As time went by, Tauriel gave her best to be more obedient to her king and his orders. She did not want to disappoint him and did not dare to do so. Thranduil commanded absolute respect from his people. His impressive appearance, accompanied by his height and generally severe demeanour added to this in a very effective way. Tauriel was no exception of that. Even Legolas would take care not to overstrech his father's patience.

However, Thranduil tried to be a good father and despite his many duties, he spent as much time with the elflings as was possible for him. He had noticed Tauriel was further opening up to both him and Legolas, for she now spoke her thoughts more readily. She was still somewhat awkward when it came to physical affection, yet clearly seeking it when she felt lonely or missed her parents. The king too had to get used to something, which was to now be responsible and take care of two elflings instead of just one: Once there had been just little Legolas sitting on his lap, eagerly listening to the tales he was reading. Now his son had to share space with Tauriel but was happy to do so.

He had used to take walks through the gardens with his son, who would search for little rabbits, squirrels or hedgehogs in the grass and bushes. Now it was two elflings gaily playing with each other that he watched over. At the end of an exhausting day, there used to be just himself and Legolas resting in his chambers on his comfortable couch. After a while, Legolas would place his head into his father's lap and fall asleep. He still did so, but now there was also little Tauriel who would move closer and closer towards Thranduil, grab hold of his arm and carefully snuggle herself up to him.

When spring was over, Thranduil allowed Tauriel to spend most of the hot summer days outside. He was aware the forest would always be a part of her and Tauriel greatly enjoyed the hours she spent in the gardens and forest with the rest of her kin. Often, she would climb up high on a tree, sit still on one of its branches, lean back and rest her head against its stem. She would close her eyes, inhale the scents around her and listen to the sounds of the forest. She felt most content in these solitary hours. Sometimes, she would climb up even higher, to the very top of the tree crown. Then she looked over a sea of leaves, the evening sun casting a golden light upon it. It was an impressive and liberating sight to her. She thought that nobody would have guessed sickness and danger lingered underneath such beauty. Tauriel also noticed a mountain standing out lonely at the horizon. She wondered who lived there and if she would ever get to see this place, for she had never been outside the Woodland Realm before.

It was a day like this when Tauriel was awoken from her daydreams quite abruptly by a voice calling her name from down below.

`Tauriel? Is that you up there?´ It was Legolas.

`Yes! Wait, I'm coming down!´

Tauriel swiftly jumped down the tree's branches and after only a few seconds, Legolas found himself facing Tauriel at the foot of the tree, looking at her with a baffled expression on his face.

`You climb trees well!´ Legolas looked up to the high branch she had been sitting on and then back to her.

`I suppose it would be a shame for a wood elf not to be skilled at climbing trees, don't you think?´ she said.

`I suppose you are right! Still, I'm sure your skill will be of great use to you in the future!´

He noticed that Tauriel was looking at him questioningly, waiting for him to explain the reason why he had been searching for her.

`I have come to ask you something! Did adar tell you that we are going to welcome guests from Imladris in a few days?´

Tauriel shook her head. `He did not, but I have noticed there has been some talk in the halls today. I was wondering what it was about...´

`Lord Elrond and his wife the Lady Celebrian are coming to visit us! They will bring their sons, Elladan and Elrohir with them, as well as their daughter Lady Arwen!´

Tauriel was very excited by these news. She had never met any elves that lived outside the Woodland Realm before. Legolas could tell what was going on inside of her. He already had met Lord Elrond and his wife and had greatly enjoyed the company of his two sons.

`Do not worry, I'm sure you will like them. Lord Elrond is very noble and gracious, as is his wife.´

Tauriel wondered if Lord Elrond was anything like Thranduil and also what Rivendell was like.

`Have you ever been to Rivendell, Legolas?´

`No, unfortunately, I have not. But I'm sure it is as grand as our realm, if very different...´

Not as dark and dangerous... he thought to himself.

