New story yeah, this one will be one of my main stories, along with MDAN.


'little voice talking'

"Regular talk"

"Cybertronian talk"

::Comm talk::

[Talking on the phone]

~Bond talk~

Ok the truck didn't work. I've been trying to die since, my mother died, and my father or 'The Jester' won custody of me. It's a long story on how my mother died, and why I hate my father so much and how he got the name Jester.

That's a story for another time though. I have just drove a truck off a cliff, and you tell me nothing happened.

"God, nothing ever happens." maybe if I wait just maybe it will go boom. I waited nothing happened.

I groaned, then got out the car. Then it blows its top! I groaned again, "Ugh the irony. Say nothing happens, then something happens." I shook my head. I looked over to see Mission City in gulfed in flames and smoke, it looked like the places was under attack.

I had to get closer. As I walked closer I felt a tugging sensation in my chest, it felt like something was calling to me. I decided to follow it. When I made it to Mission City, I saw the best action pack robo battle I've ever saw. To be honest, it was the only one I've ever seen.

I saw one robot rip another one in half, the smaller one looked dead


What the heck was that. I decided to shrug it off as me going crazy. After the big bad robot guy


That is really weird, but any way after…...Megatron dies I walk over to the died Jazz.

"Who are you?" Asked some soldier he looked like he may have been the leader of the team.

I didn't care, I just ignored him. I climbed on jazz's chest


Just ignore it, it'll go away. I told myself. I cup my hands together until a blue orb started to appear.

I heard the people behind me gasp, I still payed them no mind, putting all my concentration in the orb.


When I declared the orb was big enough I placed it in it's proper casing.

Jazz's eyes.




Like he was just sleeping.


That's going to get real irritating real fast. I turned to see the crowd behind me. I looked up to see gigantic robots.


Shut up!

In front of me were several soldiers looking shocked at what just happened.

I stared at them as they stared at me, black dots began to appear in my line of vision. My head got really hot and heavy, I felt my ears turning red, I got really light headed I wobbled a bit on top of Jazz's chassis.

A tingly sensation went through my body.


I ignored the little voice. The sensation soon turned into burning agony pretty use to pain and agony I didn't make a sound.

"What's your name?" I looked at the tallest of the robots.


I blinked once twice trying my very best to comprehend what he said, but I couldn't wrap it around my mind.

'Name.' I nodded to little voice.

"Sss….Shelby….Ritz," I croaked out my throat was aching I tasted the blood in my mouth, it was painfully raw. I coughed a few times before the world became oblivious to me and I was left to rest in a peaceful abyss just me, little voice, and my thoughts.

Was this death is this what I've been longing for is this it, am I finally done, is it over? Am I dead?


"I hate you," I mumbled to little voice.

I'm sorry I was going to put up One and a Trillion, problem is I need to do so serious rewriting on it.

It will defiantly be my next story, this one will be just as good though, it's going to be long though.


DarkShadow out