Wow guys it's been forever hasn't it? Sorry that this took longer than I said, major writers block and Nick UK are being douches and not giving us season 2, so I lost touch with the characters slightly but its ok now (I hope.)

Cherry's POV

I stare over at Max who is worriedly pacing around his room. I have no idea what Tara said to him but he seems worried.

"Max are you…?" I begin but he interrupts me.

"I'm fine perfectly fine Cherry." Wow. Max is not fine. It seems to be a while before I hear light footsteps down the stairs. Finally, it took Phoebe long enough.

But it's not Phoebe. It's Tara. Now I can kind of piece together what the conversation was about. Max asked her out and she said yes, now she's round here.

There she is with her perfectly straight, darkish blonde hair and perfectly contrasting black eye shadow with matching clothes and jewellery. Grr why does she have to be so pretty?

"Hey Max." She says casually as she steps into the room. For a while she looks around his room, but then her eyes fall to me.

"Oh." She groans rudely. "I didn't think you'd have company." I bite my lip and look to the floor. I just want to collapse into a trap door and hide. Tara can be so intimidating sometimes. And especially now.

"Oh well Cherry hurt her foot so she can't really move." Max half-laughs, scratching the back of his head and grinning foolishly. Now that's what I call a crush.

"Well how long is she gonna be here for?" Continues Tara, taking a few small steps over to Max. His eyes go slightly wild, as if he's scared of her. Which he probably slightly is.

"Until PHOEBE gets down here with a band-aid." Groans Max, yelling Phoebe's name. Tara keeps on slow walking towards Max, causing my heart to crackle with each step.

"You know, maybe it's a good thing Phoebe's not here." Says Tara, grinning, her hand snaking its way up Max's arm. I can tell he's starting to blush and for about two seconds we make eye contact. I tried to keep my face expressionless, but it didn't work. Hot tears pricked my eyes and when Max noticed he had the same guilty expression on his face that he had when Tara rang him.

I purse my lips together and look down at the floor. If Max had no effect on me I would have just yelled 'Standing right behind you!' in a sarcastic and witty way, but if I did that now you would be able to tell my voice was slightly high pitched from crying. Tara would definitely do something then.

Tara is the closest to Max I've ever seen anyone, and I can tell she's going to kiss him. Max is trying to lean back over his desk to avoid her, but I know he really wants to. He's only doing it because I'm here, and because he wants the kiss to be more private. Well that's fine. Just f…

"Tara stop." Max says, and I jolt my head up. A second later her perfect purple lips (obviously wearing lipstick) would have been on Max's, but he stopped her.

Several thoughts come to me when this happens; does he like me then? Is he actually getting her to stop because I'm here? Does he have sympathy for me now? What's going on?

Max slowly takes Tara by the hips and pushes her away from him. Both mine and Tara's eyes go wide.

"Max? What are you doing? I thought you wanted this?" Exclaims Tara in this over exaggerated petty voice which annoys me to great extents.

"Doing what's right." He grumbles firmly, and finally escapes from the cave that Tara had trapped him in. He starts to walk over to me. This better be a good apology Max Thunderman, because if it isn't, I will not be impressed.

"Cherry, I'm really sorry. I don't like Tara. Well, not anymore." He says clearly. Even now his eyes are tearing up, and coming from Max, that's saying something. Tara's standing in the same place Max left her, looking slightly gobsmacked. He lifts his hand and cups the side of my cheek, and I can feel my eyes starting to well up again.

But no. This has gone on too long now.

"I'm sorry Max, but I don't except your apology." I murmur, and rush up his stairs and out of his room.

The tears are flowing now. I wipe them with the back of my arm and find myself in the Thundermans' lounge with Phoebe sat casually on the sofa eating ice cream. My mouth falls open slightly. She didn't even get the band-aid. She just plonked herself down on the couch as if nothing had happened…Which also means she saw Tara come in. So why didn't she stop her?

"Phoebe! Where the hell were you?" I yell at her from behind, not caring if she sees my tears. She merely turns her head ever so slightly and licks her ice cream covered-spoon.

"Oh. Well I thought I'd leave you two alone for a while." Nothing. No sympathy or anything. Phoebe doesn't even care that I'm crying. In fact, the coldness in her voice is somewhat like what Max's used to be like.

"No! No you didn't! Like you even cared about my feelings for Max? Ever! You just wanted to get a little pay back on your brother. But guess what Phoebe? I don't give a damn about the Thundermans anymore!" I yelled in her face, and I stormed out the door, slamming it behind me.

The walk home was a blur. All I could think of was how my hatred and jealousy had led me to finally scream out my feelings for the whole neighbourhood to hear.

But I am done with the Thundermans, and I meant that part. Max and Phoebe are both messed up in their own ways, and that's something I don't want to be involved in or be a part of.

Tomorrow at school I will avoid both of them, no matter what they say to me. I'll eventually get over Max, it'll be easy as pie. Even though I don't understand pie…but anyway.

When I finally get home my eyes have dried and I feel ok again.

