Heyo guys! This is a new Fanfic I've been working on. Yay! I was originally going to post this after Thaw My Heart - Jelsa but then I got the idea for A Perfect World which I kind of epically failed at. So I've had this document for a while so I decided to use it!

Here we go!

The four seasons will come together

To clear the dark and stormy weather

Winter's snowflake will face certain death

And admit the spark with a final breath

-Elsa's POV-

Elsa stopped in front of her sister's room. "Anna?" She said.

"Huh?" Her sister's voice said, still half asleep.

"Anna?" She called a bit louder.


"Um, sorry to wake you but-"

"No, no, no, no I've been up for hours!" Anna said, yawning. Then she started to snore. Elsa stifled a giggle. Anna suddenly said, "Who is it?"

"Still me Anna. The bus will be here soon, time to get ready." Elsa said holding in a laugh.

"Of course...ready for what?" Anna mumbled still being half asleep.

"The first day of school." Elsa said making sure to get downstairs before Anna came tumbling out.

"The first day of school...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Elsa could still here Anna knocking over things in her room trying to get ready. "It's the first day of school!" Anna cheered as she jumped down the stairs.

"Anna calm down! Why are you freaking out so much?." Elsa said laughing. She really only laughed around her sister. Ever since their parents died she began shutting people out and she didn't even talk to her own sister for a while. She just locked herself in her room.

"Dat's becaush dish ear phwee ore going tfoo ah nif scoo." Anna said still eating her cereal.

"Excuse me?" Elsa said.

Anna swallowed. "That's because this year we are going to a new school." She said continuing to eat.

Elsa went to go see Rick, their adoptive father, to tell him that she and Anna were leaving. "Rick! Me and Anna are leaving for school!"

"Don't forget your gloves!" Rick called back.

"I didn't!" Elsa yelled back. She looked down at the gloves on her hands. Elsa and Anna knew they had powers. But Anna could control hers. She was always happy so she could control them. Elsa however, always felt like she was gunna hurt someone with her powers. As she once did with Anna, but her dad managed to find someone who could heal her. Elsa cringed thinking about it. And the worst part was that Anna didn't even remember what happened.

"Come on Anna." Elsa called forcing herself to think of something else.

"I'm coming Elsa." Anna said as she happily skipped out the door.

Elsa stepped out the door. She so badly wanted to run in and beg to stay home. But with one last look inside, she closed the door and followed Anna to the bus stop

Elsa stepped through doors of Burgess High.

She was instantly greeted by an overly perky girl.

"Hi there! I'm Rapunzel! Are you new here? I can tell you're new here. What's your name?" Rapunzel asked.

"Uh...I'm Elsa Winters." Elsa said barely audible.

"Melsa Dimples? That's a weird name." Rapunzel searched through her papers. "I don't see a Melsa Dimples anywhere." Anna started laughing.

"I believe her name is Elsa Winters." Anna said, still laughing.

"Oh, Elsa Winters...you're right here." Rapunzel said handing Elsa her schedule.

"Thanks" Elsa said even quieter. She checked her schedule. She had advanced algebra first. She went to her locker, locker 239, and she tried the combination. She got it right the first time. She barely had time to put away some of her stuff before the bell rung. And Elsa couldn't even find her way to advanced algebra. She was walking by the bathroom when she bumped into someone and all she could see for a moment was a mix of black and red. Then when the tumbling stopped, she saw that she had bumped into a boy. "I'm so sorry!" She said, feeling the frost build up on her gloves.

"No it's ok." The boy said. Elsa stood up, brushing herself off. "I'm Hiccup." The boy said.

"Hiccup?" Elsa asked. "That's a weird name. I-I mean-"

Hiccup laughed. "It's ok. I get that a lot." He said running a hand through his hair.

Wow he's cute. She shook the thought out of her head. "Are you by any chance, headed to algebra? I'm kind of lost." Elsa asked.

"Why yes I am." Hiccup said. Elsa followed Hiccup to their class.

" and...um..." The teacher said.

"I'm Elsa Winters." Elsa said.

" and , can you explain why you're late?"

"Well, Elsa here is new so she didn't know where the class was. So when we literally bumped into each other, I had to help her find algebra." Hiccup explained.

"Well, since it's your first day her Ms. Winters I am excusing you. But you Mr. Haddock have no reason you were out for Ms. Winters to bump into." The teacher scolded. "Detention for you Mr. Haddock. Now for those who don't know, I am Mrs. Jane Porter." She said, her British accent really showing.

"Now, let's continue our lesson."

"Ok class is over!" Mrs. Porter said.

The class flooded out the doors.

"So where you headed next?" Hiccup asked Elsa as soon as he found her in the crowd.

Elsa checked her schedule. "I have biology."

"Oh I have geography. Well I guess I'll see ya around Elsa!" Hiccup waved.

"Bye Hiccup!" Elsa shouted back.

As soon as she turned around, she bumped into someone else.
