GraLu Prompt 5


WARNING: This chapter has not been beta read; I only proofread this.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy tail, Hiro Mashima does.

Lucy's Point of View

I wanted to bring back time—to reverse everything that had just happened. I wanted to fix the mistake I made. I didn't want to be in pain right now, and I was desperate for another chance. I needed another opportunity to confess, to tell him how I really felt. I wanted to be the one in his arms, and not her. Not Juvia. Not anyone else.

Me. It had to be me.

I stood frozen in front of Gray and Juvia who were kissing the hell out of each other, earning another crack from my heart.

I liked Gray. No—I loved him. And I still do.

It was partly my fault why they were together now. What was I thinking? Why did I even tell him that he should try going out with Juvia when he could've gone out with me? Was I really that stupid?

I breathed heavily, trying to process the dilemma at hand. Hundreds of questions were entering my mind endlessly, driving me senseless and wishing I had answers. There were things I wanted to ask, and things I wanted to say, but couldn't. I could even feel my heart beating rapidly against my chest, thudding loudly as if it wanted to escape from all the pain, from all the hurt, from all the heartache… from everything.

And then I ran.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away. My feet were driving against the pavement and I pushed myself to keep going. I had no energy to run but I did, and it was tiring. I was exhausted from all the events that happened, but I had to keep going.

Now out of their sight, I began to cry. Drop after drop, they continued to fall. I was sobbing quite loudly, which was disgusting, but I didn't care. I gasped for air after every cry and stumbled into an alley, leaning against the wall for support. I fell to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest, pouring out all the pent up anger and frustration that was directed to myself.

I never realized the agony of being left behind, and now I know. It ate up your soul like it knew you were to blame. I was aware that it was my fault for holding back, but I just couldn't stop crying.

My chest squeezed painfully and my throat burned. I wanted to stop crying but I just couldn't. And no matter how many times I tried to cease my tears from falling, nothing happened. I threw my head back and hit the wall behind me. I bit the back of my hand, my shoulders shaking with every sob and cry that dared to leave my lips.

Mavis, it still hurts and I don't know how to make it stop hurting.

I wanted to turn back time. I wanted to change everything, to reverse all the pain, to get rid of all my mistakes. I wanted to wish for my happiness, although that was very selfish of me, but I was about to confess anyway.

We were supposed to have our happy ending and kiss until our lips were swollen. It didn't have to be this way.

"I wish I could go back!" I screamed and slammed my fist on the ground, breathing heavily. "I wish I could do something to change everything…"

"You wish to turn back time?"

My breath hitched and I looked up from my knees. There was a tiny person with wings floating in front of my face, her small blue eyes beaming with a smile. She was a blonde like me, and she was laughing heartily.

My eyes widened.

"Y-You're a… a… oh my god."

Her laugh sounded like chiming bells and it was beautiful. "Yes, I am a fairy. Is this your first time seeing one?"

"W-Well, yes b-but—"

"I bet you're wondering why I don't have a tail."

"How did you—"

"I can read minds." She smiled. "Don't worry; I won't pry into your subconscious desires. I am very curious about why you are crying though, and why you are desperate for a chance to change—what did you say again? Oh, yea—everything."

I stiffened and looked away from the fairy, focused on the dirt ground under me. "Why should I tell you? I don't even know who you are."

She giggled. "You can call me Fae. I am the leader of the fairy folk, and have lived for millennia. And you?"

"Lucy Heartfilia," I mumbled dejectedly. She was really bubbly, and that didn't sit well with my mood. But I guess I could trust her.

I sighed and hid my face behind my knees. "You see, I like this guy and his name is Gray. He's really sweet and he looks out for his friends. He has a stripping habit and that's weird but that's okay. You know, Fae, I don't just like him. I love him, and I'd do anything to be with him right now. I was planning to confess because I just couldn't stand not being with him today. However…" I felt another wave of tears coming. "Juvia confessed first."

"Who is this Juvia girl?"

"She's a water mage, and she's acquainted with the rain. She has always gone after Gray ever since they met, and at first he showed signs of disliking her." I sobbed. "I just don't know what happened now."

I heard Fae sigh and I lifted my head to look at her. She was smiling almost proudly. "Well, Lucy, it is your fault that you held back for too long, but I can fix this problem of yours."

I sucked in a deep breath, eyes wide in anticipation. "Really? How?"

"But there's a catch," she said, her ocean irises slitting into a mischievous gleam. "In order to make your wish come true, you have to give me a valuable price. It may be something you treasure very much or a part of you. Anything of high value is fine, as long as it's worth it."

"Then is money allowed?"

"No. Money is useless to the fairy folk."

"Then what?"

Fae smiled widely. "You can give me a portion of your life, for example."

