A/N: Supernatural is the property of CW

They always start the same. Body twitching, shifting in the crappy sheets. Then talking, mumbling under their breath; tears are fifty/fifty.

Responses are relatively the same; kept at a distance.

"Dean," Sam mumbles from his own bed, watching as his brother fights in his bed. "Dean!" Sam calls a little louder, trying to be mindful of their thin walls, sighing heavily when he still fails to get a response. Leaning out of bed he picks up a shoe and chucks it at his brother, hissing as it makes contact, "Dean, wake up!"

Dean snorts, taking a swing at the demons currently found only in head, chocking on air as it rushes into his lungs.

"You good Dean?" Sam asks watching his every move.

"Fine," Dean bites out after a moment and settles back down, knocking Sam's shoe to the floor in the process.

The morning finds Dean awake first, pulled from the bathroom and half dressed when he hears Sam muttering under his breath. "Hey!" He calls stopping next to the bed, lifting his foot to shove the frame. "Sam, wake up!"

Sam flies up as the bed moves, nothing but pure instinct, chest heaving and knife in hand.

"It's just a nightmare Sammy," Dean reassures him, watching as his breathing evens out and he lowers the blade, wiping at the tears neither of them comment on. "You good?"

Sam gives a sharp nod in response, stashing the knife back under the pillow, body still tense with adrenalin and nothing to fight.

They always awake from the nightmares the same; one brother at a distance.