Hey guys, I'm back with another Ice Dragon's Disciple chapter, and I've received some flak for putting a notice chapter up instead of updating my other stories, which I'm sorry for disappointing you all like that, but that was the only way it would've gotten out.
Anybutt, here's the second chapter, please do enjoy, I've worked hard on this, so if you like it or love please leave a review or favorite follow it, just no flames please.
Signing off,
(Magnolia Town)
"Ugh, my feet are so tired!" a woman's voice exclaimed in pain, trudging down the street with a pink haired man and a female bluenette next to her.
"Well that's usually what happens when you walk for a day and a half in high heels." Natsu commented dryly.
"Yeah Lucy, if you wanna be a mage you gotta choose better travelling shoes. Anything other than high heels." Nix agreed, motioning to Lucy's shoes.
"Shut up! High heels are meant to make you look good!" Lucy defended loudly. "Plus, it's not like I got a warning before we left." she said sourly, looking pointedly at Natsu.
"Look, if you hadn't summoned that psychotic mermaid, the military wouldn't have gone there in the first place." Natsu said evenly, silencing the blonde for a moment.
"What do you mean, you're the one that froze the place!" Lucy snapped.
"It thawed out by the time we left town." the pinkette shot back flawlessly, making Lucy deflate with a dark, angsty aura around her.
"I'm sorry." she mumbled quietly, remembering how Aquarius went overboard at the docks.
"Stop moping newbie, we're here." Natsu said, immediately causing Lucy to stand up and look up in awe at the large building that had a large arch with 'FAIRY TAIL' on the front of it.
"Wow, so this is Fairy Tail?" the blonde asked in amazement.
"Yes it is," Natsu said while walking up to the doors, "now, when I open these doors, duck, alright?" he asked, confusing Lucy.
"What do you mean?" she asked, only to be ignored by Natsu, who pushed the large doors open, being greeted by the partying that is Fairy Tail.
"Oh hey! Natsu and Nix are back!" a bucktoothed man said from a nearby table, causing the whole guild to fall silent, shocking Lucy.
"What's wrong with everyone?" she asked in a confused tone about to approach Natsu, only to be grabbed on the shoulder by Nix. "Wha-?"
"It's better to just back up a bit." the bluenette answered shortly. "You'll see." she said, seeing more confusion dawn on Lucy's face.
"Did someone just say that that pink-haired snowman's back?!" a feminine voice exclaimed from the back.
At the voice, Natsu's eyebrow slightly twitched in annoyance, his eye narrowing in anger. "What'd you just call me, night-light?" Natsu asked with frustration in his tone, walking towards the center of the guild as he gradually increased his magical pressure, the crowd of members parting before him giving him a wide berth.
"You heard me, frosty." an equally annoyed voice sounded out that was nearing the center of the guild as well, the magical pressure slightly rising a bit more.
As Natsu and the other person arrived at the center, Lucy could make out who the other person was, or what was visible, at least.
The person had blonde hair, and bright golden eyes. She was wearing a white cloak with the hood down that covered her whole body, concealing what she was wearing underneath.
"So, snowman, I heard you messed up your most recent mission." the woman said with a wide smirk, making Natsu's brow twitch at her tone. "Is it because you needed me there to hold your hand?" she taunted with a baby-speak tone.
Natsu grit his teeth in frustration at the blonde woman in front of him. "Of course someone as childish as you would assume that, Hemmy." Natsu taunted with a teasing tone, making 'Hemmy' recoil in what seemed like shock. "What? Don't you like being called Hemmy?" Natsu teased again, making the blonde grind her teeth and clench her fists in anger.
She let out a deep breath and chuckled quietly with a shadowed expression, making many people back up from her dark aura while Natsu's smirk only widened in excitement.
"Are you trying to make me angry, snow-cone (I don't know, just bear with me)?" she asked threateningly.
"Yeah, so what? What are you gonna do about it?" Natsu replied with a challenging tone.
Without a word, 'Hemmy' was shrouded in a bright golden light for a brief moment before it faded away to show her in brand new attire, shocking Lucy with her show of magic.
