Chapter I

The End & The Beginning

It was difficult trying to wrap their brains around how they were going to get out of this one. They were all running on empty right now and Kaguya was still out there trying to find them. Obito had teleported them as far away from the mad princess so she couldn't feel them, but they all knew eventually she'd get close enough to them. They had taken solace in a damp cave, a small fire lit to keep them warm, not that they needed to keep warm, their bodies were on overdrive and in serious need to cool down if anything but the fire provided the light for them to see. They need to see to understand, to plan their final attack. Right now though they were just content in trying to understand that this last attack had to be the one to take or everything they did was in vain.

"Sakura have a drink". Kakashi said as he handed her their only canteen left. She took a single sip of it, it had to last until this ended. "Arigato Kakashi-sensei". Realizing her mistake she shook her head and smiled apologetically at her former teacher, he only smiled back at her solemnly. "You". Came the deep baritone of the only other remaining Uchiha in the room. The former members of team seven all turned their attention towards Obito who turned out to be staring daggers at her.

"Me?" Sakura questioned as she pointed at herself. He nodded his head as he continued. "How have you survived all of this? Kakashi had the sharingan until Madara took it, but you. ... You are neither Senju nor Uchiha blood, unlike the rest of us and everyone that isn't has been caught. Everyone but you". She ignored him, he'd probably finally officially lost his damned mind.

Thankfully Kakashi and Naruto were quick to defend her. "Leave her alone!" They didn't need this though, this fighting, it wouldn't help them at all.

Sasuke spoke up then. "He's right though. Sakura ... You shouldn't have survived this far". It was like a knife to the gut. Why did he have to always make things feel that more worse than they should have been?

She brushed him off and took in a deep breath to calm herself down. She may not have been a descendant to Kaguya but she was just as strong as them. It was obvious, she wasn't dumb, she knew her strengths, her weaknesses. She knew what she was supposed to do. She survived this far because she was just as strong as they were.

Obito stood up then and before anyone could do anything, he was on her and she screamed as her weakened body tried to push him off as he held her arms down. In the corner of her eyes she could see Sasuke holding back Naruto and Kakashi all who were just as weak as herself.

Even Obito barely had the strength left in him to use his sharingan on her, she watched as it flickered slightly before he finally got it to stick. "Now let's see what's keeping you ticking". It was over before it even started as Obito pulled out of her head. He looked down at her with astonishment before turning his attention towards the others. Mainly Sasuke.

"It's Itachi" he said ominously as he retreated from her. She scrunched her brows together. No she was pretty sure that she was Sakura, unlike everyone else, there was no-one living inside her body in any sort of way. Just a singular spirit that was all her own.

"What did you see?" Sasuke asked as he released the other men. Naruto ran towards her. "Sakura are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She shook her head and before she could answer Obito spoke up again.

"She's fine, perfect actually, especially since she's got good old Itachi protecting her".

Itachi protecting her, what crazy was he thinking up now? "Sakura here is our very last resort'". Obito continued on. "Your brother" he began as he looked towards Sasuke and pointed at her. "Locked up the last piece of the puzzle inside her. The smart bastard knew it would eventually come to this. He calculated that Madara would do this, that Kaguya would eventually be released. So he created a fail-safe if we finally got to this point in time".

Wouldn't it have helped if Itachi had just told them what he had predicted would happen so they could prepare for all of this and could have avoided all of this before it could ever happen?

"What's the fail-safe?" Kakashi asked carefully. "She". Again with the damned 'she ' next time he did it she was going to smack him. "Is going to prevent all of this by going back to the founding of Konoha".

He did not seriously just say that. Kakashi shook his head. "You know just as well as I know that time travel is impossible, too many people have died trying to achieve it".

Obito shook his head. "It's not impossible, merely, extremely difficult, close to impossible, but not close enough. We have two Uchiha, a Senju that's also a Sage and the blood sacrifice that can be substituted for the chakra we're all going to be lacking".