`I'm sure Lord Elrond will answer any questions you might have, if you get the chance to ask him! Also I want you to know, even if it does not seem like it, my father is not averse to welcoming guests into his halls, but he rarely allows them to return the gesture of hospitality. He does not feel any particular need to pay visits to the rest of our kin, at least not personally. It wasn't always like that though. My mother used to be very close with the Lady Celebrian and also Lord Celeborn in Lothlórien. They share the same ancestry and payed each other many visits. However, after my naneth...´

Legolas hesitated. `Well, it is just my father does not like to leave his realm ungoverned for too long!´

Tauriel had listened carefully and noticed that Legolas was somewhat tense after having mentioned his mother. She wondered what had happened to her, for Legolas never spoke of it and neither did Thranduil. Actually, nobody she had ever known spoke about her passing. It was like an unspoken agreement amongst their kin not to mention this part of the past. Even her parents had refused to tell her what precisely had happened to her. Tauriel did not dare to ask Legolas and it did not even cross her mind to ask Thranduil, as she sensed it would not be wise to do so. Legolas was not so much older than she was and even though Tauriel did not know when exactly the queen had passed away, she knew Legolas had never got to know her properly. She assumed Legolas and especially Thranduil's pain was still rather fresh, for her passing had been not too long ago.

`Let us go back inside the halls now! It's growing dark...´ Legolas said.

The two elflings went back to the halls, side by side. Had Legolas not come to her, she would have lingered outside much longer until the moon shone bright in the night sky and only the clittering of the crickets could be heard in the grass and bushes. At first, Thranduil was concerned to have her outside his halls after sunset, but soon he had noticed that Tauriel would not dwell outside in the gardens when the sky was clouded and the stars not visible, for they were what she was waiting for. She had found a liking to the stars and their light. Thranduil was not surprised by this for most elves loved the starlight, especially those of his kin. Honouring this connection they held a feast every year called Mereth Nuin Giliath. Therefore, Thranduil did not forbid Tauriel to stay outside for a little longer, because he knew looking at the stars, she felt connected with her loved ones. He too felt this way...

Arwen followed her parents and brothers through the grand entrance leading into King Thranduil's halls. Their horses had been brought to the stables by the servants. Travelling through the forest, Arwen had felt as though it had grown ever darker since their last visit and she had sensed that her parents and brothers felt the same way. Nevertheless, Arwen felt joy at the opportunity of looking upon the grandness of the elvenking's halls once more. It was so entirely different from Imladris and Lothlórien. Her parents had told her tales of the ancient elven realm of Doriath, and she imagined the halls she now saw before her were quite similar to them. With their high pillars, the halls seemed to her almost like an underground forest. The soft greenish light from above was like sunlight breaking through the crowns of the trees in a forest. They walked the wooden bridges, leading over a river flowing through the halls, towards the king's throne room.

There King Thranduil stood, tall and muscular with a fair but stern face. His silver hair was loosely flowing over his shoulders which was similar to her grandfather's, Lord Celeborn, and her mother's, for they were of Sindarian descent. Next to the king stood his son Legolas who looked indeed quite small beside his father. As she looked at the fine and soft features the elfling bore on his face, remembering the elleth he had inherited them from, she could not help but feel pity. However, she then noticed another elfling she did not recognise, a girl, even smaller than Legolas with long auburn hair and lively green eyes, standing close to the king, almost hiding behind his long elegant robes.

Thranduil stepped forward, bowing his head to her father.

