Disclaimer: Don't own Merlin.
A/N1: AU, BAMF/cheeky-as-fuck Merlin.
A/N2: I will be updating the Master And… Series. I just am figuring out some details before. So to tide over my readers, I have written this little threeshot. Hope you like!
There were a lot of reasons why Merlin had never left Ealdor, his magic was only one of them. The people of Ealdor knew about it, and Essetir favored magic, and he knew that he'd be fine while in its borders. Another reason why Merlin hadn't left had been his mother. He was her only child, and that while she tried not to show it, she needed him. She had tried sending him to Camelot once upon a time ago (aka last year), but he'd put his foot down. There was no way that he'd go and leave his mother alone when there were bandits like Kanen still out there terrorizing everyone. Then again, Kanen's army hadn't bothered Ealdor, not since the attack after Merlin's sixteenth birthday in which he'd hit Hunith. Merlin hadn't forgiven that, and the brigands had hardly made it out of the small village with their lives. They'd been seen around the villages close to Ealdor, had continued terrorizing the surrounding area, but they never even rode within sight of Ealdor again.
The people of Ealdor had been somewhat wary of Merlin's powers before that incident, but afterwards they'd welcomed the powerful boy with open arms, fully trusting finally that he wouldn't use his magic to hurt them and instead protect them. Since that attack Ealdor began to prosper now that it didn't have Kanen and his army taking their money and crops, and the people were happy, less afraid. Ealdor wasn't a bad place to live in, and Merlin soon forgot about his mother's desire to send him to Camelot. He honestly didn't understand that desire and didn't want to follow her wishes, even if only on this subject. Why would he leave all this and go to a place that executed people like him?
Merlin found himself the unofficial protector of Ealdor, and the town prospered without any help or attention from Cenred or the rest of Essetir. They almost seemed like their own little independent realm within the kingdom, the only proof that they actually belonged to Essetir were the taxes they paid annually. They had their own governing system, their own defense (which, to be honest, was just Merlin) and their own rules.
Wars happened around them and they didn't pay them any mind, it had nothing to do with them. Life in Ealdor was all about Ealdor and its people, as it should be. And that was why, when new people arrived in Ealdor, it was a big deal, and the people treated the newcomers with extreme suspicion.
Gwaine and Lancelot had caused quite the stir when they'd arrived (at separate times) and decided to stay. Most of the villagers hadn't mingled with them, had quite ostracized them, until the two men proved their worth (and quite a couple of the women fell in love with them). Now they were an accepted part of the community, and the cause of much entertainment considering the fights the women had over them. Scandalous, the villagers would whisper, and yet would live for each and every scandalous happening.
Now, though, neither Gwaine nor Lancelot were the ones the villagers had their eyes on.
"I tell you, there is something off about those newcomers." Will narrowed his eyes as he watched the house of the group who'd moved in a week or so ago. A family, they'd called themselves, but none of them truly looked related and their ages were very close. How exactly they were related no one knew for sure, and they were being secretive enough to have people asking, whispering, coming up with conclusions of their own. "I do not trust them."
"You do not trust anyone." Merlin nevertheless looked up from where he was reading a book and gazed at the two girls that formed part of the new "family". One girl was fair skinned with raven locks and clear eyes, the other dark skinned and haired, with honey-brown eyes. "Say what you want about them, but I would think that you would enjoy the view."
Will scoffed before he sent them a little covert look. "They are not… hard… on the eyes."
Rolling his eyes, Merlin nodded in the girls' direction when they caught his eye.
They nodded to him and continued on their way, whispering to each other.
"Stop fraternizing with the enemy," Will pouted.
"They are not the enemy." Sometimes his friend was horribly melodramatic for his own good. "They are pretty girls."
Will watched them go before he cleared his throat and returned his gaze to Merlin. "What about the guys? Huh?"
