DISCLAIMER: All rights of original Bleach characters/story go to Tite Kubo (we love you!). ….


"This is Ichigo Kurosaki," Saya pulled Ichigo forward. "He's the lead singer of Getsuga Tensho if you saw—"

"Yeah, I know who he is," Shinji put his hands in his pockets, looking Ichigo over carefully. "We were doing some scouting at the Karakura Summer Festival…Congratulations on the win, Ichigo," he smiled with a tall toothy grin.

"Thanks," Ichigo said back roughly. For the short two minutes he had know this guy, Ichigo thought he was strange. Sort of in an intimidating way.

"Seems like you've become a fast rising star, with that concert of yours coming up with S.M.U.R.F'ed at Aizen's concert stadium...How is that old bastard doing, Saya?" Shinji turned to her with a straightening face.

Saya shrugged. "Well he's evolved past his Clark Kent phase and is gelling his hair now, but still quite frankly a first class Asshole." That was one other reason Saya never cared for Superman as a comic book character: the resemblance to Aizen was just uncanny.


Ichigo and Saya glanced at the snort that had erupted from the pigtailed girl. Hiyori jabbered next to her taller companion for a second, nudging him with her elbow.

"A first class friggin asshole!" she snickered and Shinji nodded at her in agreement. "NOW MOVE IT!"


"OW! Hiyori!?" Shinji held his nose that had just been smacked by a harsh slap of Hiyori's flip-flop.

"Since my lackie failed to introduce me, I guess I'll do it myself—if anyone CARES!" she snapped her flipflop at Shinji again. "I'm Hiyori Sarugaki. And I'm the top dog at Vizard Studios. I don't know what this moron's been telling you, saying HE'S the leader, I'M the leader!"

"You don't even do anything for the company—OW!"

Hiyori slapped him again.

"I AM THE FACE OF OUR COMPANY! THE POSTERCHILD OF AWESOME! WE WOULDN'T BE ANYWHERE IN THE STUPID MUSIC INDUSTRY IF I WASN'T CRACKING THE WHIP ON YOUR BONEY ASS, SHINJI! NOW SHUT UP! I'M TALKING!" she screamed at him with the ferociousness of a dragon, leaving Shinji looking rather diffident and submissively silent.

"Sheesh take a Midol, Hiyori…"

"So, you're Ichigo Kurosaki huh? The new kid who's gotten lucky a few times and stepped on his connections to work his way into the spotlight?" Hiyori crossed her arms over her thin chest.

"Stepped on what?" Ichigo scowled in offense.

"Lucky?" Saya squinted. "Getsuga Tensho won the Karakura Festival because they deserved it. And they got invited on TV because people are starting to realize they're a badass group."

"Really?" the small-framed blonde tilted her head. "Because me and Shinji were thinking all the hoot and holler had something to do with you pulling strings for them, Mrs. EX-Grimmjow Jeagercracks wife!"

"What?!" Saya's eyes flashed. "I helped them a few time—I didn't buy them a frickin chair in the United States Congress! You have to have talent in order to work with the opportunities that come your way—and Getsuga Tensho does, so don't you dare try and insult them! You've heard them with your own ears! You gonna tell me you don't think they're good!?"

Ichigo stared at Saya. She was really talking big for the sake of his band. Even he wouldn't have said they were that good. Ichigo would've thought she was just trying to upsell Getsugao Tensho but she looked dead serious.

He smiled.

"Eh," Hiyori shrugged her shoulders without a care. "They have potential maybe. FER A SACK OF CRAP!"


"Whooa, whoa whoa," Shinji waved his hands peacefully. "I think what Hiyori is trying to say is that everyone has room for improvement, right Hiyori?"

"SNAGGLETOOTH!? I'LL TEACH YAH TO CALL ME SNAGGLETOOTH, DUMBASS!" the tiny girl continued to rant at Ichigo with a growing temper.

"Uhh," Shinji sighed at Saya. "I'm afraid she's always this wound up. Don't take it too personal."


"Yeah well…" Saya looked at the arguing pair. "He's kinda like that too."



Shinji nodded. "So you like go-carting then hmm?"

"Huh?" Saya blinked away from Ichigo.

"Me and Hiyori decided to try this place out before we went back to Tokyo…" the jack'o'lantern-looking man explained. "Our whole crew loves to go-cart. We're always looking for new spots, but it gets kinda old when you're racing the same people…" he raised an eyebrow at Saya. "You and Ichigo up for a spin?"

"Well sure but…" Saya glanced at Hiyori. "I kinda doubt we'll stand a chance. You guys were flying back there."

"Ahh, that's nothing a little tune up on an engine won't fix," Shinji fanned with a smirk. "Hiyori and I always tweak the go-carts we use if they're borrowed. It won't be a problem to fix yours up as well."

"How fast do they go?" Saya smiled excitedly. She really really didn't like to admit it—especially since Grimmjow always gave he so much crap for being a lead foot—but she did have a weakness for fast cars.

Shinji just grinned. "2 out of 3 takes the win?"

"Are their stakes involved?" Saya asked with a game face. "Or is this just for bragging rights?"

"What would you have in mind?" Shinji asked coolly. "You guys win and I give Getsugo Tensho an audition to become sponsored by Vizard Studios? We can talk about actually having them sign with us later, if you're interested."

"Oh…" Saya blinked widely. "No, I was thinking like some nachos from the snack bar, but that works too," Saya laughed nervously.

Is he really offering to sponsor them just like that? It seemed suspicious. But…Signing with VIZARD STUDIOs!? HELL YEAH!

"Deal then," Shinji stretched his back. "And if you guys lose, I'll take that order of nachos and Hiyori gets to punch Ichigo here in the face. I can tell she wants to…"

Saya and Shinji both looked over at the insults flying a few feet away.



"No, no punching," Saya couldn't agree to that. "But I'll volunteer to take a flip-flop slap to the face."

"Hm, how generous," Shinji considered. "It would seem the rumors going around are true."


"You always go for lead singers?" Shinji asked her outright.

Saya's face flushed. "No! That—That's a coincidence!" she stammered hotly. What the hell were people saying about her?!

"Pity," Shinji took her hand and they shook on the terms. "Cuz if things don't work out with this one, I was thinking you could give me a call," he winked.

