Hello to all the fans of TT: Bloodlines! Thanks for clicking on the sequel! I've planned this one out a little better than the last, and I'm trying to improve my writing, so -hopefully- this one will be better than the last! Normally, at the beginning of a TT story, I'd say all we'd learned, but since this is the second story in the same category, I assume you all know everything. If you don't, you probably need a link to the original story.

Original: s/9887838/1/Travel-Through-Bloodlines

Disclaimer: I do not own Richelle Mead's world or characters. Just Evie and the Travelers.

The air is dry.

It's dry? I open my eyes to see a white wall. My walls are not white. I breath in the air again: still dry. The August air at home is anything but dry. The moisture at home is palpable.

But it's dessert dry here.

Like how Palm Springs was.

That means I'm in Silver Shadows, strange since I've never been inside the same series twice. And that brings up a question...

I sit up and turn to my left. An empty dorm bed. No Sydney.

Where is she? There were only two options. She was either on the run, or she was in re-education. I desperately hoped for the first option, though I felt bad for the thought. Poor Chantal, Duncan, Emma, and everyone else would be stuck there, but I couldn't help it. Maybe -maybe- if Sydney was just on the run, I could find a way to get them out, but I had to worry about Sydney first.

Looking at the clock, I realized there wasn't one. It had been Sydney's. I looked at my phone and saw that I had about an hour before I needed to head down for breakfast. No one would be there now, and I would get no answers, so I started looking around.

Most of the same stuff was here as the last time, except I now have my mom's journal the one she'd given me the day I'd woken up from The Fiery Heart: on my sixteenth birthday.

I have already read the journal again and again, but I keep finding myself revisiting it, hoping it would tell me something new.

I rarely read it in order, but this morning, I read the first entry. It's from Ms. Terwilliger -er Jackie.



Hi! It's Jackie! I thought we could write in here back and forth since you're gone so much. Is that okay? We can write what we've been doing and stuff. I'll start.

I've been learning about geography in social studies. Did you know that Alaska gets dark for a bunch of months at a time? And then it's light for a bunch of months at a time! Now I kind of want to go to Alaska. No bedtime!

Mom took Veronica and me to the zoo yesterday. I saw a jaguar up close! It was so cool! I wasn't scared at all, and Veronica was.

Maybe we can write secret stuff in here too. Since no one else will read this. We can write about our magics! I've been learning some new stuff in magic too. I'm not as good as Veronica yet, but Mom says I will be soon. I can sense all of the elements now, and I can make some of them move. Like, today, we went swimming, and Veronica and I made waves so we could ride on the noodles. It was so fun!

Write back!



I never knew Jaclyn Terwilliger to be the type of person to write in purple gel pen, but that's the only medium used for her entries besides some random underlines in various pen colors. Mom's, though, were written in a variety of colors and mediums, also containing various colors of underlining. One entry appeared to be written with ink smeared on with a finger. Not much was written on that page. Just "Nothing to say now. You take your turn."

Why did Mom give this to me? Sure, I liked to see her story, but this was as much as Ms. T knew, and as she said, she doesn't know much.

I'd read it twice over in the past months, and today is no different. I read a few of my favorite entries, one where Mom described spying on some Alchemists to get information for an unnamed friend, another where Jaclyn apparently learned to make her first fireball (not a normal achievement for a ten year old...), and a third where Mom apparently was writing in the dark so as not to wake the enemy with which she was sleeping. It reminds me of war stories or dystopian stories. And makes me wonder if those letters I got all my life were really written by the same person. Then again, she was younger here. How much younger, I don't know.

When a half hour has past, I get dressed and go to the mirror to brush my hair. My reflection shocks me for a second, then I remember I am moroi in this universe. I like being moroi. I'm thinner and acne free. Plus, I'm supposedly Jill's other sister. In other words, I was actually important.

I finish brushing my hair, slip on a pair of black flats, and pull my backpack up onto my shoulder. I barely remember to grab the journal and my room key before I leave.