Okay, he would give Will that. The three men, Arthur, Elyan and Leon, were all suspicious in their own ways. Elyan because he hardly spoke a word to anyone, Leon because he was such a subservient person to Arthur, and Arthur had to be the most arrogant prat Merlin had ever met. If it wasn't for the fact that they'd moved to Ealdor with Gauis (Merlin was still trying to understand how they were related to each other and to him), and Gaius had been Hunith's tutor whom she trusted and vouched for, well, Merlin didn't think the village would've put up with these newcomers.
Speaking of the newcomers, Merlin cocked his head to the side as he watched Arthur emerge from the hut that the group were sharing. It was far too small for the number of people under its roof, and while usually the village would get together to help build a new section of a home for a growing family in their community, the village had yet to truly accept these newcomers as a part of their community, so they stayed idly by and did not help. Will wasn't the only one who felt this group had secrets, and in a place like Ealdor secrets were not seen in a favorable light.
"What if they are spies from Cenred?" Will turned to Merlin. "What if he has heard about how we are prospering and has sent these people here to spy on us and figure out our secret to success?" He looked genuinely worried. "They might take you away, Merlin."
"Will, they're from Camelot, not the capital."
Will pursed his lips. "Makes them even more suspicious if you ask me. Why are they here? Why jump ship?"
"Well, we are not at war like Camelot is." Merlin gave a shrug of his shoulders. "The royal family were overthrown, remember? Camelot is in an upheaval. It makes sense that its people would try and relocate somewhere where there is no conflict."
Will appeared quite put out that Merlin had great answers to his questions. He loved conflict and intrigue. "You take the joy out my life, Merlin."
"I am sure I do." Patting Will on his back, Merlin left his best friend where he was and walked towards Arthur, who was struggling in an attempt to chop wood. It was as if he'd never done this act before, then again, if he was family to Gaius he'd probably had some fancy position in the Camelot castle before it fell. "You are doing it wrong."
Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I am not."
Seriously. This was the mouthiest brat he'd ever met. "Of course. You are doing it correctly. That is why you are not getting anywhere with the chopping."
Arthur flushed, both in anger and embarrassment. "So, oh great woodchopper, what am I doing wrong?"
"You are chopping it with the wrong part of the blade and aiming on the wrong part of the wood." Merlin held out his hand and received the axe the blonde reluctantly passed him. He demonstrated the precise way to do it, with the log of wood splitting in half. "Now you try."
Arthur frowned, grabbed another piece of wood, and positioned it as Merlin had showed him. He swung, hit the wood, and it split in half. A grin suddenly spread throughout his face as he turned to face Merlin. "See! I told you I knew how to do this!"
Despite it all Merlin felt amused as he eyed the sparkling-eyed blonde. "Of course."
Leon emerged from the house, his eyes wide in horror. "Your—Arthur." He cleared his throat. "I can do this."
"So can I." Arthur sent him a glare over his shoulder. "I can chop wood just like everyone else."
"Yes, but—." Leon tried but stopped when he saw that glare darken. "I—I will be inside."
Merlin watched him go, his curiosity as to Leon's personality ever-growing. "He is a protective… brother?"
"Leon is my cousin, not my brother." Arthur's gaze ventured to the split wood. "Morgana is my sister, and Elyan and Guinevere are also our cousins."
Ah, they were mostly cousins. This made it more believable.
"I envy you for the large family, it is only my mother and I." Merlin eyed Arthur thoughtfully, curiously, before he realized that Gwaine was stumbling around drunkenly despite the fact that it was the middle of the day. Arthur opened his mouth, but Merlin didn't notice, his attention already fixed on Gwaine. "Well, I shall leave you to it." With that he went to scold his friend and help him back to his hut to sleep off his drunken stupor.
"I am in love with the fair Guinevere."
Merlin looked up at the ever-sincere face of Lancelot and wondered why the young man thought he needed to actually tell Merlin this. It was more than obvious from the way Lancelot had started to help the new family, had ingratiated himself with the males, and had started to bring Guinevere flowers every single day. But it was also obvious that Lancelot thought it necessary to actually verbalize his feelings which were, for some reason, torturing him.