He didn't just say blood sacrifice had he? "I think you spent too much time with Madara, your starting to sound just as crazy as he was". Naruto stated. Kakashi sighed though and she didn't like it at all. A sigh from him was never a good sign.

"Do you know what we'll need to do in order to complete this?" Obito only blinked and it was as if Kakashi had read his mind. "The blood sacrifice".

She finally spoke up. "What do you mean by blood sacrifice and why am I the one that has to go back? Why not any one of you?"

Obito answered once more. "Because you're a woman, and you have fought Madara head on and survived. You are a healer, you are a sensor now and your chakra reserves are damned near self-sustainable and you have a control over chakra that none have ever seen before. Not to forget though you are the sister to one of the strongest Uchiha and a Sage. With a combination like this it's a wonder how you escaped the notice of Madara when he was planning all of this, even after he'd restored himself he should have calculated you because you were more dangerous than we expected. That is why you are the one to go back, the rest of us just can't". Sakura would have taken that as a compliment had this been a different situation.

"What's a blood sacrifice?" Naruto asked even though everyone knew deep down what it was.

Kakashi explained it the best way he could. "Because there's not enough chakra between all of us you'll have to substitute it. A blood sacrifice allows you to basically use the life force within the blood as if it were chakra, but it's stronger because it's something that was always there unlike chakra that came after. The only thing is with what we're talking about, a time-travel jutsu you'll need more than just a gash across the palm". It was obvious that Naruto still didn't understand.

Sakura explained the last part better. "It means that Kakashi has to die in order for us to get enough of his life force to manipulate for the jutsu".

The cave went quiet as they all took it in, if they did this they would be killing a brother, all of them would be a part of taking a person's life, a person they all loved. Kakashi finally nodded his head as he spoke up into the silence. "We have two options here, one that can guarantee that our present never comes to this, and the second that guarantees us nothing but hope. Either way I will be sacrificing my life in order to save those that we love. I wouldn't mind dying alongside any of you, but if my sacrifice means we have a guaranteed chance of undoing all of this … Count me in".

Another deep breath, she wasn't going to keep her tears from showing especially since Naruto was openly weeping at the realization that they were going to do this. Kakashi did a turnaround and got back into shinobi mode. "How do we do this?" Sasuke spoke up. "There's only one way, Kamui, and the moment we do that we'll be alerting her where we are and she'll be coming fast. We have to have everything set up though before she gets there. The problem is we're going to have to trick her into offering her chakra into sending them there". She didn't miss the part where it had turned from just her going back to 'them' going back.

Forgetting about that little tidbit she processed what Sasuke had just said. They wanted to trick the creator of chakra into sending them back in time? Did they actually think she would really fall for that? Obito spoke up. "Itachi imprinted the blueprints of the jutsu in Sakura's mind".

When had he done this? Her and Itachi had never been in a room together let alone come face to face in the battlefield, if anything, she'd made it a point to not be around Itachi, his presence was a hard one to swallow especially with the knowledge of what he'd done for Konoha. Uchiha Itachi had the ultimate loyalty to his village, his oath so deeply ingrained that it was more important than his oath to his clan that it was scary.

"Sakura". She turned her focus back to Sasuke who was calling out to her. "We need to talk". She followed him and she knew Naruto was behind her as well, it would seem the three of them were finally going to get their last moment out.

"Kaguya is going to be right on you the moment we were sent back, you cannot allow your emotions to get to you, we don't have the luxury to grieve, so when we arrive, you have to do it no hesitation". Did he just order her to do what she thought he did? Sasuke turned his attention to Naruto. "That goes for you as well, Obito understands what needs to happen and so do I do not hesitate a single bit".

"I don't understand … What are you asking me to do Sasuke?" Naruto asked, he needed to stop playing stupid, because it made all of this that much harder to comprehend. "Naruto, in order for us to separate Kaguya from her powers is for Sakura and you to take ours and to do that Obito and I have to die". She must have not heard something, because now they were going to be separating Kaguya from her powers.

