Puppet Wielding Alchemist

People you cant keep a good author down so here it is my beloved puppet master fic

I only own my stories


Naruto was in his workshop staring at his newest bijuu puppet, the nine tails, Zabuza had been successful in his endeavors to collect nine giant foxes for the purpose of making an organic bijuu puppet, now the only issue was finding a way around sealing the Kyuubi into the puppet while still having access to its chakra. Silently thinking he came up with no safe outcome until he could fiddle around with the formulas needed for bijuu transfer.

Naruto so deep in his work after completing his puppets he never noticed Zabuza come up behind him so when he turned around and saw the burning red eyes of the ex demon of the mist he was scared out of his wits.

"Waaaah, Zabuza what are you doing here" asked Naruto waiting for his heart to regain its normal pace

"Emperor, I have been wondering how your work with your Kage puppets are going and I also have some pleasing information for you" announced Zabuza kneeling

"I have finished with all three of the past Hokage, and the others have come along nicely. My bijuu are completed and I am now met with the issue of surviving an extraction of my own bijuu, now what information do you have that would be pleasing" asked Naruto with interest showing in his red eyes

"The Hokage's Anbu have returned with the bodies of many of the dead clans of Kirigakure, but that is not the pleasing information I have for you. I took the initiative and returned to my old village and recovered all the scrolls I could on clan techniques and found some interesting scrolls detailing an important location to me" reported Zabuza and you could see the glee in his glowing red eyes

"What is so important about this location" asked Naruto with interest clear in his voice

"Burial grounds of the Mizukage" announced Zabuza who received a smile for his effort and couldn't help the pride that swelled within him, silently he wondered if this was what it was like to serve a greater purpose.

"Excellent job Zabuza, you have earned a field promotion after all the hard work you have done. Congratulations on your new position General" said Naruto still going with the whole empire thing, he still wondered how that rumor even started.

"Haku" called Naruto and the smaller suit of armor appeared

"Yes Emperor" asked Haku also kneeling

"I would like for you to look over the scrolls Zabuza has recovered and go to the burial place of the Mizukage, recover their bodies and bring them here" ordered Naruto

"It will be done" said Haku before disappearing in a icy mist

"So it seems I need to report to the Hokage to collect what's mine" said Naruto aloud

Zabuza merely sat there basking in the happiness of being general.

Naruto stepped out of his workshop and wandered out of the forest he was residing in and began his trek to the Hokage's office.


Naruto walking through the streets was being cheered and applauded on his take down of a bijuu and single handedly at that, he threw smiles at everyone and still sported the plate from his headband that said puppet master but his armor now read puppet emperor. The people were cheering and kids were running up to get his autograph which he signed and gave inspiring words which just won more people over.

Finally making it to the Hokage's office Naruto walked through the door to see Minato using shadow clones to complete his paperwork while he was talking with the Anbu commander.

"Any luck finding his workshop" asked Minato apparently not noticing the rusty red head standing right there

"No Hokage-sama, but why do we need to find Naruto-sans workshop. He is a hero of the village and from what I can understand he isn't even a ninja of the village, he is just a mercenary that resides here and you falsified his payment" asked the Anbu commander

"I need him apart of the Shinobi forces, that is why I need to know where his workshop is. I will blackmail him into being a ninja if I have to but he is too valuable an asset to not be attached to the village" said Minato

"Well looks like Orochimaru wasn't the only snake of the leaf, well I guess your not really a snake just a warty old toad who doesn't know when to quit" said Naruto alerting the two to his presence

"Naruto I am glad you're here" said Minato trying to play off Naruto hearing his plan

"Yes my informants reported that the Anbu had finished their job faster than any expectations I had which is rather impressive considering how high my standards are for the elite of the elite are. Now then where are the bodies I have asked for" asked Naruto with a hungry look coming to his eyes

"Thank you for your kind words Naruto-san, also here are the bodies that you asked for. You will be rather happy about how many are in this scroll, I made sure my unit grabbed all they could as a show of gratitude for what you did for this village and we hope to see you stay here" said the Anbu commander bowing and handing the scroll off to Naruto which got an annoyed look from Minato

