Her Blue Flame Chapter 3
Selvaria Bles stood on what should have been the frontal battlements of Ghirlandaio, listening as the sounds of war drifted over her, reaching a crescendo outside the front gate and then suddenly stopping. It wouldn't be long now before the Gallians breached the gates of Ghirlandaio; a citadel that they had hoped would protect them from the might of the Empire but instead looked to be their final obstacle to victory. She knew that it wouldn't be that easy for them, she knew what was coming if they achieved victory here. She would not let that victory come easily.
"General the Gallians…" started a nearby aide.
"I know," she said, having already deduced what was about to happen, "Everyone who is not a combatant inside now."
Most of the staffers began to file inside, only one or two looking recalcitrant.
"Go, now," she said to them, "I do not need you underfoot when the Gallians breach the walls."
With a few meek nods the remaining staffers hurried into the comparatively safe walls of Ghirlandaio.
"All forces take cover and brace for impact!" she called out, nearby officers repeating the order down the line until it reached all of her troops.
Selvaria took cover herself. It wouldn't be long until the Gallians…
A massive explosion shook Ghirlandaio, even its solid construction quivering under such a blast. The main gates exploded inwards, the majority of the blast being focused on the comparatively weak point in the wall. Shrapnel and bits of debris flew far, some managing to pass over the walls in both directions. The main portion simply collapsed into a pile in front of the opening in the walls, unfortunately providing plenty of cover for the Gallians to advance under.
"Report! I want casualty reports immediately!" she cried. There was not much time until the Gallians breached the gate, but there was just enough to move men where needed if she'd lost any. Thankfully that proved not to be the case, the last reports coming in just as the Gallian's advanced wave did. In the lead was the tank that had led defeat after Imperial defeat.
"Hold fire!" she called out to her own troops, stepping out of cover as the Gallians began entering the citadel. Holding her Ruhm at the ready she called out to the leader, his face unmistakable even without the tank he rode in.
"Proud warriors of Gallia, I must commend you. You have breached Ghirlandaio's gates!" Her sudden call made the lead group stop and stare up at her, the momentary ceasefire holding.
"Look up there, the Valkyria," a voice from below drew Selvaria's eyes. The Gallian Valkyria stood before her once more, this time without the blue flame around her. She carried only a rifle in her hands marking her determination to fight.
Selvaria wanted to hate the girl, wanted to foist all of the blame of her fall onto the Gallian. She couldn't, not any more than she hated the rest of the Gallian's for fighting against her.
"We meet again," she said softly, "It looks like fate is toying with us." She raised her voice again so that they all could hear her. "You have already defeated me once, as a Valkyria," she said, "Still, I have come to fight you again. It is a matter of pride. But this time, I will face you as a woman."
Whose pride it was she did not know. It wasn't Imperial pride, as she had no love for the Empire as a whole. It could have been the waning pride she still held as Maximillian's blade. It could have been her personal pride. Pride born from regret, anger, discipline… or loss. She would not let Johann down without a fight. Could not let him down after what he had done. She would fight to the end of her strength and if that wasn't enough, then and only then would she use the final flame.
"This is going to be our last time then," she continued, "One of us is going to die here!" She raised the Ruhm and pointed it at the Gallians. "Now! We fight!"
She had meant it when she said that one of them would die here. She would not give up and she knew the Gallians' wouldn't either. She would show no mercy in combat like she had at other times. Her men wouldn't either; they knew what was at stake.
In the end it didn't matter. Her resolve proved no match for the Gallian Militia. She would have said it was a sight to see, except for the fact that she spent most of the battle dodging smoke rounds from the enemy commander. She could only be in one place at a time and try as she might she could not stay away from the young Lieutenant Gunther.
Every time she moved he followed her, his take surprisingly mobile despite its size. Smoke shells always landed near her, blinding her instead of attempting to kill her with badly aimed shots. It was frustrating beyond belief, not being able to do anything as her men were pushed back and killed by a militia force that seemed unstoppable.
What armor she'd had left was taken out by lancers who knew precisely where to aim. Covering fire provided by enemy shock troopers allowed snipers and scouts to advance on both sides, taking out her men in groups and singly. Engineers took care of every mine and obstacle placed in their path. Every time she managed to get a shot, the Gallians would take cover, diving like moles into whatever nook or cranny they could find. If she covered one side, the other side moved. When she was blinded, both rushed forward, trusting in their comrades. Every time she turned the Gallians were at least one step ahead of her and her men.
