The Shinobi Titan.

AN:Adam02 does not own Naruto or AOT.

Chapter 1 – Beginning.

A thousand years, men and women slathered in there billions, children drenched in the blood of their parents, husbands, wives and children non could escape the hungry humanoid beings whose focus and desire to feed on human flesh 9is so deep they cared not for who they feed on, slowly mankind in all its self-apprising glory became prey. Rats that scurried and hide at the sound of footsteps, shivering in fear at every pass of a shadow.

All hope seemed to be lost until the walls were erected said walls were so large they rounded a landscape as huge as a country. These sixty feet concentric walls, these walls now protected the last remnants of humanity these walls will house those who would pick up their weapons and begin. The attack on titans!

''Mikasa, the salt if you would please.'' A Caucasian man in his early to mid-thirties requested looking towards his left, a slight smile tugged on his lips, why should not he smile. He was happily married; his union was blessed with a precious caring daughter.

''Here you go father.'' Mikasa handed the shaker to her father, her voice soft and light.

''You should eat up dear, the rain will stop soon by then Naruto should be waiting for you.'' A small smile fought its way unto the girls face, Naruto was a friend, well her only friend, most people around live in Shiganshina. But her parents chose to leave in the very sparsely populated farmlands of Wall Maria, with each farmland several kilometers apart.

The family paused slightly as they heard a double knock on the door. Humming, Mr. Ackerman wiped his mouth.

''Oh that must be Dr. Jaeger.'' He stood up, made his way to the wooden door, and pulled it open. ''Ah Doctor Jaeger we have been wait-''

Light green eyes widened in shock, the sensation of pain corroded his senses. The swift sound of steel tearing flesh drowned by the soft patter of rain for all but a spilt second.

The sound of a thud was heard next, Mr. Ackerman's body hitting the wooden floor. The noise drew the attention of his wife and daughter, who just was wiping her lips with a napkin.

''Hello. Pardon the intrusion'," this voice came from a unfamiliar voice, belonging to a man. Even without seeing him, the two could hear the smirk on his lips. With no hesitation or regard for the dying body, the man stepped into the house.

''Stay calm, unless you want me to spilt your head with this.'' Another tall lanky man said holding an axe as he walked in as well. His eyes narrowed slightly as he noticed the silky black haired woman reach for a pair golden scissors.

''Kyah!'' The Mrs. Ackerman screamed lunging at him with said scissor. The intent to kill was in her eyes, while anger powered her movements. However, her frame was much smaller than the man, so her attack was futile.

''Cray Bitch.'' The axe wielder grunted whilst holding her arm back. With a light grunt, snapped her head towards her daughter and shouted at the shocked girl.

''Ugh! Mikasa, Mikasa run!'' But Mikasa didn't hear her, her focus on her father, the blood oozing from his neck as the life in his eyes had already began fading. ''Hurry Mikasa!''

Still shivering in fear, Mikasa finally regarded her mother but she was still in shock to the situation ''But. . . .Dad?''

''Enough already!'' Agitated, the man pushed the woman away before he swung his axe downwards cutting through cartilage, bone and veins. Blood spewed like a fountain splattering onto the floor as the woman fell her eyes screaming for her daughter to run.

''What are you doing!'' A third man called out, wearing similar attire to the first. He looked between the woman and the man before he growled at his partner.

''I told you, only kill the man!'' He looked infuriated.

''But that bitch…" the axe wielder tried to argue but was cut off by the other man.

''Screw your excuses. Just take the brat and run!'' The two men continued arguing back and forth but their voices were slowly drowning into a whisper in Mikasa's ears as she stared at the two cooling corpses on the floor.

Not realizing the men were upon her, she remained still as the man gave a smirk. ''Oi you better behave yourself girly or else you will get more of this.'' He threatened but his words fell to deaf ears. Mikasa had no time to think on what he said before everything went dark.

Scene change.