When the light vanished, 'Hemmy' was in a set of form-fitting medium armor with a mahogany cloak flowing down her back. (A/N: If you're curious about how it looks, search up Council Watch Armor)
"I'm gonna teach you a lesson in respect, snowman!" she shouted, a finger pointed at Natsu before she launched at Natsu and threw her fist forward, which was met by one of Natsu's own fists, creating a shockwave, knocking some of the closer members back a few yards.
"I'm gonna beat your ass into the ground, Hemera!" Natsu shouted, releasing a light blue magical aura around him.
"Just try it, Natsu!" Hemera shouted, releasing her own magic, creating a bright golden aura around her.
Backing up from each other, their magic concentrated around their fists.
"Hiryū no hyōga ken! [Ice Dragon's Glacial Fist!]" Natsu shouted, throwing his fist forward at high speeds.
"Hikari ryū no seiken! [Light Dragon's Holy Fist!]" Hemera shouted, clashing her own fist with Natsu's creating an explosion of magical power and a powerful shockwave, knocking even more members back.
The two were at a standstill when Hemera was launched back into a group of people that were at a table, making the food and drink there spill all over the two occupants, both male, one with light brown hair styled into a pompadour the other with dark hair.
"Gah! What the hell!?" the brunette shouted, shooting up from his chair, trying to wipe some food off of his shirt.
"Hey, calm down, Wakaba, it's not the end of the world if there's food on your dumb shirt." the man with dark hair said.
"Like you're one to talk, Gray, you don't even have a shirt on, you stripper!" Wakaba snapped back, pointing to Gray's exposed body.
"What'd you just call me, chain smoker!?" Gray shouted, punching Wakaba across the guild into another man who had a large build and white hair.
"It's not manly to attack someone when their back is turned!" the man shouted, flipping the table he was at over onto a few people, enraging them all, especially one.
"Elfman, you BASTARD!" a feminine voice shouted, the woman kicking the table off of herself and punching Elfman in the jaw, sending him across the guild towards the bar.
(shortly before Wakaba got launched)
Lucy and Nix were sitting at the bar, watching the brawl unfold, with Lisanna washing a mug behind the counter.
"Does this happen a lot?" Lucy asked curiously, seeing a brown-haired man get launched across the guild and Natsu and Hemera clash again, launching more guild members into each other, getting more brawlers in the mix.
"Yeah, but I tend to stay out of it, it's not in my best interest." Nix said, nonchalantly leaning her head to the side to avoid a mug.
"Mira would join in by now, but she's out on a job right now." Lisanna said with a smile on her face.
"Wait, Mira joins in these fights too?" Lucy exclaimed in shock and surprise, getting a nod in response. "She seemed so innocent in the magazines." she muttered.
"Appearances can be deceiving, Lucy, you gotta learn this." Nix said with a slight scolding in her tone.
"I know, it's ju- WAHH!" Lucy was going to defend herself, but was cut off by a large white-haired man crashing into Nix and through the bar counter.
"Elf-nii, are you alright?" Lisanna asked worriedly, kneeling down to Elfman's level.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be a MAN if I got knocked out by a simple punch from Zanna!" Elfman shouted, shooting up and jumping into the brawl.
"Oh my, Zanna did that?" Lisanna said in a worried and questioning tone.
"Who's Zanna?" Lucy questioned, tilting her head to the side in confusion.
"Wel-" Lisanna started, being cut off by Nix shooting up out of the wreckage with a dark aura around her.
"So that shithead dirtworm thinks she can treat me like this?" Nix muttered under her breath with anger pulsing from her. "ZANNA!" she shouted, shooting off at blinding speeds directly at a woman with chocolate brown hair and green eyes who was wearing a black hoodie with rolled-up sleeves, a pair of jeans and a pair of running shoes.
Zanna turned to see the source of the enraged voice, only to be met with a high speed fist to her cheek, launching her into the guild wall, only making her smirk. "So waterspout joined in, huh?" she asked in excitement.
"You think you could just throw someone at me, bitch!?" Nix shouted in anger.
