"Mmm… Nothing like ice cream on a hot summer day." Cruz sighed happily as she bit into an ice cream sandwich Lightning had bought for her. "Goodness, I haven't done something like this since I went out with my family back when I was really young."
"That so?" Lightning grinned, digging into his own ice cream sandwich.
"Yeah, Mama and Papa didn't like spending a ton of money since it was always so tight so we just got ice cream sandwiches whenever the opportunity came around the corner because they were one of the cheapest sweets you could get. I always loved stealing Papa's when he wasn't looking"
"You little brat."
Cruz grinned.
"He let me do it. Besides, he had to deal with my titi trying to steal it too. So, he rather lose to his hijja rather than his hermana."
"Oh that so? Em refresh, titi is?"
"Auntie. Who we also refer to as The Goat Woman." Cruz smirked. Lightning blinked before snickering.
"G-Goat Woman?"
"She eats everything and she is stubborn as a goat and when I say everything, I mean everything."
"Pfftahahaha!" He threw his head back laughing. "Good gracious, that sounds wild."
"That's my family for you. I may have hard time with them on occasion but in all honesty I love them very much. Sure, they didn't support the idea of me dreaming big but I know they just didn't want me getting hurt. Papa always did what he could to support me when I becoming a trainer as did Mama. Both worked jobs so they could save up money for it. I'm thinking of sending some of my race money their way as a way of saying thank you since while I didn't ever want to be a trainer, it at least brought me to you and to my dream, even if that wasn't the goal in the end."
Lightning gave a warm smile, squeezing her shoulder. "I think that's very kind of you Cruz. You really have come a long way even after that first race. Including stepping up on your pranks."
"Mehehe." She grinned sneakily. "He had it coming."
"Only had himself to blame."
"If you had been there, if you had seen it." Cruz grinned, breaking into a song tone. "I bet ya you would've done the same!"
"Atta girl!" He chuckled, going quiet as a thought came to mind. "Heh… Family's pretty important y'know? I never would've gone for racing if it hadn't been for my mother ad my little sis. Heh. Say, Cruz, question, you good with secrets?"
"Can I whip a bunch of young racers into shape? Of course I can keep secrets."
"Good." Lightning got up, finishing his ice cream sandwich. "Come with me, cause I think you earned the right to this one. Tell me, how much do you know about my home life from the stuff floating around?"
"Lessee… You entered your first race in your early twenties, you've been with your girlfriend for over ten years but never popped the question and there are those pictures from a victory party where you looked like you were passed out on Cal Weathers sofa with a lampshade-"
"The lampshade was Cal's fault and why I hid his shoes for like three races after. Some of that is true and some of it ain't. For example." He pulled off his glove, revealing a wedding band. "Sally and I are married and have been for a good few years now."
They came upon Lightning's home as he opened the door, Cruz peering inside curiously.
"On top of that, one major secret the public must never know or not until they're old enough. Abigail?"
A little girl came running up, hugging his leg.
"You're home!"
Cruz's eyes were wide as she looked at the girl, jaw nearly drawing open.
Lightning smiled, taking the little girl into his arms.
"Yep. Cruz, this is Abigail McQueen, my eldest."
Abigail looked at Cruz curiosity in her eyes. "Who dat Dada?"
"This is Cruz. I'm training her to be a racer just like me."
The little girl's eyes grew wide before an excited smile came to her face. "Ooo neat! Hi!"
"Hello… Oh gosh, Lightning she's adorable. C-Can… Can I hold her?"
Lightning hummed in thought. "I dunno, what does the Racing Queen say?"
"I say it's okay!" Abigail reached her arms out as Cruz took her into her own. "Ooo, she's warm!"
"Aww.." Cruz squealed a little, hugging her. "She's just so precious."
Lightning grinned, pride in his eyes as Abigail cuddled up to her. "She's pretty darn cute. Takes after her mom but she isn't the only one."
"You said eldest. There's more?"
"Yup, one second."
