Her cousin had made one fatal error but that's all that needed to made…just one. That error had cost him his life and the lives of two of his associates. She watched as the three body bags were carried away through the basement door while the three other men whose lives had been spared were lead away; cuffed unwitting witnesses to the demise of yet another cog in the Ian Doyle network. She'd hated being invisible and ignored good only for caring for the children that were nothing more than spoils of war. But today, invisibility had had its advantages. Just as Ian had assumed she'd remain obedient and silent, so did her cousin. Both had been wrong and both paid dearly with their lives.

She couldn't allow more innocent people to die while she stood hidden in the dark corners of the mansion; their blood would be on her hands as if she'd pulled the trigger. So, she called Scotland Yard for help then grabbed the gun from the top desk drawer and headed downstairs to the basement.

Lauren had always been good to her, she loved Declan and even after Doyle's arrest she took great care in getting her and Declan to safety. She'd regretted coming out of hiding and returning to the life that was familiar expecting what, she did not know from her cousin. For the first time in her life she willingly stepped into the light and did what only she could do and that was to save the lives of three people who only wanted to do right by two precious little boys.

Poor Henry Stiles was the first to be carried out. He had such great albeit unrealistic aspirations of one day heading the crime network. She hated to admit it but she almost laughed at the look in his eyes when she fired hitting him in the chest. She'd never cared for him; his dismissive attitude toward her made her sick and as his still body fell like a thud to the ground she couldn't help but feel vindicated. Then it was her cousin who'd offered her and Declan sanctuary; he never saw her enter the room and he never expected her to turn on him. Emily noticed her immediately and breathed a sudden sigh of relief as she saw her raise the gun. In a matter of seconds it was done just as the sirens of help rang in the distance. The last was a man who'd worked for Patrick for years always willing to do whatever he was told without question. She wondered if dying had been in his plan of total allegiance.

Emily and Penelope stood nearby as the paramedics attended to Morgan's injuries. Thankfully they were minor and he waved them away in frustration as he stood to walk away. The two women watched shaking their heads at their stubborn protector. As he reached them looking puzzled into their smiling faces he wrapped an arm around each of them as they headed toward a waiting squad car. Just as they arrived at the waiting open door of the car, they were stopped by the sight of the woman who was responsible for saving their lives.

"Hello, Ms. Emily."


"I hope you all are okay…"

"Yes, yes…" they responded in unison.

Each of them wanted to thank the woman but words seemed to escape them.

"Th-thank you for what you did."

Penelope was the first to speak as Emily continued to stare at the woman whom she hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

"I have someone I think you should meet."

Without another word Louise stepped aside revealing two young boys; one she recognized as Declan. He'd grown so much in the last few years. Then her heart stopped as she saw a little blonde head peak around from behind the older boy. Emily was stunned at how much the two boys resembled each other. Louise gently grabbed the little one and pulled him closer to stand between her and Emily. Emily's hands went toward her mouth as she stood silently tears streaming uncontrollably down her face. She couldn't believe the sight before her as the little boy looked up at her as if knowing exactly who she was. Then with a light push to his back Louise encouraged him to go to the dark-haired woman in front of him.

Morgan and Garcia watched the seen before them. Overcome with emotion, Derek pulled her closer to him as his body trembled against hers. Penelope shook her head in disbelief her tears were running down her face now too. She'd suspected that he'd secretly wanted to find the child hoping that after all that had happened that it would be his son. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as they watched the little boy approach Emily.

She knelt down to meet his eye her smile now was spread across her face and her eyes glistened at the sight of him.

"I'm Aidan."

"Hi Aidan, I'm Emily."

"You're my mum."

She broke at the sound of the word and pulled the little boy into her arms.

"Yes, I am your mum."

As she held him tightly against her body she looked up into the smiling tearful face of Louise. The older woman smiled and nodded her approval as the two held each other tightly.

"I've told him about you. He's always known you'd find him. He knows how much you love him."

"Thank you!"

She whispered barely audible still holding the boy in her grasp. Then slowly Declan approached standing by her side placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Hello, do you remember me?"

Quickly grabbing and pulling him toward her she hugged both boys.

"Of course, Declan! I remember you; how could I ever forget you?"

Time seemed to stand still in those next moments as the others watched the boys and Emily. Derek's heart felt bombarded with so many conflicting emotions as he looked on. Ever since learning that Emily had conceived a child he'd wondered what it would have been like to meet him; he'd been led to believe it was his child and so his spirit had welcomed his existence as a part of him. He grieved the loss of him, he felt robbed from the experience of watching him grow inside of the woman that would give birth to him and now knowing that most of what he had learned was lie, rocked him as he stood unable to deny the real truth. Emily's son was alive and well and her life would never be the same.

Penelope had no idea how this would affect Derek. He'd been the center of so much turmoil and tragedy; it had consumed their lives for months, years even. The child that had nearly torn them apart was now standing before them. Now all the weeks and months of wondering, of pain and misery had suddenly come to a crashing end yet she was afraid to breathe to exhale in relief and she wondered what would become of them all now.

1 Month later…

Home of Emily Prentiss – Crete, Greece – Day

Emily had always been reluctant in spending the vast wealth that had been a benefit of being the daughter of wealthy diplomats. Her trust fund had sat virtually untouched most of her life; her way of rejecting her parents the way she felt they'd rejected her for most of her life. But now she was a parent; she'd won custody and adopted Declan as her son and along with Aidan, she decided to move far away from the reminders of her past. She loved Greece as a child and found comfort among the people who seemed to take her into their homes and hearts without reservation.