"If you've got a problem with it, come and settle it with me." Zanna said with a smirk, dropping to a fighting stance and moving her hand in a 'bring it' motion.
"Suirō tekkō ken! [Water Dragon's Steel Fist!]" Nix shouted, shrouding her clenched fist in a swirling torrent of water and dashing at Zanna with her fist cocked back.
"Chikyū ryū no kotai ken! [Earth Dragon's Solid Fist!]" Zanna threw her fist forward to meet Nix halfway, creating a shockwave from the collision of the two women.
"Hey, Lisanna, what type of magic do Nix, Hemera, and Zanna use?" Lucy asked in curiosity.
"Well, they all use Metsuryū Mahō [Dragon Slayer Magic], for starters." Lisanna explained with a finger on her chin. "Natsu, as you most likely know, uses Kori no Metsuryū Mahō [Ice Dragon Slayer Magic]. Nix uses Mizu no Metsuryū Mahō [Water Dragon Slayer Magic], Zanna uses Chikyū no Metsuryū Mahō [Earth Dragon Slayer Magic], and Hemera uses Hikari no Metsuryū Mahō [Light Dragon Slayer Magic], so we have four dragon slayers in our guild right now, which is pretty amazing." Lisanna said with a smile on her face.
"Why's that?" Lucy asked curiously.
"You see, Metsuryū Mahō [Dragon Slayer Magic] is a lost magic and a very rare magic, at that, and so far those four are the only ones in this guild that have that magic." Lisanna explained, shocking Lucy.
Lucy was going to speak again when she noticed that a more intense aura seemed to originate from the brawl, she looked over and saw that a brown-haired woman that had been drinking alcohol straight from the barrel had drawn a card with a vein pulsing on her forehead.
"I can't even drink peacefully," she said in a frustrated tone as the card began to glow with magical power, "so I think it's time to end this."
"I've had enough!" Gray shouted in anger, placing his left fist on his right palm, which was instantly surrounded by a chilling aura.
"NUOOOH!" Elfman roared as a glow began to surround his right arm, which began to morph into a stone arm.
"What a troublesome bunch." Loke said, placing a ring on his index finger, the ring beginning to glow with magic power.
"This is getting pretty exciting." Zanna said, a light green aura surrounding her while the ground beneath her began to morph and shake.
"I'm gonna have some fun with this one." Hemera said, gathering golden light around her fists.
"This just gets my blood rushing in excitement." Nix said as steaming hot water surrounded her fists.
"Time to kick it up a notch, eh?" Natsu said as a cold wind started swirling around him and frost began to gather on the wood around his feet.
"THEY'RE USING EVEN MORE MAGIC!?" Lucy shouted in shock.
"Oh my, this is getting a little intense." Lisanna said with a worrisome tone.
"That's enough." a deep voice rumbled as a giant emerged from the upper floor of the guild, slamming its foot down on the floor.
"HE'S HUMONGOUS!" Lucy shouted in shock.
Though, even with the giant's warning, the mages continued to charge their respective magics to higher levels.
Seemingly enraged and annoyed by the lack of response from the mages, the giant bellowed in a deep, thunderous voice.
Immediately, all the wizards stopped their magical output but that didn't stop their angry and annoyed glares pointed at one another.
"Ah, master, you're still here." Lisanna said pleasantly, not at all bothered by the giant.
"Master!?" Lucy exclaimed in shock, looking up at the large form.
"HM? WHO DO we have here?" the giant asked, slowly shrinking and shrinking and shrinking until it turned into a very short elderly man who was wearing what looked like an orange jester outfit. "Are you a new member?" he asked Lucy, hopping onto the bar counter next to her.
"Y-yes! I'm Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you." the blonde said, bowing in respect.
"Hmm. I see, just give me a moment." the master said, jumping up to the second floor and landing on the railing. He cleared his throat, bringing the guild's attention to himself and held up a stack of papers. "You've done it again you brats!" he shouted in annoyance, making most of the guild flinch.
"You've got the council breathing down my neck with all your destruction." he shouted, opening the packet and reading from it. "Elfman! You beat up an innocent that you were supposed to be escorting!" the master said with his brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Well he challenged my manliness by saying manliness wasn't about strength." Elfman lamely defended.