Um…Although you are strangely attractive, No. Saya was almost completely certain. That is not going to happen with Ichigo.

"Shinji," Saya pursed her lips. "Me and Ichigo are gonna run circles around you two."

"Well aren't we the confident one?" he smiled.

"I was raised by a man who stalks cheetahs in his spare time, I'm pretty well versed in throwing caution to the wind when it comes to a challenge," Saya crossed her arms at him.


"THAT DIDN'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!" Ichigo threw his hands up in annoyance at the freckle-face. "WHAT WAS THE POINT OF BRINGING TURTLES INTO IT!?"

"Oi! Red Ranger!"

"Huh!?" Ichigo spun at Saya's voice addressing him.

"We're gonna race these guys," she said to him, standing with her hands poised boldly on her hips. "So save all that Mighty Morphin power for the gas pedal. Getsugo Tensho is counting on you to bring it."


By some freaking miracle they survived that crazy race.

Oh, and won.

But Ichigo had had at least seven close calls with Hiyori trying to drive him off the road. And Shinji would occasionally cut Ichigo off. Thank heaven Saya was with him.

Man, did she know how to handle high speeds. And she knew this particular racetrack better than the lyrics to "Can't Touch This" since she had grown up playing on it with Ikkaku and Yumichika as a kid.

That Shinji Hirako guy and his little sidekick had offered them an audition.

A freaking audition!? TO HAVE A FREAKING SPONSOR!?

A miracle.

It was all he and Saya could talk about—they were both freaking the hell out of their minds at such an awesome prospect. When Saya had taken a break to call Yumichika to check on Nel, Ichigo had called Rukia and told her to tell the guys about the Vizards.

All through dinner Saya was telling him about how if they got a sponsor, then they could get an agent and have someone setting them up with more shows. Then Ichigo wouldn't have to worry about connections and reservations and all that business, he could just focus on his music while those arrangements were taken care of for him.

It sounded like a sweet deal.

"Why do you think Shinji and Hiyori hate Aizen so much?" Ichigo asked.

They had finished their dinner at the restaurant and were casually strolling back towards Saya's apartment. Saya had their picnic basket on her arm.

"I heard that when Aizen was first breaking into the music industry, The Vizards were starting to make it big as a musical group and Aizen didn't like the competition," Saya gave him a frown as they walked through the busy streets. It was sort of crowded outside.

"They say he might have approached them first to see if they would sign with Kyoka Suigetsu Studios, but," Saya shrugged painfully. "However it started, it ended with every person in their group 'tragically' injured, one by one, in ways that messed up their ability to handle instruments."

"Are you serious? How is that even possible?" Ichigo stared at Saya.

"I don't know the details, Ichigo," she shook her head solemnly. "But none of them have picked up instruments since that whole fiasco. Shinji can't sing anymore. He gave me an up-close and personal example when I met him at the MTV awards. He said it was because something with his vocal chords…"

"Then how are they even still in music?" Ichigo's brow furrowed. "And why the hell didn't they throw that Aizen bastard in jail if he was really the one behind it?"

Saya scoffed as they squeezed through a group of people hogging the walkway outside of the bar they were passing.

"Nobody can bring Aizen down in court, Ichigo," Saya said once they regained their pace next to each other. "The guy has connections up the whazoo. And anyone who's got the power is scared of him, or they cant find enough people willing to talk or show evidence—I don't know, Rukia knows more about that stuff than I do."

Ichigo nodded. No wonder Saya's been worried about the concert at the Hueco Mundo Stadium…

"But Shinji and his crew started their studio to spite Aizen, I think," she thought out loud. "Even though they don't play anymore, they still have a good ear for music. And I think they do what they do so new bands have some options besides Aizen when it comes to signing up with a studio…And they're good at it so…"

A bunch of rowdy teenagers where chasing each other down the sidewalk and Saya moved to avoid them since she had the extra baggage of the picnic basket on her outside arm. Her shoulder brushed closely to Ichigo, but she returned to her regular distance once the teens had past.

Ichigo's fingers flexed.

"So you think they'd be a good place to start then?" Ichigo asked her and casually took her hand and tugged her a little closer to him when more people started walk by on the lit up street.

She looked at him. Her blue-green eyes were vibrant against the rosiness of her lips, and her light colored shirt stood out against her dark hair.

"I think you can trust them not to screw you over unless you deserve it," she answered. "Aizen will just…" she held on to his hand. "He exploits people…So promise you'll stay away from him after this big concert."

"Don't worry," Ichigo nodded in promise. "I never planned on working with the same guy Grimmjow works for anyway."

Saya rolled her eyes and smirked. "Yeah I could imagine that being a problem."

"Big time," Ichigo agreed and they continued through the streets.

Ichigo was getting a little annoyed with how many people were out and about. It's Sunday, don't these people have work in the morning?

He sighed.

It wasn't really that late. Only about 7 o'clock. But Ichigo just wished it was quieter at least. And maybe he was feeling a little stingy about getting closer to Saya's apartment where he knew he'd have to leave her.

She was looking at him.

"What?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"The Grump Cat's back," she gave him a look that was both reproachful and amused.

"I was just thinkin, that's all," Ichigo gave her a stubborn frown.

"Well stop it! Just looking at you makes my forehead hurt," she nagged him. "Even if you are cute when you scowl."

Ichigo grumbled and looked away, his face feeling a little hot.

"How about some ice cream? Would that make the Grumpy Cat go away?"

"Why would I want ice cream when I've got a Cupcake right next to me?" he shot back smartly.

"You know," Saya's eyes formed into slits. "Sometimes when you say that, I feel like it's not endearing at all. I feel like you're just making fun of me and calling me a sissy or something."

"And Strawberry isn't emasculating?" Ichigo scoffed at her with a high-pitched grouch.

"At least a strawberry is healthy," she rambled with her eyes on the ground. "Cupcakes are fattening…" she complained blushingly.

"Cupcakes are my favorite."

"Well you're gonna have to cut back."

"What?" Ichigo practically glared at her.

"I don't want to give you diabetes, Ichigo," she gave him a joking sad face.

"Pfft," Ichigo gave her a jab with his elbow and she snickered at him as she rebounded off of his push. He dropped her hand, then put his arm around her shoulders and drew her snuggly next to him. The sleeves to Ichigo's red jacket were rolled up and the skin of his forearm was resting on her bare shoulder.