"But I thought once we were in the past that was it". Naruto tried as he looked for away to get out of it. "Naruto". Sasuke sighed softly. "You hadn't payed any attention at all when we went over the plan did you?" She realized she hadn't been paying attention at all either it would seem. Had she, she would have heard about this part of the plan. Sasuke looked towards them both and finally there it was that emotion that she hadn't seen since the annihilation of his family. He still had a heart and he was sharing it with them, that was there Sasuke, their brother. He was asking them to finally end this, end this curse, and end his misery.

"Sakura doesn't have as much chakra as we do, even with her reserves, it won't be enough, her control though is what's going to save us, if we put in too much chakra we risk killing ourselves from chakra depletion, if we give to little we risk the chance of not having a powerful enough hit. We can't risk killing her though, we kill her we kill ourselves since our chakra connects us to her and without it we'll cease to exist. There's only one option and that's splitting her from her powers, you'll have to throw her powers back to the moon, and seal her inside Sakura with a reincarnation seal".

Naruto's eye widened and so did hers at what that meant as well, reincarnation jutsu's were forbidden, not because of the curse they represented but because you need to sacrifice a life in order for the chosen person to be born again, Naruto though was unfazed by this and was bothered with something else. "If I seal her inside Sakura with that, it means we'll risk the chance of her being born again in our world". Sasuke nodded his head. "This gives her a chance to see that this world isn't what she thinks it is". He looked over to her. "Kaguya will have a chance to live a happy life knowing nothing but love and joy until the end of our world".

Kaguya would basically be getting reprogrammed was what he was saying. "Just don't hesitate when it comes to it". She nodded her head. Naruto though asked another question. "I still don't understand though what's the fail-safe exactly?" He asked as he processed everything that they had talked about. Sasuke looked over to her again, his eyes soft and warm. "Love Naruto, the fail-safe is love". He explained simply Naruto still didn't seem to understand. Sasuke shook his head. "It doesn't really matter to us, as long as Sakura understands then that's all that truly matters". She didn't really understand but she'd figure it out. "Let's head back in you don't know what sort of things Kaguya's got looking for us". Sasuke said as he turned around and went back into the cave with Naruto hot on his heels. Another deep breath and she let the sight sink into her head, memorizing the sight of them talking with Kakashi.

This was it, the reincarnation spell would kill Naruto and she would be left alone to complete the most dangerous mission ever; changing their futures.

"Sakura". She closed her eyes when she felt the hand on her shoulder keep her from going into the cave she turned her attention to the older Uchiha. "Can I have a word?" She nodded her head. Perhaps he was going to answer her unasked questions.

"You understand what your mission is?" He asked softly as he looked down at her. She nodded her head. "Capture Kaguya separate her from her powers, contain her and keep her from being released again".

Obito nodded his head. "You understand that to do this though, you'll have to change Madara's perspective of the world yes?" She scrunched her brows together and Obito explained. "All of this happened because Madara inherited the Curse of Hatred, it's like a disease you catch it from those around you, from the environment. He told me many things about his past and I've come to realize that after the death of his younger brother Izuna, many things started to change, this is where you'll start changing things, you need to change Izuna, he fell victim to the curse before Madara and he tried to stop his brother from uniting with the Senju. If he agrees to this, then Madara won't feel guilty about betraying him and he won't feel the need to close himself off to those around him". She nodded her head, start with the younger Uchiha.

"Madara was not wrong though about the Senju they did dominate and isolate the Uchiha no matter what they believed, you need to make sure that this changes as well. It needs to be a fair system. Remember that both clans were the founders of the village so both have a say in matters". Okay, sure somehow she'd inject herself into the political agendas and make sure everything was a fair vote.

"There's another thing, Madara's sanity had been held up by the love he had for Izuna and the admiration and envy he shared for Hashirama that really needs to stop", "How do I fix him of that trait?" She asked because she was not understanding this part at all.