`Elrond, I'm very pleased to welcome you in my halls! I hope you had a safe journey?´

Her father bowed his head to Thranduil and affirmed the question. The king then proceeded to bow to the rest of her family, kissing the back of her mother's and her own hand. Legolas followed his father's example, geeting their guests. Tauriel, however, still stood behind Thranduil, looking stunned at their visitors. All of them were dressed in light elegant robes, quite different from the clothing her eyes were used to. Lord Elrond was wearing a soft expression on his face as was his wife, Lady Celebrian. Elrond was not has tall as her king and he had long dark, almost black hair. His wife had long silver locks of the same colour as Thranduil, cascading down her back. Tauriel thought she was the fairest elleth she had ever seen, then she looked up at their daughter, Lady Arwen, who was just as beautiful as her mother. However, it was obvious that she had inherited her father's looks as well as his dark hair. Their twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir, too looked more like their father and were so similar to each other, both in appearance and demeanor, Tauriel knew it would be difficult for her to tell them apart. The elfling looked up into their eyes and she thought that they were like Thranduil's, as she found herself face to face with the depth and wisdom of thousands of years. Elves physically did not appear to be old, yet their eyes would reflect all of the decades they had spent on this earth.

`Who is the little one, Thranduil? I have not seen her before. She seems rather shy...´ Lady Celebrian asked, her voice so gentle and melodic, it instantly took Tauriel's fear.

Thranduil shot a stern glance at Tauriel, stepping aside so that she was no longer half concealed by his silver robes.

`Do not be so rude, Tauriel! Step forward and greet our guests!´

Hearing his harsh words directed at the child, Celebrian looked at Thranduil reproachfully. He did not yield to her admonishing glance, and before she could silently give him a light scolding for his behaviour towars the elfling, he closed his fëa to hers.

Tauriel hurried to follow the king's order, bowing low to Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian. She had her eyes closed, when suddenly she felt a finger under her chin. Instantly, Tauriel looked up into Lady Celebrian's blue eyes who was now looking at her intently. After a while, the serious expression on her face gave way to a soft smile, yet her eyes were filled with pity and sadness upon having seen what the little one had endured in the past.

Eventually, Thranduil cleared his throat, directing his words at Elrond `If you are weary from the journey, I have set up rooms for you.´

`No need, Thranduil, though we would like to thank you for your concern. There are important matters Celebrian and I would like to discuss with you. Perhaps my sons and daughter could spend some time with Legolas and Tauriel outside in your gardens until we are finished? It is quite a lovely day.´

Thranduil looked down at the two elflings. His son looked at him pleadingly. He knew he had been looking forward to Elladan's and Elrohir's company since he had first mentioned their visit to him.

Thranduil nodded and gestured his son and Tauriel to go over to Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir. Legolas could barely contain his excitement and eagery grabbed the twins by their hands, pulling them with him and hurrying into the direction of the gate, leading them outside into the gardens. Tauriel was still somewhat shy, so Celebrian and Arwen exchanged looks after which Arwen silently nodded at her mother. She took Tauriel's small hand into her own, warmly smiling at her. Tauriel could not help but return her smile and so they both followed Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir outside, walking hand in hand.

Thranduil had led his visitors to a more secluded part of his halls: It was a smaller room, serving partly as a viewing platform carved inside the mountain, overlooking the forest and Erebor.

Thranduil poured his guests and himself a glass of Dorwinion and strode through the room, letting the glass rest in his right hand. Elrond and Celebrian walked over to the viewing platform, looking at the sight before them and seeing through its beautiful facade.

`The forest has grown darker...´ Elrond said in a low voice.

`Indeed, and I'm quite sure of its source.´ Thranduil replied in a factual manner, taking a small sip of his Dorwinion.

`It is coming from Dol Guldur. The Necromancer has returned.´ Elrond said and Thranduil could tell the fearful undertone of his voice.

`The White Council has discussed this matter, I assume?´ Thranduil asked.

`Yes, indeed, we did. Galadriel, Mithrandir and myself believe it is Sauron who is gradually regaining his strenght now that the ring is in possession of the creature Gollum. Saruman, however, is still refusing to accept this.´

`Perhaps it would be wise to capture Gollum if he is the one who now bears this great danger...´ Thranduil said.

