Hey everyone, here's yet another story by me, Sunblast X. Welcome to: The Survivor.

It was another day in the Watterson household. The kids of the family were soon to be home from school, Well... two of them at least.

The daughter of the family, Anias, was the her mother, Nicole, waiting for the other two kids. As fate would have it, the two boys came in through the door.

"Hey, mom. What's for dinner?" the eldest child known as Gumball asked as he came in with his pet fish/best friend/brother, Darwin.

"Chicken and fries" Nicole said irritatedly said as she the a pack of unopened chicken and a raw potato on the table, walking past the two boys.

"Hm... does this look a little underdone to you?" the cat boy asked.

"I think something's wrong with my fries" Darwin said, holding up the potato with a fork.

"Can we just skip to dessert?" Gumball asked.

"Ahh!" the two boys screamed as they dodge a cupcake, which somehow managed to destroy a plate.

"What is wrong with you?!" Gumball yelled.

"You know very well what's wrong!" Anias yelled back, tossing another hard cupcake, which the boys dodged once more.

"What's going on?! Why is dinner raw?" Gumball asked, confused.

"You know very well why dinner is raw!" Nicole yelled.

"I'm just gonna try something" Gumball whispered to Darwin and inhaled deeply. "We're both very sorry for what we've done" Gumball tried to say apologetically.

"So you do know what you've done!" Nicole yelled.

"No!" the boys replied simultaneously.

"Then how can you apologize for something you don't even know about?!" Nicole asked, yelling.

"I don't know!" Gumball said, almost hysterically.

"Look, dad overheard what you said in the playground" Anias told them in annoyed tone.

"Ohhh! That!" Gumball rolled his eyes in realization.

"And he's been hiding in the shed ever since" their mother told them.

"Well, at least he can't embarrass us in there" Gumball quietly made a side comment.

"Incoming!" Darwin shouted, both of them dodging yet another hard cupcake.

"Look, I'd happily apologize to Dad... if what we said wasn't the truth!" Gumball shouted.

"Right. That's it. You clear don't appreciate your parents, so until you apologize to your father, we won't be doing else for you. Let's see how long you last" Nicole said with seriousness.

"Challenge accepted" Gumball agreed, taking the raw potato and biting it in have, surprising both Nicole and Anias.

"I paid for that potato" Nicole said, holding out her hand.

"*spit*... I wasn't hungry anyway" Gumball said bitterly as he spat the potato into his mother's hand.

-Weeks later-

A/N: Here's where I change the timeline.

Gumball and Darwin were at school eating lunch in the cafeteria.

"Hey Gumball, I've been thinking..." Darwin began, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah?" Gumball question with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I was thinking that... maybe we should forfeit and apologize to Dad" Darwin said sheepishly.

"What?! Are you insane?!" Gumball shouted with irritation.

"Well it's just that we can't last like this forever. Plus, we're going up against Mom. We're going to up apologizing to Dad either way" he told Gumball.

This bet had gone on no longer than three weeks. Not only had they not been able take a shower, but the only food they could get was at school. In the back of his mind, Darwin knew they'd break eventually.

"Come on, dude, don't wuss out on me" Gumball pleaded.

"It's not wussing out, it's admitting when I'm wrong. I don't know about you, but I'm going to apologize to Dad after school" Darwin said, walking off, leaving Gumball to shake his head.

-Watterson house-

With school done, the bus had dropped Gumball off at his house at around evening. Gumball, however, was kind of in an annoyed mood.

He had a bad day at school right after lunch and the fact that Darwin had backed out of the bet, leaving him to face it alone, wasn't helping to lighten his mood.

"*sigh*... Well, here goes nothing... I guess" Gumball said with a shrug of his shoulders, looking of to the side.

Once he had open the door, he saw his entire family look towards him.

"Uh... hey guys" Gumball greeted his family awkwardly.

"Oh, Gumball, did you hear the news?" Nicole asked, smiling.

"What? You mean the fact that Darwin backed out of the challenge?" Gumball gestured a hand to the fish.

"Yes, exactly. And he's already apologized to your father" she said.

"So, Gumball, does this mean you'll be apologizing to Dad as well?" Anias asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Oh, let me think about that... NO!" he yelled.

"Well then, I guess you'll have to see how long you last without us just a little longer" his mother said with arms folded, giving him a glare.

"And I plan on backing down anytime soon" Gumball said with an equal glare as he walked upstairs to his room.

"So how long do you think he'll last?" A bias asked her mom.

"He'll break eventually. This is Gumball were talking about, after all" she responded.


Night had arrived. It was a dark and chilling night full of storm clouds, raining, lightning striking.

Everyone in the house was asleep in bed. Well, everyone that is, except for Gumball. The little cat was tossing and turning in his bed in a cold sweat.

It was at that moment that his eyes shot open. Like a zombie, Gumball had slowly risen out of bed with a blank stare. He then got of bed and head towards the bedroom window.

Opening it, a gust of chilling wind went into the room. Surprisingly, it did nothing to awake Darwin, who was asleep in his fish bowl.

Gumball stepped out on to the roof, and then closed the window behind him. He then jumped from the roof and landed on the wet grass beneath him, landing perfectly on his feet... which would most likely never happen again in a million years.

Standing out in the cold rain, he had a bird chirp as it flew towards him. Without even looking, he grabbed the bird in his right hand with a tight squeeze. He then bit its head off and swallowed it, tossing its decapitated body to the ground.

With the blood of his fallen prey running down the side of his mouth, Gumball let out a low growl. Feeling the inner strength within him, Gumball filled his lungs and let out a powerful roar...

The roar... of a tiger.