
Soooo I decided not to continue Unexpectedly You. for a couple reasons. ONE I intended it being a one shot and when I sat to write more I felt like I had said everything I wanted to. TWO:I wanted to write Quinn and Rachel a bit older, newer fresher. Three:I hope you enjoy this I already have a couple more chapters up so If you are liking it and are interested let me know.

ALSO, if you don't love it it's okay not everything is for everyone, but seriously people harsh reviews aren't necessary I appreciate constructive criticism more than you think but sometimes people are just... too much. If you don't like it don't read it It's okay with me.

ALSO: I love you all seriously best readers in the world right here no joke.

NEW IWAY later today after work! yay.

Side note: I don't have a beta and i am not the best with spelling and grammar my wife does it for me but if she is working sometimes I just post after I re read, so I apologize for that, if YOU want to beta my stories, I am always up for the extra help :)

I own nothing glee or the characters, the story is all made up in my mind.

Enjoy :)

Quinn Fabray was thriving, at twenty-seven nearly twenty-eight years old she was one of the most successful art gallery owners in NYC. Her life was starting to click, and she remembered the day it did. She had just moved out of the apartment she had once shared with her girlfriend at the time Abbie. They were together for nearly two years, but split amicably and were still friendly... it wasn't that they didn't get a long that their relationship ended it was that they just wanted different things. Abbie was a few years younger than Quinn was and she still wanted to go out every night and be twenty-two at the time, and it just wasn't Quinn's thing anymore at twenty-five. Shortly after she ended up reconnecting with an old class mate out of the blue when she was at Santana Lopez's birthday party; her girlfriend Brittany had invited everyone from Glee Club and fate just sort of well... happened. Not everyone showed up but he did... Turns out Sam Evans was a seriously talented artist, both with a camera and his hands. They talked about art and history most the night, and now almost two years later; Sam Evans is Quinn Fabray's Number one best showing and selling artist at BETH, her Gallery in the East Village.
She is now well-known in New York with the Art community, she had shows at her gallery nearly every week and always had a packed house. People were buying left and right, and she absolutely loved what she did. Her best friend still was Santana who was still desperately in love with Brittany who was teaching dance at Julliard and choreographing for new Broadway shows left and right.

"Hey" Brittany walking into her apartment, Quinn was over at San's hanging out before she had to go to work.

"Hey" Quinn said.

"Hi baby" San smiled, "How was work, do you think this new show is going to be amazing?"

Brittany had just contracted with a brand new Broadway show, and today was meet the cast day.

"It was... great" Brittany said, "Guess who the lead is...?"

"Oh god if you say..."

"Rachel Berry!" Brittany said excited.

"Yup... that's the one" Santana said. "How is man hand's anyhow?"

"You know San that is not very nice, we aren't in high school anymore don't you think it's time to start being well... nice?"

"Ha!" Santana laughed.

"She's nice to me, and you." Britt smiled.

"In very different ways mind you." Santana smirked as Brittany sat on her lap.

"How is she?" Quinn asked.

"Santana, oh she's great!" Britt smirked.

"NO, ew!' Quinn said.

"Ew?" Santana said, "I am sorry but you have had this, and If i recall your reaction afterwards was hardly anything but EW!"

"Okay lets not bring that up" Brittany said. "How is who Q?"


"Funny she asked the same thing about you!" Brittany said, "She is good. She just got off a tiny hiatus from the stage and now she's back."

"She asked about me?" Quinn asked slightly taken a back.

"yeah, she seems to have kept up with most everyone but you." Brittany shrugged, "She was super curious, she asked tons of questions about you."

"Weird" Quinn said under her breath. "Well i got to go, I have a shit ton to set up for Sam's show its in two days."

"Oh wait, she gave me her number to give to you, she said you should call or text or something." Brittany remembered pulling the piece of paper out of her bra.

Quinn looked at the paper funny and then shrugged, "Thanks, well I will call you guys later. You're coming to the show right?" She asked both girls.