`Yes, I have thought about that. But Gollum lives deep inside the Misty Mountains, guarding the ring with his life. I do not believe that we have anything to fear just yet as far as he is concerned. But most importantly what are we going to do about Dol Guldur itself?! This is why we wanted to speak to you, Thranduil. I do not doubt this matter is of great concern to you as well.´

`What are we going to do?´ Thranduil gave Elrond a surprised look. `Did you not just say that the ring is safe with this miserable creature?! Without the ring, Sauron will be unable to regain his strength, so I see no need to take action just yet. Indeed, I was surprised Lothlórien refused to take action when the so called Necromancer first chose to inhabit this place. After all they are closer to the threat than we are.´

Elrond could tell that Thranduil was irritated by this.

`It is not the right time to assign blame, Thranduil!´ Elrond said, his face growing stern. He knew this was going to be a tough conversation.

`Oh yes, I believe I have the right to adress some issues The White Council seems to forget about. You and Galadriel both own a Ring of Power. It is indeed easy for you to judge others!´

`Thranduil, you know as well as I do that even our rings are powerless compared to the one ring!´ It took Elrond great self-control not to raise his voice at the king he thought to be very stubborn.

`The mere fact that you and Celebrian are standing here in front of me now is proof enough that your ring is doing what it is supposed to. You can leave your realm and still be sure of its safety, but I do not have this luxury. The one ring is not in Sauron's use right now, so at the moment Dol Guldur is none of my concern, for this fortless lies beyond my borders. My greatest concern is the maintenance of the safety of my own people and trust me, it is not an easy task! You and Galadriel are using these rings to protect Lothlorien and Imladris, filling them with light. I merely have these halls and the warriors you have seen already to repulse the growing darkness and defend ourselves. I'm sorry to tell you an attack against Dol Guldur carried out by my kin is entirely impossible at he moment!´

`I did not ask you to do that, Thranduil. If an attack on Dol Guldur takes place any time in the future, we are going to unite our forces! It is true, Dol Guldur lies beyond your borders, but you see the darkness from that place is reaching out to you already, despite the fact that Sauron has not even regained his full strength. Yet you choose to remain entirely inactive as to fighting this upcoming threat. This forest is infested with spiders, orcs and many other foul creatures already. I know this burden lies heavy on you and your kin, would you not rather be free of it?´

Thranduil frowened.

`Do not talk to me about the burden I am carrying! Believe me, Elrond, me and my kin have done our share to try to keep the darkness away from this place and fought for and alongside other realms and kingdoms, yet it has brought us nothing but doom. Too much of my people's blood has been spilled for this lost cause already!´

`So this is what you think it is, a lost cause?´ Elrond raised his eyebrows.

Thranduil clenched his fists full of anger and strode over to the viewing platform, facing away from Elrond and Celebrian. Why was everyone so entirely blind to the situation he was trapped in?! Suddenly Celebrian was next to him, taking his hand and unclenching his fist, entwining her fingers with his own. She could tell Thranduil did not feel comfortable with this gesture but he did not resist. He would not look at her. His eyes were fixed in the distance. Someone following his gaze might have guessed that he was looking at the Lonely Montain but Celebrian knew his gaze travelled even futher up north, far away from Erebor. She still could not reach out to his fëa, but knew what was going on inside of him. Celebrian touched his left cheek with her long delicate fingers. Thranduil instantly flinched at the touch, as though the wound he once had suffered in battle and had disfigured half of his face was still hurting. Elrond watched them both intently. He knew not even his wife would be able to help him, for his inner wounds ran very deep and his pain was great. Celebrian was aware of this, yet she could not help but try. It too pained her to see the husband of her beloved friend be corrupted by darkness.

`It is of no use to conceal your pain Thranduil. I can feel you are suffering. You are still mourning her. I know the pain I feel because of her loss is but only a small fraction of the pain you have to endure...´ Celebrian said in a soft low voice. He still refused to face her.

`Elmíriel...´ he whispered and kept staring off into the distance...

Note: I'm very sorry for the late update but college has been crazy. This is the longest chapter I have written so far. I'm sorry about the lack of Tauriel in it but I really want to explore some parts of Thranduil's past. I promise there will be a lot more of her in the next chapter. I hope you liked it!