Hey guys, I'm sort of new to this whole literature thing, but i tried my best while making this story, so i hope you guys all enjoy it and Favorite/Follow it so it can become popular :D. Jk, But if you seriously like it, You should Follow/Favorite it :). Btw, the first chapter will be super short, so don't expect much so far. Dont worry though, It will get longer over time :D.

Chapter 1: Forgotten Establishments

"Lux..." A beautiful voice called out to the blonde mage. "Lux..." The voice continued growing in volume as she was more eager and eager to wake lux up.

"LUX!" The voice finally called out, waking lux up in a frightened manner.

Luxanna Crownguard, or Lux for short, was scared out of her mind as soon as she heard the scream and searched around the whole area to see who called her name. She looked Down under her bed, and to the left and to the right of her bed, but to no avail, she couldn't find anything.

'That was strange' the mage thought to herself, wondering where the voice came from. She knew it couldn't have been part of her imagination, because the voice seemed so real.

"What the hell man..." Lux sighed, wondering what the hell just happened that awoke her from her sleep.

As lux ignored all the things that happened to her so far today, she slowly started to try to get out of bed, but was too tired to even do a simple task like that.

"O-Ouch" Lux silently said, rubbing a bruise that she recieved from yesterdays match. As she started to rub it more and more, she started to have recollections of everything that happened yesterday, but ultimately she only remembered little snippets of the crazy match.

All the Blonde mage could remember was that she was the mid laner for her team, she got first blood and then snowballed from there on out, and won the match.

'Huh' the mage thought to herself silently, 'Was that all that happened' she continued thinking, and then the final thought hit her. She remembered she was dragged off the summoning platform as soon as she won from a individual and was confessed to and fainted shortly afterwords.

"I wondered who confessed to me" Lux silently said, blushing a color of red.

"Achoo!" A sneeze came out from above the Mages head.

"H-uh?" She looked up as soon as she heard that and saw something super horrifying.

Katarina was there laying her hands and feet in between two of the wooden poles that kept lux's roof in place.

Katarina looked mad, and, by mad, she meant, super mad, Like the mad you would see from a little kid who didn't want to get the toy he wanted from his parents, or the type of mad you get when the store ran out of the things you wanted. That type of mad.

Lux slowly tried to creep out of bed as soon as she saw the Assassin and tried not to make a peep knowing that if she will, she will probally end up like her brother who is right now being tortured in Katarina's personal torture dungeon. 'Yea, she had a dungeon just only for Torturing people.'

Lux tried to get the image of her brother getting whipped by Katarina and wanting more of it out of her mind, but couldn't because it was just so horrifying.

While lux was Squirming out of bed trying to avoid Katarina's gaze and Imagining her older brother garen getting whipped by Katarina. Katarina got off from the roof and appeared in front of lux, who was still thinking of her brother and ignoring Katarina as a whole.

The Assassin smirked and grabbed or tried to grab lux from the waist up, but failed drastically as lux finally snapped out of her daydreaming and bumped heads with Katarina super hard.


Both Lux and Katarina fell unconscious and fell to the floor only to be later found by a bunch of summoners and immedeatly taken to the hospital.

As Katarina slowly woke up 6 hours after the incident, she looked around her surroundings and immedeatly knew that she was in the hosptial.

'Dumb Blonde mage' Katarina thought to herself, believing that it was her fault that she was even in this mess.

'If only you didnt suddenly bump your head into mines' she continued raising her long slender arms to her hea-.

'Wait...' She thought. 'LONG SLENDER ARMS' She continued screaming inside of her head.

The assassin jumped out of her bed, ignoring the fact that she had a massive headache and was suggested to stay in the bed, and ran as fast as she could to the mirror that was only a couple yards away from her.

And when she got to the mirror.

All hell broke loose.

She had swapped bodies with lux.

WOAHHHH! SHE SWAPPED BODIES WITH HER ARCH NEMESIS! Part 2 will come shortly guys :).