All right, I know I haven't touched this story in forever, so sorry if this doesn't sound like the mood as it was from the first chapter, sadly I don't remember the cause of why I fully stopped this cause I had plenty of time. As before I had gone flatline on here a while back ago so my memory of this story is vague. So even though this will be quick, even though it deserves a longer chapter considering I haven't touched it in forever.

Here is finally the 2nd chapter to Bloody Roses. Thanks to some guest reviews I'm going to get this one another go, so wish me luck.

Chapter 2: Dead Questions

"What did she mean…. How did she even know my name?" These thoughts won't leave my brain as I wake up the next day. I glance over at the clock and scream. "SHIT! HAPPY, WE'RE LATE AGAIN!" I dash to my closet and pull on some jeans and my flaming red shirt.

"Damnit, Natsu-nii! If you keep this up, we'll end up having to chase the bus!" My little bro is downstairs in his orange t-shirt and jeans, tying his shoes as I barrel down the stairs.

"Just run, bro! We can't miss the bus!" I grab out bags as we race out the door and down the street to the bus stop. The open front door closes behind us as a ghostly chuckle travels on the wind.

"Jesus!" I pant hard as we finally make it to the bus stop, barely as its doors are closing. "Wait!" I shout as we're just a foot from the bus doors. The doors swing back open.

I grab the railing inside the bus and I look up to see a red face Levy. "You're such a tardy pants, Nats-kun!" Levy whines teasingly as I notice her hand on the handle that opens the bus doors. I notice that Elfman is giving us an ugly look as we fully climb inside.

"Baka, Natsu! Start waking up like a man!" Elfman grunts as he gives Levy a look as she retracts her hand from the bus door handle. Happy sticks his tongue out at Elfman. "Man yourself. Natsu-nii is a man already!" He cheers happily as he takes his seat next to Charla and Wendy.

"My alarm clock is broken again! Damn thing keeps shorting out." I grumble while pulling Happy along behind me though the bus isle. Stupid cellphone had landed on the floor wrong and now some of the important stuff on it doesn't work anymore. Levy gives me a pointed look, accusing me of lying probably.

"You don't have an alarm, Nats-kun." I give her one back, she was wearing her usual headband but has a blue skirt and a striped shirt on. "It's my phone alarm, Levy-chan!" She rolls her eyes before taking her usual seat next to her boyfriend.

Lisanna gives me a semi cheerful smile that's mixed with sympathy. "Hey. At least you made it on time this time." She moves her back to the floor as I take the seat next to her as the bus starts moving.

I hadn't even noticed that Ice stripper was snoring in the back of the bus, until Erza got on the bus and knocked her binder into his face. "Wake up. Buses are not for sleeping." Gray rubs his nose of the pain from the binder slamming into his face. He gives Erza a look then turns his gaze to look at the passing scenery.

My earlier thoughts come back to me as I look over at Erza. I shockingly see Lucy's ghost sitting beside her in the empty seat. I blink and her image vanishes. I raise my eyebrows in thought.

"Do any of them know where she was? The night of her death? She said a gang had kidnapped her mistakenly and took her to their boss. Where did it take place? Have they ever heard of someone named Jose?"



"What?" I blink in surprise and glance at Lisanna, her blue eyes staring at me. "I was going to ask you how you were doing, with knowing about Lucy." I nod my head, and give a quick smile, my thoughts still clogged up.

I look down before looking back at her. "Maybe Lisanna has an idea." "Hey Lisanna?" The snowy hair girl hums her response as she's looking through her bag. "Have you…ever heard of a man by the name of Jose?" The female fumbles and drops her open bag, some of her papers fall out as it crashes to the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I bend down and pick up her stuff. I shove the papers back in her bag and glance over at her. Her eyes are frozen. "J-Jose?" I nod my head, I glance to the front of the bus and I see Lucy's half visible body standing in the isle.

"Do you know about him? Lucy…she told me that… he's the reason for her death." My voice grows into a hush tone, trying to down play our conversation. Lisanna looks over at me, her eyes unfocused.

"Jose is the biggest gang lord known throughout Fiore. He's the police's number one most wanted criminal. If the police ever and I mean ever got their hands on him, he'd be dead long before getting sentenced to dead row." Her voice was barely above a whisper, her voice full of fright.

My eyes widen slightly. "He's the biggest gang lord? Do you know anything else?" Lisanna shakes her head hard. "N-no. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help." My eyes glance over to see Lucy's ghostly body had vanished from sight once again.

Soon enough the bus stops close to the school. Each one of us gets off the bus and head towards the school. Levy-chan wanders to my side somehow. "Still figuring out things from Lucy?" I'm still shocked that they could so calmly believe that I could see Lucy's ghost. I thought for sure when I told them, they'd be off the rail with disbelieve.

"Doing my best so far, Levy-chan. But can you answer this for me, did Lucy know me somehow?" I look over at my bluenette friend whose eyebrows scrunch up in thought. She bites her tongue as she thinks before looking back to me.

"I don't know how she could… You guys never hanged out. I'm not even sure if you two ever met before." I thank her anyway for her oddly confusing answer. Levy dashes on ahead to the schools entrance. The school's yard was empty as Lucy appears beside me.

"You still have a lot to figure out, Natsu." I scream in surprise and jump backwards at the sound of her voice. I breathe in relief and look at her. "What do you mean? You told me your story." I already knew I needed to figure things out, mostly the location of her kidnapping, find out more on Jose and his gang and where they hide out.

She laughs, it's a haunting sound with faint bell chimes. "Your so dense, Natsu. You have a lot more to work out besides where, why and more on who. You still wonder about how I know your name." I blink in surprise as her dead brown eyes look into mine, the blood still on her tank top.

"Y-you're reading my thoughts aren't you?" I gulp slightly, mostly from my nerves. Sometimes knowing a ghost is watching you, makes you feel weird. The blonde ghost nods slightly.

You'll learn everything in time, Natsu. For now you better hurry to class. You'll be late." Lucy walks through me. I gasp and choke on my breath as I glance behind me, her ghostly form wasn't there.

The bell rings loudly. "Oh shit, not again!" I scramble to the double doors, gripping my backpack, the only sound is my shoes smacking against the ground.

This is it for now, hope those who still read this will forgive me for the long unknowing heitus. I'm sorry for that again so if this makes up for it, then thank you for your forgiveness.