"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Elsa! Happy birthday to you!" Anna shouted/sung, leaping onto Elsa's bed.
"Anna," Elsa moaned, looking out the window. "It must be midnight. Go back to sleep."
"But I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" Anna said happily, twirling about the room.
Elsa forced herself to sit up in bed. "Thank you, Anna," she said, smiling sleepily. "Now please get back to sleep. You need enough energy for the birthday ball tomorrow."
"Okay!" said Anna. She ran to Elsa, gave her a hug, then ran out of the room.
Elsa chuckled to herself as she slid back down under the covers. She knew Anna was exited for the birthday ball. It would be the fourth party they'd been to. So far they'd attended Elsa's coronation party, attempt two of Elsa's coronation party, and Anna's birthday party. Anna adored parties and seemed to make new friends every time she was at one.
But Elsa never felt as comfortable. Even though she had gotten better at keeping her powers under control, she still got nervous in front of large crowds. She hadn't been at a party without freezing anything yet. At her attempt two coronation party, she had frozen the orb and scepter again. And at Anna's birthday party, when she had tried to cut the cake, she froze the knife onto the cake.
But this time, she decided, would be perfect. She wouldn't freeze anything. Or at least she'd try really hard not to.
Sorry the first chapter is so short! The chapters will get longer. And more exiting. Another chapter is in the works and I might upload it today! So please review! Constructive criticism is welcome!