
Legendary Witches 3: Cross World Battle

Epilogue: Eternal Freedom Beyond the Sky

-April 5th, 1970-

"How many years has it been?" a young white haired girl asked a certain blonde goddess.

"Seventeen. The witches never failed to meet up once every four months, just as promised all those years ago. Even their two friends from the other world have visited from time to time. And their children have grown up."

"Their girls have grown up into beautiful young women. Each one bears a strong resemblance to their mother."


"Ever since Kye Miyafuji returned to the witches 1952, no witch has lost their magic, regardless of age. The witches no longer even have to use the Striker Unit to fly."

"The Magic Aura has become widespread. The witches have learned and mastered it. It's so effective that the witches no longer require equipment for flight."

"And what about them no longer losing their magic?"

"Originally, witches would start declining at age twenty, but thanks to Kye Miyafuji and Energy Projection, that has changed. After that, the age of decline was extended to the mid-thirties. When I revived Kye Miyafuji in 1952 years ago, I granted another wish. For as long as they live, a witch will never lose their magic."

"How nice of you. How well have the three Neuri Tribes integrated into society?"

"The Blue Neuri Tribe, or those with blue eyes, is led by Xala. They have integrated quite well. Xala's second and third in command, Xelia and Xia, have been working with the world's best scientists, including Ichiro Miyafuji. Xala herself, along with the Red Tribe leader, Xale, has been working with the world leaders to maintain peace."

"What about the commoners of the tribes?"

"The commoners of both the Blue Tribe and Red Tribe have taken to civilian life well. Many of the younger ones have befriended the witches' children. They've trained together, schooled together, and some even work together. The older ones have taken to more combat oriented life, mostly working with the various militaries around the world to train witches and wizards."

"What about the Green Tribe?"

"Xiani and the Green Tribe have mostly remained on their floating island home, Neurida. Xiani has taken a different direction with her integration. She has built multiple airfields on the floating island Neurida and has not only allowed visitors aside the Blue and Red Neuri Tribes, but has invited citizens around the world. Xiani herself occasionally conferences with Xala, Xale, and the world leaders as well. Ichiro Miyafuji and several other leading scientists have visited Neurida and shared their knowledge, a gesture that has graciously been returned."

"So the more advanced technology and knowledge of the Green Tribe has been shared with the rest of humanity?"

"Yes. One major example is the Neurida Transportation System, or NTS for short. It allows a person to travel between two points instantaneously. It's teleportation technology. They have receivers set up all over the world, at least five per continent."

"Innovative! What have the witches been doing in these years?"

"They have been taking life easy and raising their children. With the youngest Strike Witch kid being twenty years old, not including Kamiko, they are all grown. Some have even fallen in love. Youth is a wonderful thing."

"Care to share what each witch individually has been doing?"

"Hmm, well..."

"General Minna Dietlinde Wilcke has remained in the Karlsland Military and has risen to a four star rank. She pretty much runs the Karlsland Military now. Her daughter, Alina Wilcke, has a close friendship with Mio's daughter, Nori, just like their mothers. Alina was among the first to enroll at the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Like the rest of the Strike Witches' children born in the year 1946, that was her first year in school. She graduated from the academy at age nineteen in 1965.

"General Mio Sakamoto has remained in the Fuso Military and continued to head the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Occasionally, a fellow Strike Witch visited to teach a class. Mio's daughter, First Lieutenant Nori Sakamoto, has met and fallen in love with a young man named First Lieutenant Akira Akiyama. The two met in the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Nori took it upon herself to look after Ayame, Kamiko, and Akane while at the academy. Nori graduated from the academy at age eighteen in 1965.

"Gertrude Barkhorn officially retired five years ago in 1965 at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Her younger sister, Chris Barkhorn, graduated from the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1953, having finally finished her schooling after her days in the hospital. The two now spend their days running a family business together. Trude's daughter Sieglinde Barkhorn has grown up and walked almost identical steps as her mother. If you were to put her next to a twenty three year old Trude, you would think they were twins. Chris had a daughter in 1958, named Amelia Barkhorn, who is currently enrolled in the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Sieglinde graduated from the academy in 1965 shortly after her eighteenth birthday.