Deep brown eyes opened forcefully before the gaze turned questioning. Wondering where she was, Mikasa murmured quietly to herself as she could faintly hear the sound of raindrops. "It is cold,"

The two men in the room ignored her as they looted the house, however the door suddenly opened which startled the two men. Their gaze focused on the entrance to see a young boy dressed in a black shirt with a red flaming tree and a pair of brown combat trousers. Around his neck is a headband of sorts

"What are you doing here brat?!" One of the men demanded with a snarl and the kid looked a bit sheepish.

"Ah excuse me misters, I got lost. It was raining very heavily and I could not see a thing could I possibly stay here until the rain stops mister?'' the kid asked with a light pleading grin.

Taking a Quick glance back for his bosses input, said man gave a negative shake of his head and hands.

Turning back to the boy he gave a fake smile and kneeled down a bit to speak to the child. ''Oh, well that won't do you know there are scary things that lurked in these woods at night. However, do not worries we will take good care of-Urk!'' Eyes widened in pain and shock, all the while blood and the taste of bile pushed up his throat.

With a menacing grin, the kid removed his custom-made blade from the mans throat. ''Of course thanks Mister I get it. Now just dies already trash!'' Stepping forward his formally grin shattered into a visage of anger as he drove his blade into the man's snivel then into his heart, an instant kill.

With a thud, the man's body crumbled to the floor like a sack.

Naruto tightened his grip on his four sided blade as he saw her. Mikasa… there she was sitting up from the cold floor, her usually well groomed hair was dishelmed and scattered covering her parts of her face. But still he could see her eyes, they were expressionless, unfeeling even regarding him with apathy. His only friend in this world he found himself in, didn't seem to recognize him and it was all their fault.

''You are fucking kidding me.''

This brought Naruto back to reality as he regarded the next man. "No I'm not.'' Naruto blurred forward as fast as he could, which was too fast for trafficker to keep up with his movement taking a sharp left turn, he struck.

Tossing with full force the weapon in his hand ahead of him, it pierced through the man's neck eliciting a shriek of pain from him; Naruto lunged at said man, brutally pulling out the blade before plugging it into his chest repeatedly.

''This. Is. What. You. Deserve.'' He chanted over repeatedly with each thrust, never once stopping even after the light had since left the man's blood stained eyes.

''Naruto?'' Mikasa gasped out weakly her pupils dilated as she watched him kill, she flinched at the wet sound of blade piercing flesh. Finding her voice she spoke up again, in a warning tone.

''Naruto run.'' She called out again but he did not seem to hear her voice, he just kept stabbing the man, never once stopping never halting combined with the howls of thunder and the night piercing shrills of lightning, it made for a terrifying sight.

''Do not ever get up again!'' Mikasa watched as he pulled out his blade one final time, relief flooded her body for a moment. Her heart swelled with happiness as he turned to her once more his blue eyes staring at her affectionately.

''It is going to be okay now Mikasa. Do not worry," he said with a grin, as if there was no blood covering his form. However he noticed something was wrong and walked over to her before he knelt in front of her prone form and pulled her into a crushing hug, swiftly cutting the rope binding her arms in half.

''Mikasa, Mikasa! Answer me please, Don't you recognize me Mikasa!?'' The young girl however remained unresponsive to him; her eyes seemed to be staring of into the far distance.

He then noticed her wound and scowled, "You're injured. Damned bastards.'' He muttered once more pulling the last strings of strings of roping of her hands.

''Naruto," she breathed, finally speaking. Naruto grinned as he nodded.

''Yeah its me Mikasa. I am so happy that…"

''How did you find me?" She wondered, cutting him off causing him to pout lightly. He then shrugged and began explaining.

''Ah well, the rain was like really pouring by the time I got to the field, so I figured you wouldn't be coming to the field it was too heavy for me to make it back to my house, yours was closer so I made my way there.'' Naruto paused taking a seat on the ground.