"Please your giving me too much credit, I really don't deserve the leader of such an elite group bowing to me so please stand up and lets shake hands" said Naruto putting his hand out for a shake which the Anbu shook happily

"Also Naruto-san would you mind signing this autograph book for my kid, he saw your technique wrestle the ichibi from the shelter and was enamored by the show of power you had over the beast" asked the Anbu rubbing the back of his head sheepishly

"Of course, here you go" said Naruto handing the book back and turning to leave

"Naruto where are you going aren't you forgetting something" asked Minato a little put off at being ignored

"Not that I can think of, oh your right you also owe me some money for my help in the invasion" said Naruto

Minato sweat dropped and sulked at him just being a piggy bank for the kid.

"Here you go, also Mito has been looking for you and she has been getting more and more impatient also Menma wanted to train a bit with you in the Uzumaki arts but I explained to him you already completed what you were able to do out the Uzumaki arts and he said you would be able to help him train then" said Minato

"Sigh, Minato I honestly have too much on my plate but I suppose I can just have Zabuza take this to the shop for me" said Naruto activating a seal on his ring finger which brought Zabuza straight to him

"Emperor, what mission do you have for me" asked Zabuza at the ready

"Take these scrolls and deposit them in the workshop and begin patrolling the forest to make sure the workshop is not discovered" said Naruto making sure Minato could hear him

"FOR THE EMPIRE" said Zabuza before disappearing again

"Naruto what was that" demanded Minato

"What so you can destroy him too, if you hadn't been such a little priss about what I was doing in the first place I would have been able to reduce our casualties to nearly zero, so excuse me if I don't want to tell you anything you worse than scum traitor" said Naruto

"Naruto I'm sorry, really I am but it is still best if you come live with me and Kushina, Mito and Menma would beyond happy to have you around and besides they're looking for you right now as we speak" said Minato

"I honestly don't care what my bitch of a mother wants, she had her chance and said she didn't want me so here we are. Now if you'll excuse me I haven't eaten in four days" said Naruto stepping out of the office and going to his favorite ramen bar


Naruto sat down at the bar and ordered his usual which was placed in front of him rather quickly and a blushing Ayame was seen staring at him as he ate, while he was eating he sensed a chakra signature homing in on him. He continued eating until Saia was sitting next to him and staring at him as well.

"Hello Saia" said Naruto finishing his meal

"Naruto-sama, I was informed of what happened to your puppet collection" said Saia as she enjoyed being in the presence of the man she believed would bring back her other emotions as he had already brought back the feeling of love and happiness.

"I would assume it was root that informed you of my casualty list" stated Naruto

"Affirmative, I have formulated a plan to help you bolster your collection beyond what its former capabilities were" said Saia blushing at the intense stare Naruto was giving her

"Let us take this conversation to a more secluded location, how much do I owe" asked Naruto turning towards Ayame who blushed more intensely at those penetrating red orbs being on her

"Its on the house, after all its not everyday someone takes down a bijuu by wrestling it hahaha" laughed Teuchi walking from the back and noticing the state his daughter was in

"I appreciate the gesture, thank you" said Naruto kindly

"Saia come with me, and never reveal the location of where we are going" said Naruto as he and Saia began walking to his workshops hidden area

They walked through the woods in silence with Saia casting glances at him every few minutes when Naruto suddenly sent strings to several leaves around him and the became a purple color before they whipped out in several directions and Anbu fell to the ground paralyzed.

"I know Minato sent you all, be glad it was me that found you and not Zabuza. He would've butchered you all for the sport of it" announced Naruto before continuing his trek to his workshop with Saia not far behind.


Naruto and Saia sat down at his table in the living area of his workshop and Naruto stared at her waiting for her plan.

