.

Uh oh Masquerade can't brawl anymore! Oh NOES! 0.0

Anyways I know its not the greatest so sorry bout that. I hope it was enjoyable anyways.

So tell me what you guys think, if you want me to continue or if you don't like it.

I'm hoping to keep this from getting too long but it all depends on how it goes.

Which will make me sad because I thought this was a good idea.

But anyways you know the drill REVIEW tell me what you think about it.

I really really want to know.