Lightning disappeared down the hall, soon coming back with an infant in his arms. The baby looked at her curiously, one hand clinging to his dad's jacket. "This is Logan. He's only a few months old."
Cruz swore she felt her heart melt. "Oh, oh, oh! He's super tiny!"
Logan hid his face shyly into Lightning's jacket. "Aguh."
"Yep, my little fighter." Lightning smiled gently, looking down at his son. "It's okay, Champ. This is Cruz Ramirez, my student. She's very kind."
Logan looked at Cruz again, his teal blue eyes wide in wonder, a small smile on his face.
Cruz smiled softly, offering him her hand as he grasped her index finger tightly. He giggled, squealing a bit.
"He's so precious. Oh, can I hold him too?"
"Just be easy on him. He's a preemie so everything's a little frail."
"I will. Trade ya."
Abigail went back to Lightning as Cruz cradled Logan carefully, bouncing him a bit in her arms. "Oh, he looks just like you."
"Yeah, has his mother's eye though."
Logan giggled a little, cuddling up to Cruz's jacket.
"Ah… Ah… Achoo!"
"Oh, looks like you still got some dirt on ya." Lightning chuckled.
"Bah." Logan coughed a little before relaxing, gripping at her jacket. "Aguh…"
Cruz stroked his back, being as gentle as she could. "I think you're gonna kill me with all of this cuteness in one go."
"Don't go dying on me now." Lightning chuckled. "Or you'll make them sad."
Abigail pouted, nodding quickly. "Don't go bye bye!"
"Aww! I won't, I won't!"
"Heh, they like you already."
"Ahuh!" Abigail yawned a little. "Not sweepy."
"Someone didn't go night night when she should've, did she?"
"I did try going night night but Dada no read story before bed cause Dada not home."
Lightning's gaze softened as he kept his daughter close. "Aw Abi, I'll make it up to ya. I'll read you two stories."
"And one song."
"And one song. I promise I'll be way better about it."
Abigail cheered a little before letting out another yawn, curling up to her father. Lightning kissed her head.
"For now, maybe close your eyes for a few minutes?"
"Come on Abi."
"But it's not time to go night night."
Lightning hummed softly, keeping her close.
"I'm not saying it's time to go night night. I'm just saying it's time to rest a bit and then we can go play."
"Okay." She yawned, closing her eyes, holding onto his jacket, soon falling asleep. He smiled, kissing her head.
"Works every time." He whispered.
"So would explain why you said the crabs have gone night night. Not something you hear out of just anyone." Cruz giggled. "You say it to your kids." Cruz looked down at Logan, seeing the baby was fast asleep. "Aww…"
"Yup, sometimes I gotta convince Abi to sleep because certain things have also gone night night. It's just how it works. Logan, thank goodness, loves sleep." Lightning chuckled. "My whole world right here."
"It's amazing and I promise I won't tell anyone. I'd rather not have the press get their claws on these guys. That would just be unfair."
He nodded, a grateful look in his eyes. "That means a lot Cruz. Plus, now you know why I sometimes vanish at certain times. Gotta get these two to bed."
"Yup and I can help out if you ever need it. I love kids."
"Help would be great since sometimes my hands are completely tied. Sally does all she can but ho boy can these two have her running."
Cruz nodded, rocking Logan a bit. "I can imagine. Especially since one needs a lot of attention and one's just three. Three year olds love playtime and sometimes they play rough. I know my mama has named a few grey hair after me."
"I pray I never find one but it will definitely be named after you too." He chuckled. "But it is appreciated. Plus, Logan needs a lot of care. He'll get better as he gets older but sometimes he's just sick so it'd be great to have more help keeping Abi happy."
"Of course and I'll do what I can to help this baby too." Cruz nuzzled Logan gently. "I can help him get strong at his own pace."
Logan nuzzled her a bit, cooing in his sleep.
"Then welcome to the family Cruz."
"Thanks, Lightning."
Cruz sighed happily
"Happy to be part of it."