A/N: So this is strictly a one shot but it got stuck in my head at wotk and I just had to get it out. Hope you like it!
WARNING: Extremely fluffy.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Blacklist.
"Daddy… pssst… daddy." A little hand reached up and poked a sleeping Red. "Daddy."
"Mmm," Red pulled away from his wife and flipped onto his back. Turning to see what had the audacity to wake him up from a very real and very steamy dream, his agitation immediately quelled when he saw two blue eyes staring back at him, just barely able to peak over the edge of the bed.
"Daddy, I's scared," the little girl whispered.
"Of what, sweetpea?"
"The thunder. It loud."
"It is rather loud, isn't it?" Red asked as if seriously pondering her statement."
"Can I sleep with you and mommy pwease?" A sweet smile formed over Raymond Reddington's face as he realized, not for the first time, that he had finally met the only girl in the world who had him further wrapped around her finger than Lizzie did.
"Of course, baby." Placing his hands under the little girl's arms he lifted her onto his and Lizzie's king sized bed, allowing her to snuggle into his side. They laid there for a long time and every time that the thunder rolled through the house he could feel his daughter tremble. "Do you want to go get some milk to try and help you sleep better?"
The little girl nodded and Red climbed out of bed, picking his three year old daughter up in his arms. Sitting her on the counter, Red pulled away to go get them a glass of milk to share. Ever like her mother, Red noticed that her eyes squinted in suspicion of him as he returned with a glass of milk in one hand and his other behind his back.
"Daddy, what do you have behind your back?"
"You see, thunder likes to come around and scare little girls out of their beds at night but he forgets one thing."
"What's that?" she asked, her eyes full of wonder as she stared at her father, her hero.
"That all daddies know how to keep their little girls from getting scared. You simply give them a cookie." He pulled out two cookies from behind his back. "You eat this cookie and you'll feel all better."
"Rewey, daddy?"
"Really." He crossed his heart and chuckled as she took the cookie from him and dipped it into the milk before taking a bite.
"Mmm. I already feel better daddy!" The little girl almost shouted.
"Shhhh, sweetpea, mommies don't understand this rule like daddies do, you don't want mommy to wake up and take it from you." The little girl's eyes grew and she covered her mouth, looking to the kitchen door to make sure that her mommy wasn't there.
When they had both finished their cookies and drank their milk, Red once again picked up his daughter and they began their trek back up the marble staircase. As the little girl realized that he was walking towards her room, she tightened her arms and legs around him. "Can I still sleep with you, daddy, pwetty pwease?"
Red sighed as if he were being asked to make some giant sacrifice, jokingly of course. "If you must."
"I must."
Once again, Red laughed at his daughter and began taking her to his and Liz's room. Crawling into bed, he felt Liz shift, but she did not wake. Red laid his daughter on his chest and wrapped his arms around her. "Goodnight daddy, I love you."
"I love you, too, sweetpea. Sweet dreams." He uttered these words, despite the fact that he could tell that she was already asleep. Reddington allowed the last words she had spoken to flow around in his mind on repeat and his heart swelled with the thrill of knowing that he once again had a family.
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