Charlie leaned back against the kitchen counter and glanced between the pair, waiting to see if they would crack on their own. While she liked to play by her own rules, she thought it could be fun to play along with their little charade of cooperation. She was going to break them or she was going to get them to take things to a new level. Either way, it was going to be fun for her.

Both of them were still standing there smiling. They were just asking for her to wipe those smug looks off of their faces.

"Okay," she told them as she sidled closer to them. "I'll play along. This could be fun, while it lasts."

She stopped in front of Monroe, so close that her chest was just barely grazing his, then her gaze shot over to Connor. He was really playing up how unaffected he was as he struggled to look as disinterested as possible, but she was sure that just beneath the surface he was fighting not to react.

Oh, this was definitely going to be fun.

The second Charlie's eyes left Connor, his jaw clenched. His hands balled into fists as he watched Charlie bring her hand up to cup his father's cheek. As she ever so slowly brought her lips to Monroe's, Connor's gaze flickered down to his shoes.

He had to look up again when he heard the smacking of their lips moving against each other. It was already grossing him out before he looked up to find her fingers knotted in his father's hair. It was clear from that distance that there was a lot of tongue being used and Connor had to resist the urge to clear his throat to interrupt them.

As Charlie finally pulled back, Connor quickly forced himself to compose his features, despite the fact that he was really starting to question his father's plan. It didn't seem like he was getting anything out of it, but he figured he'd play along for just a little longer to see what she would do if she didn't get the reaction she was looking for out of him.

Charlie glanced over at Connor again and this time he was standing with his hands in his pockets looking so casual that she almost didn't notice the subtle gritting of his teeth. A wide smile formed on her lips as she wondered just how far they would let her take this.

"Oh, I like this," she commented before turning her attention back to Bass. "Come on."

She grabbed him by the wrist and began to drag him towards the doorway.

Connor stood frozen in place, wondering whether to follow them, try to stop them, or just keep on standing there and pretending like he wasn't totally getting screwed over by Monroe's plan.

Charlie paused in the doorway and looked back over her shoulder at him as she teased, "Aren't you coming?"

She was testing him and there was no way that he wasn't going to regret going along with it. Then again, if he gave in and let her drag his father off by himself all because he couldn't flash a smile and play along, then he was sure to regret that too.

"I'm right behind you," he assured her.

Charlie couldn't hold back her beaming smile as she led them upstairs. As they turned down the hallway and headed for her room, she wondered which one of them would falter first.

Their shirts were lying on the floor where she had tossed them into the room haphazardly. Originally, she had planned on hiding them in her uncle's bag, but when she had made it up the stairs with them she had decided that it was worth the obvious choice to have an excuse to lure them back to her bedroom. She hadn't known then that she wouldn't need any excuses.

She watched Connor step into the room, looking around as if it was his first time in a woman's bedroom, then darted past him to close the door. Both of the men were starting to look a little nervous as she leaned back against the wooden door and glanced between them.

Connor suddenly questioned his decision as he watched Charlie's eyes rake over his father's chest. Had she seriously invited him along just to watch them? He knew she wanted them to go back to fighting each other, but this was getting a little ridiculous.

Bass was standing closer to the bed, while Connor remained along the wall, only a few steps into the room.

Charlie stepped into the middle of the room and wasted no time in shedding her jeans. Clearly she meant business.

"You're up first," she told Monroe as she stepped out of her jeans and closer to him.

That 'first' wasn't exactly what Bass wanted to hear, but by the time her mouth was back on his and her hands were on his chest, he was a little too pleased with what was happening at that moment to worry about the fact that his son was still in the room and that apparently she was planning on giving him a turn right after.

Connor, on the other hand, was barely managing to hold onto that 'first'. He really wanted to walk back out of that room, but if Charlie was going to get with Monroe, then he really did not want to lose his turn. Besides, this was probably just an act. Right?

He took a step back, knocking into a dresser by accident as he moved closer to the wall. Neither of them seemed to notice though as Charlie took a step back as well, dragging Monroe along with her by the hair.

When her leg bumped into the mattress, she fell back onto the bed. Her legs, still dangling over the edge, were spread wide as she removed her lips from Bass's and pushed down on his shoulders in a not so subtle hint.

Monroe let out a chuckle and Connor's blood boiled as he watched the other man push the fabric of her tank top up and run his tongue along the newly exposed skin.

Connor figured he may as well not be there as he leaned with his weight against the dresser and looked down at the floor. His eyes soon flickered back up again to find Monroe was removing her underwear with his teeth. He definitely should not be watching this. His eyes shot down again and this time they managed to stay there for longer before he heard her take a sharp intake of breath and his head shot up again before he could stop himself.