Here she was relaxing in the sun on the beach steps from the home she'd purchased in the city of Xania where she woke to the amazing view of the coast each morning. Her boys loved the water, the sand and the sun that seemed to shine more than 300 days out of the year. She felt happy maybe for the first time in her life; she was truly at peace enjoying the things that she'd convinced herself she could not have. She'd invited Louise to live with them but she'd decided to embark on her own adventure and better than anyone, Emily understood.

Her abortion at sixteen and the shame that had haunted her and drove a wedge between her and her parents was gone now. She'd been blessed with double what she had lost and for that she was thankful. She'd surprised herself that her new life had come with very little guilt and the days of second-guessing her decision had quickly vanished once she'd moved in her new home with Declan and Aidan. They both loved it here and they loved her. This was what she had been missing in Virginia and this was what she had not been able to find when she moved to London. She was happy that her friends had not tried to change her mind or convince her to come back to work with the BAU. They'd let her go with their blessings vowing to visit when they could and promising to shower the newest members of their family shamelessly with gifts. She loved her life, her sons and the way the sun rested on her face as she lay on the sand. This was heaven, no more looking over her shoulder waiting for the ghost if Ian Doyle to jump from the shadows and no more feelings of self-loathing because of her past. Emily Prentiss had finally found the home her heart so desperately yearned for and now her life was truly hers.

Quantico, VA –

It had been a month since they'd returned from London and Derek had come to accept the truth about his time spent with Emily. He'd gotten clarity about his feelings and he knew that what had happened between them was nothing more than two friends, broken and shattered beyond repair in need of comfort. He loved Penelope and of that he was sure. He was grateful that she had not given up on him or allowed her insecurities to destroy her love for him. He felt that this was finally a chance for them to start anew.

Nervously he fumbled with the small velvet box in his pocket as he paced the floor of their home. She had no idea what he was planning; back-to-back cases had prevented him from doing it sooner. But now, after far too long, he was ready to ask her the question that would change their lives forever.

He walked into the kitchen and made one last check on the food that lay warming in the oven and quickly eyed the table and the beautiful roses that sat as the main attraction in the center. He heard her key in the door and he breathed in and out trying desperately to calm his nerves.

The smell of alfredo sauce and grilled chicken met her as she stepped inside and closed the door. She loved it when he cooked he was a great chef and it always surprised her at how many dishes he could whip together at any given moment. He'd been acting strange all week and she just assumed it was the case that had him on edge, that and the fact that they'd been going nonstop since returning from London. She wasn't about to complain she was thankful that they hadn't lost their jobs as a result of their sudden trip across the ocean without permission. Hotch had been merciful and for that she felt extremely happy.

The sight of the beautifully set table and the enormous bouquet of red roses stopped her in her tracks. He turned and met her with his famous smile and she melted. Closing the gap between them he gently pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. Before she could speak he kissed her softly on the lips.

"Wow, not that I'm complaining Hot Stuff but it looks like you've been busy."

"I guess you can say that but I thought we deserved a special evening together don't you?"

Again he kissed her before allowing her to speak.

"I agree we do. Everything is so beautiful."

Her heart fluttered; this was the Derek Morgan that she knew and had fallen hopelessly in love with so long ago. He'd been through so much in the last several months and he'd worked so hard to fight his demons, but she wasn't sure if he'd win this time.

"Baby Girl, I have been a pain for a long time now and…"

"Derek, you don't…"

"No, please let me finish."

She nodded as she waited for him to continue.

"I am such a lucky man. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don't deserve you. These past few months have been so crazy. I didn't know if I was coming or going and all the time you were the one constant; the one person I knew was there for me."

"Oh Derek…"

"Uh…I'm not finished."

"Okay. Sorry."

"I love you Penelope Garcia. You are my light, my life, my everything. I couldn't do this, any of this without you, Baby Girl. I'm sorry for ever making you feel that you weren't everything I needed. "

She watched as he dropped to his knee and her mouth dropped open. She watched his hand pull a small black velvet box from his pocket and the tears began to trickle down her face. She'd loved him before she was willing to admit it and never in her wildest dreams did she believe her love for him would bring them to this moment. So, she stood in silent teary shock as he looked up into her eyes.

"Penelope Garcia, my life, my love would you make me the happiest man that God has ever created by being my wife?"

The next few seconds seemed like eternity as he waited for her answer. Her tears increased as she moved her lips to form words that would not come. His nerves increased with every ticking millisecond…she held his life and his heart in her hands.


He stood and wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her from the floor. He'd never felt this happy; never dreamed or believed that this feeling would ever be his. But here he was holding the woman of his dreams; the woman who had rescued him from his past, the demons the nightmares and she had consented to be his wife; his future…

She held his life and his heart in her hands and placed them both next to hers…two hearts beating together as one.

They were married in the spring of the following year with all of their family and friends in attendance. The day was magical full of surprises as Emily, Declan and Aidan flew in from Greece to join them on their special day. Even Blake and Kate along with their husbands surprised the happy couple by attending. Their family had grown in numbers and love and appreciation of each other as they welcomed a new chapter in their lives.

None of them would deny the fact that had they survived some of life's most unbelievable challenges. Yet, here they were laughing and loving, stronger than ever before. All of them had put their lives on pause to celebrate the marriage and the love of Derek and Penelope.

All that they'd overcome over the years were small victories to be relished in their private moments. They knew their survival was no guarantee of a future free of trouble. What they did know was that they had each other and they were willing to do whatever needed to be done to keep their family safe. And so, with the day filled with possibilities and with their champagne flutes raised heavenward, they all sent up cheers and prayers for health, happiness and strength to handle whatever the future sent their way!


"If you do not believe that hearts can bloom suddenly bigger, and that love can open like a flower out of even the hardest places, then I am afraid that for you the road will be long and brown and barren, and you will have trouble finding the light. But if you do believe, then you already know all about magic." Lauren Oliver, Liesl & Po

The End…