Chapter 1

Notes: Like I said in the main summary, this is the second chapter of "Guardian Angel", so you all will have to read that first for this to make any sense. I know it's a long read, but I believe it's worth it ^_^

Summary (revised): Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, and a teenager they picked up along the way by the name of Kaela Sanderson have been on the lamb since Abraham helped Eugene escape Houston. Kaela harbors a secret and Abraham is hell bent on using it to saving the world, but what will happen when they discover that Eugene lied?

Sargent Abraham Ford thumped the steering wheel of the van, his notoriously short temper flaring as the old vehicle ground to a halt in the middle of the decayed, overgrown highway.

"I told you we should've stopped for fuel at that filling station we saw back yonder." Eugene said matter of factly from the back seat as a second car carrying the rest of their group pulled up behind them.

Abraham wheeled around to retort, but thought better of it as he squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to calm himself as a figure appeared at the drivers side door.

"Come on, get your crap and get in my car, the day isn't getting any longer and we might as well be hanging bait out here." A young woman by the name of Rosita Espinosa said as she leaned against the doorframe and lit a cigarette.

It was a squeeze, but they were able to fit everyone and their gear into the minivan, although they had to tie some of their supplies to the luggage rack.

"There's a Walmart up ahead, I can see if we can get some supplies and maybe refill our fuel reserves there." Rosita said as she took the next exit off the country highway.

They slowly rolled up to the gate and found there to be a huge chain and lock around it. "I don't like this." Eugene said, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he backed toward the car. In the former world, Eugene was a brilliant doctor who had been used to a posh lifestyle of servants, fine restaurants, and nice cars. So, understandably the good doctor was struggling in this new, raw world.

Suddenly, a vehicle could be seen, fast approaching the gate from the other side. The pair who exited looked like something straight out of a movie. The man was tough looking with long, shaggy hair that reached almost to the bottom of his jawline and covered half his face. His weapon of choice, a crossbow was loaded and pointed straight at their heads, the quiver on his back was filled to the brim with what looked like home made arrows.

His female companion was even more unsettling. Her black hair was longish and spiky, she on the other hand, held a large rifle, a 30.06 and by the looks of it she knew how to use it, strapped to her right hip was a dessert eagle, on her left was a large machete. But the most disconcerting thing about this woman was the patch on her right eye and the thick, ugly scar that ran beneath it.

"Ya'll best be on your way, there ain't nothing here worth dying for." She drawled as she cocked the rifle.

"Now, just wait a minute, we don't mean any harm, we just are in need of supplies. My name is Sargent Abraham Ford, these are my companions, Doctor Eugene Porter, Officer Rosita Espinosa and young Kaela Sanderson."

There was a tense moment, then suddenly the man and woman were joined by a tall, bearded man accompanied by a boy who looked to be about Kaela's age. Suddenly, a flicker of recognition flashed across the young boy's face.

"Hey … I remember you!" He turned to the bearded man. "Dad, this is the guy who helped mom and I get out of Atlanta!" the Boy said.

Abraham suddenly remembered the small boy, young woman and their male companion whom he helped escape the harrowing city as things all went to shit. He couldn't believe this youth, on the verge of becoming a man was the same small kid, but it was. He'd remember those vivid green eyes, his mother's eyes, from anywhere.

"Nice to see you made it, kid." Abraham said as they shook hands through the fence. Suddenly, the telltale groans from somewhere in the darkness broke apart their reunion.

Without any okay from any of his comrades, Carl quickly unlocked the gate and pulled it open. "Hurry, they're coming!" He said as he waved them through.

"Carl, I sure hope you know what you're doing." Rick said as they followed their mysterious visitors up the hill to their Walmart.