Her eyes were closed and her legs were hooked over Monroe's shoulders. Connor hated how difficult it was to make himself look away. This really should not be turning him on, but there she was barely half-dressed, pushing them around, and leaving him utterly mesmerized.

He finally managed to tear his gaze away and glanced around the room again. There was a bottle sitting on the small table by the window that he was almost certain had originally belonged to his father. It didn't surprise him that he had let her take it. After all, he and Monroe both had the same weakness.

Connor stalked over and grabbed the bottle, then brought it back to the same spot he had been in before. He opened the bottle, then glanced up again to find Charlie's eyes had opened and were focused solely on him as she writhed in response to whatever move Monroe had just tried out. Jesus fucking Christ. He was frozen there with the bottle half-raised, completely helpless under her lusty gaze.

She licked her lips and grinded against Monroe's face, but her eyes still didn't leave Connor's. Dear fucking god. She was going to be the death of him and at this rate sooner rather than later.

He took a quick swig from the bottle and her moans dragged his eyes right back to her. Her legs tightened and her nails dragged up Monroe's shoulders as she clawed him closer to her. Charlie was breathing heavier, then suddenly her eyes clenched shut and her body violently jerked.

Bass's arm hooked over her torso to hold her still as he helped her ride it out, not pulling away until she finally relaxed against the bed and let out a satisfied sigh. Connor's gaze shot back down as the spell was broken and suddenly he was really debating leaving if Monroe didn't.

Charlie unwrapped her legs from around Bass and shot him a wide smile.

Connor took another swig of his drink, then turned towards the door and took a half-hearted step closer to it. He wasn't sure if he wanted her to stop him or not.

Charlie's head rose from the bed when she realized that Connor was considering leaving. That would settle the game and shatter the fragile illusion that they were totally fine with her going after both of them, but her priorities had shifted and that was no longer what she wanted.

She leapt off of the bed and made her way over to him in a few long strides, then stepped between him and the door. She was totally unabashed about the lack of clothing on her lower half as she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and tilted her head to the side.

"Where do you think you're going?" She practically fucking purred. "It's your turn."

Charlie knew she had him under her thumb when he leaned back a little so that he could get a better view as his eyes shifted lower to slowly look her over. Her hands glided over the muscles of his back, then slid to the other side of his waist as she began to unbuckle his belt.

"Or do you still want to leave?" She challenged, even though it was very apparent just how turned on he was and just how much she had captured his attention again.

Connor brought his hands to her waist and slowly slid his hands higher, pushing her shirt up inch by inch. "No, I think you've convinced me."

Bass was a little irritated as he watched Charlie let his son pull her shirt off over her head. But when she dragged Connor back by the hand, Bass was distracted as her plump breasts came into view and for a second he forgot how annoyed he was.

Her attention shifted over to him for just a moment as she told him, "I'm not done with you. Don't go anywhere."

Bass looked away and rubbed a hand over his face as Charlie moved to push Connor's pants off of his hips. Apparently Connor was getting a better deal than he was. Good for him. Or at least that's what Bass tried to tell himself as he stalked over to grab the bottle his son had abandoned in favour of Charlie.

Connor let her shove him back onto the bed and grinned up at her as she climbed on top of him.

By the time she rolled off of Connor, Charlie was completely and utterly exhausted, but was also equally satisfied.

Neither of the ones on the bed even remotely tried to cover themselves and Bass knew he probably should not be looking, but Charlie just looked so perfect. It was impossible to look away from the sheen of sweat that covered her body, stretched out along the bed, and that little smile that was growing by the moment.

The pair of them playing nice was definitely more than nice for Charlie, but she was already drained of energy and was sure she was going to be sore in more than a few places the next day. She wriggled up as she pulled the blanket out from beneath her, then made herself comfortable in the center of the bed and threw the blanket loosely over Connor and herself.

Bass watched the pair of them and realized that Charlie really had no plans of getting back to him. He was left more frustrated than ever and pissed that he had let her convince him to stay for the show. Just as he was about to let himself out of the room, Charlie looked over at him and spoke up.

"There's room for you too," she pointed out as she patted the spot beside her.

He hesitated for a moment and glanced over to Connor. His son shot him a smug look as he mouthed the word 'twice' to remind him that the score was now 2-0 in Connor's favour. That gave him the push he needed to head for the bed instead of backing down.

Bass crawled in on the other side of Charlie and made himself comfortable. Her arm wrapped around his waist as she shifted closer to him.

Her mouth was practically touching his ear as she whispered, "Don't worry. I'll still get to you. Just not tonight."

A/N: Please read and review! I am so sorry that it took me so long to update this. Honestly, I was a little intimidated by the idea of writing this chapter. I'm hoping to have the updates coming a lot faster now though. And another gigantic thanks goes out to ToTheSkyAndBack and Hollywoodlove09 for being awesome and reviewing last chapter! :)