"Well Saia what is this plan you have" asked Naruto after a few minutes of waiting for Saia to speak

"Yes Naruto-sama, as I was saying root is still active and with your defeat of Danzo root was left leaderless and they are now on the brink of revolting against the village. I believe it would be in the best interest of the village and yourself if you added them to your collection. It would also be useful to you in the sense of the Scrolls and information kept in the base" said Saia getting lost in Naruto's slowly spinning Sharingan

"I see where you are going Saia and it would in fact help me restore my collection but if possible it would be better to recruit some of these root members, if it is not possible I will terminate all who stand before me" stated Naruto getting widened eyes from Saia at how far sighted Naruto was

"Naruto-sama you are truly a remarkable man and would be an amazing leader" said Saia blushing at the thoughts running through her head

"Saia I will need you to take me to the bases location" said Naruto with a tone of authority

"Yes Naruto-sama" said Saia grabbing Naruto's shoulder and shushining to the root base

Root base

Naruto stared at the entrance where two guards were well hidden but they had their necks slit before they could even move with a twitch of his finger and his modified chakra scalpel, Naruto followed Saia to the hidden door where she used her blood to open it.

"Saia here are some sealing scrolls seal up the two bodies out here and then make your way inside and seal up any other ones as you walkthrough" said Naruto as he sprinted inside until he came into a big room that had what looked like a stone chair at the head of it, standing in the room was the entirety of root.

"Hello root Shinobi, I am quite certain you know who I am so I will cut to the chase, I am here to take most of you back to my workshop to become puppets but I would like those who are talented in the medical arts but well balanced in the other Shinobi arts to come and join me so as to better serve Konoha seeing as Danzo has already fallen to me and become one of my puppets" said Naruto charismatically

The root Shinobi stared at Naruto for a few minutes without a word being said, nothing was happening until five of the root jumped at him before the others followed as well.

"So be it" said Naruto before strings erupted from all over his body and latched on to every root member

"See how easy it was for me to have you all under my control, you could have lived and learned what it was like to be human again but it is too late for you all so come and let me show you what one with the knowledge of the ancients can do" said Naruto before he released them and transmuted a sword

The first dozen root fell with their throats slit with the last one having the blade lodged in their throat, Naruto then stood in a boxing stance and waited for the next group to come at him while he never noticed the dozen or so root moving toward the back of the room. Naruto was already in a punching fury, his target was the trachea and with every punch he was building more power into his fists, he root Shinobi were sending kicks and flurries of punches at him and he just took every attack as if he didn't even feel it.

After seeing his defense against regular attack the remaining root drew their weapons and either charged or flung them not caring if their own comrades were in the way or not but that showed to be a mistake when the weapons either bounced off of him or broke on impact with him. It was at this point that his armor fell to the ground around him showing blackened skin underneath which even caught Naruto by surprise.

Naruto looked around while the root had paused to examine their opponent, he noticed that the root left alive were probably the ten in front of him and the twelve or so at the back of the room but they hadn't attacked him once during this whole endeavor, sighing Naruto clapped his hands together and then grabbed a battery he had on him for this very purpose.

The root looked at him strangely and were soon seeing nothing as lightning fried their hearts, Naruto dropped the now dead battery and waited for Saia to catch up and seal up his new materials while he spoke with what he assumed were his new workers but something about these few gave him a migraine just feeling their chakra.

"Remove your masks and swear your loyalty to me and me alone otherwise you shall wind up the same as the rest" said Naruto getting immediately getting to the point

"Yes Naruto-sama" they said in unison and Naruto felt like blowing himself up, girls, all of them were girls and if Saia was anything to go by then these girls would be a lot of trouble

They removed their masks and kneeled before Naruto swearing their loyalty, Naruto acted fast and placed his mark on each one of them with his chakra string burning into their skin to make it permanent.

"Naruto-sama I am happy you are alive" came Saia's voice

"Saia-chan" asked the girls once again at the same time

"Saia you set me up" stated Naruto, it wasn't a question, it was a fact and from the fake smile on her face he knew his theory to be true

"This is the man I told you about, he has already began bringing my emotions back and he is also very kind when he wants to be" said Saia walking up to her friends and gossiping

"Saia you and your gal pals can start sealing up the bodies but I want you all to split up into three groups. Group one will take care of my new materials, group two will seal up any scrolls or information here, group three will seal up everything else in this base and Saia will show you how to get to my workshop. After you have finished these tasks I want you to destroy this building but make sure everything in here is collected and brought to me" commanded Naruto before he turned around to get head back to his workshop but Saia ran up and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him