"yeah" San said, "We'll be there we wouldn't miss another one of Trouty mouth's shows."

Quinn just rolled her eyes, "I gotta go. Love you both."

"Love you too" Brittany said.

As Quinn walked to the gallery she couldn't help but think about Rachel, which was weird Rachel was the last person Quinn would ever have thought about ten years ago... when she got into her office it was about six pm she shut the door and opened the folded up piece of paper.

It would be lovely to catch up! Txt or call me...



Quinn starred at the paper, but then thought what the hell she was a different person now and there actually was a lot of things she needed to say to Rachel.
She pulled out her phone and texted her number.

Quinn: Hey Rachel, it's Quinn.

She put her phone on her desk and headed into the gallery to look at the last wall she still needed to set.

When she heard her cell beep from her desk she walked in and grabbed it to see Rachel had texted her back.

Rachel: Ohmygosh! Hi! How are you?

She couldn't help but smile at the excitement behind the text.

Quinn: I am well, how are you?

She put her phone on vibrate and slipped into her back pocket and headed back into the gallery "You have work to do Quinn." She said aloud to herself, "Focus."

She had grabbed two very large pieces, one was an abstract painting and the other was a black and grey photograph she was tying to figure out which should be the focal piece of this show.

::Buzz:: She felt her phone.

"Ignore that until you choose" she said to herself again.

She stared at the pictures.


She was staring at the pictures still but wasn't thinking about them in the slightest her attention was completely on the phone in her pocket. She finally conceded and pulled her phone out and sat on the floor by the locked door.

Rachel: I am well... when I saw Britt today I about flipped to find out you were here...

Rachel: How are you, how is life what are you doing now?

Quinn: Yeah I have been here about two years now. I own an art gallery and Sam (Evans) is actually my numero uno artist here. What about you, I hear that you are getting ready to star in a new show. Is it as good as your last one?

Rachel: Holy cow that is amazing! I had no idea and I am sorry for that. The last year I have kinda been in hiding I just felt like I needed it after the four-year run of Funny Girl.

Rachel: Wait did you see my last show?

Quinn: Twice actually, you were amazing.


Quinn giggled, she should have figured the drama queen would over react to her lack of knowledge of her presence at her show... twice.

Quinn: I am sorry :/

Rachel: I can't believe you were there!

Quinn: I was, again you were amazing. What is this show about, or is that top-secret?

Rachel: Sorda top-secret but I will let you in on it if you promise not to tell...

Quinn: Promise.


Two hours later Quinn was still sitting on the floor of her gallery, but now she was talking to Rachel on the phone.

"So you mean to tell me you dated a... girl... for two years!" Rachel asked surprised.

"I did" Quinn smiled, "Nearly two years..."

"So are you a lesbian?" Rachel said totally nonchalantly.

"Well I like both men and women."

"Do you have a preference?"

"You are quite intrigued over there aren't you?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yes! You think I wouldn't be."

"Good point, um well yeah I guess I do have a preference..." She lingered a moment.

"WELL?" Rachel asked pressing for more.

"Right now I would say I am definitely partial to women." She smirked.

"What's your type?" Rachel asked. "Let me guess, tall, blue, eye'd blondes."

Quinn laughed, "Why would that be your assumption?"

"Well because that is who EVERYONE is attracted too..." She laughed.

"Well you're wrong... I am attracted to dark hair, dark eye'd girls, I don't have a height preference per say."

"Well well, Quinn Fabray you surprised me."

Quinn couldn't tell if Rachel was flirting with her or not, but her tone most definitely ensued as much.

"so tell me about your gallery" Rachel said her voice turning...serious.

"It's called Beth, and it's in the East village."

"You named your gallery after her." Rachel said in a whisper.

"Uh huh" She nodded as she said it.

"Wow, do you... see her?"

"A few times a year yeah... Do you ever talk to Shelby?'

"Rarely.." Rachel said.

