W.B chapter 3

Hello! I'm back! Since it is Summer it means I have more free time, however I don't want to say that there will be a new update each week because for some reason I can only write properly when I'm in the mood, which now unfortunately happens rarely and lasts a day, but I'm hoping that I will be able to write a chapter a week, and am now going to put it in my calendar. I have seven stories on the go, and have decided that I will update each week on a set day, depending on the story! You guys have got to hold me to it, otherwise I won't do it.

Special thanks to:








Maddy prov:

Just as I was going to go to bed, my mum walked in with a serious look. She told me she needed to talk. I was suddenly on edge, she was either going to tell me we were moving back, or that we have to move.

She handed me the letter, and I could see Rhydian's scrawly handwriting. I instantly made a grab for the letter.

'Mum, give me that letter!' I growled, I could start to feel my wolf come out.

I made another grab for the letter and this time I succeeded. My mum laughed as she exited my room. I hastily opened the letter and two pieces of paper fell out onto my bed. The first one I opened contained a drawing with a picture clipped to the corner of it, it was a picture of the four of them; Rhydian, Shannon, Tom and Jana. Rhydian had drawn the picture, I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't there with everyone and that I wasn't able to be in the drawing, but I knew that it was Rhydian's way of letting me know that they were all doing ok. Along with the picture was a letter.


I miss you so much. Everyone's Ok here.

Shannon is still singing, she's going to be singing at the school concert, you should see her now the stage fright's gone. I can't help but feel that you were the one who helped her get over it.

Tom's still playing football, He could be captain if he carries on the way he's playing, imagine seeing Jimmy's face if he became the second in command haha. Jana is becoming more and more like a leader with every passing day.

And me…. well i miss you everyday Mads, the threat has gone, please come back. It is driving me made not being able to see you everyday and talk to you. I don't even have your number to ring you, just to hear your voice. Mad's please come home. I don't know if this letter will every reach you or that you haven't already moved on, hopefully not with another guy. I swear if I find out you've got yourself a boyfriend, I will buy a ticket to see you just to rip his face off.

Please write back, it's killing me not knowing if you're Ok

All my love,

Rhydian xxx

I wiped away a tear that was already rolling down my cheek. I got up and hung both the pictures on my wall, next to the ones he'd drawn of us as wolves. I grabbed a piece of paper and began my attempt at writing back. I had tried so many times to write this letter, but no matter how many I write, none of them seem to fit or I could never find the right words.


I miss you all so much. It's so good to hear everyone's doing well. Tell Shannon congratulations and I look forward to seeing a video online of her. Let Tom know that I say to keep on going, and just imagine beating Jimmy once and for all. Jana, I knew that she had it in her, all she had to do was be herself and not let anyone change her. But most of all, I miss you so much, it sucks not being able to see you everyday and share our jokes.

Mum says that we might be able to move back soon, and if it takes over a year that I can come and visit. I'll keep you all updated about what happens. Its crazy here. I've got my own bedroom with a view over looking the lake. The nights our cold here, I'm having to use your jacket, it still smells like you and I feel like I'm back at home. I sometimes wake up and think that I'm back home and I feel so happy. Dad says that I'm going to have to start school here if we get no news by next week. No one can compare to you guys, you are my one and only pack.

On the plus side there are loads of forests here so runnings always good, their house is secluded so they don't have to have a makeshift den in their basement like we did, they can just run in the wild and be free.

Maybe some day you can come visit.

All my love and wishes,

Maddy xxx

I realised that I didn't have any envelopes nor did I have stamps, I'd have to ask mum or dad to buy some tomorrow. Unfortunately we weren't within walking distance to any shops. It was at least half an hour drive. Meaning that I would probably have to go with them and post it there, other wise I would have to wait an extra week, and knowing me I wouldn't send it as I wouldn't think that it was perfect.

Even though I was proud of my friends, I couldn't help but feel jealous. They were all living their lives, and here I was, basically not moving forward. There was nothing to do here, I'd spent basically each day either in my room or in front of the telly.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry for how late it was! Remember to remind me to update! Also let me know what you think by reviewing :)