"Naruto-sama you know you can order us to do anything you want now" said Saia with a blush which was matched by the other girls who nodded a few of them grew small perverted smiles on their faces

"I am going home, I will make enough room for you all to stay there, I expect complete loyalty and obedience within reason" said Naruto as he walked out of the building and returned to his workshop


Naruto immediately began expanding his home underground which meant his work area had been renovated and put lower in the ground while he expanded where his work area used to be, it didn't take that long but with Zabuza promising to set everything up he made his way into the village to hopefully get his mind on other things. He had to think about what was he going to do now that he had finished his first big mission, he still had to find a way to collect the other bijuu and remove his own, his father was still out there and doing what he does best, there were rumors of an organization of the strongest Shinobi around gathering the bijuu and his father happened to be part of it, the snake was still out there waiting for him too.

Naruto truly did have too much on his plate but he had to some training to do before he could go after them and before that he would need the funds to just travel around, he had to think of something and his head was already getting a migraine from all the ridiculousness he had to deal with and it wasn't even noon.

Naruto walked around the village pondering his options, nothing had come to mind yet at least not a reasonable method. He could transmute precious metals and stones but that would send the price down and ruin businesses across the village. He knew there had to be something he could do, it was at that moment he realized what he had just been doing. Root had funds to keep their operation up and running so he could use those funds to finance his trip.

Naruto with one less thing on his plate began thinking of something else he could do, at least until a certain Uchiha decided to rear his head.

"Naruto Uzumaki I must ask that you come with me" said none other than Itachi standing with his partner Kisame

"I'm afraid that I must decline, I have a hot date with your sister and lets just say I'm not going to be gentle" responded Naruto getting a glare from Itachi

"So be it, I was hoping we could do this peacefully, Tsukyomi" announced Itachi


"Welcome to Tsukyomi, here I am god" began Itachi staring at Naruto pinned on to a cross.

"Well then allow me to change that" said Naruto before he looked up revealing Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan in his sockets causing Itachi to be taken off guard.

"Tsukyomi" was all Naruto said

Naruto's Tsukiyomi

"Now welcome to Tsukiyomi, where I am god" said Naruto mimicking Itachi's earlier statement

"How do you have those eyes" demanded Itachi as he tried to escape the illusion but his efforts proved futile.

"Now Itachi don't you know eternal Mangekyo beats Mangekyo" announced Naruto as puppets rose from the ground and held Itachi in place.

"Welcome to puppet world, it is beautiful isn't it, a world where you can witness such art in every aspect of its glory" asked Naruto as he walked towards Itachi

"Now we are going to have a long talk and by talk I mean I am going to file through every bit of information inside of that cocky little head of yours and turn your worst nightmares against you but while I'm doing that I will give you something to occupy yourself" said Naruto as more and more puppets rose from the ground and at the forefront was Itachi's greatest regret.

"Itachi, I thought you were going to bring peace to our clan, to this war torn world of ours. How could you have fallen so far" said Shisui

"I wont fall for such a petty trick" said Itachi with a smirk

"Oh then I guess I will kick it up a notch" said Naruto as Sasuki rose from the ground.

"Nii-chan, h-help me" said Sasuki as the puppets began to converge on her stabbing her over and over again.

"Sasuki, no this isn't real" said Itachi shaking his head

"Oh Sasuki-chan what lovely eyes you have" came the voice of Orochimaru as he walked towards the bleeding Sasuki

"Stay away from her" yelled Itachi struggling against the puppets holding him.

"AHHHHHHHHH" screamed Sasuki as Orochimaru began converging on her body, she began convulsing before she got up.

"S-Sasuki are you okay" asked Itachi in concern

"Oh were you worried…. Itachi-kun" said Sasuki looking up revealing the facial marking of the snake.

"Sasuki, no, Sasuki. I failed" said Itachi as he stopped struggling and he looked broken, forgetting the illusion after witnessing the one he cared for the most being destroyed.

