AN: Sorry this chapter took so long. I lost a little will to write when no one figured out what I was trying to say last chapter. Inspiration left me. The inspiration for this chapter came to me when I was falling asleep, so hopefully you like it.

Chapter 3

Jane looked out her window, high above. She wondered how she had gotten here? She looked ready to pop any day now. She should have better conditions then this room in the tower. She knew she was just waiting for the baby to be born. Then her life was forfeit. She was the last one of her family left. The rest of the Seymours had been beheaded a couple months ago, all of her brothers and sisters and her father. The only thing saving her at the moment was her unborn child and even that would not save her. Her execution was planned for two days past the birth. Henry had not been generous.

Jane maintained that she had done nothing wrong. Henry was infertile not she, if the babe in her stomach was anything to go by. She had gotten pregnant quickly and Henry had not been able to get her pregnant. Katherine must have been desperate and done the same thing when she could not get pregnant, the ole hag. She was not even slightly sorry for killing her. She just wished she had been successful in getting rid of her and her daughter before she was imprisoned. Henry still thought Mary was his even if she was illegitimate. That was the only reason he had imprisoned her. She had not committed treason against her lord and sovereign. It was her duty to give the Tudors an heir. It shouldn't matter where the babe came from.

Jane had been feeling a pain in her stomach all night, with a sudden gush she knew it was time.


Henry looked up when he saw Charles come in.

"Jane is dead. She gave birth a couple hours ago. The baby was malformed. It didn't live to take more than a breath. Most of the bones were broken in its tiny body. The baby caused a Hemorrhage. She bled out. The doctor didn't come in time to save her. What do you want us to do with their bodies?"

"Remove her head and put it on a pike to show all what happens to traitors and bury the child near the tower. There is no reason it should suffer the indignity of being Seymour blood. You shall mark the grave as baby FitzSeymour."

Charles left with a bow. Henry looked down once again at the letter that he had received before Charles appeared.

Your Majesty,

I am but a humble servant whose word you can choose to ignore but I feel the need to bring to you a subject that should never be forgot, Mary Tudor. You made her illegitimate on the grounds that your marriage to her mother was illegal. I recently found out that you have been lied to. The pope delivered you a letter saying he would give you the annulment you desired on the grounds that you keep Mary legitimate, say that your marriage to Queen Katherine was a good faith marriage, and that any children you had with Jane would be below Mary in the line of succession. He became enraged when you went against that and thus declared that your marriage to Queen Jane was illegal thus any children you had with her would be illegitimate. You could make amends with the Pope if you simply legitimized Mary Tudor. Spain would be in favor of this also. Thus you would go from having no one to take over for you when you died to an heiress. Mary would also be a good diplomatic tool when you did have more children. I humbly suggest you legitimize Mary Tudor once more and propose an engagement to Spain.

Your humble servant,

Lady Anne Boleyn

Henry didn't know Thomas had another daughter. He had only met George and Mary Boleyn.

He called for Thomas.

"Thomas, I didn't know you had another daughter."

"I did, your Majesty, but she died a few years ago."

Henry showed Thomas the letter.

"I don't know who that is but my daughter is dead. I don't know why she would claim to be Anne Boleyn. Maybe they have a secret to hide and don't want their real name on the letter in case you become enraged. Thus, you would take it out on my family instead of them. Maybe it is one of my enemies. I would pay it no attention, sir."

Henry nodded absently deep in thought.