"Cherry, honey, are you okay?" Asks my mom from the dining room when I start to head up to the roof.

"I'm fine mom." I say without any emotion, not even looking at her. I just need to be alone right now.

My mom doesn't reply, so I assume she got the message. Running up to my room, I see the little flight of stairs that lead up to the roof. I always used to go there when I was little if I was upset or just needed peace. When we moved here when I was five my dad did the roof up with flowers and plants, and it even has two sun beds. I smile when I arrive up there.

Its pitch black outside now, but the sky is completely clear and I can see the stars. They're so pretty. I haven't been up here in months, but the feeling of freedom up here never left.

Sighing deeply, I lie down on one of the sun beds and close my eyes. The only sound is the distant cars of the city and birds tweeting ever so slightly in the nearby trees.

For a while I just lie there, until my peace is interrupted with the 'trap door' of the roof opening. My mom finally wants to know what's up, but I'm not telling her.

"Not now mom." I sigh, turning over on my sunbed.

"Cherry, it's me." Max. I don't want to hear any excuses, and him coming up here has just made all the memories I've been blocking out for the past half an hour fade back in a top speed.

"Go away Max." I say, still lying down with my back to him. I hear a slight spring and I know he's sat down on the other sun bed.

"It's really beautiful up here." He says after a few minutes of awkward silence. I bite my lip, still trying my best to stay mad at him.

"Yeah, it is." I grumble poignantly, clenching my teeth together. Max sighs deeply, and I just want to run over and hug him then, but I can't.

"Cherry, you're not making this anymore easier for me." Won't he just shut up trying to get me to sympathize? I don't care Max!

"Why should I make this easier for you?" I groan, finally turning over to face him. He's wearing different clothes to earlier, but they're smarter. Max has actually made an effort…for me. His hair is all puffy and perfect but even more so than usual. The moon seems to catch his eyes and sparkle.

Then there's me wearing the same clothes and with no make-up because it all ran and I had to rub it off. He smiles when he sees me. It's been a while since he has actually smiled, and not 'smirked.' I can't help but smile back.

"You're right Cherry. I was a dick, and I should have said something sooner." What does he mean by 'said something sooner?' I frown at him, so he continues to speak. But this time in a more quiet, subtle voice.

"You know earlier when I walked up to you in my lair, and I was gonna say something, but I didn't?" Asks Max, leaning back on the sun bed. I sigh slightly. Yep I remember. But is it really necessary to bring it up now?

"Yeah." I drone slightly, agitated by the look Max has on his face. It's smug, but with a rather fatuous expression at the same time. Max takes a deep breath then looks down at his feet.

"I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to kiss you there and then…but I didn't." Wow. To say something like that takes a lot of guts, especially coming from Max. But…he wanted to kiss me? That means he likes me. But for how long? To think just a few days ago this was all one big weird plan. I still liked Max even then, but did he like me? Is it possible? Why am I even thinking all this?

I stare at him for a while, unsure of what to say.

"Then…then why didn't you kiss me?" I ask sheepishly. We've probably both gone red now, but it's too dark to even make out our facial features anymore. Max sighs again, smirking at himself.

"Well…you can't tell anyone this but…I've never actually kissed anyone before…I was worried that I'd do something wrong…" Double wow. I grin at Max and sit up.

"I promise…and I'm sure you wouldn't have been that bad…I wouldn't have even been able to function properly if you'd kissed me." I smile, my blush going even redder. We haven't made eye contact in a while now, we're just both looking down at our feet.

"Wait, so you like me? It's not just part of whatever that plan was between you and Phoebe?" Questions Max curiously. I laugh half-heartedly.

"Yeah. I do…the plan was never even my idea." I sigh, finally looking up at Max. I noticed that he was already looking at me, smiling. He smirks at me and even though it's dark our eyes lock.

"I like you too Cherry." Max grins, and we both know how cheesy this conversation. I bow my head embarrassed.

"Can I make this even more clique by kissing you?" Max sort of jokes, and I join him in laughing.

"Why sure kind gentlemen." I grin in a mock-English accent. I try to duck my head down again but Max has already stood up and cupped my face so we're only a few mere centimetres apart.

"With pleasure m'lady." Is the last thing Max says before he finally kisses me. It feels better than I imagined, but saying that just adds to how cheesy this is.

But it's finally happened. I didn't admit it to Max, but this is my first kiss too. I feel kind of bad, but that doesn't matter right now I'll tell him later. Perhaps. Eventually Max's kind of crouching position he was in to kiss me starts to hurt his back, so he stops and sits next to me. We sit grinning like idiots for a while.

"So…what does this mean for us?" I ask casually, leaning into Max's chest. He strokes my back which I find incredibly soothing.

"I think I'll have to break up with Tara first." He laughs, and once again I join him in laughing. But I guess it's true though.

Yes I know how bad this was and it was cheesy and stuff but you know. This isn't the last chapter though so don't worry. Thanks for sticking with the story and sorry if this chapter and my bad writing just ruined it XD