''I found the door open, when I walked in I found blood splattered everywhere and...'' He stopped to paujse, as he stared at Mikasa, her eyes had started tearing up.

''I met two people inside one a fully-grown man and a boy our age," He continued wiping away her tears. "The man told us to wait there while he notified the military police.''

''And you did not wait…" she sniffed and he snorted while shaking his head.

''Of course not! I, well, we rushed out after he left to search for you," Naruto corrected causing her to look a bit confused.


He nodded, ''Hai Eren. I think that was his name. It was a good thing we sought you out, those men would have been long gone before the military police arrived," he grumbled.

Mikasa once again shivered, she leaned forward and pulled him into a hug never once had she shed a single tear, as he had wiped them all away.

''Thank you.''

''No need to thank me Mika-chan I would die several times over before I let these bag of trash hurt you ttebayo!" he declared with a confident grin. Mikasa narrowed her eyes and spoke as she remembered something.

''Three. There were three of them.'' Mikasa mumbled whilst rubbing her wrist.


Suddenly the door shut open both kids turned around swiftly. ''Shit.'' Naruto cursed and made a grab for the blade he had made only to be punted clear across the room slamming into a wall, he heaved, air forcefully expelled from his lungs.

''Naruto!'' Mikasa screamed before she was backhanded across the floor.

''Be quiet bitch," the grown man growled as then turned to Naruto who had wide eyes upon seeing Mikasa being hit. ''Well what do we have here another Oriental? No? Well you look quite... the specimen and those markings on your face. You are definitely of some value, but it seems you are a fighter and that will not do.'' The man muttered.

''You did this didn't you.'' The man in his early twenties reached down and lifted Naruto up by his neck, and then he smashed the young boy's skull into the wooden wall dazing him. ''Did you kill them! Answer me!'' He yelled squeezing harder on Naruto's neck threatening to crush his victim's throat. ''Bastard! I will kill you. I will fucking Butcher you, Fucker!''

''Mikasa! Fight.'' Said girl seemed to snap back to reality. She stood up and watched Naruto being hurt causing her great anger…but she was scared.

''You must fight," Naruto grounded out as he held up against the mans attacks. He either needed to find a way out fast, or Mikasa needed to grab the knife and kill this bitch! And as far as things were going right now…it would be the latter.

"Damn it Mikasa, remember what your mother told us? In this world, the strong will always prey on the weak. Mikasa! You have to be strong.'' He drawled in as much air as he possibly could. ''If you win then you leave Mikasa! If you loose then you die.'' Naruto shrilled out, wheezing.

''What are you talking about brat, uh! I asked you a question!'' The man demanded as he continued to smash Naruto in the wall. Mikasa got up slowly the blade in her shaking unsteady hands.

''Naruto. I-I can't," Mikasa stated with a shuddering voice, fear gripping her heart.

''You can and you will! Or else we both will not survive this day.'' At that moment, something clicked in her mind Images of predators feeding on prey, Images of her father bringing home carcass. ''This world is merciless! Mikasa!''

Like a switch had been flipped. The young girl stopped shivering, her eyes became focused her posture took a more menacing stance as she stared at the man currently a threat to her only friends life. At that moment her body stopped shaking, she gained perfect control of her body. To her it felt like she could do anything.



She clenched the blood drenched knife tighter.


Mikasa took a forceful step forward, the floor beneath her cracked and buckled.

''Kyah!'' She screamed, lunging at the man full thrust, her speed and composure at that moment could only be rivaled by a few, setting her hands in a thrusting position. Mikasa Ackerman daughter of simple farming parents became an Assassin.

One that would become humanities greatest solider.

Scene change

'One clean stab from behind right through the heart. Did those kids really do this?'