Saya smirked up at him and they kept walking.

"Did you really…" Saya started and Ichigo looked over at her. "You really liked me in middle school?"

Ichigo's face flattened with a contradicting frown. "Yeah."

"That is so weird."

"Why is that weird?" his neck snapped in her direction tersely.

"Because I never knew," Saya raised her shoulders in bafflement. "I feel kind of stupid, you know? Like I should have noticed…"

"You were busy."

"With what?" Saya's forehead creased. "Grimmjow?" She didn't want Ichigo to say Grimmjow. It would make her feel so guilty.

"Well," Ichigo huffed. "Eventually yah—but in middle school you were…" Ichigo flailed his other hand in the air at a loss of words. "I don't know…you just seemed like you were doing your own thing and didn't want to waste time on stuff like guys."

Saya's eyebrows slanted in confusion. "So how did I manage to catch your fancy if I was that far off the dating spectrum?"

Ichigo laughed and slowly picked how he wanted to explain. "I saw you do something stupid in class to help Chad out and I thought it was nice of you."

"I did something stupid?" Saya blinked at him sharply.

"Stupid but nice."

"Oh…" Saya raised her eyebrows, utterly clueless. "Well that makes sense now."

"Look I dont know," Ichigo scratched his head. "I just thought you had something I'd never seen before. And I liked it," he admitted with a nervous close of his mouth.

"Hm," Saya stared at him thoughtfully. Then she smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder and Ichigo's heart leapt in his ribcage.

It felt unbelievably good to be walking with Saya on his arm like this. It made him feel braver.

"Did you even know I existed back then?" he asked curiously. He wasn't trying to be rude or anything, but Ichigo wondered if he'd ever even made an impression on her.

"Yes," Saya blinked at him oddly. "I told you I did. You were friends with Chad. I just..I thought you were annoyed by me or something."

"I wasn't," Ichigo clarified to her. "…Not in the way you're thinking."

"If I had been familiar with your habits back then, I would have known not take your Grumpy Cat face so personal," Saya smiled at him.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ichigo frowned to himself. Frowning even further because he could feel himself scowling. Scowling even deeper to will himself to stop freaking scowling.

"It's okay," Saya pulled back from him a little so she could get a better view of his entire bearing. "Like I said, the scowling is cute in it's own way…even kinda hot sometimes..." she mumbled and nonchalantly glanced away.

Ichigo dropped his arm and faced her.

"Did you think I was hot back then?" he questioned more rashly than he suppose was polite, but dammit he wanted to know.

"Well…yeah," Saya's face glowed with a self-conscious blush.


"I don't know, whenever we started having classes together in like 5th grade," she shrugged. "It was nothing serious, just an observation. Like I thought your friend Mizuiro was cute too, in a tiny person kind of way…"

"You noticed me though?" Ichigo repeated again. He needed to get it clear in his brain.

"You're kind of hard not to notice, Ichigo!" Saya laughed at him and ran her fingers up over his forehead and combed through his hair, making his back wiggle at the sensation. "You stick out like a torch in Shelob's lair."

"A what?" Ichigo cocked his head.

"Nevermind, it's a Return of the King reference. Like a match in a dark room, is that a more user-friendly metaphor?"

"But you knew who I was? Even in middle school?" That would mean she noticed him before Grimmjow.

"Ichigo you were in my class," Saya scoffed at him obviously. "We all knew each other's names! It's not a big deal!"

"I didn't know your name until I saw you with Chad!"

"You didn't know my name?" Saya's voice strengthened in a way that made Ichigo sense danger.

A very real, and soon to be ball-busting, DANGER.

"I-I," he stuttered under her darkening gaze. "I didn't know a lot of the peoples names in our class! That's not how my brain works! I don't retain that kind of information!"

She crossed her arms.

"Shit I'm sorry!" Ichigo swore. "Honestly! I don't keep track of that stuff if I don't know someone personally! You're luckier than most people that I even remembered you after we graduated!"

She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. Some of her hair fell loose and swept over her light skinned shoulders, drawing strings of shadows over her fair neck and collar.

"REALLY! I'm really sorry! Forget I said anything! Let me carry that for you!" Ichigo took the picnic basket off of her arm.

She smiled at him.

"Sheesus, Saya," Ichigo exhaled with relief and his posture deflated. "So you're not mad?"

"You still liked me after high school?" Saya asked softly. Her sweetening voice plucked at his heartstrings.

"I guess…" he rubbed the top of his nose. "I got over it for a long while but… You showed up outta nowhere and I just about lost my mind—"

She kissed him.


The soft touch of her lips hardly imposed any pressure on his. It was like a breezing frost spreading across his skin, so fresh and clear it sparked everything under his lips to radiate with warmth in response.

But he could feel something else channeling through him, like she was holding back something she couldn't say and just wanted him to feel it.

Ichigo slowly grasped her smooth shoulder before he remembered—

Ah damn, were in public.

Heat licked his face even more fiercely but no way in hell he would be the one to break this off.

Saya relaxed back off of her tiptoes, barely pulling away from his face and she gave him a rare, oddly adoring smile, "How could you still like me when I was so mean to you?"

"You weren't all bad," Ichigo grinned crookedly at the memory. "Plus I kinda like it when you tell people off, even when it's me."

"Pssh!" she shoved him in his chest, her lips flashing at him in an upward curve. "Shut up, Ichigo. Get a girlfriend already."

"What about you?" Ichigo adjusted the picnic basket on his arm and they continued walking. "When did you actually start considering…?" he couldn't think of how to finish his question, but he knew she'd catch what he meant.

Saya laughed lightly and looked upward at the sky, her lips pressed together in thought.

"I guess the first time I really thought 'this guy is allright' would have been when you played me in Just Dance."

"Really?" Ichigo mulled over her answer.

"It sort of flitted in and out of my head for a while before you really started to grow on me," she pondered out her development. "But I think that's when it started…See!" she clapped her hands together in realization. "This is why it's so important to share guilty pleasure songs!"

Ichigo scoffed and shook his head, grinning at her lit up face.

"Really! It made all the difference that you knew one of my favorite songs when most people consider it cheesy," she said with genuine enthusiasm. "I mean, 'Take On Me'? That basically seals my deal right there."