"Madara needs to fall in love". Obito said with a straight face. "You expect me to have Madara fall in love? How do I even accomplish something like that?" Obito shrugged his shoulders. "Madara loves to fight, his entire life was fighting, it was his everything. You need to replace that love with the love of a woman, it's more healthy for him, besides he never married nor did he ever have any heirs, neither he nor Izuna or Tobirama ever had a family of their own, if something did happen to Izuna and Hashirama, even after you changed everything, his sanity would still be carried by those two. You need to find a third party for this, an extra counter measure if you will. He needs one more chance and that only chance is falling in love and having a family of his own". Great she was going to have to play cupid.

All of this had been imprinted in her head? How the hell had she not known about this? "Since you spent so much time with him you wouldn't happen to have a cheat sheet of what he wants in a future love would you?" She asked hoping there was a woman that had caught his attention back in his younger days. He only shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly he didn't really talk about women, he could truly care less. Don't think he never took any to his bed though, he was a man, and one of the strongest of his time so most likely many women wanted him".

Well that made it all the more easy, didn't it, pick from the masses, that helps so much. "Just make sure it happens". She nodded her head. A question popping up. "What happens to me? … After everything is done and finished?"

"This is a one way ticket Sakura, after you've finished your mission … I suppose there will be nothing for you to do but live your life, start a family of your own, get out of this life that's stained your eyes and palms red". So she was never going to be allowed to go back home after this.

"The reason why you'll be stuck Sakura is because when you change one single thing, you'll be creating an alternate timeline, and it this means there will be two worlds. This one that is dead, and the other that you'll mold into what our forefathers originally dreamed of it being".

Naruto walked out just then and they turned their attention towards him. "Hey guys we should get moving". She nodded her head. There was so much despair in the cave that she really didn't want to go in there. There was no choice though and they followed them in there.

Kakashi finally removed his mask and had taken off his jounin vest. She held back her tears, she needed to be strong, she had to be strong, and everyone was depending on her for this. She touched his shoulder gently as they circled around him.

She looked up at Obito as she questioned him. "So how do we steal his chakra?" She asked carefully, she'd heard of the theory, but it was merely a theory that it was possible. The older Uchiha pulled out a kunai holding it out for them. Even he couldn't kill Kakashi, Obito and Kakashi were just as much family as the rest of them and it was making this situation complicated. Instead Kakashi was the one to take the dagger and plunge it into his heart. He looked towards Naruto then and she didn't hold her tears in, there was no way anymore to hold back, she couldn't afford them not to think she didn't love them, care for them, and grieve for them.

"Do it". Kakashi pleaded at Naruto, he in turn looked over to her. "Sakura watch me, you need to know how to do this". She forced herself to not look away then as Naruto reached into Kakashi's chest and pulled out his bleeding heart. She sucked in a breath. "Everyone remember the buddy system". Naruto said as his fingers glowed like the sun itself. Sakura watched as he grabbed onto Sasuke and Obito grabbed onto Naruto's shoulder while the heart bleed blue, then white and Naruto absorbed it while transferring that white glow to the two Uchiha's.

She watched as the last of life was stolen away from Kakashi as he turned to dust before their very eyes, his heart went along with him. She felt arms grab her and before she knew what was happening they were inside Obito's dimension. Sasuke's voice whispered softly in her ear while he wrapped an arm around her a kunai slipping into her hands from his own. "Now Sakura". She turned around, her eyes meeting his and she watched in horror as he moved her hand over his heart, the kunai slipping into the hard flesh with little resistance as Sasuke pushed onto it. "Sasuke … kun". He stared her down before smiling as she felt Naruto come towards her, a smile on Sasuke's face. "You were right Sakura in the end I have nothing". She pulled the kunai out quickly and with her breath caught in her throat she reached into his chest and pulled out his heart. Feeling the pureness within it, there was a glow that surrounded them, that glow that felt like the sun, so warm and lovely on her face and yet her heart started to feel as though it was dropping into a cold abyss. She closed her eyes as she felt Sasuke's weight leave her.

