Chapter 1

The gang huddled around our usual lunch table.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Christina asked. Christina is my best friend, she's dating Will. Uriah is dating Marlene, I am dating Four.(Tobias) and Zeke, Al, and Lynn are single.

"Not sure." Said Zeke. Zeke is usually the one who throws the parties. Him or Uriah, which makes sense because their brothers.

"It's our last night before were officially trainers." Marlene states in a mournful tone.

"We could head to the pit and play candor or dauntless." Will says.

"We can do that any old night, this has to be big!" Zeke says while looking at the table as everyone nods and agrees.

"What about a rooftop party?" I ask. The stars look so beautiful at night up on the roof. Plus there's beer and music.

"Ya." Uriah says wagging his finger and nodding his head. "Ya! A rooftop party!"

"Beer, music, babes! Im there!" Zeke practically yells. "I get the alcohol, Al can you get the music?" Al nods. "Great, Christina invite everyone in dauntless."

"I'm on it" Christina says with a overly determined look.

"Will can you get some strobe lights?"

"Sure, I think there's some still hidden from last time."

"Guys it's going to be tonight so we gotta work fast." Zeke takes a bites from his dauntless cake and then gets up and leaves, most likely arranging tonight.

"Tris, Marlene, we gotta run too. We need to choose our outfits for tonight!" Chris motions for us to follow her as she walks through the door heading up to her apartment. I give Tobias a quick peck on the lips and I lean in to whisper in his ear.

"I'll see you tonight." I say giving him a smile as Marlene and I run to catch up with Christina.