By the time they had cleared the stairs and re-activated the elevators her troops were starting to lose hope. Gallian snipers seemed to take out any many who stuck his head above cover. Those who waited only lasted minutes longer as flamethrowers and grenades followed close behind. Still they fought, tenaciously and often to the last men. The Gallians took casualties, though they always seemed to rush them back behind the lines before any serious harm could come to them.
As the jaws of the Militia pincer pushed closer, more flooded in behind the lead elements. These were clean up forces, pushing into mostly cleared areas to capture survivors or finish off any remaining pockets of resistance.
Soon she found herself surrounded, only a few of her men remaining on their feet.
"Not yet… I haven't… lost this yet," she said, her breath gasping as she dealt with wounds and battle fatigue, "Heed me men of the Empire, on my orders heal your wounds! Fight with pride, strong to the bitter end!"
Her men took heart in this, ragnaid being deployed without thought to later usage. Some got back on their feet, others steadied as temporary pains were lessened. It did not last, despite her best efforts.
The last of her armor was destroyed, taken out by a flurry of enemy lances. One by one the remaining men around her fell to wounds, until only she was left. Surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned she attempted to hold the line, but in the end she failed.
Her Ruhm clattered to the ground as Selvaria fell to her knees, the enemy Valkyria… no the enemy woman stood in front of her, rifle trained.
"You have defeated me, it is over," she said through panting breaths, her body pushed almost to the end of its endurance.
"I need to ask you…" said the woman, even as other members of the militia began to tend to the wounded, theirs and hers alike, "Tell me, how do you live as a Valkyria? How do you deal with the weight of that all the time?"
Selvaria was silent for several seconds, thoughts rushing through her mind. How had she lived as a Valkyria? Could she even say she had lived? She knew almost nothing of life beyond her service to Maximillian, time spent almost exclusively fighting for a man who did not love her the way she had him. Other thoughts rushed through her mind, those of a warm hand, a soft smile and strong arms wrapped around her.
"I fought because… I loved him," she finally said, no longer sure who she was referring to. Even if she hadn't realized it before, even if she only had it for the moment she could… no, he was gone. They both were.
"And what drove you to take up the lance?" she asked the Gallian woman, taking her feet slowly.
"It wasn't voluntary," said the woman quietly, "The truth is, I never became one because I wanted to. And even now, I… I still don't know what to do. It confuses me, it scares me."
How those words struck home in Selvaria. She had never truly wanted to become a Valkyria. She hated the blue flame and what it had cost her. She had only taken it up because Maximillian had ordered her and now… now it would be her end. Done in by the thing she hated most in life by a man whom she had once loved more than life itself.
"I see…" she said in response to the woman, "You bear a heavy burden without the aid of purpose. So I was defeated… by a girl without commitment to a cause."
"Freeze right there war witch!" came a voice from the night. Selvaria was suddenly surrounded by over a dozen Gallian soldiers, regulars by their uniforms.
"Hands up, no funny business!" came the gravelly and imperious voice.
Selvaria raised her hands to her head, only to be struck from behind with the butt of a rifle. Injured as she was she fell to the ground, her body laid out on the cold stone.
"Bah ha ha ha ha," came the same voice from behind her, "We finally bagged a Valkyria, good work."
Unkind thoughts flowed through Selvaria's rattled mind; the man had done nothing to capture her. All credit for that went to the militia, whom she saw glancing with distaste at those surrounding her.
"General," came another male voice, this one softer, much more familiar to her as well, "There was no call for violence. She had surrendered!" It was the Gunther boy, the one who had truly defeated her. Two more militia members ran up with him, a red haired shock trooper and a burly lancer. Both looked to be senior non-coms and both clearly looked to him for guidance. So did the Valkyria, a look of relief coming onto her face. As well as… no, she was likely imagining things. Her own mind running wild with what might have been.
"Watch your mouth! Impertinent peasant," continued the man, whom Selvaria no recognized as the Gallian General Damon, the same one who had lost this citadel in the first place… and gassed her.
"She uses evil magic, she's dangerous!" said Damon, as if he hadn't cheered Gallia's own Valkyria when she was defeated at Naggiar, "The only way I'm comfortable with her is when she's unconscious!"
Selvaria knew from experience how to deal with men like Damon and she wanted… no she needed to know that she had done everything she could for her troop's sakes.
"Please Lord General in the name of mercy I beg you," she said, her voice feeble only partially from acting.
"Huh?" said Damon, his eyes glancing down at her in the manner of one looking at an insect or other unpleasant thing, "Alright then, out with it."
"Do with me what you will," she said, her heart and mind already resigned on what would happen to her, "I ask only one thing. Spare the lives of the men you've taken captive. Spare them… and let the militia escort them to their fate."