"Gray!" Gray flinched in slight fear at hearing his name being called. "You were seen walking around town naked and then you were seen stealing underwear!" he shouted.
"Wouldn't it be worse if I stayed naked?" Gray asked back in a slightly subdued tone.
"You shouldn't have been naked in the first place." a brunette woman said.
"Cana!" the brunette jumped a bit in shock. "You ordered dozens of barrels of alcohol using the council's financial account!" the master exclaimed.
Cana scratched the back of her head in an embarrassed manner. "I guess they found out."
"Loke! You were flirting with Councilman Leiji's daughter!" Makarov shouted, making Loke slightly lower his head in shame. "And Natsu!" he shouted, grabbing the pinkette's attention. "You destroyed half of Hargeon's port!" he shouted.
"In my defense, I didn't do it." Natsu said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "You can blame the newbie for that." he said hiking his thumb at Lucy, who jumped in shock.
"Oh, is that so?" Makarov asked with a raised brow. "Either way," at this, the master's tone darkened and he started to tremble in anger, "you guys are always getting the council angry at me." he growled out, his head down, covering his expression in shadows.
At seeing Makarov's anger, Lucy began to sweat and tremble in fear.
"But…" Makarov muttered before he brought his head up, revealing a large smirk on his face, surprising Lucy with his change of mood. "Screw the council!" he shouted, incinerating the papers in his hand with a bright flame.
"Listen up, all of you." Makarov said with a loud tone. "The power to overcome reasoning is born from reasoning." Makarov said, the whole guild watching on in respectable silence. "Magic isn't a miracle, when the 'spirit' flow within us connects with the 'spirit' flow in nature, they will form a first time embodiment."
Throughout Makarov's speech, Lucy had a look of awe and inspiration on her face at his words.
"You'll need a strong concentration and a lot of it for that. I mean, pouring all of your soul into whatever you do is the magic." Makarov swung his hand out with his palm facing the ceiling with his wide smirk in place. "If you keep worrying about the watchful eyes of the higher-ups, your magic won't improve. Don't fear the fools of the council." Makarov said before he threw his arms into the air. "Do whatever you feel is right! That's the way of the Fairy Tail Mages!" he shouted, throwing the guild into an uproar of cheering, booze, partying and food.
(short skip)
"So you want your stamp here?" Lisanna asked, motioning to Lucy's right hand with a magical stamp in one hand as the sounds of merriment were still erupting from all around them.
"Definitely." Lucy said with a large grin.
Pressing the magical stamp down on Lucy's hand, she held it there for a moment before lifting it off, revealing a pink guild stamp in its place.
"There! Now you're an official guild member of Fairy Tail!" Lisanna exclaimed with a wide smile.
With a large smile, Lucy went off to find Natsu and located him at a nearby table with Gray and Nix. Holding up her hand with a large smile, she showed him her guild stamp. "Natsu! Look, I'm an official member of Fairy Tail!" she exclaimed.
Looking at the blonde, Natsu and Nix both smiled a bit at Lucy's enthusiasm. "That's great, Lucy!" Nix said with a smile while Natsu stood from his seat.
"Where you goin', Natsu?" Gray asked curiously.
"I'm gonna get a job, Nix used all our money again. So I'm gonna get an S-class one this time." Natsu said with a frown, giving the bluenette a look, who promptly found the ceiling very interesting at the moment.
"Wait, what about your most recent job? Didn't you get somethin' like 100,000 for that?" Gray asked with a confused tone.
"I would've if I wasn't charged for someone else's destruction." Natsu said, glancing at Lucy before walking upstairs to the S-class job board.
"Aquarius did that, I didn't do it!" Lucy shouted indignantly.
"Arguing with Natsu is useless, he's too stubborn to move from his position on any argument, I should know." Nix said, trembling from what was possibly a traumatizing event for her.
Looking at Gray, Lucy raised a brow at the bluenette's behavior. "She and Natsu have been friends for as long as we've known them, maybe even before that, so who knows what the hell they go through." he explained.