I shuddered violently. "No!"

She sighed. "It was just an example."

I nibbled on my bottom lip and thought of something to give her. I had so many things I couldn't let go off, and if I gave them away, would it be worth it? What if I couldn't change anything and all my efforts were in vain? Would I ever get them back? Probably not.

I passed a hand over my forehead and stared at the fairy wearily. "Will I still remember this meeting after my wish is fulfilled?"

"Of course."

I stared at her, frowning. "I can't give up anything, Fae."

"Oh?" she looked interested, her eyes flashing with mirth. "How about this then. If you confess and he rejects you, then I will have twenty years of your life. If he likes you back and you get together, then I will take nothing from you."


She smiled gently. "Yea. I liked this fairy back then too, and I didn't get the chance to confess. He's married now, and has three children. I was the maid of honor at their wedding."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," she said and laughed. "So this bag is full of fairy dust. Sprinkle this on yourself and say your wish. Do not use up all of them, because they might come in handy someday."

"Thank you so much Fae," I whispered, closing my eyes as I felt her small hand touch my cheek. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Yes, when you get rejected or when you succeed."

"See you later then?"


All of a sudden she was gone from my view, a small pouch in my hands. I swallowed thickly and opened it to find gold dust, at which my eyes watered at. I sucked in a deep breath and poured a bit in the palm of my hand. I focused on what I wanted to accomplish:

I wanted to be with Gray.

I sprinkled the fairy dust over myself and whispered, "I wish to go back in time, where Gray hasn't accepted Juvia yet, and a time where I have a chance to tell him how I really feel."

In a matter of moments I could feel everything reversing. From the moment I talked to Fae, and to when I cried, and to when I was running. The air was whipping my hair out of my face, and I nearly cried when I felt that burst of pain in my chest once again. Suddenly I was back at the guild, in front of everybody who was cheering for Gray and Juvia.

I kept my eyes on them, and secretly enjoyed the fact that they were slowly starting to pull back as time reversed. It felt so weird, knowing that everything was going to change. I lived all my life knowing that things were only going to happen once, and that one chance was all you'll ever get. But to repeat events you wish to change was astonishing and at the same time very frightening.

The air stopped and my hair fell. I realized that this was my chance. Gray was sitting by himself by the table in the corner again, and Juvia was far by the bar eyeing him. I suddenly saw it—the desire in her eyes. I sucked in a deep shuddering breath and approached him.

He caught me walking over and grinned. "Hey Lucy."

"Hi, Gray." I was aware of the fact that my heart was beating too fast for my liking, and that Juvia was glaring daggers behind my back. But I didn't care. This was my chance.

"Have a seat," he said and gestured his head to the chair beside him. I sat down and took a chip from his plate, popping it in my mouth. He was still staring at me. "So, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I told him, smiling.


"Well, can you come closer?" I asked him, leaning forward as well. "I'm going to tell you, but it's going to be a secret, okay?"

He nodded and then started leaning towards me. His face started to inch closer to mine, and when I was sure I could close that distance between us, I did. I could feel the temperature drop, and I felt his hand cupping my chin. I kept my eyes closed, afraid of the consequences, but I leaned back, and then I opened them.

He looked surprised and pleased at the same time. I flushed and covered my face. "Oh my god, that was embarrassing."

He chuckled and I peeked from my fingertips to find him leaning his cheek against his fist. "So, does this mean we're together now?"

I blinked and dropped my hands, looking away. "Well, if you don't want to then…"

"Shut up," he mumbled before pulling me in for another kiss. I had to admit, it felt so good to kiss him. It felt like kissing an icicle, but you know, it was worth it.

Our lips started moving, and while we continued our little love fest, I could hear a bell ringing beside my ear. I almost pushed Gray away, knowing that it was Fae, but I stopped myself.

"Congratulations, Lucy Heartfilia. I hope you continue to love him and never put this to waste."

Gray was gripping my waist, pressing his body into mine. We were kissing in the guild, yet we didn't seem to care that everyone could see us.

"I'll be going now. Goodbye, Lucy. I hope you use the rest of the fairy dust well."

And at that moment, I knew that I wasn't going to need any more wishes, but who knows? Maybe the dust will come in handy someday. But for now, I'm going to kiss Gray a little longer.

A/N: I am a day late, I believe. But my grandmother died yesterday and I needed some time, and I am really busy. Still busy actually, so my next entries may come a day late or so. Anyway, if you liked the chapter, please leave a review :)

"Time is gold."

Byee! -Anne :D

- Please support/read my other stories: Celebrity Issues, The Devil and the Assassin, Fragile, Life's Challenges, Forgotten Memories, Queen of Stars, A Love That Lasts Forever and Going Against The Current.