Both girls were growing uncomfortable with the conversation so Quinn quickly changed the subject.


Nearly another two hours later they were still on the phone, Quinn was now in her office laying on the couch in there.

"What time is it?" Quinn asked Rachel.

"Crap... eleven!" Rachel giggled.

"It's not seriously eleven PM is it?"

"It is" Rachel said, "You didn't get any work done did you?'

"Not a thing" Quinn laughed, "I haven't been on the phone like this since highschool"

"Me either" Rachel said. "I will let you go, but it has been so nice talking to you Quinn."

"You too Rachel, I will text you tomorrow sometime."

"Yes please do!" Rachel said, "Hopefully you get some work done."

Quinn smirked, "If not it's your fault..."

"Hey!" Rachel said.

"Goodnight Rachel."

"Night Quinn."

"You talked to her for HOW long?' Santana asked.

Quinn and she were sitting at a little coffee shop in little Italy called Caffè Amore.

"Nearly five hours" Quinn said, "It was..."

"Weird!" Santana finished the sentence.

Quinn nodded, "At first yeah... but then it was so...comfortable."

"Oh my god you're not going to like be... friends with her are you?" Santana asked.

"I probably will" Quinn nodded, "Yes would that be so bad?"

"YES!" Santana said, "Okay no, I actually kinda like the girl, I was even a bit pissed though when she just fell off the face of the planet there for a while.."

"She took a hideous for the world" Quinn said, "She really needed it after the four-year run of Funny girl."

"Oh god!" Santana said.


"You actually like... talked talked!"

"Yeah" She giggled, "We talked for five hours we covered a lot actually."

Quinn's phone buzzed, she looked at the screen.

"Is that her?" San asked.

Quinn nodded, "Yeah."

Rachel: Hey, just wanted to say I really enjoyed catching up last night! Hope your day goes well.

"Seriously Quinn, I don't like new people entering my... space."

"Well Rachel isn't new Santana we have known her for like ever!"

She said to the Latina as she typed out her reply to Rachel.

Quinn: I enjoyed talking to you too Rach, and I hope your day is good as well!

"Maybe not new, but she is new to this phase of my life."

"San, your life is pretty much the same as it was then, the only differences are that you're nice, successful, and live in new York."

"I am not nicer!"

"You are too!' Quinn said.

"Okay fine maybe but if you ever tell anyone that I will go all Lima height's adjacent on your ass, I am still perfectly capable of it!"

Quinn laughed, "I know, I know!"

"And now I can get away with it cause i am a super freaking bomb lawyer!"

"That you are" Quinn smiled.

Her phone beeped again and she actually felt...excited.

Rachel: Get any work done?

Quinn: Nope, none. After we hung up the phone I locked up and went home to bed. I am on my way back there now after coffee with Santana.

"Speaking of being a successful lawyer I gots to go, client meeting in twenty. I call you later, maybe stop by for lunch?"

"Sounds good, have a good morning."

"You too Quinn, tell the little dwarf I said hello!"

"I will" Quinn smiled.

Rachel: Oh tell her hello for me.

Quinn: She just left, but she actually told me to tell you hi before she took off.

Rachel: :)

It was nearing ten o'clock and Quinn had actually gotten a bit of work done, she had told Rachel she would text her later so she didn't have any distractions. She was now sitting in her office she decided to text Quinn.

Quinn: What are you doing this morning?

Rachel: Just studying script, why?

Quinn: I was wondering if you wanted to come see the gallery maybe?

Rachel: I would love too. When would you like me there?

Quinn: Whenever I am here now...

Rachel: Address?

About an hour later Quinn heard a knock on the locked gallery door, when she walked out of her office she could see the brunette through the large glass door, she was turned around so Quinn could only see her long dark hair that was in loose curls. When Quinn got closer to the door she turned around and the blonde was shocked at the girl standing before her. Rachel was wearing a pair of dark denim skinny jeans a long black trench like winter coat she looked the same, but so different.

