3:15am. 8th October, 1941.

She didn't recall how she had got there; to their home. Her eyes scanned the clean countertops, narrowing as she remembered them being quite the opposite.

Ella continued into the dining room. Hans was sat in his usual place with a paper laid out and his coffee in hand. The young woman tilted her head, as if a different angle would present a different view.

Her husband turned to her, pushing back the pages and offering his full and undivided attention.

Without a gesture or expression, she brought a knife up and swept it across her throat.

Hans contentedly curled his mouth as a line of speckled blood splattered across his crisp white shirt and returned to his paper.

And with a jump she woke, steeped in blood from her head. She sat up, taking tissues from the bedside and wiping the drying blood quickly from her brow and face. Hans turned to her, unaware of why she was sat up, almost cradling her head. As soon as he realised, he took the tissue and pulled her closer to him, letting the red bleed into the pure white tissue. Her eyes began to droop as sleep tried to creep back upon her. Hans let her rest her head on his shoulder as he cradled her.

'My heart almost stopped beating when you left...' He hushed into her ear. 'I can't believe I did that.'

She buried her face in his neck, feeling his stubble on her cheek. 'Don't think about it anymore,' she told him. 'It's done.'

'How can I expect you to forgive me, when I can't even forgive myself?'

'I forgive you.' It was a lie, but what hadn't she lied about?

'Tomorrow we must discuss your father." He told her as she sniffled.

She was close to sleep now. "What about him?"

"There is word that he crossed the Chanel."

She sat up, showing him a face of shock. "What?" Ella spluttered, fully aware of her fathers abandonment.

"I take it that you did not know then…"

She frowned, pretending to fight sleep. "I was with him only yesterday, that cant be right."

"I am afraid that it is right, but it can wait until the morning, here," He told her, passing her a small tablet that he had taken from a bottle. "You must sleep."

Her brain froze for a moment, alarm bells were ringing. She couldn't take that pill to make her sleep; he could whisk her away to one of those places whilst she was unconscious, she could mumble something in her sleep and give away the game…

"Gosh I don't need anything like that, I just had a bad dream. I'll have drifted off by the time my head hits the pillow."

He smiled at their normalcy. "Here, leave them on your side. In case you wake up."