Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its plot/characters. I only own my OC and my plot and any changes made to the plot of the anime.

This is not my first fanfic nor is it my first Naruto fic. This is my 4th or 5th fic if you don't count oneshots.

When reading this prologue please listen to this song at time 01:01:28 (If you go to the description of the song it will be the track "Soundtrack to an empty life" www . youtube watch?v = 5xa9u0oV8f0 (Get rid of all the spaces) It will help get into the mood of this opening. It's also a nice song, from a great game (in my opinion), to listen to while a storm is really happening.

Story is not in 1st person, parts may be but for the most part it's 3rd person. BTW: This is supposed to be super short.

Summary: I remember black skies, the lightning all around me. She looked so frail and weak. She was so pale I thought she was dead. Then she looked at me. Her visible eye was red... I couldn't move. I remember feeling fear course through my small body. Then she passed out. She no longer looked scary, she looked broken. That was the day I met Kaminari.


The sky darkened and black clouds rolled overhead the Hidden Leaf Village. Soft rumbles of thunder sounded and lightning flashed faintly in the distance as a storm grew closer.

Everyone was inside their homes; shops and restaurants had closed up and school was let out early. The rain started and parents called for their children who had stopped to play in the growing puddles. The village was quiet for the most part; the rain was still light and the wind blew gently causing some wind chimes to sound softly. The streets were empty except for one.

Naruto Uzumaki, age seven, was walking home alone with his head down and hands in his pockets. He brushed his blond hair out of his blue eyes. As he passed by the Hidden Leaf Village's entrance gate he saw something white out of the corner of his eye that made him stop and look as the rain started falling harder.

Kakashi Hatake walked into the village along with two other ninja's behind him. In Kakashi's arms he held a small frail-looking figure. Short straight white hair reached down to small shoulders with bangs that hid a pale face. A white dress was, ripped, torn and splattered with blood. There was a trail of red from a blood-soaked bandage.

Naruto followed the trail from the dress, up a skinny neck, then a pale cheek to the figure's left eye, concealed by the dyed bandage. The girl, as if sensing his stare, turned her head and a red eye locked onto him. Naruto froze and gulped. The girl didn't look away and Naruto was afraid to. Lightning flashed and the red eye slowly faded to blue. Naruto blinked as the girl looked away, her head falling forward as she lost consciousness just as the thunder boomed.

Don't expect a chapter too soon. School is starting soon but I'll have plenty of time to work on it seeing as this is my senior year. So don't worry, this will get updated when it gets updated.

As with most of my other stories if you have an idea/suggestion please feel free to PM me. I always give credit where it's due.