"Hi" She said almost nervous when she opened the door.

Rachel hugged her instantly, and Quinn let her arms slide around her waist.

"HI! Oh my gosh you look amazing!" Rachel said excitedly.

"You too" Quinn said, "Come in out of the cold."

Rachel came in and she shut the door, she turned to see Rachel looking around in awe. "Is this all Sam's work?"

"Yeah it is, with his show in two day's it's all I have up at the moment."

"May I?" She asked wanting to walk around the large space.

"Please" Quinn nodded.

Rachel ooed and awed as she looked at each one, "Who knew."

"I know right." Quinn smiled, "I dated the boy for nearly six months and I never would have..."

"Oh yeah" Rachel said "That all seems like a whole different life."

Quinn nodded, "I couldn't agree more."

They walked around the space and took it all in, "It's incredible work."

"I know, he has such an eye, and it's not just one thing. He can paint and draw and photograph, it's all so... astounding."

"I love this" She pointed to a photograph that was one of the largest pieces, it was a picture of an empty swing set, the grass all dead around it, all rusted out one little kid sitting in the background.

"I think it's going to be my focal piece, its between that and this" Quinn said grabbing Rachel's arm gently and leading her to the other side of the room.

Rachel almost jumped at the contact.

"What do you think?"

It was an abstract painting, colors were bright and vibrant, really completely different then the photograph while still managing to be very complementary.

"Oh now I like this" Rachel said, "It's one of those pieces where everyone see's something different. Like I see a boy standing in a felid of vibrantly colored flowers..."

"Good eye." Quinn smiled.


Quinn nodded, "yeah."

"Well I like this piece I mean not that my opinion counts but... I would place this... there."

She pointed to where the black and white picture was.

"It does" She smiled. "Count for something."

Rachel nodded, 'Well okay then."

Turns out Rachel actually helped Quinn out a lot, she opened her eyes to a whole new view and got her placement finished, "Now all I have to do is get them up."

"Do you do that?" Rachel asked.

She shook her head. "No I have employees who do that."

She walked towards her office and nodded for Rachel to follow.

"This is all so... amazing Quinn, I never would have thought this is where you would end up."

"Me either" Quinn said, "But I really love it; and it turns out i am pretty okay at it."

"You are much better than okay, you are wonderful."

Quinn blushes as she opened the office door, Rachel's eye instantly went to the large picture above the blondes desk.

"Is that Beth?" Quinn nodded, "Of course it is, look at her she looks identical to you."

Quinn smiled, the picture was of Quinn and Beth, Quinn was sitting Indian style and Beth was in her lap her head leaned back on her shoulder, her eyes closed with a big smile on her little face.

"Where and when was that?" Rachel asked.

"It's at the duck pond in Lima, a little over two years ago it was during a visit for what would have been her seventh birthday."

"She really is your mini me, it doesn't look like she's got an ounce of Noah in there."

"Oh she does, believe me, she has his lips and chin and though her eyes are my color to the tee they are shaped more like his."

"Does he see her?"

She nodded, "Yeah we go every year for her birthday, around Christmas time, and she comes here around my birthday. Shelby loves the city so..."

"I know I was shocked when I found out she was still in Lima a few years back, that's when we started to email. Thought we really only talk about me, I haven't seen Beth."

"She is an amazing child, nothing but good in that kid I tell ya."

"And Shelby is... okay with you having contact..?"

"Yeah it was her who approached me at first. She was three and Shelby wrote me a letter saying that she wanted Beth to know where and whom she came from, and that if I wanted to be involved in her life that was what she wanted."

"And Beth knows who you are to her."

Quinn nodded, "Yup, she calls me Mama."

"No!" Rachel smiled, "That is too sweet."