"She is such a rare flower, a kinder individual there is none other." Lancelot took a sip of his meade. "Who am I to think myself worthy of her favor?"
"She is an exceptionally nice girl, I agree, but I do not understand your feelings of inferiority." Merlin tilted his head to the side. "She is nothing but a common wench. She is not a princess or a queen. She would be lucky to have you love her." He took a sip of his own meade, but only a little. He did not have much of a tolerance for alcohol and things tended to get explosive when he became drunk. "It would also serve her family good as your tie to them would strengthen their stand in the villagers' eyes."
"Your people are a suspicious bunch," Lancelot admitted thoughtfully. "If I can win her favor, if her family would honor me by giving me their blessing to court her, I would be the luckiest man to have ever walked this earth."
There really wasn't anything to say to that, was there? Merlin merely smiled and clapped his friend on his shoulder.
Lancelot read the encouragement there and smiled. "Thank you Merlin."
"I have not done anything." Merlin leaned back in his seat. "But if yonder fair maiden has truly won your heart, and if you truly see yourself with her, then you have my approval and my support. If I can help in this endeavor in any way, please, let me know."
"Thank you." Lancelot looked over at the other table, where Elyan and Arthur drank by themselves, ostracized by the rest of the villagers, who merely watched them over their drinks. "If you could entertain Arthur while I speak to Elyan, I would be grateful."
Merlin turned his gaze over at the other table and was surprised to catch Arthur's gaze, before the blonde quickly looked away. "If I must."
Lancelot laughed and clapped his shoulder. "Come. Let us go."
Drink still in hand, Merlin was waylaid by a couple of the villagers and exchanged pleasantries with them before he and Lancelot finally reached the table. Lancelot asked Elyan if he could speak to him outside, and Elyan sent Arthur a little look before he nodded and left with Lancelot. Merlin plopped down on the seat Elyan had vacated and took another small sip of his meade before he sent Arthur another look to find the blonde studiously ignoring him.
Intrigued, Merlin rested his goblet on the table. "You till the soil incorrectly."
Arthur's mouth parted and he turned to look at Merthur in utter indignation. "I do not!"
"You do." Merlin took another sip and looked away.
Arthur's mouth opened and closed several times before he glared at Merlin. "How exactly am I tilling the soil incorrectly?"
"I am glad you asked." Merlin turned his cheeky smile on the blonde. "The way you hold the plow strains your back more than it has to. Also, most people actually use their oxen for that sort of work."
"We do not have oxen." Arthur delivered that line as if he were calling Merlin a simpleton.
"Which is why you can borrow ours." Merlin enjoyed Arthur's shock. "I will even show you how to harness them and plow correctly."
Arthur opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it once more. "I do not do it incorrectly."
"Of course not."
He cleared his throat. "But we would appreciate the use of your oxen."
"Of course you would."
Arthur glared at him.
Merlin merely smiled in amusement and looked up when Elyan and a beaming Lancelot arrived. He stood from Elyan's chair, nodded in Arthur's direction, and clapped Lancelot's back as they walked away, Lancelot excitedly telling him the good news.
"Is he planning on marrying her?"
Merlin looked up at Morgana and then followed her gaze to where Lancelot and Guinevere were smiling happily at each other.
"Because if he is only toying with her heart I will cut off his testicles with a very dull blade and feed them to the pigs." The look on her face promised that those were not mere words but that she would follow through with her threat. She intrigued him immensely.
"I was about to ask you the same about your cousin," Merlin admitted. "If she is only using him to keep from being bored, or to feed her ego, I would prefer to know now so as to save him unnecessary heartbreak."
Morgana looked shocked at the question. "Gwen would never string a gentleman along! She truly has feelings for him!"
Merlin stared up into Morgana's face and saw the truth there. "As he has for her."
Morgana narrowed her eyes on him before she too seemed to see the truth and smirked. "Well, at least I am relieved that it is Lancelot who is courting her, and not that outrageous scoundrel, Gwaine."
Merlin laughed. "I am too!"
