Final chapter because lots of reviews wanted it. :P
"Thank you for coming!" Mikan Sakura said cheerfully as her customer left. Tomorrow would mark the fifth year Natsume has left.
Personally, Mikan was starting to get excited. 5 years, that means he's about to come back right? She was quite disappointed when the fourth year came and went, without a single call or text from her fiancé.
Mikan checked the clock that marked 6, it was time for her to go home. Mikan was quite happy with her new job. She opened her own little café with Anna and Nono as the chef's, which they happily agreed to do.
As she waited for the bus to go home, she couldn't help but fidget with her ring. How was Natsume right now? Was he well? Is he hurt?
Sadness started to well up in Mikan's chest with the thought that he was injured or had forgotten her.
When she got home, she threw her bag on the couch and quickly fished out her phone, calling his cell.
"I'm sorry but this number is currently unavailable. Please call another time." She sighed as she heard the same voice message again. She tried calling him numerous times over the years, but he never picked up once.
Maybe he wasn't allowed to open his phone during the time there.
Frustrated tears welled inside her eyes.
"Stupid, stupid Natsume. Not even bothering to tell me that he was safe..." She whispered as she laid on the couch, crying herself to exhaustion.
She has certainly gotten gloomier ever since he left.
Mikan woke up from the persistent ringing of her phone. She groggily sat up and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" She yawned loudly.
"Oi Baka, what took you so long to pick up?" Mikan blinked and jumped up and down her couch happily.
"Hotaru!" She squealed as loud as could into the phone showing her best friend her love.
"Shut up would you? You're too loud. Anyways, I'm coming over." Hotaru stated coldly as she hung up. Mikan got even more excited, her depression from last night completely gone.
Not even five minutes later, a knock was heard on her door.
"Hotaru!" Mikan opened the door widely and gave her a huge hug. Surprisingly, Hotaru let her.
"Hey, I have nothing to do today so might as well come over and waste some of my expensive time." Hotaru said coldly, rolling her eyes slightly.
"I brought lots of things for us to do." She said and sat down on the couch, dropping out all her inventions and games on the table.
Mikan smiled at her best friend. She knew that Hotaru was just trying to get her mind off all the unhappy thoughts, especially Natsume.
"Ok Hotaru!" She squealed before running and joining her best friend on the couch.
Mikan sighed happily the minute Hotaru left. Hotaru really got her to ease down a little and cheer up. What a good friend she has.
A knock came on the door. Oh, it must be Hotaru forgetting a piece of her game. Mikan chuckled, she can be forgetful once in a while too.
"Did you forget some..." Mikan said cheerfully as she opened the door, revealing someone who was evidently not Hotaru.
"...thing...?" Mikan gasped. What day was it? No way. She rubbed her eyes a few times and shook her head rapidly. Could it be?
"Hey Polka." The sound of his smooth rich voice almost made her sob. She missed that voice for so long.
"N-Natsume?" She stuttered, clamping her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't cry out too loudly.
"Miss me?" He asked playfully before pulling her into a deep embrace, pushing them inside and closed the door.
"Of course you dummy!" Mikan screamed loudly and cried into his chest. Oh how good was it to get hugged by those familiar strong arms and smell this familiar scent of his.
"Hey, hey. Isn't this supposed to be happy?" He commented softly as she felt him press a light kiss on her hair and rubbed her back soothingly.
"I am happy." She hiccuped.
"Yeah right." Mikan could tell he rolled his eyes at her.
"You're...You're not leaving again...right?" Mikan chocked out as more tears streamed out. She would really die if he was leaving again. She wouldn't be able to take that shock twice.
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He whispered before pulling her up for a kiss. A kiss that they both poured all their emotions into. All their love, longing, sadness, everything.
Natsume ran his hands through her hair and tugged it so he could kiss her deeper. Mikan wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her hands though his soft raven hair.
They broke away after minutes and stared lovingly at each other.
"You're beautiful." He kissed her again, but shorter. Mikan blushed a deep red.
"W-What?" She stuttered as he continued to stare at her like she was the most beautiful thing he ever seen.
He caressed her engagement ring on her ring finger, giving her goosebumps all over.
"You're still wearing it." He murmured in her hair as his beautiful scarlet eyes watched as the ring caught the light from the windows and glistened like stars.
"You are too." She mumbled back as she barely noticed that he was also wearing their engagement ring. It made her happy that he kept it on all this time.
"Of course." He broke their warm embrace and got a confused look from Mikan. He slowly got down to one knee, their eyes never breaking contact, and took her small hand in his.
"Will you marry me?" He asked again, but it still sounded just as sweet, rich and beautiful as the first time.
Mikan giggled.
"You already asked me that." She leaned over and gave him a peck on the forehead, earning a light frown.
"I want to make sure since it's been 5 years." He stated and continued to stay on one knee. It seems he wasn't going to stand up until she answered him.
"Yes." She whispered happily and they kissed again as soon as he stood up. He picked her up as if she was only a feather and carried her to their bedroom.
"Then let me show you how much I love you." He whispered as he closed the door.
"Mikan! Oh my god, you look absolutely lovely in that dress!" Nono and Anna squealed as Mikan came out from the dressing room, in her tenth wedding dress.
"I think I like the last one better." Mikan said as she tried walking and twirling around.
"I agree." Sumire nodded and so did Hotaru.
"But you mainly said that because lover-boy over there said the last dress looked the best." Hotaru teased calmly earning a cold glare from Natsume who was leaning casually against the wall.
"That reminds me." Mikan turned to Natsume who looked at her questionably.
"Why are you standing there? Aren't you supposed to try on suits as well?" Mikan asked as she glared lightly at him.
He shrugged in response.