"I was uncomfortable with it at first, not because of Beth, but because of Shelby. She, Beth started it all on her own when she was about four but Shelby and I talked about it, and she was okay with it. She assured me Beth knew Shelby was her mom, the person who would raise her, but she also wanted Beth to know her Mother, the woman who carried her for nine months and loved her very much but she just couldn't give her everything she needed. Now when asked Beth says she has two mom's and then Shelby has to explain the situation or people end up thinking she is a lesbian."

Rachel giggled a little, "Does she know you are... or well kinda are?"

The blonde laughed, "yeah, I am completely honest with Shelby; I don't ever want to give her a reason to not trust me and risk losing what i do get of Beth."

"And she is good with it all."

Quinn nodded, "Yup, she really is amazing and a great mom."

Rachel looked down at the floor. "I am sorry Rach, I just meant..."

Rachel shook her head, "It's ok we are past that... in a good place now."

Quinn just nodded, "Anyway's, tell me about your life, dating anyone?'

Rachel scoffed a little, "Nope."

"Newly ended."

"A year ago" Rachel said, "I am just still.. bitter."

"Uh oh what happened?"

"Never date an actor, they cheat and lie and are good at it because they are an actor!"

Quinn smiled, "Noted."

"How long were you and this 'actor' together?"

"A year" She said, "And he cheated for half of it I found out."

"Well he's an ass then and doesn't know what he had... You're Rachel Berry, you're a star!"

Rachel smiled "Thanks Quinn"

"No need to thank me I am just telling the truth." The blonde smirked.

"I am amazed at how different you are..." Rachel said.

"Oh you mean how I am not a bitch anymore?"

"Well i wasn't going to say that, but since you did then... yes."

"Why not that's what I was... Anyway's; I am really sorry about how I acted to you ninety-nine percent of the time in highschool I was a confused, scared mean little girl."

"Water under the bridge, honest." Rachel said.

She checked her phone and noticed the time, "Shit! I gotta get to the stage for a fitting."

"Did Rachel Berry just swear?" Quinn asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Maybe" Rachel said with coy smirk. "Um, I don't know what you have planned but, I just have to go to the stage for a quick fitting do you wanna by chance come with me and then we can grab a bite?"

Quinn thought about it for a minute.

"Unless you have to do stuff here, i already distracted you enough last night I would hate to be the reason you don't get something done again today." Rachel ginned.

"Um no" Quinn said, "I can totally go, I will have my assistant hang these up later and all I have left is setting the titles, but I have to get those from Sam fist so there is not much left actually. and you more than made up for distracting me last night by helping me today."

Rachel smiled, "Well good, and I am glad you'll be coming with me to the stage, I got to see where you work now you can see where I work."

"I am actually pretty excited to see it all, ya know the Broadway." Quinn used jazz hands when she spoke.

"Did you just imitate April Rhodes?' Rachel giggled.

"Maybe" Quinn smiled.

Quinn and Rachel walked out of the gallery and the blonde locked the door behind her. When she turned around she saw Rachel had already hailed a cab.

"My lady" She smiled gesturing the blonde in.

Quinn smirked and nodded her head getting in.

"1681 Broadway" Rachel told the driver.

Rachel was standing on the stage with a seamstress, the Director of the play and some other cast members.

Quinn was sitting about three rows back center just watching her, when someone sat down next to her. She looked up to see Brittany.

"Hi" She smiled.

"Hi" Brittany said, "what are you doing here?"

"Hanging out with Rach."

"Oh it's Rach now huh?" Brittany smirked.

Quinn nodded, "Why is everyone making such a big deal about me and Rachel being friends..."

"I am not making it a big deal" Britt shrugged, "But I don't think you and her are going to end up being just friends..."

"Huh?" Quinn asked, normally it was Brittany who was confused, but seriously Quinn had no idea where that came from.

"You look at her like San looks at me... and just so you know; I am not as dumb as everyone thinks..."

"Britt I don't think you are dumb."

"I know" Brittany smiled as Rachel walked over and sat down in the row in front of the girls turning to face them.

"Hey Brittany" Rachel smiled.

"Hey Rach" She smirked at Quinn. "Are you excited to start choreography next week."

