Hello, everybody!
So sorry about this, but this in fact not a new chapter. Although it does relate to my writing so I guess it's not totally misleading...
I need your help! At the end of every year, I have a bit of a... tradition with myself where I publish a new story on New Year's Eve. Last year (going into this year), I published Perfection and it was so well received that I would like to have another Jimmy Neutron one done for this year. But I'm a bit indecisive as to which one.
So go to my profile and please vote in the poll! Provided is a brief synopsis which may or may not become the official summary. But if neither story seems to your liking, you can always pick 'other' but just know that there's a chance the fandom that story is in will NOT be Jimmy Neutron.
Thank you guys for reading and please vote! I'll close voting on December 15th. Whatever the result may be, I hope you will still tune in to read whatever I come up with. Much love and thank you guys again!