"So that's where the tailed beasts are, oh my so many interesting facts inside this head of yours Itachi, naughty, naughty. Keeping such juicy secrets to yourself, oh another Uchiha is alive. So interesting, well I am done with you now so sleep" ordered Naruto

Real world

"Sasuki" yelled Itachi before falling forward unconscious.

"You beat Itachi's illusion" stated Kisame with a bit of swear rolling down his face.

"Easily at that but I have something special for you, an old friend if you will" said Naruto with a cruel smile

"Tell me have you heard of my empire" asked Naruto

"What empire" asked Kisame sweating

"THE GREAT PUPPET EMPIRE" yelled Zabuza making the scene, he stopped when he saw a familiar face.

"Kisame, it has been awhile hasn't it" said Zabuza staring down his old comrade

"Z-Zabuza, your supposed to be dead" said Kisame freaking out at the sight of the confirmed kill.

"Oh and for a little bonus" said Naruto unsealing Zabuza's corpse, Kisame was now ready to run.

"No, your dead, this is some kind of genjutsu" said Kisame flaring his chakra alerting the Anbu and other Shinobi of the situation.

"This is no illusion fish face, you know my emperor could make good use of your corpse. That sword of yours too" said Zabuza as he and the puppet began circling Kisame with a predator like gleam in his eyes.

"Sasori is supposed to be the only one who can make corpse puppets" said Kisame in shock at the revelation.

"Tell me how is dear old dad anyways" asked Naruto thoroughly freaking out Kisame who turned to Naruto at the revelation only to receive a slash to his back.

"Impossible, he doesn't have a kid" shouted Kisame as Minato and the Jonin made the scene.

"You can thank the snake for my conception and birth. Now who is in charge who is the Madara imposter and who is the man with the Rinnegan" demanded Naruto displaying the knowledge he ripped from Itachi's head.

"What kind of monster are you" demanded Kisame brandishing Samehada only to have both legs knocked from underneath him before he was pinned using the twin Kubikiribocho.

"That's not nice especially when you look like the freak of nature, I mean really are those gills on your face" said Naruto as he started walking forward his Sharingan spinning maniacally.

"I am so happy to have you, well your corpse at least join the family. Now you will become permanent" said Naruto as a chakra scalpel formed in his hands

"Say hi to all my other victims for me, okay fish" said Naruto as he was about to slit his throat only for him to launch to blades pinning him away Zabuza reacted fast and caught his sword and the puppets before he brandished one in each hand.

"Kisame I have been waiting to kill you, and to make this more enjoyable I am going to use both of my swords to flay your ass" said Zabuza as a heavy mist began pouring in from nowhere as Zabuza's laughter filled the area.

"Once upon a time" began Zabuza

"There was a man who cared for no one but himself, he killed everyone that challenged him" said Zabuza

Kisame felt a presence behind him turning around he saw the glowing red eyes of Zabuza, swinging his sword he hit a simple illusion.

"This man had become so deranged and demented that people had labeled him a demon" continued Zabuza as Kisame felt a slash across his chest.

"A demon that resided in the mist, they said that he had slain so many that the mist he resided in had been stained red from his victims blood" said Zabuza as another slash appeared on Kisame's back making his arms go lax.

"Dammit you coward, show yourself and fight me like a swordsman" shouted Kisame.

"Well the demon had found a greater purpose in life after years of killing for none. For this greater purpose the demon had given its very body so as to strengthen its master, but I forgot something. Like I said this demon killed any who stood before him" called Zabuza as his voice echoed.

"Even his own allies" said Zabuza appearing in front of Kisame slashing his chest in an x formation.

As Zabuza finished the mist disappeared and laying on the ground dead was Kisame and beside him was his beloved sword Samehada, looking over Itachi was gone but Naruto had gained a new puppet and with the puppet came Naruto's solution for his father, the snake, and the Akatsuki.

"I am going to kill them off one by one using their own allies, I am going to become the thing that haunts their dreams, they will rue the day they decided to make me their target" said Naruto as he began walking towards his workshop with Zabuza in tow.

"Zabuza lets begin preparations to take on the world, any who stands in my way will become apart of our empire" said Naruto ignoring the gaping faces of those who had been witnessing the scene.