"Yes" Rachel said, "But I know you're going to kick my butt so I am a little nervous."

"Don't be, I am sure you are still an amazing dancer."

"Brittany" The director called, "Can I see you a second."

"Gotta go guys, Quinn are you coming for dinner tonight?" Brittany asked.

"More than likely I dono though I guess that depends on what Rach and I do."

"Oh come too Rachel!" Brittany said, "It's Italian night, so we're having tacos!"

Rachel just giggled as Britt ran up the stage.

"She hasn't changed a bit" Rachel smiled. "I am glad."

"Yeah Brittany is definitely still Brittany, quarky as ever."

"That's why we love her!" The brunette smiled.

"Yup!" Quinn nodded, "We don't have to go if you don't want too."

"It's up to you really, I'd love to though to be honest, I actually kinda miss Santana."

"Realllllllly?" She smirked.

"Uh huh, we were actually quite good friends there for a while; and especially after... Finn."

There it was, the elephant that both girls had avoided.

"Yeah" Quinn said, "She said the same, don't tell her I told you though cause she threatened to go all..."

"Lima heights?" Rachel smiled.

"Exactly" She nodded, "Well we can go if you want too. We do dinner three times a week though, and they will be at the show tomorrow, so we can see them some other time if we don't."

"WE can, can we?" Rachel smiled.

"Yes, We can." Quinn nodded. "Now where are we going to go grab a bite at?"

"You'll see" The brunette smiled.

"Okay" Quinn nodded.

They got out of the cab and Quinn looked around, "Um, Rach where are we?"

"My apartment" Rachel said.

"I thought we were getting food."

"We are, I make a mean tortilla soup." Rachel beamed.

"Are you not Vegan anymore?' Quinn asked.

"Of course I am, I would NEVER give up my vegan-ism, it's a vegan tortilla soup. But don't worry it really is awesome."

"I am not worried." She said.

"You look a little concerned" Rachel giggled, "Come on."

The brunette held out her hand and Quinn took it as their fingers interlaced she felt her breath hitch. Shit, shit shit. She thought to herself.

"You okay?" Rachel asked.

"I am fine" Quinn said taking a deep breath.

Rachel nodded and pressed the 'P' button on the elevator.

"Do you live in the penthouse?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yeah" the shorter girl nodded.

"Well look at you Ms. Broadway star, a true diva you are huh?"

"I guess you could say that..." She smirked.

"I guess I could... I would!" The elevator door opened to a sliding wood pull door; Rachel keyed in a code on the keypad near the door, and it slide open. "not what I was expecting." Quinn smiled.

"I know it's awesome isn't it. Come on."

Quinn walked into the house which was nothing what she figured the inside of Rachel Berry's house would be. It was eclectic but classic all at the same time. It was an open loft style floor plan, with a nook area in the corner that looked like a makeshift office. Her scripts were on the window seat open with a high lighter and a pen.

"I like this place, it's very home-y"

"Thanks I think so" Rachel said.

Walking into the kitchen area, "I am going to start cooking, you can wander around if you want, or hang out in here with me, make yourself at home."

"I am going to wander a moment, but then I will be in there." Quinn smiled.

"Sounds good." Rachel said.

"Anything off limits?" The blonde asked.

"Nope, I have no skeletons in my closet that I know of, but if I do, you can find them I don't mind."

Quinn giggled and walked over to the staircase and up the stairs into Rachel's space. There were pictures on the wall, Quinn was surprised how many she had from highschool. "Hey that's me." She said noticing a picture of Rachel, her and Brittany in their shirts they wore the day they preformed Born this Way.

"Yes, that's you." Rachel said up to her. "You are my friend, you deserve to be on my friends wall."

"RACH!" Quinn said when she saw it on her shelf.

"Yeah?" Rachel asked unsure of what she found.

"YOU. WON. A. TONY?" Quinn asked surprised.

"Well sorda..."

"What do you mean sorda?"