Selvaria knew that the Gallian militia, for all its reputation as being the lesser of the two Gallian forces, more often than not took better care of its prisoners than the regular army. Not to mention with Gunther in control or nearby there would be nothing to worry about for her men.
"Hmph, good idea," said Damon, "Rats escorting rats, sounds like a perfect match."
Selvaria wanted to laugh at his statement. Rats? Neither of the groups he had mentioned were rats. Damon was a rat. The militia had proved themselves to be lions, worthy of respect and honor. Her men were the same. They may have been bested, but they had fought with honor to the end.
"Stand up witch," said one of the Gallian regulars as two of them grabbed her up off the ground roughly. She cried out in surprise and pain as the movements aggravated her wounds.
She raised her head to the Gallian Valkyria, idly noticing that a few more of the militia had gathered near their commander, troopers by the looks of them, including a Darcsen that was staring at her intently. No matter. Her life was almost at an end.
"I have found the purpose to justify my life. I don't think there's much chance we'll be meeting again," she said to the Valkyria, "That said, I'll admit I am curious. When the time comes to make a choice, what cause will your life finally serve?"
The Gallian woman's eyes went wide, even as she took a step towards Selvaria. A slight glance behind her, towards Gunther… perhaps she wasn't imagining things after all.
"Farewell," she said as she was pulled away by the regulars, Damon's voice echoing through the air.
"Bah ha ha! A glorious victory! Send word to Randgriz immediately. Tell them that Damon has taken Ghirlandaio!" he said to a nearby aide.
As Selvaria was frog marched back with the regulars she saw the Gallian woman turn towards Gunther once more. If she truly wasn't imagining things then the girl had dedicated herself to a cause. Perhaps unconsciously, but she had. Selvaria sighed internally, her mind fleeting over what had already happened and what might have been… along with what never would. Her fate had been decided now. His Grace had decreed her sacrifice and Johann… Johann wasn't there to save her anymore.
Unbeknownst to Selvaria at that very moment a groan echoed through a militia medical tent. While supplies were always tight when army quartermasters doled out to the militia, they had their own ways of making due. Those ways had seen the groaning man's life saved. He was no longer dressed in his once fine uniform, the torn and bloody garment having been thrown away by the doctors and medics who had saved him.
Out of his armor and bulky gear the man wasn't all that striking, his body wiry instead of muscular and no taller than average. The wit and warmth that the man carried were nowhere to be seen, his body ravaged by bullets and not enough time recovering from prior injuries. He was alive though, alive and not likely to perish of his wounds as long as proper care was taken. For the most outstanding thing about him, his iron will to survive, still remained even as he lay unconscious.
A blonde haired medic came to check on the man as he groaned, her face the same as two others that were nearby.
"Is he alright Fina?" asked her sister Mina.
"He's as well as we can make him given the supplies Mina," said Fina in return, "We still haven't treated all our casualties so we can't give him any more ragnaid."
"If only the army wasn't so stingy," said Gina the third sister, "It's not as if they have a whole lot of wounded to deal with today."
"Don't worry," said Mina quietly, "I asked Audrey and Ramona to go get some more ragnaid for us."
Gina glanced at her sister and then looked to Fina. Fina shook her head. It wasn't as if they hadn't done it before and they needed all the ragnaid they could get if they didn't want to lose any wounded.
"Just make sure it doesn't get back to us," said Fina.
"I know," said Mina, "With all of the wounded Imps we're getting we should be getting more anyway."
"Hopefully," said Fina, "I'll be back, I need to go tell Lynn the prisoner is going to make it."
"Right," said Gina, "Be back soon."
Fina nodded to her sisters and headed out of the tent. She didn't know why Lynn was so concerned about the man, but she'd promised to let the Darcsen girl know as soon as she could. Hopefully whatever was so important was worth the time.
Carrying a small tray of rations with both hands, Lynn strode through the halls of Ghirlandaio with only one destination in mind. It hadn't been terribly hard to find out where the Valkyria was being kept. All of the regular army troops, the ones who were still awake at least, were talking about how she had been taken to the cells under the citadel to await Damon's call. Luckily since it was late at night there were few people around and even less who wanted to bother a lone Darcsen militia girl who looked like she was on a mission.
Reaching the holding cells Lynn discovered that they were nearly deserted. Only one sleepy looking guard was outside, nodding off next to an open door. He barely stirred as she walked up, catching a glance of the food and then waving her in with only a grumble. Inside was similar, except the three men were all completely asleep instead of dozing. One was passed out on a cot in an open cell, while the other two snored in chairs around a table.