Morgana smiled at him. "You are one of the only people who has been welcoming to us since we came here."
Merlin watched her and didn't try to deny that. "We take care of our own. It just takes a while for the villagers to decide whether you are one of our own or not."
She nodded in understanding. "I do not blame them." With that she turned and walked away, her head held high and her grace that of a queen. She truly was wasted on a small village like Ealdor. Merlin was sure that she had fit in well in Camelot.
"Do not even contemplate it," a voice announced behind him. "Unlike Elyan, I am not going to give anyone permission to court my sister."
Merlin smirked as he turned to see Arthur glaring at him. "I have a feeling that even if you did not wish it, your sister would do whatever she pleased."
Arthur glared harder at him. "I forbid you from even contemplating my sister in a romantic way."
He laughed at the thought of Arthur forbidding him. He gave a mock bow. "As you command, Your Highness."
Arthur paled and quickly looked away. "Do not mock me."
"But you make it so easy," Merlin teased.
The boy pouted darkly as his eyes returned to Merlin to glare at him. He turned and began to walk away.
Merlin couldn't help himself, he really couldn't. "You are hunting in the wrong place."
Arthur froze, tensed, and then turned and stormed back towards Merlin. "If there is one thing I know it is hunting! You cannot—!"
"There is quail in the forest to our right. The one to our left is cursed." Merlin could see the questions in Arthur's eyes, questions he'd never ask out of pure pride. "The villagers know this." But, of course, they wouldn't share this information with the new family. "If you instead start to hunt in the forest to our right, you will have better luck."
Arthur narrowed his eyes at him. "You enjoy this."
"I am merely informing you of things which will be of use to you and your family." Merlin could not keep the grin off of his face. "I am a helpful person."
"Oh, I am sure you are." Arthur's voice was so annoyed it was sinfully amusing. "Is there anything else I am supposedly doing wrong that you feel I should know?"
"There are too many things to list them right now," Merlin's grin was so large it hurt.
Arthur glared at him, made a little growl, and stormed away.
Merlin watched him go, that grin growing.
The wedding of Lancelot du Lac to Guinevere was quick but surprising to none who had actually seen them together. With her marriage to Lancelot, and subsequent moving into his house, Guinevere was fully accepted into the village and through her, her family was somewhat more accepted as well. It wasn't to say that Gaius' family were the most popular people, but now at least they were spoken to more than merely watched. Gauis had become the town's physician, and that had helped the villagers accept him and his family a bit more as well, even though some of the more suspicious villagers still refused to go to him to be treated for their various illnesses.
None rejoiced more over Lancelot's marriage than Gwaine, who comforted all of the broken hearted women who had lost Lancelot to Guinevere. He was truly enjoying himself too much, and Merlin felt the need to remind him that one day he'd mess up and leave one of his conquests with child and he'd be forced to take responsibility. That had sobered Gwaine quite a bit, and he'd looked at Merlin accusingly for days because he'd "ruined his fun".
Arthur had started hunting in the forest to their right, and was now catching quite a lot. He beamed with obvious pride every time he came back with something new with which to feed his family, and had forbidden Elyan and Leon from joining him on his hunts, something which Elyan took in stride, but obviously bothered Leon. Then again, Elyan's free time and attention was taken by Will's sister, something Will was not happy about in the least. But Will really couldn't say anything because his sister would probably kill him if he tried to get in the way of her epic romance. Sophia was scary like that. She would spend the time outside the small hut Elyan had transformed into a smithy (apparently his and Guinevere's father had been a blacksmith in Camelot before its fall and had taught his son the trade) and even convinced the villagers to try his ware by convincing them that by doing so they gained even more independence from the rest of Essetir. It helped that Elyan was very good at what he did. The villagers began to accept him more, as they had Guinevere and Gaius.
Will had still very much on the fence concerning Elyan, not at all happy with his courting his sister, and then Elyan found out Will's weakness for topiary and that was that. He designed special tools for Will so that he could shape the bushes around his house into even more ornate designs, and Will was suddenly on Elyan's side, berating Sophia for not being "good enough" for the blacksmith and that she needed to "treat him better".