"Erica Hartmann also officially retired five years ago in 1965, but never advanced past the rank of First Lieutenant. She's rather proud to have maintained that rank throughout her service career, though she could have easily been promoted had she desired it. For whatever reason, Erica now runs a flight school at the Berlin Joint Strike Force Base, perhaps because of her daughter's interest in flying, or perhaps for her own love of it. She has personally taught all of the other Strike Witch children at one point or another during her many guest classes at the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Her sister, Ursula, transferred to the same base in late 1953 and has run the Research and Development division ever since. Erica's daughter, Isabel, went to school at the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1953, as did Ursula's daughter, Irma, in the same year. Ursula was able to enroll Irma a year earlier than normal after sending a letter of recommendation directly to Mio. Isabel graduated from the Academy at age nineteen and Irma graduated at age eighteen, both in 1965.

"Brigadier General Charlotte E. Yeager, or Shirley, has remained in the military. Over the years, she has continued testing new top speed equipment, but has yet to find any technology that can surpass her in free flight speed. Unaided by any sort of flight equipment, be it a Striker Unit or even a Rocket Booster, she has managed to hold a hypersonic speed record at Mach 5.5. Her daughter, Allison Yeager, has developed a similar interest in speed, and although she is still learning, Allison has already proven herself a formidable speed witch. Allison enrolled at the Yokosuka Witch Academy in the first year in 1953 and graduated at age nineteen in 1965.

"Francesca Lucchini retired in 1952 when she returned from the Third Neuroi War in the Second World. That was before the War Simulation. She returned to civilian life afterward. She has devoted her time raising her daughter, Luciana Lucchini, and continues to teach her everything she knows. When I say everything, I mean everything. Like daughter, like grabby mother. Luciana enrolled in the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1956 and graduated a year early at age eighteen in 1967.

"First Lieutenant Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen and First Lieutenant Aleksandra Vladimirovna Litvyak remained retired from the Soumus Air Force and Orussian Army, respectively, after returning from the War Simulation. The two do not hide their love for each other from anyone and have raised their daughters to be indifferent about the sexuality of others. Both of their daughters, Anastasiya Viktoriya Litvyak and Aina Ilmatar Juutilainen, turned out to be heterosexual and have fallen in love. Before you ask, the reason two lesbians both have daughters - and they went through natural pregnancies and everything - is because Eila had a moment of weakness in a one night stand. A year later, Sanya wanted a daughter, too, and the two agreed for Sanya to also have a one night stand. They never saw the fathers of their daughters afterward. Aina enrolled in the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1953 and graduated at age nineteen in 1965. Anastasiya enrolled a year later and graduated at age eighteen in 1966. Anastasiya turned nineteen only a few days after her graduation.

"Lynette Bishop retired from the Britannia Air Force in 1956 with the rank of First Lieutenant. She travels between Britannia and Fuso on a regular basis to visit her friend Yoshika and to visit her daughter, Diana, at the Yokosuka Witch Academy. Diana enrolled in 1954 and graduated in 1966 at age nineteen.

"Pierrette Henriette Clostermann, or Perrine, retired from the Gallian Air Force in 1956 with the rank of Captain. She regularly travels to Fuso with Lynne to visit Yoshika and their daughters. Louise enrolled in the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1954 and graduated at age nineteen in 1966. During her first year of High School at the academy, Louise enlisted in the Gallian Air Force and was allowed to complete her training in Yokosuka as part of a joint program between Fuso and Gallia. Louise remained at the academy as a liaison of the Gallian Air Force to be a full time teacher. Louise met and fell in love with Fuso Army First Lieutenant Kenji Katou, son of Takeko Katou, during her time attending school at the academy.

"Rei Miyafuji retired from the Fuso Imperial Navy at the rank Second Lieutenant as soon as the group returned from their time travels in 1952 and remained retired after the War Simulation. This was before the Fuso Imperial Militaries were reformed into the Fuso Self Defense Forces in 1955. Rei transferred to the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1953 and graduated the same year at age eighteen. Rei has a very close relationship with her daughter, Second Lieutenant Kamiko Miyafuji. After Kamiko's memories of 2012 battles were restored, their relationship became more sisterly than anything. Despite Kamiko's request to Toshiro to help Rei, and he did help her sometime after the War Simulation, Rei did not manage to find new love. Nonetheless, Kamiko was satisfied in that her mother tried.

