Author's note: Yo! *dodges fruit* Yes, yes, I know I'm supposed to update House of Shiori and Good Friend vs Best Friend but this idea won't leave my head so... yeah. Review! :)



Kiss Me

It was a bright Saturday morning. The birds were chirping, the grass swaying lazily and the sun shining upon the citizens of Tokyo. The people were greeting each other pleasantly and you could almost hear what they said.

"Ahh! My exam paper! Why is it so windy today?!"

Yup, it was a very pleasant day.

"Don't ignore me!"

But for one Akashi Seijuro that was not the case.

"Oh, fuck this! You lousy excuse of a narrator!"

Suspicious sounds were heard, causing everyone to stop and pause from what they were doing.

"Hey! Did you hear that?"

"Nah! Probably nothing."

"Okay then."

Now that the utterly-unsuspicious-noise's mystery was ignored, let us move on to the main topic. Yes, one Akashi Seijuro was feeling horny. Not that it was surprising, mind you. He was, after all, a healthy young adult that nearly reached 20. But the fact remained that he was horny, incredibly so.

He knew that if he asked his lover, his lover would just smile gently and say something among the lines of how it was natural for him to feel that way. No. he decided. I will do this in a romantic way and Tetsuya will both love and feel happy about it.

Yes, Kuroko Tetsuya was his lover. The beautiful light blue haired boy had accepted his confession after he confessed and they had been lovers for almost three years now. His sweet Tetsuya had been blushing and stuttering when he accepted it, unable to comprehend the thought that his love interest since middle school reciprocated his feelings.

"I'm home. Sei?"

The sound of the front door opening broke Akashi from his musing. Akashi watched as his lover walked to the living room while carrying a few bags of groceries. Akashi went to Kuroko's side in a heartbeat to help him lighten his load while pecking his cheek.

"Welcome home, love."

Kuroko blushed at the sweet gesture of affection but retorted, "Mou, Sei. I can do it myself. It's not that heavy."

Akashi smiled at Kuroko's stubbornness. "I know but I'm an occupant of this house too. So let me help."

"No, I can't. You're already paying for the bills and everything. This is the least I can do to help."

"But, you're already helping, Tetsuya. You cook delicious food everyday and help to clean the house."

Without knowing it, they were already at the kitchen and had already put away the groceries. Akashi walked slowly towards Kuroko and the latter swallowed. Hard.

Akashi continued, "You really do make the perfect wife, love." He gently showered kisses on Kuroko's face and was about to claim Kuroko's lips when his lover pulled away and said, "I need to make lunch for us."

Akashi chuckled but acquiesced, "Hai, hai~ Do you need my help, love?"

Here, Kuroko gave him a pointed look that said "And let you burn THIS house down? I don't think so, mister."

Akashi held up his hand in defense and wanted to defend himself but Kuroko had already pushed him out of the kitchen. Sighing, he decided to read to pass some time. One page followed another and soon, Akashi was too engrossed in it. He was only snapped out of it when Kuroko gently wrapped his arms around Akashi's neck from behind the couch Akashi was sitting on, kissed his cheek and whispered, "It's done, Sei. Let's eat together."

Tetsuya, you will be the death of me one day. Now, how am I supposed to keep my composure if you continue to surprise me like this?

Lunch was eaten in a serene silence and after the table was cleaned and the dishes washed, the both of them were lounging on the couch together. Kuroko reading a book while Akashi contemplating on how to proceed with his plan.

Oh, screw this!

With that in mind, he opened his mouth and broke the silence.


"Yes, Sei?"

Out of respect and like he was taught since childhood, Kuroko put down his book and looked at Akashi to show that he was giving Akashi his full attention. Akashi smiled at his politeness.

"Tetsuya," he began. "did you know that if a lover kisses different parts of his or her lover's body, they have different meanings?"

Completely intrigued, Kuroko put his book on top of the coffee table in front of them and scooted closer to Akashi. Akashi mentally smiled and yelled, Score! But on the outside, he showed nothing.

"Really, Sei? I didn't know about that."

"Yes, it is true. For example," Akashi held Kuroko's right hand and gently kissed it. "a kiss on the hand means 'I adore you'."

Kuroko blushed but said nothing. Seeing no resistance, Akashi continued. He slowly crawled on top of Kuroko, causing the smaller male to half-lie, half-sit on the couch. He then lowered his head until it was on top of Kuroko's stomach. He gently lifted Kuroko's shirt and tenderly kissed his lover's stomach, causing Kuroko's blush to intensify.

"A kiss to the stomach means 'So sweet'."

He moved his head higher and stopped at Kuroko's left shoulder, planting another kiss there.

"A kiss on the shoulder means 'I'm here'."

Kuroko's face was as red as Akashi's head by now but the former refused to back down.

"I see. What about a kiss on the nose, Sei?"

Akashi smiled at his lover's defiance and promptly kissed the aforementioned spot.

"It means 'Too cute'. And so are you, love."

Kuroko blushed a deeper shade of red and Akashi continued to make this as romantic as possible. Not that it was hard, of course. He pecked Kuroko's cheek and whispered against his cheek, "This means 'Friend'."

Kuroko looked crestfallen at being referred as friends but before he could even lament on it, Akashi had already make him feel better and special by saying, "This means 'You're my everything'." and kissed Kuroko's forehead.




Kuroko looked away but Akashi could more or less guess what his lover wanted. No, scratch that, he definitely knew what Kuroko wanted. But, he was determined to finish his little romantic act. Kuroko was surprised when Akashi lowered his head again but before he could comment anything, Akashi had kissed his neck so tenderly and with so much emotions that it sent shivers of pleasure down his spine.

"This means 'I want you'."

Akashi's voice was husky with need and both of them suddenly could not ignore the sexual tension in the air. Akashi's eyes were half-lidded and slightly clouded with lust and Kuroko suddenly felt aroused. Suddenly, Kuroko smirked and said, "What about this then?"

He crashed his lips with Akashi's slightly chapped ones. Akashi was momentarily shocked but regained his bearing. The both of them kissed hungrily, desperate to feel each other. Hands were roaming and Akashi deepened the kiss by licking Kuroko's lower lip. Kuroko granted access and an age-old dance of fiery passion ensued.

Akashi won and he was more than glad to prod, explore and devour his lover completely while said lover could only moan and clutch at the person on top of him helplessly. Akashi's red orbs peered down at Kuroko's face intently, enjoying every shift of emotion and Kuroko, as if sensing the intense gaze, opened his eyes and found himself lost at the beautiful pair of red eyes. Like he had always been many times before.

When the need for air was too great to ignore, they parted and a thin string of saliva connected them. However, that too broke when the distance between them were too great for it. Kuroko's breaths were ragged and he was hungrily breathed in air, his face flushed while Akashi was more subtle about it.

Akashi leaned in to whisper at Kuroko's ears, "That meant 'I love you'."

Kuroko smiled and said, "I love you too, Sei."

Feeling his pants tightened to the point of hurting, Akashi wasted no time getting up and carried Kuroko bridal style. Kuroko let out a startled yelp at the sudden movement.


"Now then, shall we continue this on the bed?"

"W-Wait, Sei. It's too early!"

"Nonsense, Tetsuya. There's no such thing as an early intercourse with your lover."

Kuroko sighed but relented.

"Honestly, what am I going to do with you, Sei?"

"Love me, kiss me and never leave me."

Kuroko laughed.

"Hai, hai~"