Daisy P.O.V

Beep, beep, beep, beep... My alarm went off and I headed to the shower, another day waiting for an attack. It was now 7:45 I've got to get moving or I'll be late.

I turned round the last before heading towards the gates, Blane was standing there waiting for me

"Hey, what's back up boy wonder doing standing at the front gates?" I said

"Hmmmm, nothin much, just waiting for you" he replied

"And why would you be waiting for me?" I asked

"Well, Rose wasn't here, and I didn't fancy going inside by myself so I thought I wait for ya seeing as you live just around the corner" he replied

"Awh, well isn't that sweet" I said giving Blane a little push in the arm

"Hey don't get too excited, all I did was stand by a gate" he said

"Well, in that case, awh you stood by a gate and waited for me, isn't that sweet" I said mocking Blane

"Hey will you stop that" he said nudging me

"Fine, I'll stop" I said raising my hands

"Hey guys" Rose said running to catch up with us

"Hey Rose" I said

"Any news on the mission?" She asked

"Nothing, but hopefully we have some news today" Blane said

We all walked through the doors to the school and headed towards the maths room, as we walked through the doors and took our seats at the back of the room, Dan, Zoe, Keri, Tom and Aneisha walked through the doors and all smiled at us, we waved back. The lesson went by quickly with the three of us taking notes, the bell rang for break and we headed outside.

We were all chatting about mission when the 5 junior spies came up and sat in front of us

"Hey guys, so we were wondering, what kind of missions did you guys go in when you were in M.I. High?" Dan asked

"Well, do you remember the time that S.K.U.L kidnapped The President of The United States of America?" I asked

"No" Dan, Keri, Tom and Aneisha said

"Yes" Zoe said

"How come you know about it?" Rose asked

"I grew up in S.K.U.L, spent most of my life training to be an agent, every plan The Grandmaster ever made, I knew about it, I even had to help him create some of them, but believe me when I say I hated it" Zoe said

"Wow, that's intense" Blane said

Dan squeezed Zoe's hand

"Im guessing you are the three agent who put him in prison" She said

"Yea, we put him in prison, then his granddaughter, Leah, decided to kidnap the president during the middle of a magic show, but uh we caught her out"

"Nice" Aneisha said

"What about you guys, what have you done?" Rose asked

"Oh nothing much really just kinda stopped the mastermind from being transferred to Zoe's body, prevented the Crime Minister from becoming the Prime Minister of Britain and save Keri from being the Mastermind, other than that, nothing" Tom said

"What do you mean stopped Keri and Zoe from having the Mastermind transferred into their body" I asked

"Zoe and I are genetic copies of the Mastermind, we were created in a lab from his own DNA so that he could transfer his mind into our body, but we're not the only ones, there are 80+ others" Keri said

"Yikes, must have been harsh finding that out" I said

"It was, believe me, it was" Zoe said

The bell rang and we all headed back inside, we were sitting in history when our communicators went off, we snuck out of the classroom and headed towards the caretakers store cupboard.

"Hey Frank, what's up?" Blane asked

"Team, this is the one we have been waiting for, we've received a tip off that the Grand Master is going to assassinate the Prime Minister, we need you to stop him, the Prime Minister is holding a conference today at 2:00pm, The Grandmaster will make his move at 2:45pm, you have three hours, Good Luck" Frank said