"Kamiko Miyafuji enrolled at the Yokosuka Witch Academy a year early in 1958. She also skipped two grades, one in Elementary School and one in High School. After the first term of her first year in High School, at age fourteen, she joined the military. She completed her military training in the summer between her first and second year and became a Second Lieutenant. Two years early, at age fifteen, she graduated from the academy with highest honors at the top of her class, with perfect grades across the board. At age sixteen her memories of both her life in the Second World and of the War Simulation were fully restored.

"General Kye Miyafuji has remained in the military, has was permanently appointed as General of the Allied Forces, and is the only person in the world that carries a Five-Star General rank. As the leader of the Allied Forces, she attends the world conferences held with the various leaders of the world's nations, including the three leaders of the three Neuri Tribes. There are times when she cannot be contacted. Only the other twelve Strike Witches and their friends who participated in the War Simulation know where she goes at those times.

"The Prodigal Witch Yoshika Miyafuji retired from the military as soon as the group returned from time travel in 1952 and remained retired after the War Simulation. She has become somewhat of a miracle worker with her ability to use True Zen to significantly improve her healing capacity. While she cannot treat everyone in the world, she is commonly called on to heal those that no other person can. She openly works with other healing witches to improve their abilities as well.

"Yoshika's first daughter, First Lieutenant Ayame Miyafuji, is the splitting image of Yoshika. She inherited her mother's overly powerful healing magic, and has made a reputation for herself as a power healer even without the True Zen ability. Just like several of the other daughters, Ayame has fallen in love. Yoshika ended up taking up my offer to change Ayame's DNA to make Toshiro her biological father. Ayame enrolled at the Yokosuka Witch Academy in 1954, completely her military training in the summer between terms in her third year in Middle School in 1963 at age fifteen before her birthday, and graduated from the academy in 1966 at age nineteen.

"Yoshika and Toshiro Deuce even had a second daughter together, Akane Miyafuji II, named after my late mortal mother, Akane Miyafuji, who died in late 1953 while Yoshika was pregnant. The last thing my mortal mother Akane did was give her blessing to the expecting couple. The young Akane grew up to be the splitting image of Toshiro's mother, Akiko. Akane never joined the military, but enrolled at the Yokosuka Witch Academy a year early in 1958 at age five and became a respectable witch by age thirteen, having bested Nori Sakamoto in a duel and even came close to matching Kamiko. She graduated from the academy two years early, like Kamiko, in 1969 at age fifteen. Also like Kamiko, she graduated with perfect marks. She took over the Miyafuji Dojo earlier this year at age sixteen, intent on honoring her namesake. However, Akane inherited more than just her name from her great grandmother. She was the second mortal - that wasn't a rebirth of someone from the Light Kingdom - to be born with inherent Light Energy magic. Akane was frequently requested to teach classes at Mio Sakamoto's Yokosuka Witch Academy after her graduation."

"It seems all of them have adopted happy, peaceful lives."

"Yes, they have. And after everything they have been through, they deserve it."

"Didn't several of them already retire from the military before 1952?"

"Yes, actually, some of them did. However, during the time travel period, all of them returned to active duty, and this carried over when they returned to 1952. Most of them retired a second time, but a few still remain in the military."

"What about Toshiro and Aya? What happened to them after they returned to their timelines?"

"I'll tell you about Toshiro's story later, after the reunion today. I'm not just going to give you spoilers! And Aya's story hasn't happened yet. I changed the flow of time between our worlds a few years ago to bring them to the same date. It's April 5th, 1970 here, so it's April 5th, 1970 there. Aya is younger than you, Yuriko. Her adventure won't happen until 1983."

"I want to see it live, then!"


"So, what about you?"

"Me? Well, later today in the reunion I'm going to officially retire and move on. I know there's another question you're more curious about, so go ahead."

"Tell me, how did you create a whole universe for the alternate future timeline? Grandma Yami can't do that, and she's a goddess, too!"

The blonde, purple battle kimono clad goddess smiled at the young, white haired, question filled girl.

"Well, my young protégé, I am different than my younger sister."

"How different?"

"Just different. Now run along, Yuriko. Go say hi to your mother and grandmother for me."

"'Kay!" The girl vanished in the blink of an eye, soon to be replaced by an older white haired girl, or rather young woman, and a black haired young man.

"To what do I owe this honor, Yami and Zen?"

"We just wanted to drop by and see what you were up to," Yami said.

"Oh, I'm just watching the other Strike Witches. Your granddaughter asked how I created a whole universe for the alternate future timeline."