The cafeteria is busy already. I almost don't grab anything, too anxious to find out what's going on, but my stomach isn't hearing it, so I wait in line to get a paper boat of fruit. On the bright side, they have raspberries again, my favorite. I don't know how they afford them, but I'm not questioning it.

I sit down at the table where I used to, on the side Zoe and Sydney used to sit. Jill is already cutting a soggy pancake into small pieces. Eddie sits two seats over, eating his fruit.

"Hey," I say to them.

Jill looks up at me, a little surprised. "Oh, hey. I didn't hear you sit down."

I hadn't made a secret of it. The chair squeaked. "Sorry if I scared you."

She put her knife and fork down. "I guess Adrian's rubbing off on me more than I thought."

I want to think that could mean either option, but I know it can't. Sydney is gone.

Now I just have to figure out if they know I'm here or if they think I've always been here. Ms. Terwilliger said people forgot after my mom left. She had already been using magic, so she remembered. I guess Veronica would remember too, now that I think about it, but she won't be helpful. She wouldn't be helpful if she wasn't in a coma... I'm pretty sure she'd just magic me to a pulp.

How do you ask if they remember you if the answer is yes either way?

I suppose I'd just have to ask Ms. Terwilliger. Or Adrian. And Adrian kind of needed to see me first.

I resolved to get to Adrian after class. I had my schedule, and still remembered how to get to my classes, so that won't be a problem this time around. I wonder if Ms. Terwilliger will notice my being different today as she did last time. That's likely what will happen, I decide.

But she doesn't. She's so distracted... more so than usual. The class is spent watching a movie. Rumors seem to be well known, I discover them throughout the day. One says her boyfriend broke up with her. (Wolfe? No. I really doubt it.) One says someone in her family is in the hospital. (Well, uh, closer.) One says she's dying. (Where did that one even come from?) One says she's on drugs. (Seriously! What person came up with these?) None mention Sydney. Although Kristin approaches me as I'm leaving last period.

"Hey! Evie!"

I turn in surprise "Oh, hey. What's up?"

"I wanted to ask if Sydney's coming back for graduation." She was smiling. "I know you can't tell me why she's gone, but can you at least tell me if she's coming back then? Julia and I having a graduation party in our room."

"Oh, uh, I don't think so. No." I wish she could, but there was enough danger after we get her out. Plus, it would probably be too late.

"Oh." She looks sad now. "Well, when you talk to her, tell her Julia and I say hello."

"I will." I smile at her. "Promise."

"See you later, Evie." She waves at me and turns back the way she came.

I forgot completely about them. They have no explanation. Sydney just seemingly left without saying goodbye.

Trying to shake off the foreboding feeling the encounter gave me, I keep moving. Adrian is standing where I thought he'd be, looking only slightly drunk but completely out of it.

"Hey," I say.

He looks to me. "Oh. Hey. Where's Jill?"

"Today's her fashion show. Remember?"

He frowns, and thinks about it. "No..."

"She told you about it last time you guys hung out."

He thinks about it again. "Oh, yeah! Oh! I totally forgot! Why aren't you there?"

I smile at him. "I came to get you."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Am I that inconspicuous?"

"What are you talking about?" So he definitely doesn't know, I'm me.

"Notice anything different about me?"

He frowns again. "Oh, god, you didn't get your hair dyed too, did you?"

I laughed. "No. And I still can't imagine Rowena with blue hair."

"You know Rowena?"

"No. Well, kind of. I know her, but she's never met me."

He shook his head at me. "You don't make any sense?"

"Well, I guess I've just been watching too much Doctor Who, now haven't I?" I nudge his shoulder lightly. "Now let's go get to Jill before she thinks both of us ditched her."

He looks guilty again. "Does she know?"

"Well, she's bonded to you, so yeah, but if it makes you feel any better, she has been pretty apt at blocking you out. And I won't tell."

He just nods and follows me to the car that I know is waiting for me.

I would love to hear your response to this story so far! Now, I'm going to go work on chapter 2 :)