"Bullshit!" One of the Penguin's former minions said as he dropped the paper.

"What is it Frank?" one of the Joker's minions asked.

"Did you see what was in the Daily Planet this morning?" Frank asked the other henchman.

"No, why?" the Joker's minion asked.

"Today's headline is a doozy." the Penguin's former minion said as he retrieved the paper and handed it to the other man.

"Seriously?!" the other henchman said. "April Fools Day was last month."

"I know right. Who the hell would ever believe that Bruce Wayne was the Fruitbat? Wayne wouldn't know what bright colors or sex of any sort were if they ran up and bit him in the ass." Frank said as his friend tossed the paper aside.

"Yeah. What's next? Headlines stating that the staff at the Planet didn't know that Clark Kent is Superman? I wish the clowns at the Planet would report the actual news on the front page more often rather than using it for practical jokes. " the second henchman said as he and Frank had turned to leave, Frank to enjoy his retirement since the Penguin had skipped town and neglected to leave a forwarding address, and the Joker's minion to help in what was supposed to be The Big One Really I Swear It Will Be Not Like The Last Hundred Times When I Said It Would Be The Big One That Would Make Us Rich And Get Us Out Of Gotham And Away From The Fruitbat.

"Hello boys, I do believe that's littering." a voice that could put fear into the hearts of every hetrosexual criminal in Gotham and even some of the homosexual ones as well called out as both men were about to exit the park.

The two men found themselves turning around as if they were caught in a nightmare in which the dreamer had no choice but to turn and face the monster behind them. Standing before them, dressed in gold lam`e and pointing at the newspaper the men had left on the ground next to a park bench was the Fruitbat.

"If anyone honestly expects me to believe that's Bruce Wayne, they've got another think coming." Frank found himself blurting out as his friend bravely ran towards the bench and fetched the paper in an attempt to save both of their asses.