Doctor Jaeger gazed upon the dead bodies that were in the house, he then looked towards the young blond who was currently holding the hand of Mikasa, their fingers interlaced. Though the girl had a blank expression, and seemed lost, he could see the faint red on her cheeks. The man then looked towards his son who too was gazing at the corpses.

''Naruto, I told you and Eren to wait for me! You have no Idea how much danger you put yourself in, there could easily had been twelve of them!'' The man scolded but Naruto didn't seem to care as he looked at Mikasa.

''Sorry but, I just couldn't sit still while my friend was in danger. Forgive me Mr. Jaeger and forgive Eren, as well it was my fault.'' Eren sent him a thankful glance it seems he would be saved from his mother's wrath.

''Well I guess It's okay, but next time you...''

''There will not be a next time! I swear on my last name!" Naruto declared cutting him off. The three looked at him a bit surprised and Naruto continued. "Nothing like this will ever happen again.''

Professor Jaeger smiled at the boy for one so young he possess extraordinary bravery, looking over to the young girl who had so far remained silent, he pondered what

to do.

''Yes he is right we had to find her! We just wanted to save her," Eren added causing the older Jaeger's attention to be put on him.

''You were both reckless there are no excuse!'' he snapped, causing Eren to shrink a bit but Naruto didn't as he stood tall.

''But we just wanted to save her.'' Eren muttered in a whisper crossing his arms.

''Hai. Mikasa is the only friend I have, I could not lose her. I could not.'' Naruto scowled at the thought. The professor took a calming breath before focusing on the only quiet member of their conversation.

''Mikasa, do you remember me? We have met a several times before when you were little.'' She remained quite still before a light sigh escaped from her lips.

''Dr. Jaeger, Naruto... Where should I go from here?'' A pang of sadness filled his heart while Naruto looked on. ''It is cold and I have nowhere to go home to anymore.''

"What kind of question is that?" this caused Mikasa and Eren to blink as they looked at him. "You're staying with me of course! I live alone, which makes it perfect because it will be just us taking care of each other!'' Naruto told with a grin that made everyone smile despite the grim situation, he seemed to have that ability.

''As for your cold.'' Naruto moved up to her, pulled off the head band that adorned his neck, staring at the symbol wistfully he opened the clothing a bit showing it was more than it seemed and had several layers rolled up. ''There.'' He said putting the headgear around her neck.

''It looks well on you Mikasa! Beautiful even!'' The young blond belayed, causing her blushed a bit more.

''Thank you, Naruto.'' Mikasa might not have shown it but, she deeply cared for the blond ball of happiness, she knew he was hurting just like, she was; her parents had practically raised him as well.

''Then it is settled.'' Dr. Jaeger suddenly announced earning their attention. Naruto blinked while Eren raised a brow.

''Eh? What is settled? 'Naruto asked tilting his head to side.

''Both of you will live with Myself, Eren and my wife, I'm pretty sure she would welcome the extra company, and Eren has almost no friends, always fighting everybody and…"

''D-Dad you are embarrassing me!'' Eren whined and the two Jaegers went at it. Turning back to the girl, Naruto smiled as he squeezed her hand.

''Don't worry Mikasa, I will not leave you.'' Mikasa smiled slightly and squeezed Naruto's hand as well.

''And I will not leave you too.''

Scene change.

''Eren! Wake up you lazy ass!''

''Damn it Naruto! Why can't you be more quiet like Mikasa?!''

''Well I would be more quiet if you did your work lazy!''

''Both of you stop fighting," Mikasa cut in with her usual tone of voice. Both boys grumbled as she continued, "Eren you ought to peek up more firewood less your mother would be upset with you.''

Eren Jaeger sat up from under the shade of a huge tree, with nothing but a sigh; he was really enjoying his sleep.

''Alright Lets go.''

All three children made their way home just as they had done almost every day for nearly a year. However, today would be different, they just did not know it yet… But wall Maria would never be the same again.


Beta'd by the legendary Saito Uzumaki.

Read and Review, that is all I ask.