Summary: Twins are a rare phenomenon occurring only if there is a family history. However, identical twins are freak occurrences. There is no rhyme nor reason. Charlie and Harry Potter are such freak accidents. Now they have discovered that they are more than just unwanted freaks living under the cupboard under the stairs. They have something special, something magically. AU.

AN: Yo! Long time no see. This is KJ with another story not related to my current TPoA world. So, if your reading this because you are following me, then I'm going to warn you real quick that this is not a dark Harry fan fiction. (Maybe it will be gray, because real life is gray. But no where near as dark as my other fic.) It will be Harry/Ginny, but Ginny won't come into this until book two. (So if you don't like that pairing, I'm giving you fair warning.)

No, I haven't abandoned TPoA. I'll probably finish it up within the month (it will probably still need to be beta-ed... but a months the plan) since classes have started up again. (I'll get so bored, I'll just start writing. I've found that boring classes are the best writing motivation.) This fiction is written with my twin, BloodRed13 (BR13). We wanted to write a Harry Potter fan fiction together (to go along with our Naruto fanfiction posted by BR13). So, we used what we knew. I think this will be a true depiction of what twin Potters would actually be like, because it's written by twins. Everything's been done in Harry Potter, but I think this will be very unique. Enjoy!


PS. This fic will be updated every other Thursday (starting with this Thursday).

Prologue: Of Freak Events

Brothers to the End

The clock, it ticks
quick, before they flip
Run, hide
wide we stare in awe

Can this really be our fate?
Are we worthless?
Unloved? Discarded?
Are they right?
like trash, abandoned

Two, might be more than one
but twice the share, twice the hate
One's pain is shared
it is our fate

Overcome by sadness
we seek the shadows
Hide, run
shrink from the light
The darkness a friend
those creatures, no foe
The crawlers, dark
a comfort

We share our home

We wonder
Is the burden shared
with two?

Life at ease,
when more?

Happiness fleeting, a concept
yet we know it
we know it well

It stems from a place you can
never know,
never touch with hands stained red
It heals where their words hurt
comforts when we ache
to fill the Void

Love is something we know
Fate a useless concept
Because when there's two
in due time,
we stand,
As long as we stand together

Brothers to the end


Forged to protect
we walk one path,
forward and forever,

Forged to fight
fleeing, a wish
but cannot attempt
because we must stand

always in the darkness
we called for the Light
Twice the burden,
yet Twice as bright

Forged to die
the dreaded death march rings
endless, relentless
deeds we live to regret

Forged to live
survive the storm
weather the darkness
as Demons are born

Forged in Fire
Emerald, jaded
Forged in Lightening
once struck, now fated

Fated to Change

We were Forged

AN: Only the prologue and the interludes will be poems. (Poems brought to you by BR13, because I'm not that great of a literary mind.)