"Sakura be ready she's coming". Naruto said as he dragged her over to the circle of kanji's that were written in blood. She knew indefinitely that this was it. Naruto kept in that glow and held her hand, as they waited for Kaguya. Naruto chuckled then and she looked over to him. "Looks like it's just you and me again Sakura-chan, Let's make sure we show her exactly why she shouldn't have messed with us". The dimension opened and she could feel that suffocating chakra rush their way. Sakura filled her first with the chakra that Sasuke had given her and she realized then just how powerful she felt. This, this is what the Uchiha and Senju had been fighting about, this chakra that filled her was nothing like her own, it was strong and seductive, burning hot and near orgasmic. Temptation and power at it finest.

She was coming towards them and Sakura just knew for some reason that Kaguya's guards were down at the sight of only the two of them. More chakra, she was going to make sure this psycho felt this hit from now until forever. "You have his chakra! You have my chakra!" She screeched into the air as her hair whipped at them, Naruto moved then and grabbed her hair she shrieked as she helped Naruto grab her into the circle. "Get your ass in her bitch!" Sakura screamed as she whipped out the kunai Sasuke had given her and sliced at the first bit of skin she could reach while the other woman fought them back. The first drop of blood she got Sakura threw the blade into the circle with them and Naruto stepped onto it pushing his chakra into his feet. Kaguya screamed out as the room flooded with a bright light and Sakura grabbed onto Naruto as everything around them began to fade away and the sight of the Rabbit Goddess disappeared as well.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto whispered as the darkness started to come back to them and Sakura nodded her head, chakra still in her fist she pushed more in as Kaguya reappeared to them. "What have you done!" She screamed out as she tried to gather herself. She could feel another body behind her and she knew Naruto had created a shadow clone to help them. She and the clone finally moved and Sakura pushed her fist into the air while the other did. "Shannaro!" She screamed as she sucker punched the mother of their world.

The world finally came back and Sakura watched as Naruto's clone disappeared she looked down at the unconscious figure knowing that she would be coming back in a minute or two. She picked up a lock of hair and dragged her over to where Naruto had already started setting up. She pulled her over to him and he looked down at her. "Ready?" He asked in a horse voice she nodded her head. "Everyday". She responded softly.

Naruto nodded his head back as he placed his hands on top of hers as they hovered them over the unconscious figure. She could literally feel the air begin to fill with the chakra, the wind whipped around them and the area filled with lightening. This was her chakra, angry and hell-bent and so very pure. Naruto pushed away from Kaguya as he let go of her hands and they felt heavy like dead weights. "Shall we create another star?" Naruto asked as she watched him collect the chakra all around them and mold it into a glowing ball. This was it, this was the end. "Do it Naruto". She said as she pulled Kaguya into her arms and fell against a wall behind her.

She was so beautiful, the third eye was gone, the horns, gone, she was perfection. Looking back towards Naruto she turned just in time to watch him throw the ball of chakra into the sky. It shined brightly in the dark sky and twinkled majestically. Naruto turned back to her.

"They told me what's going to happen … are you ready?" Naruto asked as he fell to his knees in front of her, she nodded her head. "Yeah I'm ready". No she really wasn't, but there was no choice in the matter, they didn't have time to find another woman.

Naruto placed his hands on top of Kaguya, she watched as the princess glowed. Her eyes opened and they were still that pearl color. "I know you can hear me Kaguya and I'm sorry that your existence has come to this", "Why can't I feel anything?" She asked in a horse whisper. Sakura frowned as she answered. "Because we took away your gifts, and we put them somewhere no one will ever be able to find them". Tears rolled down the princess's face and Sakura felt pity for her, pity because she couldn't imagine having something so precious being taken away from her. "I want you to know that in your next life, you will see that the rest of the world didn't deserve your cruelty, I will make sure you will know love and happiness, and in every life you'll never be allowed to know what madness is, what fear is, anger, pain, misery and despair will never touch you ever again". Her body finally disappeared and Sakura watched as Naruto dropped forward.