It was a frankly disturbing situation given that the enemy Valkyria was supposed to be in one of the cells, but it made Lynn's mission that much easier. Making her way down the cells Lynn finally discovered why the men outside were sleeping so soundly. The Valkyria was on a cot in the farthest cell, one of her ankles wrapped in an iron anklet that was attached to the stone wall of her cell. Along with the handcuffs she wore it didn't look like she could do anything at all, much less harm soldiers who could likely hear her if she tried to escape. If they were awake at least.
At first glance it appeared like the Valkyria was asleep, but she stirred as Lynn approached the bars. Lynn stopped as the woman sat up, her red eyes focusing on the Darcsen girl.
"You," said Selvaria, recognizing the girl from earlier that night, "You were with Gunther and the others on the wall." She frowned. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you some food," said Lynn, setting down the tray of rations and pushing it up against the bars.
Selvaria glanced at the food, which was standard Gallian combat rations and hardly what she would consider a fitting last meal. However she was hungry so she moved from her cot and picked up the lukewarm meal as Lynn watched her. The fact that the woman had even bothered to warm it in the first place spoke volumes about the difference between Gunther's people and the regular army.
Selvaria smelled the food before she took a spoonful. It was no worse than imperial rations at least. She looked at the Darcsen girl as she calmly chewed the minimum amount of times necessary and then swallowed so it all went down as fast as possible.
"You are not her only to give me food, are you?" she asked, her tone slightly curious. Why the Darcsen girl was here she had no idea. While the hatred of Darcsens in the Empire was essentially institutionalized, Selvaria herself had never gone on hunts, mostly because Maximillian had her doing other more important things. It was possible the girl held some grudge from the war, someone she was close to wounded or killed but there would have been no kindness then, just anger.
"No, no I'm not," said Lynn, reaching into her jacket to pull out the letter. She held it out to Selvaria through the bars. "This is for you."
Selvaria frowned and then took the letter. Where would a Gallian militia member have gotten a letter from her? They almost assuredly had no agents like that, especially not any Darcsen ones. Looking at the label on the letter she pulled out the several sheets inside and began reading.
As she read the first line she instantly she understood, her mind not registering what the Darcsen woman said to her.
"General Bles, I hope this letter never reaches but if it does know that I have fallen in battle."
She understood what the letter was and who it was from even as her eyes flitted over the words written on the paper. Certain snips stood out to her, even as she devoured the whole thing.
"Know that I have never regretted a moment of my service to you."
How could he have written such a thing? Why had he?
"I cannot know for sure how you see me and it is not my place to ask."
Oh Johann why, why did you?
"However in my passing I will take the liberty to say…"
What… no no he couldn't…
"… that I have come to have feeling for you over these months."
Tears came to her face, even as the buzzing sound of the other woman's voice faded to nothing.
"These feelings are not appropriate between officer and subordinate but I can no longer deny them even to myself."
He could have told her, could have… no, he couldn't have. Even as they grew close Johann had always respected certain boundaries. Especially given her previous feelings he never would have…
"If nothing else about this letter matters to you General then know this, I care about you. I care about Selvaria Bles, not as a General or a Valkyria, but simply the kind, warm woman I have come to know over these precious months."
Her heart nearly broke into pieces at that. Johann was the only one who'd ever expressed such sentiments to her. The only thing she'd ever wanted in life had been so close to her but now…
"Do with this letter as you would, but know that you go with my love Selvaria, however you with to take it. With eternal devotion, Johann Oswald Eisen."
Selvaria fought down the sobs that threatened to escape from her. She wouldn't let the other woman see her like that, couldn't let the guards hear her. Why? Why did life have to be so cruel to her? At least it had seen fit to let the letter get to her in the end. She would take it with her, knowing that she had accomplished what she wished for, even if it was much too late…
She forced her eyes dry, wiping them shortly before looking up at the Darcsen woman. She'd been getting much too emotional lately but under the circumstances.
"Thank you for bringing me this letter," she said, her voice slightly hoarse, "Where did you… how did you know it was important?"
"One of my friends found it," Lynn said, "I read the first few lines." She paused and looked a hair embarrassed. "I have someone close to me as well. It sounded like something he would write."
"How… how did he?" asked Selvaria, dreading the answer but needing to know.
"Didn't you hear me?" said Lynn, causing Selvaria to blink in confusion.
"No, I'm sorry," said Selvaria, "Did you already mention…"
"He's alive," said Lynn, "He's wounded but we took him prisoner and the medics said he was stable."