"A simple task for the all mighty Goddess of the Seven Stars," Zen said, half joking.

Kye laughed at Zen's response. "Indeed. I've also been watching two other worlds."

"Which ones?"

"One of Lord Adam's. Specifically the one that Toshiro an Aya live in. The other is one of our worlds."

"I see them on your holo-monitors," Yami said. "That looks like Yoshika and Lynne running laps on the runway at the Dover Base on the screen marked "Seven Stars World 27"."

"That's right. In this world, things happened a bit differently. None of us have ever visited this world, so the Miyafuji Family Line has different origins here. One thing remains unchanged, though."

"What's that?"

"Yoshika is just as gifted."

"She's something else," Zen said. "Shall we watch her save the world in this timeline as well?"

"The Neuroi Curse guy wants to see how the hero defeats the Neuroi?" Kye teased.

"You said none of us ever visited that world, so I didn't curse their Neuri Tribe."

"You're right," Kye said. "In this timeline, the Neuri Tribe and the Neuroi are two separate entities, rather than one being a cursed race of the other. They have nothing to do with each other."


"I wonder what would happen in this timeline if I were to place a Kye Miyafuji there."

"You shouldn't," Yami said.

"Oh, but Yami, I'm curious!" Kye said. "I could make myself eighteen years old and perhaps an older cousin to Yoshika this time, instead of her aunt."

"Crafty, but you still shouldn't."

"I wonder..." Kye muttered. "Well... I could always do this!" She snapped her fingers and generated another holo-monitor marked. "I just made a copy of that world with an eighteen year old incarnation of myself."

"Did you really?!" Yami asked, surprised.

"Mhm. It's marked "Seven Stars World 98". See?"

"You're going to gimp your power just to satisfy your curiosity? I thought you said you would never put your worlds in danger like that..."

"Oh, don't worry, it's completely safe," Kye said. "The Primordial Goddess lets us Elder Gods make incarnations of ourselves now without us having to split our power."

"That would have been useful seventeen years ago."

"The Primordial Goddess wanted me to return to life as a mortal, so she didn't make it possible until recently. Even though that's possible now, she still won't let me make a mortal stand in of myself for Seven Stars World 1."

"You, Rei, and Kamiko are leaving that world after the reunion today anyway, right?"

"Yeah," Kye said. "I'll miss it, but it's time to move on, and Rei and Kamiko miss their family and friends from the Light Kingdom. Grandma Hatsumi wants to start grooming Kamiko for the throne, too."

"With you and Rei being gods, therefore unable to take the crown, it does fall on her shoulders next."


"So what do you plan to tell the Strike Witches?" Zen asked. "You know they aren't going to take the news well."

"No, they won't," Kye said. "But they'll be coming to the Light Kingdom for our reunions from now on anyway. This will be the first reunion that every participant of the War Simulation, including the Azarans that were forced to fight as Neuroi, will attend. Of course, the immediate family of those participants will be attending as well."

"There's going to be a lot of people," Yami said. "It's year 2030 in the second world, so I the members of the 511th and 516th have families of their own now."

"Indeed. It's going to be a big gathering."

"What will you tell them when you announce that you won't be returning home with them this time?"

"I'll tell them that it's time to move on and for Rei and Kamiko to return to the Light Kingdom. Of course they'll be welcome to visit any time, but we won't be returning to their world anymore."

"What about the people of their world? You, Rei, and Kamiko are world famous there."

"I already submitted my retirement papers to the Fuso Navy and Allied Forces. The General of the Allied Forces rank will be split and given to both Minna and Mio. Minna's rank will be the Chief General and Mio's will be the General Adviser. Kye Miyafuji, Rei Miyafuji, and Kamiko Miyafuji will then disappear under the guise of traveling the world."

"You've thought it out."

"I considered having them reported dead, but that wouldn't make much sense. They are too powerful to die of natural causes beyond old age and there's nobody that has the ability to kill them, not that anyone would after Yoshika abolished all evil on the planet with her Zen Serenity."

"Having them disappear is probably the best way," Zen said.

"Yeah," Kye mused. "Well, let's get going. It's almost time for the reunion."

-A Timeless Legend-

Over the years, even centuries later, the story of the Strike Witches is still told. They are heroes of two worlds. They have faded into legend, never to be forgotten. Their legacy lives on in the hearts of all.