"Good to know," Ichigo smiled at her warmly. "Do you also know what really—when you first really knew you liked me..like," he tripped over his vocabulary. "R-romantically?"

Saya's mouth pressed in a flushed manner and she looked away with a steamy pink face.

More people were flocking past them on the street.

"C'mon," Ichigo coaxed her with flustered embarrassment for wanting to know so badly. "I told you when my feelings started," he stated in a lower voice so less of the passer-byers would hear.

"The first time I thought about kissing you was when we were in that stupid toy store at the mall," she uttered in a begrudging tone.

Ichigo's blood pumped at the recollection. "Even when it was so weird?"

Saya scrunched her nose up in a manner she did whenever she wasn't getting her way. "Yes," she answered in a restrained tone, then her gaze slid over to him out of the corner of her eye. "…You have a nice smelling neck."

Ichigo's legs almost buckled while walking.

Did she even know what she was doing to him by saying that?

He had to shut his eyes. He could just picture all the glorious things Saya could do to his neck, if only she'd ever, ever ask.

Ichigo heard Saya's feet scratch the ground and he felt a breeze go past him, so he stopped walking and opened his eyes.

The hell…?

"Saya?" Ichigo called in confusion.

He looked around and… there was no sign of her?

She was right here.

He had felt her, he'd sensed her a second ago.

Ichigo spun around only to catch glimpses of more people who weren't Saya.



She was being hauled away.

Someone had practically stunned her by knocking her over the head from behind—drawing a zip tie around her wrists in front without a second to lose—and smacking their hand over her mouth.

Saya knew these hands.

His powerful arms were caging her from behind, one squeezing her around the waist, flush against his chest; while his other elbow was lodged in her bosom, his hand forced hard over her mouth.

What the hell did Grimmjow think he was doing?

Why the hell didn't anyone on the street see her kicking and getting hijacked into an alley?

Ichigo, Saya's brain called after him, but he was already out of sight as she was taken further down the empty alleyway. She could barely catch a breath of air; Grimmjow had his arms locked so tight.


Her mind became a siren.

What if the same thing was happening to Nel? What if she had already been dragged away somewhere?

Saya kicked her foot hard against her abductor's shin. She heard Grimmjow curse under his breath and kicked again, hoping to get him in the kneecaps.

"FUCK! Saya!"

She tried to throw her head back and smash him in the nose, but he must've seen it coming. He surged her forward and hurled her against the brick wall of the shady street.

"Goddamn woman," Grimmjow's stance hulked with unstable mayhem. He was in a black leather jacket with a hood drawn up to cover his bright blue hair.

"What the HELL is wrong with you?!" Saya launched into a detestable lecture.

"Wrong with me?" Grimmjow's eyes flashed incredulously at her. "Tch! What the fuck's wrong YOU, Saya? What the hell are YOU doing with HIM?!" Grimmjow kicked one of the trashcans the width of the alley, bashing it into the wall next to Saya.

After checking in with De Roy, Grimmjow had tailed them since the restaurant, and he had been watching them closely.

He had watched how they talked together. How easy that loser made her laugh. How much she smiled at that punk that wasn't Grimmjow.

Fuck you.

He couldn't allow it.

He would not allow Ichigo Kurosaki to steal his woman. His bride. The goddamn Mother of his child.


"You lied to me," Grimmjow strode up to her and Saya felt danger from the madness in his eyes. "You said that bitch was friend-zoned!"

"T-that was before," Saya cowered under the bark of his voice.

"ICHIGO KUROSAKI?!" Grimmjow scoffed thick with hatred. "THAT PATHETIC FUCKING CARROT-TOP!?"

Saya's mouth hardened. "Watch your mouth."


"Well gee, Grimmjow! Maybe I will!" Saya shot back with sarcastic hurt. "He's been texting me to hook-up ever since you signed the papers—so how 'bout punching that egg-head in the face the next time you see him and getting him to leave me alone!?"

"I WILL!" the blue-eyed man vowed. For a second it seemed his anger hand a new target. Grimmjow stared at her intently, and then whipped his blue-eyed gaze away. He paced in agitation, ripping a hand through his chaotic blue tresses and throwing his hood back. His angular jaw was clenching and unclenching as he patrolled in front of her.

"Will you calm down?"

"Oh," He chuckled, a low rumble of a sound that was not at all amused. "I'm fucking calm alright."

"Will you untie me?"

Grimmjow stopped and looked at her, a ghost of a smirk heightening his handsomely lethal features. It was like he had forgotten he'd bound her hands and was just now carousing in the power he had over her.


Saya huffed at his answer, her hands writhing in a worthless effort to free herself.

"Did you send someone after Nel too?" Saya threw out the question, the more paranoid side of her brain getting the better of her nerves.

"What?!" Grimmjow gaped at her liked he'd been stung. "No! I ain't gonna fuckin kidnap my own kid! We'll both get her once you've seen reason!" he pointed in her face.

"Grimmjow," Saya rolled her head away in irritation.

"Don't Grimmjow me, sweetheart. Not when I'm this close to losing my shit," he thumped his left hand on the brick wall beside her head, curling it into a fist. "You don't listen to me and I'm gonna get real crazy on you, real fuckin quick," he warned in a low, still murmur.

Saya's entwined wrists tensed as she held her arms defensively in front of her. "Grimmjow…I don't love you anymore," she stood firm.

"TCH!" Grimmjow eyes shut, his voice shaking—he lowered his head. His hands dragged down the wall on either side of her, his fists cracking.

"You can't keep doing this—"

"ICHIGO KUROSAKI, SAYA?!" Grimmjow's voice thundered and his sharp teeth bared down in her face. "YOU FUCKIN THROW ME OVER FOR ICHIGO KUROSAKI?"

"My personal life is none of you're business anymore," Saya answered guardedly.

"Tch," Grimmjow scoffed with sadistic bite, his electric blue eyes slanting treacherously. "I'll be damned to let you run around with that punk-ass bitch, Saya. You're MY w—"

"Grimmjow! WE ARE DIVORCED!" Saya spurned his claim.

"Yeah well, that ain't lastin!" he spoke his will. "I've done things yer way long enough and I want you back now!" Grimmjow's large hands grabbed her shoulders and drew her towards him, towering down on her.