It was the surprise of none when Elyan soon married Sophia, and the village got together to help build them a cottage of their own. It was a big deal that they did this, it proved to all how accepted Elyan had become by the village. Merlin enjoyed the house-building, helped in it, and found pleasure in informing Arthur of all the things he was doing wrong. Arthur, of course, was not grateful for the multiple corrections and they spent the next couple of days arguing nonstop. It really made the whole experience entertaining for the warlock.
"Merlin, you really need to stop teasing that poor boy," his mother tutted as she served their food that night at their home.
"I am not teasing him." Merlin tried for innocent. "I am merely educating him."
"Merlin, please, you are like a little boy pulling the braids of a girl." Hunith raised an eyebrow. "If you like the boy that much, you should just court him."
Merlin choked on his gulp of water and pounded his hand into his chest. "Court him? Mother, have you had too much sun today?"
Hunith tutted once more. "It is no surprise that you favor your own gender, Merlin. Everyone knows that."
He shook his head. "I do not 'favor' my own gender. I just choose to find people attractive due to their personality and not their gender." He pursed his lips. "I do not find Arthur's personality attractive in the least bit."
"Of course you do not." Hunith smirked.
That look on his mother's face was chilling, and he didn't say anything else the whole night.
Despite the fact that he did not like Arthur, his mother's words haunted him and Merlin could see why she'd come to that conclusion. It was why he decided to stop "educating" Arthur and instead leave the boy to his own devices. It wasn't as if Arthur actually appreciated the help he was getting anyway. Merlin busied himself with tending to things at his own home, and he ignored any of his mother's attempts to bring up how Arthur was or anything else about that family. In fact, he managed to unknowingly avoid Arthur for a good two weeks. He even forgot he was avoiding the boy as he threw himself into working the land, fixing up the house, and then helping with the preparations for the festival.
It was only the second day of helping with the preparations that he came face to face with Arthur.
"I am here to help." Arthur let out a deep breath. "Both of us are."
Leon had already grabbed some wood and listened to Freya as she stuttered out what he needed to do.
Arthur, instead, stood in front of Merlin.
Merlin looked up, his gaze went to Leon, and then returned to Arthur. "Ask Freya, she will let you know what they need help with." With that he looked down and continued with what he was doing.
Arthur made a little annoyed sound and stormed over to where the girl was. He returned a little later with some things and set them down near Merlin. He then began to stumble through what he was doing. Every couple of minutes he'd send Merlin a little look before he continued on trying to figure out what he was doing.
Curious, Merlin sent Arthur little looks when the boy wasn't looking in his direction. He realized that Arthur had been given one of the smaller wicker effigies to construct. Arthur obviously had no idea what he was doing and was messing up. Merlin opened his mouth to correct him and then closed it and continued with what he was doing.
Arthur finally growled and turned to look at him. "This is idiotic."
Merlin looked at him and then down at the mess at his feet. "You are doing it wrong." At Arthur's scathing look, he couldn't stop his chuckle as he put down what he was doing and moved to show him how exactly one was supposed to construct the small wicker effigy. "It is a little tricky, but once you do it a couple of times it becomes second nature."
Arthur merely watched him in silence.
"Did they not have celebrations such as this in Camelot?"
Arthur shook his head. "The Old Religion is banned. Any such custom we might have had was long lost."
"I'm sorry to hear that." The Old Religion was such an integral part of Ealdor custom that Merlin couldn't imagine a lifestyle in which it didn't exist.
"I am not." Arthur frowned. "Magic is evil."
Ah, he really was a Camelot boy, wasn't he? Merlin smirked and shook his head as he levitated the effigy and finished it via magic. He could hear the silence from Arthur, the boy obviously shocked. "You're wrong." And with that he walked away.