"Damn Sakura, that does take the life out of you". Naruto joked as she held him to her body, cradling him, hoping to gods she'd wake up and find this to be a horrible nightmare. "Don't Sakura, if all goes right, we'll meet again in another life … a better life". She choked on a sob. "You can't leave me, I need you … I can't do it, not without you". Naruto reached up and touched her cheek with a single finger.

"Yes you can, you're the strongest person I know, you did everything without us once, you can do it again". He smiled grimly and she watched as his body started to get colder. She shook her head. "No I can't, I don't want to, I want you, I need you to stay with me … please". He shook his head. "I'm sorry Sakura-chan". He chuckled. "It seems I'm always letting you down and I'm sorry for that as well". He touched her cheek again and this time she could feel warmth on her from his finger.

"The only thing I can do that I know I can't let you down with is this. I want to give you my ability to feel negative emotions; the ability to see through genjutsu's even the sharingan's, to be able to survive them. I give you my ability to sense chakra no matter how far. And I give you the ability to heal and repair beyond what you've thought was possible and … I give you the gift of love, you will find your true love here, someone that deserves you more than I could, more than Sasuke could ever and I gift you with healthy children, beautiful children, strong children". She sobbed she didn't want any of that, she wanted him, she needed him to stay.

"Naruto!" She cried, not knowing what else to do. "Sakura-chan be strong". He whispered before he finally faded from her arms, whisked away by light and darkness as he took his last breath.

She screamed, she screamed and cried and sobbed like a child destroying everything in her wake as she smashed her fist and she turned herself off and retreated into her world. She was stuck here and if she really wanted to leave there was only one way and too many consequences to count. She stared at the kunai on the floor, caked with blood of allies and enemies; it would be so easy to end this.

'Be strong' Their voice whispered in her head and she knew it wasn't possible, she didn't want to let them down, she couldn't do it, couldn't afford it. Instead she stood up and looked around, the building she was in was old, covered in cobwebs and dust, pillars and ceilings were high with a large portion of it dropped in and on the floor, she could see the nights sky and the star that shimmered like a diamond that Naruto created. The rest of the place was dark and stale from where she stood, debris littered the floor. She used her instincts as she walked through it, using the walls as her guide, not caring what was transferring to her skin. She'd been through so much already what was a little dust going to do to her?

She was dizzy, her body finally coming down from the fight mode she'd been in since this whole thing began, her body was broken and bruised and her mind tired from all the spinning. The moment she finally made her way out and walked down the steps of what turned out to be a destroyed temple she felt all the drama and angst lift away from her shoulders. It was dark outside but she could see the trees, the steps, and a smaller village that slept below her.

Going back into the dark temple she lay against the wall and stared up into the sky from her spot. This was it, this was her beginning, her new start. There was no going back, and taking an easy way out was not permitted for her and she could not let her family down.

She stayed there, in that destroyed temple, and as the months went by, she watched her stomach swell, her body change, and she would finally come down the mountain where the temple was located and traded supplies with her medical assistance.

The villagers thought her an angel from the sky, come down to save them from the illnesses that were wreaking havoc on their people. She would come to find that medicine had not yet been invented, especially medic shinobi's.

The news was abundant from travelers and they all said the same thing, the Senju and the Uchiha were still very much fighting, Hashirama's and Madara's father's still very much alive. She couldn't go with those men still alive, so she stayed in her old abandoned temple. The men from the village, would fix the roofing for her and clean out the debris. The bigger the child in her womb became the more the children would go back and forth from her home on the mountain to the village so she had what she needed.

There was never a night that she didn't cry and weep for her fallen family, for her enemies, and she stared at the dagger, now cleaned and polished, the Uchiha crest was donned proudly upon it. She retreated further into herself. Sometimes going so far as to ignore the hunger pains while she tried to kill the growing child within her, and in the nights she'd dream of her brothers and what they would tell her when they found out what she was doing and she'd go back down the village again for supplies. Allowing the women to wonder at her rounding stomach, the children to flock to her side and look up to her wishing they were her child. The women and men would do anything for her and she couldn't stand it, and couldn't stand that she needed help.