"Master, is my daddy back, yet?" a young child asked Makarov, who was sitting on top of the bar with his eyes closed and a slight scowl etched in his elderly features.
"You're annoying, Romeo. If you're the son of a mage, act like it and stop worrying." the old man said with what seemed like an annoyed tone.
"But it's been a week already and he said he'd be back in three days." Romeo said with tears gathering in his eyes.
"Macao's job is at Mt. Hakobe, right?" Makarov asked, as if searching for confirmation.
"That's not too far, either!" Romeo shouted. "Please look for him, I'm really worried about him!" the young boy shouted in desperation.
"Absolutely not! Your dad is a mage! We've got no mage here who can't take care of themselves!" Makarov snapped. "Now go home and drink some milk or something!" he said with annoyance in his tone.
Romeo clenched his fists tight as more tears gathered in his eyes before he jumped up and hit Makarov in the face. "IDIOT!" he shouted, running off with tears escaping his eyes.
"Things can be strict here, can't they?" Lucy asked with a small frown.
"Gramps may act like that, but he's just as worried about Macao as Romeo is." Gray said, leaning back on his chair, for some reason only in his boxers.
"Gray. Your clothes." Nix said blandly, motioning to his state of dress.
"Gah! When the hell did this happen!" Gray exclaimed, running off to find his clothes.
Upstairs, Natsu was studying the board while listening to the trade-off between Romeo and Makarov when his gaze hardened and he jumped down to the first floor and landed, slightly cracking the floor beneath his feet.
"Gray." Natsu called out in a calm tone, making the black-haired wizard look over to him curiously. "You're coming with me." he said in a no-nonsense tone.
"Alright, if you say so." Gray said nonchalantly with a shrug, following Natsu out of the guild.
"Well, that was weird." Lucy said, looking at the guild door with a raised brow.
"Well, it actually makes sense as to why Natsu would react like that and why the other dragon slayers are still a little tense." Lisanna said, motioning around the guild.
True to her word, Hemera, Zanna, and Nix were all sitting with slightly tense postures, their expressions a bit grim.
"Why are they all like that?" Lucy asked curiously.
"Well, you see, all the dragon slayers here were actually raised by dragons." Lisanna explained, shocking Lucy. "If I remember right, Nix was raised by the water dragon king, Hydronis, Hemera was raised by the Light dragon, Aetherius, and Zanna was raised by the earth dragon queen, Terrana." Lisanna said.
"What about Natsu?" Lucy asked curiously with a tilt to her head.
"Natsu was raised by Xarzith, the ice dragon queen." the white-haired girl said before her mood grew somber. "But although it sounds impressive, they were all abandoned by their dragon parent at young ages without any explanation." she said, shocking Lucy once again.
"Seriously!?" Lucy exclaimed, feeling pity for the dragon slayers. "That's terrible."
"Yes, all of us Fairy Tail mages have a tough past," Lisanna said before a smile grew on her face, "but Fairy Tail gives us all new family and it keeps us all happy."
"Family, huh?" Lucy muttered, looking at her guild stamp before she stood from the bar, "I'm going with them." she said before hurrying out of the door without further explanation.
(With Natsu)
"Natsu." Gray said, only getting a nod from Natsu.
"I know, what I don't know, though, is why she's following us." Natsu responded, glancing back and seeing Lucy hurrying after them. "Let's wait for her to catch up." he said stopping and turning to Lucy.
When the blonde caught up, she was leaning on her knees, slightly panting. "I'm coming with you to Mt. Hakobe." she said, standing straight up.
"Are you sure?" Natsu asked curiously with a raised brow.
"Yes I am." Lucy said without hesitation.
"Fine, if you say so." Natsu said with a shrug after a moment of thought and consideration.
"Natsu, are you sure about this?" Gray whispered to the pink-haired dragon slayer.
"Of course I am, I trust her strength enough to ensure that she'll be safe on this quest, possibly." Natsu replied with confidence and a shrug at the end. "Now come on, we need to get a carriage to Mt. Hakobe." he said, walking down the street with the two in tow.
