History remembered that Godric fought in three wars. History forgot that after the first he couldn't produce a Patronus.

History remembered that Salazar loved snakes. History forgot that, as a teenager, he once found a half-drowned kitten and nursed it back to health.

History remembered that Helga had a gift for healing and a green thumb up to her elbow. History forgot that she was also had a passion for architecture, and that she designed Hogwarts.

History remembered that Salazar hated Muggles. History forgot that his youngest brother was accused of witchcraft, found guilty, and burned alive by Muggles from a nearby village.

History remembered that Godric had gotten into a fistfight with a man who tried too hard to hit on Helga. History forgot that there was a brain beneath the brawn, and that he could be good enough with words to sway even Salazar.

History remembered that Rowena invented hundreds of spells. History forgot that, in her spare time, she wrote poetry and could usually be found at the top of a tree.

History was wrong when it remembered that Salazar hated Muggleborns. History forgot that he was Muggleborn himself.

History remembered the parts that made them legend. History forgot the parts that made them human.