Disclaimer: nothing you recognise belongs to me and I have adopted this story with full permission from whitetigerwolf.

Warnings: underage sex (mentioned non explicit) and pregnancy. May have further warnings later. Alive Sirius.

Chapter One, Finding Out

Honor Potter rinsed out her mouth in the bathroom sink to get rid of that horrid taste that seemed to cling to her taste buds. She had just thrown up again, the third time this week. "What in Merlin's name is happening to me?" she said to herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The fifteen year old witch's midnight blue-black waist length hair was pulled back into a high pony-tail, except for her bangs which she used to cover up her famous and hated lightning-bolt scar. Her emerald eyes which were framed by thick long lashes, shone in the light as they idly wandered through the small bathroom in Number 4 Privet Drive, until they came to rest on one of her Aunt Petunia's open magazines. It was an add which took up a whole page, it wasn't the length of the advertisement that caught her attention it was what was on the end that caught her interest so much. The advertisement was about birth control pills, and it was that that made Honor's eyes widen.

It was impossible! It couldn't be true. She was over thinking this. They'd only had sex the one time. Honor began to mentally count the days since her last period, then she counted them again once she realised she was just over two weeks late, only to end up getting the same results. "Okay. Don't panic Honor," she told herself. "It could be something else. It could just be late."

Making sure everything in the bathroom was as it should be, Honor walked over to her room, the smallest bedroom in the house. She walked over to her bed, wriggling under it to remove the loose floorboard. Prying it up, she pulled out the muggle money she had managed to hide from the Dursleys (she had converted some Galleons last summer while she was in Diagon Alley and had saved it in case it was needed) and began counting it out. She had roughly fifty pounds, a lot more than what she expected. Pocketing the money, Honor checked her appearance in the cracked mirror hanging on the back of her bedroom door. Taking a deep breath, she made her way out of the bedroom, and luckily she was able to avoid any of her so called relatives as she made her way out of the house.

It was a twenty minute walk to the local pharmacy. As she walked, she kept hoping that she was wrong in her suspicions, she hadn't long been going out with him and she wondered if he would want anything to do with her after this. After walking into the pharmacy, she made her way through the store, looking for the pregnancy test. What she found didn't help her at all. There were so many different tests, each ranging from different prices, some even stated they could say how many weeks she was.

Some where cheap, while others would take almost all of her money to purchase. Honor decided to buy two different ones. They were on the more expensive side, and would use most of her money to buy, but Honor wanted to be sure before she figured out what she was going to do, but she knew one thing: in no uncertain terms would she be getting rid of her baby if she was in fact pregnant. Grabbing the tests, she walked up to the counter. The old lady working the register gave her a sympathetic smile as she rung the tests up.


Returning back to No. 4 Privet Drive she headed straight up to the bathroom to take the two tests, thankfully all of the Dursleys were so engrossed into the T.V that they didn't notice her absence or her arrival. After doing what she needed to do for the test to work she set her watch for forty-five minutes before washing her hands and heading into her room to wait.

~~~45 minutes later~~~


Both tests were positive.