(scene skip)
"What's wrong with Natsu?" Lucy asked with a worried tone, looking at the salmon-haired mage who was rubbing his temples that sat across from her and a fully clothed Gray.
"Well, when he was younger, he had terrible motion sickness to where he could barely think of transportation without vomiting, I could only guess that it's a side effect of Metsuryu Mahō [Dragon Slayer Magic]." Gray explained, shocking Lucy. "But over the years, he somehow managed to train it down to migraines when he's on transportation." he said.
"That sounds awful." Lucy said with pity, only to receive a shake of the head from Gray.
"Don't worry about him, he can deal with it, right Natsu?" Gray asked.
"Yeah, but I feel bad for the others, they suffer a lot more than me." Natsu said with a slight groan of pain.
The conversation would've continued but the carriage came to stop.
"I'm sorry, this is as far as I can take you guys, you're gonna have to hoof it the rest of the way." the driver called out from the front.
"It's alright, thanks for the ride." Natsu replied, climbing out with Gray and Lucy closely following behind. When they exited the carriage, they were greeted with quite a sight of white.
"W-what the hell!?" Lucy exclaimed in shock at the frozen landscape in front of her that was being covered by a violent snow storm.
"What are you so shocked about? It's a mountain for a reason." Natsu said blandly, both him and Gray unaffected by the cold.
"What about you two, aren't you cold?" Lucy asked, vigorously rubbing her arms in a vain attempt to generate warmth.
"We're ice mages, we don't get cold." Gray said, suddenly shirtless.
"Either way, it's your own fault for not coming prepared, you should've brought warm clothes when you heard it was on a mountain." Natsu explained.
"I wanna go back home!" Lucy whined, shivering from the bitter cold and chasing after the rapidly departing cart.
"Then go, no one's stopping you." Natsu said with an annoyed tone, finding the blonde's attitude a bit childish.
"She's a noisy one, isn't she?" Gray asked, receiving a nod from Natsu.
"F-fine then!" Lucy stuttered before pulling out one of her silver keys. "O-O-Open! Gate of the Clock! Horologium!" Lucy shouted as a golden magic circle appeared and a grandfather clock appeared out of it.
"A clock?" Gray and Natsu questioned skeptically raising their respective brows.
"'I'll stay in here!' She says." Horologium said as Lucy sat huddled within him with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
"What did she come here for, then?" Gray asked with a sweatdrop while Natsu placed his face within his hand in exasperation.
"'What job did Macao take here, anyway?' She asks." Horologium said.
"You came along without knowing the mission?" Natsu asked before sighing. "Such a rookie mistake. Macao came here to subdue a brutal monster called the Vulcan." Natsu said, shocking Lucy stiff.
"'I want to go home.' She says." the clock said.
"Then go home, I say back." Natsu says, walking into the snow with Gray following closely behind.
"Macao!" Gray shouted loudly, trying to see any figure through the blizzard.
"Macao! Where are you!? Macao!?" Natsu shouted, using his other senses to try and find him.
Natsu stopped when he saw a figure on a ridge high above him and Gray. "Gray, above us." he calmly said.
"What is that?" Gray asked as the figure jumped and started falling towards them.
"Whatever it is, it wants a fight." Natsu said as he and Gray jumped back, narrowly dodging a large ape-like creature that had crushed the spot they were just standing.
"Tch. It's a Vulcan." Gray said in annoyance before the ape suddenly dashed past them towards Horologium, whom Lucy was residing inside. "Dammit!" he exclaimed as the Vulcan pushed its face right against the glass.
"A human woman!" it shouted with a bright blush on its simian face before heaving the clock onto its shoulder and running off with a screaming Lucy.
"So that thing can speak?" Natsu asked with a smirk, punching his hand. "Then that means we've found Macao."
"Then let's get him back." Gray said with a smirk, feeling pumped.
(scene skip)
"So? How do you wanna do this?" Gray asked as he and Natsu watched the Vulcan dance around the clock. (HA! Puns)
"I'll go in and toy with it, you come in, help Lucy if she needs it, and deal the finishing blow." Natsu said before he and Gray walked into the cavern as Horologium disappeared, leaving a distressed Lucy on the frozen ground.