"I mean, the show won not me impractical."

"But you got to bring it home" She smiled, "So it's pretty much yours."

"Yes ma'am I guess you could say that."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that!" Quinn said. "That is huge!"

"I am sorry I was just too captivated with your life I guess."

Quinn leaned over the rail and could see Rachel smiling. She came back down and looked at the empty counter space behind her, "May I?" She asked Rachel nodded before she pulled herself up onto it. "It already smells good."

"See and you were nervous."

"How long does it take?"

"Once I get it all together, which i am almost done with that part, it has to simmer for about forty minutes, then we can eat."

"What are we going to do while we wait?"

"Talk?" Rachel asked. "There is still so much I want to know about your life."

"We could do that." Quinn nodded.

Quinn's phone rang, Shelby's name popped up on the screen, "Shelby?" Rachel asked seeing the name.

"It means probably Beth, do you mind?" Quinn asked.

"Not at all"

"You're sure?"

"I am sure." The brunette smiled.

"Hello" Quinn answered.


"Hey Beth how are you baby?"

Rachel looked and saw the smile on Quinn's face as she talked to her daughter.

"Well that is awesome... yeah I am excited to see you too."

Another pause.

"Alright put her on then. Yeah I love you too."

She put her hand over the speaker, "Sorry, shouldn't be long." she apologized.

"Don't be sorry" Rachel whispered.

"Hey Shelby... Ooh, okay I will check my schedule. i am sure it will be fine but I will get back to you. Yeah I am actually with Rachel now." Pause. "Yeah Rachel Berry." Pause. "Oh okay, sure. Uh huh I will call you tonight after I look at my schedule." Pause "You too Shelby, thanks. Bye."

"everything okay?" Rachel asked with a smile.

"Yeah actually, Shelby wanted to know if Beth can stay up here for a week in April for her spring break, Shelby's spring beak is different, and since they don't have any family down there she offered to send Beth here if I wanted her..."

"Wow, Have you ever had Beth by yourself, without Shelby?"

"Never." Quinn shook her head, "But I would like too."

"Yeah that would be a pretty perfect week for you I would imagine."

Quinn just smiled, 'It would be the best. I think I would be terrified and excited at the same time."

"That makes sense."

"Okay I am sorry enough about me, we always end up talking about me; you your life." Quinn said flopping on the couch.

"What do you want to know?" Rachel asked.

"Let's start with your year break, what did you do, where did you go?

"I started out in Lima for a few weeks, hung around with my Dad's who were super happy to have me for the first week then I think... it was a little much." She giggled, "So I booked a flight to Bali and went from there, I spend almost two months there just flying by the seat of my pants, I swear that country tells YOU where you should be. Once I left there I just kinda moved around saw places I wanted to see, Lombok Island and Gilis all gorgeous. I ended up back in New York about nine months after I left and holed up here until I decided I was ready."

"And the main reason you left, was that..."

"Ryan?... Um yes and No." She sighed, "I think a lot of it was, but then I realized when I got away it wasn't at the same time. Ryan was a huge part of who I made myself be, I immersed myself with him and the stage and that was it, i wasn't me anymore so when we ended I wasn't sure how to function and I wasn't okay with that; not to mention I had paparazzi and press following me around 23 hours out of the day wanting to know about my cheating boyfriend and my heartache; So I took off."

"It seems to have helped, you seem so... grounded."

"I really truly believe that I am me for the first time... like ever."

Quinn turned on the couch and faced Rachel, "Funny me too; well I got there a few years before you but... yeah." She smiled.

"So this girl you dated, what was she like, why did it end?"

"Abbie, oh... she was pretty great, but she was young and still pretty into her party nights, and that is just not where I was at anymore in my life. We split pretty amicably and are still friendly."

"On a beneficial level?" The brunette asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Not hardly" Quinn laughed, "In a strictly friendly way."

"Oh okay.. good. Well, I mean..." Rachel stopped talking.