… And the people that she wanted to help her, they didn't even exist anymore. The tragedy of her life was a never ending torment in the deep recesses of her mind and yet it was the only thing that was keeping her going.

The village that she cared for was not a shinobi village, there were no shinobi clans, they were just simple humans, simple people and they worshiped her like a queen, a god, and she loathed every second of it.

She screamed to the gods the day her water broke. She screamed and cried and wished it wasn't happening to her. She was completely alone in her temple on the mountain and she knew none heard her anguished cries. Spreading her legs wide she concentrated on herself, she could have called for a midwife, many women had presented themselves to her but she wanted none to be here, she only wanted them, her boys to be there, to help her through this. She imagined Tsunade there, with Shizune at her side looking down at her body, telling it was almost time, she could feel the child almost there. She bit her lip, tasting blood as it seeped into her mouth, her hymen was just broken and she heard Tsunade's voice in her head telling her the child was crowning, Shizune telling her it was time to push.

She gave every push her all, crying and screaming, as the baby fell from her body, it was risky but she couldn't have anyone with her, there would be more questions and rumors would go around about a virgin giving birth, she couldn't have that, any of that.

Finally when she heard the sound of the child's cries she picked up the kunai with the Uchiha symbol and tiredly dragged herself to the crying child, using the kunai to sever them from each other. It was when she finally looked at the child did she really scream forcing the newborn to scream along with her and she stumbled far from the child in pure terror.

Her hair, those eyes, they didn't belong to her, they didn't belong on her. Her head felt as if she was going to explode and her body was overheated and sweaty after the birth and her legs ached. She couldn't handle any of it anymore. She stared blankly at the child while it cried, she couldn't touch her, couldn't go near her, instead she turned her body to the side allowing her stomach contents to make its way back up.

She wheezed in air as much as possible, she couldn't do this, she couldn't be with this child and it was breaking her heart because all she wanted to do was live up to Naruto's beliefs. Yet as she looked at the flailing limbs of the babe she couldn't do that. Through a tortured mind she stared blankly at the babe she had just given birth to. Listening to it's wails knowing it wanted her attention, her tears felt like acid as they fell onto her cheeks.

After what felt to be an eternity the screams finally stopped and so did the movements, the babes stomach was the only thing that was moving rapidly showing any signs of life. Hesitantly she dragged herself over. The child's eyes were wide open and Sakura saw Naruto in them, those large piercing blue eyes that reminded her of sapphires and blue skies, a thick tuft of inky black that was completely Sasuke's hair was coated with her birth and her skin was like a pearl, so perfectly pale that it glowed in the moonlight.

She choked on a sob as she picked up the gurgling child, that smiled so softly like Sasuke used to with happy bright eyes that completely belonged to Naruto. She forced her chakra to spread all over her tired body, re-energizing her as she walked the child into what she had dubbed the washroom, it felt like so long ago.

She bathed the child as it fell asleep, and Sakura cried as she did so, these were her boys, and her boys were in there locked away with Kaguya. There was no way she could raise the child on her own, not in this state, not when she could barely stand to look at her. No matter what this was the creature that destroyed her loved ones, her life, and her world. With that knowledge alone she couldn't bear to be near her.

Finishing the child's bath Sakura dried the child off, knowing that these minutes in this village were her last. It was time to move on, time she learned about the world she was living in so she could save it from becoming like her own.

Walking back into what she had started to call her bedroom she picked up one of the smaller blankets that had been made for the child she carried and placed the babe onto it, wrapping her securely inside. She gathered what supplies she could and the little bit of money she had, money here, people she found did whatever they could to have money. She looked over to the sleeping babe on her bed and sighed. Money was easy for her to get, unlike the child she knew she could find a way to obtain it.