"I'm not your wife anymore, Grimmjow!" Saya swung her tied wrists at him like a club.




Grimmjow and Saya both turned their heads to the voice at the end of the alley.

Ichigo was tracking towards them. "You got a problem with Saya, you're gonna have to take it up with me."

"Ichigo," Saya creaked with worried.

"Hn," Grimmjow eyed him with a cruel smirk. "Well, aint you the tough guy…" He wrenched Saya by the collar and pulled her in front of him, his brawny forearm bracing down across her neck and shoulders, trapping her between his arm and his chest.

Ichigo stopped at her compromising position, his scowl darkening.

"Grimmjow, stop it!" Saya pushed away from him, and he slunk his other arm across the span of her waist, encircling her and limiting her movement. "If you don't let go I'll kick—"

"You're about three seconds away from being taken from behind, Muffin. Stop moving."

Saya froze.

She heard Ichigo's protesting hiss, but she dare not look at him. Not when she had gotten herself into such a stupid situation.

Grimmjow's breath trickled down the back of her neck and Saya shivered.


"You think you're man enough for her, eh? Kurosaki?" Grimmjow shifted his hand that was across Saya's neck to tilt her chin up and he ran his thumb down the line of her throat. "Tch, the hell you are."

"You bastard," Ichigo's voice reverberated like a volcanic wind.

Saya glanced at Ichigo and saw he was posed in a crouch, his body shaking—boiling to pounce at Grimmjow the first opening he saw.

"Ichi—hggn," Saya was cut off by Grimmjow roughly forcing her chin up higher, turning her head to face his lightning strike stare.

"That ain't the name I wanna hear, Saya," Grimmjow growled against her ear.

"Son-of-a-bitch! Take your hands off her!" Ichigo demanded with a forward step and swipe of his arm in the air.

"ER WHAT?!" Grimmjow roared with a callous, conceited laugh. "The hell you gonna do, Kurosaki? I got her under my terms now. She's coming home with me."

"She doesn't want you, Grimmjow," Ichigo spoke through his teeth.

"And she wants you? Tch!" Grimmjow shook his head in superiority. "You don't know the first thing about this woman, Ichigo. I could fight with her all damn day and still get her to want me. Know why?"

"Grimmjow stop," Saya beseeched, but Ichigo was listening in a fix of concentration.

"Cuz I know how she likes it," Grimmjow traced his fingers down Saya's thigh and Saya flinched. She pinched her lips tight and privately screamed at her ticklish side to shut the hell up. "I got what she needs," Grimmjow inhaled her hair that was behind her ear.

Don't you dare, Saya cringed her shoulders inward, but Grimmjow only took the chance to wrap himself more securely around her, squeezing her fully within his powerful arms.

"Damn you," Ichigo seethed with increasing frustration. "Stop messing with her! She's with me now! And she's already told you she doesn't want to see you anymore!"

"So she's your girl, huh?" Grimmjow cocked his head challengingly at Ichigo. "Then why does she still like it when I do this?" Grimmjow brought his mouth down on the crook of Saya's neck.

Saya jumped as he nibbled on her skin—and to her shame, made her back arch with a jolt. Her muscular ex-husband held her in submission. His hand on her leg moved to clasp her tied wrists before she had the chance to elbow him.

"Ss-stop," Saya's voice trembled as Grimmjow laid sucking kisses up her neck, his creamy blue hair brushing against the side of her head. He went up to her ear, chewing on the shell and running a husky tongue stroke down to finish.

"Shit baby," he gripped her tighter. His voice was leaden with lust. "You still give me the hottest fucking hard-ons," Grimmjow hadn't had a lay from his wife in months, and he was craving one. He moved in a long slow grind against her backside and a groan ruptured from Grimmjow's throat at the sensation.

That was when Saya really felt she was in trouble.

"Cut it out! I MEAN IT!" she tried to break away. Oh God what must Ichigo be thinking?

Grimmjow's chest purred with a low chuckle.

"See how red her face is?" he directed her chin to look at Ichigo, but Saya kept her eyes down.

It was so embarrassing.

She couldn't look him in the eye. Not like this.

"Go on, Saya. Why don't you tell him how that made you feel?" Grimmjow pressed her.

Saya only shut her eyes. She didn't trust her mouth to speak at the present.

"Tch," Grimmjow smirked at her withheld pleasure. "Beat that, Kurosaki."

Saya was flung forward, stumbling into Ichigo's chest. He snatched her up, holding her close with fierce protection. Saya blinked back at Grimmjow, thankful he had given her over so fast.

"Go on, I mean it. Kiss her," Grimmjow wrung a finger in his ear, casually flicking something away.

Wait..waht? Saya's brow creased in confusion.

"I ain't even worried anymore. I know you ain't man enough for her," Grimmjow taunted Ichigo with a goading smile. "Probably aint even been to first fuckin base yet…heh."

Saya glared at Grimmjow and his asshole attempts to provoke them. Did he really think they were going to play this stupid game?

"Go to hell, jackass," Saya finally found her nerve. "We're leaving!" she turned to storm off with the man she intended—but Ichigo stopped her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Ichigo..?" When Saya looked into his face, she felt something in her stomach drop.

Not exactly in a good way.

Ichigo's eyes were scorching, raging like molten pools of amber gold under the bright orange mantle of his spikey mane.

His eyes were set on Grimmjow, dark and insane while strangely collective…intelligent; like some violent urge in his head had been smoothed over, lulled by the temptation of a new motive.

Ichigo was so still and focused…it was like he had stopped breathing.

Grimmjow was staring right back at Ichigo.

Saya frowned. Something very weird is being communicated between those two...

"I know I'm not as experienced as you are, Ass-taxi," Ichigo sent a level chill Grimmjow's way. "But I learn fast."


Ichigo closed his lips upon Saya's, taking full advantage of her unsuspected opening. Her body reacted without thinking, quivering under his touch. He rolled his mouth along hers, drinking his fill of her tongue.

"Very fast," Ichigo huffed hotly. He kissed her again just under her jaw.

"I-Ichigoh.." Saya's protest came out sounding like a bad joke.

It only drew Ichigo back to her mouth. And though the ginger was damn good—he was ignoring the tension of Saya's tied hands quaking on his chest. Her aims to jab him to a halt were useless when she could hardly stop herself from caressing his warm torso in the process.