Selvaria felt another hammer blow hit her psyche. At first it was simply shock. She couldn't believe it. Johann was? But he…
As the shock wore off confusion came. If Johann was alive then... then what? She'd already accepted the fact that she was going to die, but if Johann was alive then maybe… maybe there was another option.
But what exactly? There was no way that Maximillian would fail to notice Ghirlandaio still standing and if he won the war or even simply, she would have no safe place to go. She could still go, still do what he had asked her and die knowing she was loved. But she couldn't die knowing Johann would carry a torch for her his entire life without knowing how she had felt…
As her emotions finally began to sort themselves out all she was certain of was one thing. She needed to see Johann. Even if he wasn't awake she needed to see him one more time.
"Please…" she said, looking up once more at the Darcsen girl before suddenly stopping. There was likely no way to convince the girl to let her out of her cell. She certainly wouldn't let someone like her out only to see a wounded man, no matter what the circumstances. "Please…" she said once more, "Tell him… tell him that I received his letter. Tell him that… that I return the feelings inside and I regret not being able to tell him myself."
Lynn couldn't help but feel for the woman, the emotions she tried to keep in check were still visible. It hit her most as she realized that the Valkyria hadn't told the man herself, possibly hadn't even known until she read the letter.
"He doesn't know how you feel, does he?" she asked, "He has no idea you feel the same way."
Selvaria glanced to the letter and then back up to the girl. "No," she said softly, "He has no idea. He wouldn't even let himself think like that." She paused, forcing herself to look the woman in the eye. "I didn't even truly know myself until a short while ago."
Lynn nodded. "I know what it's like to be uncertain that someone loves you."
"Do you know what it's like to be unable to see them when they're hurt?" asked Selvaria, "To know you may never see them again?"
"It's why I'm in the militia at all," said Lynn, her voice full of conviction, "Karl, my love, was wounded in an operation. I got word when I was in hiding and then… I had to be by his side. So I joined, even though I didn't know how to fight."
Selvaria looked at the woman in front of her, wearing her shock trooper uniform so casually, full of confidence like the rest of Gunther's squad.
"You learned quickly for his sake," said Selvaria.
"He taught me," said Lynn, "And now I can support him in combat just like he supports me."
"He sounds like a good man," said Selvaria, remembering how Johann learned in leaps and bounds. Only know she realized it was all likely for her.
"He is," said Lynn, "Yours must be too, if that letter is any indication."
"He is…" said Selvaria, her heart aching, "He is the only one who ever loved me."
Lynn couldn't help but stare as the utter heartbreak in the other woman's voice came out. She looked back towards the guards.
"You want to see him, don't you?" she asked the Valkyria.
"Of course," said Selvaria, "Unfortunately there is no militia for me to join to see him." She looked at Lynn once more. "It seems you are luckier than me in that regard Gallian."
"What if there was?" asked Lynn, a thought coming to her mind.
"What?" asked Selvaria, her face scrunching in confusion.
"What if there was a way for you to see him?" asked Lynn, turning to face Selvaria once more, "What would you do?"
"Anything," said Selvaria, her eyes locked onto the Darcsen woman's face.
"Swear on your… no. Swear on his life that you won't do anything and I'll try to let you see him," said Lynn.
"I…" said Selvaria, the words catching in her throat. What if this was all some elaborate trap? Some ruse to get her defenses down? The woman had seemed honest, but… In the end it didn't matter. If she had some chance to see Johann then she had to take it.
"I swear," she said, "I swear on his life, my own and my honor that I will not attempt to escape or harm anyone if you should allow me to see him."
Despite everything, despite the slight temptation to escape, it was the most solemn oath she'd ever given.
Lynn nodded after Selvaria finished speaking.
"Alright," she said, her voice soft, "I believe you." She looked back to the guards. "Give me some time, but I promise I'll be back to take you to see him."
"Thank you," said Selvaria, a sigh coming out of her, "I never thought I would thank a Gallian for letting me out of prison."
"Lynn, my name is Lynn," she said, holding out her hand to the bars.
"Selvaria," she said, reaching her own manacled hand out to take Lynn's, "Thank you Lynn."
"You can thank me later," said Lynn as they shook hands, "Until I get you out of here it's only words."
Selvaria nodded as their hands parted, listening as the Darcsen… Lynn, moved down the hallway from her cell. She lay down on her cot and clutched the letter to her chest. She would not fret, either Lynn would come back or she wouldn't, that was all there was to it. Until she knew which, she would lay there and savor the knowledge of Johann's love.
AN: Well, here's another chapter. Hope all of you who read it enjoy. Any comments/critiques would be very welcome. Till next time!