"Hey, Vulcan!" Natsu shouted, running at the large beast, his fists coated in magic.
"Ooh!" the vulcan grunted, swing his fists up and bringing them down on Natsu, only to have the salmon-haired mage jump over him and punch him in the back, launching him a small distance away.
Turning around in frustration, the Vulcan charged at Natsu, swinging a large fist down at the human and once again missing as he dodged.
Gray was next to Lucy, who watched the fight with awe. "Is Natsu just toying with the thing?" she asked in shock, noticing a large smirk on Natsu's face.
"Yep, and I'm gonna take care of it." Gray said, placing his fist on his palm. "Natsu!" he exclaimed, making the pink-haired mage jump out of the way.
"Do it Gray!" Natsu shouted
Gray nodded silently, a blue magic circle appearing near his hands as the air around him chilled even more and he spread his hands apart, one in front of him and the other near his shoulder. "Ice make:..." a large ice cannon appeared with the two grips in his hands and resting on his shoulder. "Ice Cannon!" a deafening boom sounded as a frozen projectile fired out of the cannon and into the Vulcan's chest, launching it into the cavern wall, knocking it out cold.
"Nice shot Gray!" Lucy exclaimed, patting Gray on the back.
"Now that the Vulcan's dealt with, let's get back to finding Macao." He said, letting the cannon dissipate.
"We don't have to, he's right there." Natsu said, pointing to the now glowing body of the Vulcan.
"What do yo-" Lucy began to ask before the Vulcan disappeared, revealing a battered and beaten man. "Huh?" she asked in confusion.
"Ah, I see," Gray said before smirking. "He must've gotten taken over by one of them."
"That can wait, right now Macao needs help. Let's get him out of here and back to town." Natsu ordered, picking up Macao and slinging the unconscious mage's arm over his shoulders.
"Yeah, we should hurry too." Gray said, noticing the severity of his injuries. "He's in pretty bad shape."
(scene skip)
Natsu, Lucy and Gray were sitting around a slowly waking Macao, who groaned in pain, placing a hand on his head and cracking open his eyes. "N-Natsu? G-Gray? That you?" he asked in a tired tone before chuckling humorlessly. "What a shame. I got 19 of those ape bastards before the 20th one got me." Macao said, shocking Lucy.
'Are you serious? He got 19th of those things before going down?' she thought before looking at Natsu. 'And Natsu and Gray weren't even trying. I really can't compare to them.' she thought, smiling to herself.
"Goddammit, how can I face Romeo?" Macao quietly asked himself in self-loathing.
"Don't say that shit, Macao." Natsu said with a serious face. "How many of those kids' parents do you think can beat 19 monsters in a row by themselves?" he asked Macao with a smirk now gracing his face. "Hell, Romeo just wants you back alive at this point."
"Heh, I guess you're right Natsu, now get me home, I've got my kid waiting for me." Macao said, being helped up by Natsu and Gray.
(scene skip)
Romeo was sitting on a bench, reading a book when he looked up and saw Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Macao all waving to him, making him grin wide before it fell off his face. "Daddy, I-I'm sorry, I-." Romeo was cut off, however, when Macao kneeled down and wrapped him in a hug.
"I made you worry, I'm sorry." he said into Romeo's shoulder.
"It's alright, I'm the son of a mage." Romeo said with happy tears in his eyes.
"Next time those brats tease you, ask them if their dad could beat up 19 monsters by himself." Macao said with a smirk.
Romeo only grinned in response with happy tears in his eyes before he turned around and shouted to the three departing mages.
"Natsu-nii! Gray-nii! Lucy-nee! Thanks, you guys!" Romeo shouted in happiness and gratitude.
The three only responded with waves toward the young child, leaving behind a smiling father and son.
'I guess that today was great in the end.' Lucy thought with a smile, walking back towards the guild.
And there! The second installment of Ice Dragon's Disciple! I hope you can forgive my negligence and slow updates, which I greatly regret and blame on a combo of school and driving school, both of which are shitty.
Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and continue to enjoy future works I update or may produce.
Signing off,