Mixed signals.. Saya thought in a daze.

She swooned for loss of oxygen, her spine curving as one of Ichigo's hands palmed up her back, spanning his fingers in a crooning pressure against the base of her skull and through her hair. His other arm curled around her midsection and brought her hips barely close enough to brush his jeans, sending a frenzy through her body for the need to get closer.

"Did you hear that, Grimmjow?" Ichigo grinned between pants as he parted from Saya's lips. "My name," the ginger reveled in glory, giving Saya a peck on the forehead, as if that would assure her.

But Saya didn't feel assured, AT ALL.

From the sidelines, Grimmjow studied them, jealous over their bodies' chemistry. Saya was drawn to that fuckin carrot-top, Grimmjow could see it. They moved in sync.

And it tore at him.

They powered each other through mere shifts in their limbs, their bodies speaking for them. There. Not there. There? Right there. There yes? Yes!—YES..!

He knew he could do better.

"That don't count fer shit," Grimmjow pulled Saya by her linked wrists towards him, letting her chest knock into his side. "Tch."

The cyan-eyed man leaned down and enclosed one of his arms around he ex-wife's thighs, then boosted her high against him, so her stomach was level with his face. With his other hand he pushed up her seafoam green shirt and clamped down on the tender spot of her skin he knew was on the crest of her ribs.

"Don't!" Saya yelped, her tied hands closed over Grimmjow's head as she almost lost her balance, fisting his hair as he sampled her side like a buffet. "Please Grimm..! That's not cool!"

Grimmjow smirked, satisfied, and dropped her down.

"See?" the blue-haired singer scoffed smartly, and then kissed Saya wet on the mouth with a loud smack. Grimmjow finished and ran his tongue over his teeth at Ichigo with a pleasured grunt. "I can get the same fuckin reaction and I don't even try half as hard as you."

The ginger scowled.

W-what the hell is going on..? Saya barely stood, her knees going weak. She felt herself being pulled backwards, and Ichigo took her into his arms.

She gripped his shirt.

Wait, she just needed to stand still for a few moments. Get her head together—get her freaking mind put back together.

But it seemed Ichigo had other plans.

Saya's orange-haired date leaned Saya backwards with sudden finesse, dipping her steady like a ballroom dance pro. Ichigo's gaze racked down her eyes, to her lips, to her uncovered skin around the neck of her shirt and Saya found herself pulling her arms up in a half-assed attempt to conceal from that stare.

That stare…

He leaned in.

Two fingers pulled down the crisscross straps of her halter-top, exposing her neck further to Ichigo, his fingers stretching the fabric to the point of hovering over the starting line of her rising bust.

Saya felt the hot air from Ichigo's nose blow down her neck. He opened his mouth and licked the hollow cavity between her collarbones. She nearly moaned, her legs clenching at the shockwaves singing through her body. He dragged his tongue up, torturously slow, skimming her flesh, tickling over her pulse. He stopped when his trail reached under her chin and their gaze locked. His dark brown eyes were gleaming with a desirous, amber light; heavy-lidded and burning into her mind.

Demons above and below…

A voice Saya knew she shouldn't listen to told her better judgment to stuff it.

Saya just stared at Ichigo, mesmerized by the slow arching of his eyebrow and the curiously inviting tilt of his head. A prideful smirk sliding looser on his lips. The fiendish light in his eyes dancing under the cast shadows of his spikey bright bangs.

She would faint any moment if she weren't so possessed by those damn eyes.

"Enough with the moon-eyed shit!"

Saya thought her arm would be torn out of her socket as Grimmjow ripped her away.

"HEY!" Ichigo boomed, keeping his hold on Saya's other arm, linking into a tug-of-war. "BACK OFF!"

"Ow.." Saya's dizzying thoughts slowly found land as she was yanked back and forth; the strain on her bound wrists was piercing her skin.



"OW!" Saya shouted with outrageous volume.

The two rivals paused their pulling and looked at her, but neither one loosened their grip.

"BACK THE HELL UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Saya jerked away from them.

She still felt like she couldn't breathe. She still had no idea how the hell this was even possible.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING? WHAT IS THIS?!" she shook her tied and sore wrists at them. "A GODDAMN COMPETITION?! IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT? STOP IT! ACTING LIKE A PAIR OF FRICKIN ZOO ANIMALS IN HEAT!" she glared at them both, her lungs clawing for air in the midst of her up-turned sanity.

She was feeling very very confused.

What the hell had Grimmjow been thinking starting this weird contest?! Why the hell had Ichigo played along!?


She was more pissed at herself than anything.


Two of the most attractive guys she'd even known—the only men she'd ever wanted to be with—were alternatingly pushing her buttons and she was feeling very very weak-willed at the moment.



"NOBODY TOUCH ME!" Saya yelled over Grimmjow. "SERIOUSLY! I AM HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!" she covered her face in a desperate attempt to hide her embarrassment. She could cry she was so embarrassed.

She had let them do that.


"NO!" she pointed with deadly meaning at Ichigo. "I don't want to hear any stupid excuses! Or any stupid thoughts out of either of your stupid stupid heads!" she reproached them both.

Stupid Stupid Stupid! she screamed at herself.

Grimmjow's eyes scarcely flickered away from her, but occasionally cast a dirty look at Ichigo.

"I can't even…" she shook her head madly and started digging through her purse.

The only reason she hadn't dropped it during all this madness was because HER HANDS WERE TIED—she growled at that fact again—and her bag was caught around the loop of her connected arms.

"I am a total idiot," Saya vented whatever was running through her head. "And you guys are total idiots…the hell you thinking..stupid stupid dicks..WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET A BLOWUP DOLL IF YOU GUYS WANT SOMETHING TO PASS AROUND SO EASY?" she fumbled with the large mess of key chains in her hands, trying to pick out the Swiss-army knife.

"AND I'LL JOIN A PRIESTHOOD!—OR WHATEVER GIRLS DO! A COVENANT—JESUS I CAN'T EVEN THINK RIGHT NOW!" she screamed into the air. Avoiding both men's eyes, she tried not to whine over her failed attempts to saw through the zip-tie—she couldn't get the right angle because of her damn TIED HANDS.

"Give it here," Ichigo stepped over with a stubborn scowl.