Quinn just smirked. "So besides Ryan anyone serious?"

"Not really, I dated before him here and there but since Finn I he was the first serious relationship I had."

Quinn's face dropped at his name.

"I know." Rachel said with a small smile, "Still really hard for me to talk about too, but I have come to peace with it I guess."

Quinn nodded, "Me too I mean as much as one can, I just... ache for you still."

Rachel reached out and took the blondes hand, "I am really glad you're back in my life Quinn."

"Me too Rach, and this time I promise i will be strictly your friend and not a pompous bitch."

"I liked her sometimes..."

"Really?" The blonde asked intrigued.

Rachel nodded, "Yeah when her aggressions weren't being taken out on me..."

"Well that was the majority of the time unfortunately, at least the first half of high school. But don't worry that girl is pretty much gone now... though there are still moments where she makes appearances I must warn you."

"Any chance she does so in that cheer uniform?" Rachel smirked.

"Rachel Berry I can not believe you!"

"What?" the actress asked coyly.

"You are a flirt, when did that happen?"

"Somewhere between the stage and Indonesia I think."

"Well I am not complaining, grown up Rachel is pretty fun." She smiled.

"May I ask you a question?" Rachel hesitated.

"Of course" She said gently.

"How is your relationship with your parents?"

"With my mom, things are... okay. She says she is not a fan of the 'lifestyle' I choose to lead but she is trying to love me anyway's. We talk every couple of weeks and as long as I leave my love life out of the conversations we are normally... alright." She took a deep breath, "My father on the other hand, doesn't speak to me to this day."

"I am sorry." Rachel said.

"Don't be, I have San and Britt and Beth in my life; that is really all the family I need." She shrugged.


It was nearing six and the girls were still on the couch talking, Rachel had pulled out some old scrapbooks from after high school and Quinn went through them in awe of how successful she had actually become. They talked about just about everything they possibly could, the good the bad and the ugly from the last nearly eight years of each others lives they had missed.

"Do you want to go to dinner with the girls?" Rachel asked.

"That is completely up to you" Quinn nodded, "Like I said we can, but if you don't want to we do dinner every other night pretty much and they are coming tomorrow so you can see them then... I mean, if you are going to come by." She realized she shouldn't automatically assume Rachel was coming.

"I am" Rachel nodded.

"Good" she smiled.

"Well, I am up for whatever you want to do" the brunette said, "I like the thought of catching up with the girls, but I am completely content sitting on my couch and ordering in."

"I like the sound of that." Quinn said, Not wanting to share Rachel with the other girls yet.

"Well than let me grab my menus and you can decide what you want."

They ended up settling on a little Latin Bistro down the street from Rachel's place it was a perfect option because it had lot of options for both girls.

The night was winding down, it was nearing eleven when Quinn decided she should probably go.

"I better be going, I still have to stop by the gallery and be sure that the art got hung." She sighed not wanting to leave.

"I am sorry I kept you so long" Rachel said interpreting the sigh as something bad.

"No, no; I had a really good day. I only sighed cause I don't want to leave. I have been telling myself for the last three hours I needed to go... but here I am."

"Well I will ride with you if you'd like" Rachel suggested. "Just down to the gallery then we can go our separate ways from there?"

"I wouldn't want you to ride all the way down there just to turn around and come back." Quinn said.

"It's not that far." Rachel said.

"It's a twenty-minute cab drive." Quinn said, "I tell you what, if you want to go with me, pack a bag and come stay at my place tonight."

Rachel thought for a moment and then nodded, "Done!"

"Great" Quinn said thankful that she wouldn't have to spend a night with out the brunette.

I HAVE more written, and I promise it wont take long before they are together and happy :)

Hopefully you liked, Let me know I will post the next chapter soon if you guys are interested. I really like this parring and by all the views of my oneshot I think you guys do too. This is still a new parring for me but I am enjoying it. :)

Thoughts, favorite parts, idea's?

love you all! Best readers in the world!