"I need to know what you're going to wear so I can match with you." He answered simply and twirled his finger, asking her to turn. Obediently, she turned as Natsume fixed the bow that hung at her mid back.
"I still like the last one better." He frowned and asked the sales for the other dress. The girl nodded and quickly went to fetch the dress.
Stepping out of the changing room and changing for the eleventh time, everyone finally nodded in approval at her dress.
It was a simple white dress that showed her off perfectly. It hugged her chest and waist perfectly with amber patterns that started from her chest area and slanted down to the end of the dress and then splitting off to the left and right sides of the dress. There was a cute yellow bow right in the center of the chest.
It fit her eyes, hair and not to mention personality perfectly.
Mikan twirled around a few times and grinned at Natsume. He grinned back and decided on a black suit with a black buttoned up shirt underneath, completed with a crimson tie.
"Why do you want such dark colors? It's so different from my dress!" Mikan whined, clearly unhappy with his taste.
"It represents that we're opposites. That opposites attract." He kissed her forehead sweetly, making everyone else gag.
"Please. Leave that for later." They choked out in disgust, but secretly felt happy for them. It was nice seeing her smile after so long of depression.
"This dress it is."
Mikan was beyond nervous, but also very, very excited. It was finally their wedding day. She was in the car, all dressed up, heading to the church. Any minute now and they would be married.
Mikan took a deep breath before exiting the car, escorted by Shiki and her uncle, Kazuma. Kazuma had tears bordering his eyes as he looked at his beautiful niece.
"Izumi, Yuka, your daughter has grown into a lovely young lady." He whispered happily and sniffed slightly.
"Mou, Uncle. Don't cry! You'll make me want to cry too." Mikan said as she tried to hold in the sniff.
"I'm sorry dear." He apologized before giving her his arm and she looped her arm with his.
The wedding song started to play as Mikan and her uncle entered the golden church. On the other end of the aisle was her soon-to-be-husband, looking as hot as ever with his nicely groomed hair (finally) and his dashing suit.
Mikan held a bouquet filled with yellow honeysuckles while Natsume had a red honeysuckle in his buttonhole. It meant bonds of love. Their bond of love.
Finally taking Mikan's hand in his, Natsume stared at her stunning face. Though the veil was covering her face, he could tell she was amazing.
The priest read the bible and said his blessings, Natsume lifted Mikan's delicate veil over her head and couldn't help but stare for a while.
Her hair was all slid to the left side of her shoulder and curled. Strands of golden flowers were tied into her hair and a silver clip was clipped on the top of her head so her hair wouldn't fall apart.
She was gorgeous beyond compare.
"Do you, Natsume Hyuuga, take Mikan Sakura as your wife through age and sickness?" The priests asked as all attention shifted to him.
"I do." He smiled his rare genuine smile.
"Do you, Mikan Sakura, take Natsume Hyuuga as your husband though age and sickness?"
"Yes, I do." Mikan said as she returned his sweet smile.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The preist announced loudly as people clapped.
They stared deep into each other's eyes. Mikan started to turn red from the way he was staring at her. She could clearly see her reflection from his eyes, a proof that he only sees her, and no one else.
"Mikan," he whispered under his breath, to make sure no one can hear him, only her, the one that he loves, "I love you so much." Then he kissed her like no tomorrow.
He made sure that this kiss would seal the deal. He poured everything he had inside of him into that kiss, making sure she knew that he loved her will everything he got.
Mikan returned it with just as much fervor.
Everyone clapped and squealed at their intimate moment and they walked, hand in hand, to their guests and hearing the congratulations and accepting wedding gifts.
It was the day they were bonded permanently forever.
"I'm home." Natsume tiredly called as he entered his loving home.
"Mikan?" He called again, hearing no response. It has been almost three months since Mikan Sakura became Mikan Hyuuga, thus permanently marking her as his.
He couldn't help but smile at the thought. His grin only stretched when he saw his beautiful wife coming to greet him, her hair down just like he liked it.
"Natsume! Welcome come." She gave him a sweet peck on the cheek before grinning maniacally at him.
"What's with that look?" Natsume asked as he took off his shoes and untied his tie.
"I have good news." Mikan grinned cheekily.
"Just say it." Natsume was starting to get impatient. Mikan giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, tip toeing so her mouth was directly at his ear.
"I'm three months pregnant."
"Mou, Aiko! Wait for me!" Mikan yelled as she chased after the 5 year old girl with brunette hair and crimson eyes.
"Mommy, you're too slow! Let's beat her, daddy!" Aiko laughed cheekily as she ran hand in hand with her dad who was barely even trying, with his long legs.
Mikan on the other head, was running very hard and panting as she chased after them.
"Finally...Got...Here..." She panted heavily as they finally got back home.
"Mommy, you really need to exercise more." Aiko giggled as Natsume opened the door to their house.
"Let's go, mommy." Sweet little Aiko took her mom's hand and led her into their house.
"Yeah." Mikan nodded at her beloved daughter and glanced at her husband who was waiting at the doorway patiently.
"Thanks for waiting." Mikan whispered as she gave him a peck when she walked past.
"You're welcome." He grinned before leaning down even closer.
He whispered under his breath, tickling Mikan and making her giggle.
"A 'I love you' means you're mine."
Good enough? I actually felt like I rushed a bit but...I got my points across. Reviews, comments, suggestions, criticism are all very, very welcome. It's important for shy people to express their feelings more so PLEASE tell me your feelings.
I based Mikan's wedding dress on this picture (remove the spaces): ntrth*.*me/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unique-wedding-dresses-cheap-2*.*jpg
Natsume's suit is this: www*.*aubridal*.*com/uploadfile/201206/notch-lapel-two-button-side-vented-wool-dark-red-wool-slim-suits-for-wedding-for-men-1_650x650px*.*jpg
R&R Please!