Now it was Arthur who avoided him, and it admittedly stung a little, but Merlin tried not to take it to heart. He merely continued helping with the preparations of the festival, and took care of everything else as well. There were rumors of unrest happening around the kingdom, and villages surrounding Ealdor had been hosts to some very unscrupulous characters. It was why Merlin kept an eye on the horizon as much as he could, and while once a couple of days ago, he'd seen a rider on the hill overlooking the village, no one had actually ventured into the village. He hoped it continued this way.
"I think it is unrest from Camelot spewing into our territory," Gwaine announced with a frown, his distaste for the country obvious in his tone as he helped Merlin and some of the other men raise the large wicker man which would be burnt as an offering to the gods. Within it, fruits and grains, as well as assorted tokens, have been placed as personal offerings.
"It could be likely," Lancelot agreed with a grunt from the other side. "They may have overthrown their tyrannical, and mad king, and King Agravaine now sits upon the throne, but there are those who say that Uther's heir escaped with his life. These people we have heard about might be King Agravaine's men searching for the young heir as he could one day try to recuperate his father's throne."
"Well, I hope that never happens." Will's face was red from his effort. "Uther Pendragon was the worst thing that could've happened to Camelot, and his son would be just as bad in my opinion."
"Hear, hear!" Gwaine turned to Lancelot. "You are married to a woman who used to work in the Camelot court, did she not tell you anything about the situation there?"
Lancelot shook his head. "Dear Guinevere does not like to speak of her time there, neither of their escape. All I know is that all those who worked in the castle were in danger, as they were seen as faithful conspirator's of the hated King Uther. It is why her uncle had to escape with them, as Guinevere and Miss Morgana were both servant girls to the king's ward, and Arthur, Elyan and Leon were once knights. Gaius himself of the Court Physician."
Merlin's gaze went to where Arthur and Leon worked nearby, quite possibly in hearing distance of this conversation. He supposed he could see the boy as a knight. He had that air about him.
"Merlin, you have magic." Gwaine sounded like he had just thought of this. "Why exactly are we doing physical labor when you could have all of this done with a snap of your fingers?"
"Half of the fun of the festival is the preparations-the bonding experience." Merlin sidled his friend with a look. "I would not deprive you of that."
Gwaine gave him a look that said he wanted to punch him.
Merlin grinned largely.
"Besides, Gwaine," Lancelot spoke up. "You know that Merlin usually does not use his magic unless it is truly needed."
"My back needs it," Will's voice was strained.
Merlin rolled his eyes at his friends as they finally got the wicker man in place. He stepped back and his eyes flashed gold as he held his hands upwards, and the wicker man was secured firmly into the earth. The rest of the men stood back and watched as his magic worked, and when it was done the wicker man was ready, standing proud.
"Good man, Merlin." Gwaine clapped his shoulder as he stared up at the looming effigy that was vastly larger than the other effigies being secured around it in a large circle.
"I have my moments," Merlin agreed.
The men shared chuckles and went to get water to quench their thirst. Merlin remained where he was, staring up at the wicker man with some pride. They'd outdone themselves this year, and he was sure that all the surrounding villages would be able to see the flames once this was lit.
"I was told that the followers of the Old Religion sacrificed criminals in their wicker men," a voice declared in his ear. "All I see so far are grains, fruit, and trinkets."
Merlin didn't look away from the wicker man as Arthur came to stand by his side. "Camelot is daft."
Arthur sent him a glare, he could feel it.
"We do not offer human sacrifices. The gods wouldn't be too pleased with that. True, there are some cults who do practice human sacrifice, but they are not true followers of the Old Religion." Merlin pursed his lips in thought. "I will not deny that there are some offerings in which the spilling of blood is required, but it is our blood that is to be spilt as we are offering ourselves to the gods."
Arthur was quiet.
Merlin didn't know whether that was a good thing or not. "Were you truly a knight?"
He flinched and turned his gaze on the wicker man as well. "I do not like to talk about that."
Merlin pressed on anyway. "Camelot would not have fallen had their king not forgotten that it was the Priestess of the Old Religion at his side who helped him win his wars and make him the king of kings that he was once considered."