"Back up, fool," Saya brandished the knife, along with the rest of her jingling key chain rings at him.

Ichigo's cheeks flushed red in shame for finally looking her in the eye—or from hurt, she didn't know.

"Just let me, Saya—don't be so dramatic." Ichigo's authoritarian statement faltered when she shot him a stony squint. His ears burned even brighter and his brow set with a twitchy scowl.

Good. So he was ashamed.

"Fine," Saya lowered the small blade and let him come forward. With flinching fingers, Ichigo took it and tried cutting her loose.

"It's not sharp enough," the spikey-haired Strawberry determined after a minute.

"Grimmjow," Saya raised an incensed eyebrow at her ex-husband.

The Smurf had his arms crossed, the back of his blue head to them staring at the alley wall…like he didn't hear.

"You better have something to get this zip tie off me, or I will spray you in the face," Saya snatched her key chain back from Ichigo and raised the pepper spray she had warned Grimmjow of earlier.

"Tch," he pushed off his heels and strode towards them. "You don't need a damn knife." Grimmjow grabbed her wrists and undid the zip tie mechanism by hand. "Haven't you ever used a fuckin zip tie before?" he freed her with obvious venom.

"NO!" she gaped at him and stupid stupid face. "I'M NOT THE ONE WITH THE BONDAGE FETISH, ASSHOLE!"

"How many times have I heard that one…" Grimmjow rolled his eyes.


"What do you mean?" Ichigo's features flashed at her in haste.

"I'm walking home my damn self," she clarified with an unmovable glare. "Whatever you guys do—that's your business. Why don't you go share a prostitute? Here you go!" Saya whipped out a five-dollar bill from her pocket and threw it at them lamely. "IT'S ON ME!"

With one final stink eye she exited the alley.

Ichigo was left standing alone, feeling like a total ass, with Grimmjow as his freaking partner in crime.

Saya…He had screwed up big time.

"Tch," Grimmjow shoved off from his stance again.

"Don't even think about following her," Ichigo warned darkly.

"I AINT, DICKHEAD!" Grimmjow snarled at him. He scoffed through his teeth with a glare and turned down the other direction of the alley. "I know when that woman means it when she says 'piss off'…Good luck getting back on her good side yah fuckin douchebag."

Ichigo stared at him as he left; surprised Grimmjow had actually backed down. Though Ichigo shot the blue-haired bastard a reproachful glare for snatching up Saya's five-dollar bill off the ground as he went.


Did that mean Saya was really that mad?

"Dammit," Ichigo scratched his head gruffly.

He had screwed up, that was for damn sure. But he couldn't just—

Ichigo bolted into a run, swiping up the picnic basket he had dropped when he had found the alley earlier.

He had to freaking apologize before she never spoke to him again.


"So everything's fine?" Saya asked Yumichika over the phone again as she walked down a quiet neighborhood street. "Nel's okay? Nothing weird happened?"

"Yes, yes, she just had her dinner and left only a reasonable mess on the table. Isn't it a little early for you to be heading back?" the feminine voice inquired with interest. "I thought you two might be out late…over night…"

"Yumi," Saya could hear his winky face through her cell. "Shut up. I'll tell you later."

She wasn't gonna tell him jack shit.

"It seems like a waste of an evening to me…"

"Thanks, Yumi. I'll see you soon. Tell Nel I'm on my way," Saya closed the conversation while Yumichika's questions were still optional to answer.

"Fine. Call me later you slut."


Saya's chin trembled in disgrace at Yumichika's usual farewell. Because now…

I am a slut

Her insides wept with mortification. I am someone's Mother…AND I'M A SLUUUUT! *Sobsobsob*


Saya clamped her lips down and strode on, not looking behind. She tuned her voice to bitch mode.

"Your house is in the opposite direction, Ichigo."

He had followed her.

Of course.

She sort of wanted him to—she didn't want to…leave him—but the smarter side of her brain told Saya she needed to be left alone. Possibly bang her head into a cinder block for a few hours. Or a Stop sign. So that maybe then she could get it through her thick skull and stupid body that IT NEEDED TO STOP.

She was fuming from an energy source she didn't trust and she needed to purge herself of it.

"Saya, c'mon."

She just shook her head and continued walking. She couldn't even trust herself to be mad at Ichigo like she wanted to be. It wasn't completely his fault…

"I'm sorry, alright?"

"I can't talk to you right now," Saya kept her response short.

"Please talk to me…"

Saya slowed her pace at the plea in his voice and eventually stopped. With her eyes lowered, Ichigo's red jacket and white shirt came into view. Her sights flickered over the unbuttoned top that showed the black muscle tank he had on underneath.

She glared down.

"I don't want to talk right now…" she mumbled bitterly.

"At least let me walk you."

She thought for a moment. Her gaze drifted upwards, but the second she glimpsed the tanned skin of his neck and the line of his jaw—she had to screw her eyes shut.

With a flustered string of incoherent ramblings, she walked on.

It took Ichigo a hesitating second before following.

They trudged in edgy silence.

Ichigo was watching her and he knew she could sense it.

She shot a glare in his direction since he had kept staring, but he had already looked away.

Ichigo cast his eyes to the side, mouth turned down in a red-faced frown.

He glanced back at her out of the corner of his eye and she jutted her chin out, slamming her eyelashes down angrily as they hiked.

Dammit, Ichigo scowled to himself with a wretched conscience.

He didn't like Saya being mad at him. He'd forgotten what it was like. She'd rarely been cold to him since…it had been a while since she'd been bitchy towards him.

Ichigo didn't exactly regret what he had done—hell, he was proud he had pulled off such a move without totally fucking up and drooling down Saya's shirt in the process. But the whole thing had been against Saya's permission. He was pissed at himself for that.

He had sunken to Grimmjow's level.

"I know that was out of line…" Ichigo tried to start his apology again.

Even he couldn't fully comprehend what had come over him. He had just snapped. Seeing Saya with Grimmjow's hands all over her…acting like he was the only guy who could touch her….making Ichigo feel like a gutless chump.

For once, Ichigo wanted to slaughter Grimmjow at his own game. Ichigo only wished the bastard hadn't been so calm about it; Ichigo had been looking forward to a redemption round of ass-kicking Grimmjow. And it wasn't like it was a chore to kiss Saya in front of that jackass. He would do it again—if she was comfortable with it…


Saya had at least enjoyed how he'd handled her, hadn't she?