Walking back into the room, she grabbed her cloak, the material so unfamiliar to her, they had made it for her as well, they had made all her clothing in return for her services, and merely because to them, she was a creature of divine origins. She would have fought against it, but really, the people in this time were extremely superstitious and it kept them from doing any harm to her or the temple she appeared in for fear of what she could probably do to them.

Grabbing the child, she held her tight against her bosoms. It would seem the next time she and Naruto saw each other she'd get to smack him around again, he'd completely jinxed her when he promised her children. This child was not hers.

She walked down the mountain path and into the tiny village, it was always quiet at this time, the villagers kept to themselves when it was so dark out, so late out. When the shack she'd finally been looking for finally came into sight, she hesitated. Looking down into the bundle against her she dreamed, dreamed of what sort of life she could have with a child of her own, would she love her? Would she hate her?

She shook her head, it really didn't matter, if she did even keep the child, she'd be putting her in a high risk zone, the mission she was assigned was a dangerous one and no child could be part of it. She knocked softly on the door and watched as it screeched slightly as it opened just enough to see the face of the husband. An older man, somewhere in his forties, he made money through selling bookbinding. He was good looking she supposed, not fit like a shinobi but not out of shape either he had a thick beard and wore glasses over his dark brown eyes. His hair was just slightly balding but it was still dark black, the kind that shined silver in the moonlight.

He seemed taken back at the sight of her as he opened the door further. "Hello Tachibana-san". She said simply, he stumbled slightly. "Himekami-" She stopped him she hated that title. "Please". She revealed the child in her arms.

"I wish for you to take her, care for her, love her as if she were your own". She stated as she handed the child to him. "She's so beautiful". The older man stated as he caressed the child's cheek. He looked over to her once more. "Why us?" She smiled grimly. "You lost a child and your wife is barren now. … For your loss I am sorry, but this child needs a family, she needs love and nurturing and I cannot give her that and I wish for you and your wife to do what I cannot". She stated softly as she stared at the sleeping child.

"I don't know what to say …. How do we repay you?" He asked softly. Sakura shook her head as she smiled grimly. "I already told you, love her since I cannot". He nodded his head and Sakura finally let her tears fall.

"What do I call her?" He asked softly and she scrunched her brows together, it would seem she never got around to naming her, but really should she, she was not the mother, merely the womb that supported her. "We cannot just think of a name for such creatures like yourselves". It would seem she'd have to name the child or allow them to carry on the 'Himekami' title and the babe would grow up to have an extremely inflated ego.

"Her name is. …" Really what did you name a reincarnated princess that tried to destroy the world and then was cursed to be reborn for generations until she learned to love humanity? A name scattered into her mind. "Chiyo … Her name is Chiyo". A thought crossed her mind and she looked the older man square in the eye. "She is never to know about me, about where she came from, who she really is. You are her parents, and you are never to say otherwise or the consequences will be severe". If they undid everything that she and everyone had fought for, died for, she didn't want to think of what would happen if this child ever found out who she really was.

The man nodded his head and she could see true fear in them. She reached into her cloaks pocket and pulled out the money. "This should be enough to help you for a little while, I apologize once more for not being able to give you more". She stated as she handed him the coins.

"… This is to much, a child and now this. We can't" She glared at him. "You can and you will take it, as I said before you will make sure this child is happy and no matter what she is never to know anything but happiness and love am I understood?" Another nod as he took the money from her.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you all so late in the night, I bid you a fare sleep Sir". She stated softly as she finally turned around, she heard the door close softly and she forced herself not to turn around, she couldn't take the child back now, they didn't belong to her, she could never take her back now.

She wrapped her cloak tighter around her as she walked slowly out of the little village, now all she had to do was wait, wait for them to announce the deaths of the fathers and when that happened, that was when she would make her move and start her true mission.

This was just a longshot, decided to give it a try and see what I can do, there are a lot of changes between my story and the anime/manga but I suppose that's how most go, especially since this is a time-travel fic. But please review, and will put another up as soon as I can already working on the next chapter for you all should be able to post in two days time.

-Forever Gypsy