"You know nothing about the king." Arthur's voice was harsh. "He might have had his faults, and he might have dealt a heavy hand, but he was a good man who did not deserve the end he received!"
Merlin turned his gaze on the boy, on the stark pain there, and realization hit him that this had been no mere knight. No. This was the impassioned defense of a son blinded by his love for his tyrant father. Many things made sense to Merlin there, especially Leon's subservient attitude towards this boy, as well as his incompetence when it came to certain things that any person should know... unless they were a prince who was used to being waited upon and having everything done to him.
Arthur gulped as he stared at Merlin. "What?"
Merlin took in a deep breath. "I did not agree with anything that King Uther stood for, but I am sorry for your loss."
The boy looked a mixture of confused and a little scared. "I did not lose anything but a king. That is all."
Realizing that this boy was in hiding, and his only safety was in the lie that he'd been a mere knight, Merlin allowed him this falsehood to hide behind and feel some modicum of safety.
He glanced over at the effigy Arthur had secured. "You did that wrong."
Arthur pursed his lips. "I did not-."
The effigy collapsed to the ground on its side.
Merlin's lips curled.
Arthur's lips parted. "You did that with your magic!"
"I did not, when I use magic my eyes turn gold." To prove his point, his eyes flashed gold as his magic went to work, lifting Arthur's fallen effigy so that it was standing straight, and then correctly fastening it into the ground.
Arthur's mouth opened and closed, apparently his default reaction to Merlin, before he closed his mouth and narrowed his eyes at him.
Merlin smirked and left the boy there, feeling quite proud of himself.
Morgana was magic.
The realization fascinated Merlin, especially since he'd realized that she was the king's ward that Guinevere had tended to. Once he'd learnt about Arthur, he'd observed the others, and while Guinevere was sweet and kind, she did not have that regal, effortless elegance that Morgana did. Merlin felt admiration for Gaius at the realization that he had saved both royal children from most certain death and, at his own personal risk, continued to care for them. They had brought unnecessary danger to Ealdor, and Merlin doubted that the villagers would be happy if they found out the truth, but he kept it to himself.
"He's coming!" Morgana whispered, eyes clouded over as she walked in a trance of sorts through the night, clearly in vision. "He'll find us and kill us! He'll raze this village to the ground!"
Merlin emerged from the shadows and placed his hand carefully on her shoulder, magic activating as he peered into her vision. He could see King Agravaine's men (disguised as bandits) descending on Ealdor, which was a mess of flames and chaos. Morgana and Arthur were killed, executed, while people died all around them.
He narrowed his eyes and took the vision into himself, causing Morgana to collapse into his arms. He wasn't physically strong, but his magic helped as he arranged the sleeping woman into a more comfortable position his arms and started towards Gaius' house. Considering his hands were busy, once he reached the door his magic rapped at it loudly.
There was the sound of complaints and someone coming to the door before it was opened to reveal Leon, whose sleepy eyes grew alert and wide when he noticed Merlin and Morgana there. "What happened?"
"I found her sleepwalking out by the effigies." He didn't know if they knew she had magic, so he kept her vision to himself.
"Who is it?" Gaius could be heard calling.
"It is Merlin." Leon called behind him as he made a way in the door for Merlin to enter. "He has brought Morgana."
"Oh dear." Gaius could be heard coming close.
Merlin entered the dwelling, Morgana in his arms, and noticed Arthur as the boy appeared behind Gaius.
"What happened?" Arthur came towards the girl and then looked up at Merlin.
"I was overseeing the effigies, the last minute preparations, when I noticed her walking within the wicker circle. I went to tell her that while Ealdor is relatively safe she should not be wandering on her own in the dead of night, when I realized that she was asleep." He passed her to Arthur and then turned to leave.
"Thank you," Arthur called from behind him.
Merlin's eyes widened and he turn the book at the boy, knowing it was hard for him to say that. Just because of that fact he took the thanking gracefully and didn't tease him any further. "You are welcome." With that he walked into the night.