With how pissed she looked, Ichigo wouldn't have thought she liked it. But he hadn't mistaken her response during that kiss—and awh God her neck. Ichigo knew that had been a good kiss, but it was at the wrong time. A very bad, very wrong time, in the worst company. If Ichigo wanted to stake a claim on Saya like that, he should have done it somewhere the total freaking opposite of alongside Grimmjow.

Ichigo glanced at Saya again.

She hadn't responded to his comment and by the looks of it, she wasn't going to. Ichigo sighed.

He didn't want her to be mad at him. Not now. Not when they were just starting out.

"I'm sorry I got carried away…" Ichigo glared at the ground.

"Are you really?"

Ichigo blinked, guilt tightening in his gut. "I know I shouldn't have done that…but Grimmjow—he just set me off!—When he had you like that…" Ichigo's scowl returned with a vengeance.

"I know..I'm sorry that..you had to see that.."

Ichigo could hear the humiliation in Saya' voice and it made his insides pang to know Grimmjow made her feel so shitty by shaming her like that in front of him. That Ichigo had been there and still let something like that happen.

"I should've wrung his freaking neck…I should've got you the hell out of there—but I fucking stayed and took advantage of you just like he did!"

"I don't blame you Ichigo…"

"You should!" Ichigo finally looked at her.

"I don't condone what you did, but I know what Grimmjow was doing," she glanced at him. Her mouth still set with a frown though her voice wasn't unkind. "It's just like what you lectured me on a few weeks ago. He gets into your head, Ichigo. He was trying to make you play his game—"

"I know!" Ichigo tore his eyes away from her with a hatefully clench of his fists. "I know he was just egging me on..I just! I hate losing to him alright?! It's stupid! But I can't help it! He was trying to say that I'm not good enough for you!"

"Ichigo, I'm dating you."

Ichigo halted as her words pacified his self-loathing.

"Doesn't that count for anything?" she gazed at him.

Ichigo didn't hold his breath. "Maybe…if you are still dating me..." he looked at her with guilty uncertainty.

Saya's eyes flickered to the ground. "I will under two conditions."

"What?" Ichigo immediately responded.

"Never," she glanced up at him, "EVER," her eyes widened, "do something like that again with my frickin ex-husband."

Ichigo swallowed. "Done."

"And number two," her stormy eyes flashed green with intensity. "Next time you have the gall to run your mouth up my chest—"

Ichigo cringed at her nerve to bring it up.

"..Start lower."

Ichigo's eyebrows rose.

"Y-yeah?" Ichigo's cheeks went bright pink. O/O

He could only imagine…

"Heheheh," Saya laughed and shifted her feet, looking up at him coyly. "You're shy face makes me feel better."

Ichigo could barely contain the relief of another, freaking heavenly miracle being bestowed upon him.

"Yeah well you'd better watch it," Ichigo grinned recklessly at Saya. "Cuz you're too damn cute when you giggle."

She smiled at him for a second and then looked at her hands.

"I am sorry though," he strode up to her. "I was an ass back there. I should've been more worried about if you were okay…Are you okay?" Ichigo peered down at her until finally she let herself look up at him.

She nodded, but her gaze flickered to the side instead of giving him her usual eye contact.


"I could bust that guy's mouth open you know…" his voice came out strangely quiet as he lifted a strand of her hair, twirling it slowly between his fingers.

Ichigo's eyes shot open when she leaned forward and put her head against his chest. He immediately hugged her, wrapping her tight in what he hoped to convey as a safe place.

"I'm really sorry, Saya," he said to her, brushing a hand softly down the back of her hair.

"Well you didn't start it…" she pulled back a little. "And if it makes you feel any better..." she glance up to his face and the tiniest of smirks played on her lips. "…I'm glad you finished it…"

Ichigo stared at her.


She was gonna burn him up. She was gonna drive him to do something mad at this rate if she kept giving him that freaking irresistible look.

"What makes you think I'm finished?" Ichigo took a gamble and tilted his head at her.

Now it was Saya's turn to raise her eyebrows.

"Then damn," she smiled even more comfortably. "Go go Power Ranger...PSYCHE!" Saya laughed and turned on her heel, leaving Ichigo twitching and feeling very very red in the face.


Was this one not a little smutty? That's probably the highest level things can get in my stories, but that was for those of you who had been hankering for more naughty stuff, still have some more planned for later—but gotta get back to the concert! *drumroll*

Thank you guys who reviewed for the last chap and let me know whether or not it was good! I was feeling really down about it but you guys were so sweet! I already tweaked some things a tinsy bit, but nothing to big. THANK YOU MUCHO MUCH TO ALL YOU READERS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO LOOK AT THIS LONG ASS STORY!

Yuri Tora: Sorry they didn't run into Shiro and Karin for these chaps, that seriously would've been so funny though. I love interactions between Ichigo and Toshiro! I'm glad you laughed at the Ms New Booty! I really wonder if that ever goes through a guys head when he's getting down with a girl..Apparently it goes through Ichigo's hehehehhehehehe!

Koaichan: I don't know how long you've had that pic of Ichigo for your profile BUT I CRACKED UP WHEN I SAW IT! XDDD And yes! The prudent cutie hahaha! Not so much in this chap, but yeah that's why we love that Strawberry. And dude I had so much fun figuring out how Nel would react to Saya and Ichigo going on a date! Glad you enjoyed that! YOU MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Hope this chap met your expectations!

Crazyforgrimmy: Thank you! For the confessions I feel like Ichigo doesn't know how to handle that stuff so everything would just come out yelling like: 'I HAVE FEELINGS AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY SHOULD GO!'

DancingAnimeBear: You're wish came true mah dancing friend! Thanks so much for reviewing as always!

The-Queen-of-Perverts: YOU'RE BACK! I understand your silent protest hahaha, but I missed the reviews! And I have plans that will involve the Power Ranger suit later! Definitely the red one, you can be sure of that!

BallaSielbenaler: Your review helped me so much about deciding on whether I was being crazy or if Ichigo was in character! Glad you think Hiyori was acting like herself hahaha, I love her, she's so awesome and cranky.


Next Chapter: Getsuga Tensho vs. S.M.U.R.F'ed