Note: Control Find Codes are listed for ease of navigation between sections

Witch Characters (CFWitch)
-501st JFW "The Strike Witches" (CF501)
-Neuri Tribe Contingent (CFNTC)
-Fuso Contingent (CFFC)
-Karlsland Contingent (CFKC)
-Light Kingdom Contingent (CFLKC)
-511th Joint Fighter Wing "The Vast Witches" (CF511)
-516th JFS "The Dark Witches" (CF516)

-Maya Group (CFMG)
-Gods and Goddesses (CFGG)

Neuroi Characters (CFNeuroi)

Other Characters (CFOther)
-Observing Only Characters (CFOOC)
-Epilogue Only Characters (CFEOC)

Elder Gods (CFElder)

Techniques (CFTech0)
-Japan/Fuso Techniques (CFTech1)
-Germany/Karlsland Techniques (CFTech2)
-America/Liberion and United Kingdom/Britannia Techniques (CFTech3)
-Light Kingdom Techniques (CFTech4)
-Drachenheim (Dragon Kingdom) Techniques (CFTech5)
-God Techniques (CFTech6)
-Elder God Techniques (CFTech7)

Spells (CFSpell)

Mind Reading (CFMind)

Inherent Abilities (CFInher)

Universes (CFWorld)

Skill Level Key

Legend: Peak Mortal Ability, only attained by those with extraordinary combat experience
Master: Extremely Skilled, typical of veteran ace witches
Expert: Highly Skilled , typical of veteran witches
Adept: Skilled, minimum requirement Joint Fighter Wing assignment.
Moderate: Somewhat Skilled, minimum requirement for active duty
Beginner: Not Skilled, level of a witch trainee

Note: All characters have a minimum of "Adept" in any skill they use in combat.

The Witch Forces (CFWitch)
(Note: All Ages are as of 5 April 1953 except where stated otherwise.)

501st Joint Fighter Wing "The Strike Witches" (CF501)

Kye Miyafuji
-Champion of Elder Goddess Kye
-Rank: General of the Allied Forces (5-Star)
-Special Rank: Supreme Commander of the Joint Strike Force
-Special Rank: Supreme Commander of the Witch Forces
-Inherent Magic: Alignment Energy Magic (Zen, Light, Dark, Neutral)
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born 10 December 1917 – Age 35
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Yoshika Miyafuji
-Champion of Elder Goddess Kye
-Rank: First Lieutenant
-Inherent Magic: True Zen Magic, Healing Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 18 August 1929 – Age 23

Toshiro Lucas von Edelweiss
-Champion of Elder God Adam (the Allgod)
-Rank: Brigadier General (1-Star)
-Karlsland Equivilent: Generalmajor
-Special Rank: Deputy Commander of the Witch Forces
-Inherent Magic: Super Strength Type A, Time Dilution
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born: 5 May 1927 – Age 18 (His current year is 1945 in his timeline)

Aya Edelweiss
-Champion of Elder God Adam (the Allgod)
-Rank: First Lieutenant
-Karlsland Equivilent: Oberleutnant
-Member of the 777th Joint Fighter Wing in her universe
-Temporarily assigned to the 501st during the War Simulation
-Inherent Magic: Super Strength Type A, Time Dilution, Healing Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born: 1 September 1965 – Age 17 (Her current year is 1983 in her timeline)

Minna Dietlinde-Wickle (General / Lieutenant General)
-Rank: Lieutenant General
-Karlsland Equivilent: General
-501st Commanding Officer
-Inherent Magic: Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born 11 March 1926 – Age 27

Mio Sakamoto (Major General)
-501st Battle Commander
-Inherent Magic: Magic Eye (Sakamoto Type)
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 26 August 1924 – Age 28

Gertrude Barkhorn (Major / Major)
-Karlsland Equivilent:
-Inherent Magic: Super Strength Type A
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born 20 March 1926 – Age 27

Erica Hartmann (Oberleutnant / First Lieutenant)
-Karlsland Equivilent:
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born 19 April 1927 – Age 25

Charlotte E. Yeager "Shirley" (Major)
-Inherent Magic: Speed Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 13 February 1927 – Age 26

Francesca Lucchini (First Lieutenant)
-Inherent Magic: Sunlight Magic
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 24 December 1931 – Age 21

Perrine H. Clostermann (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Lightning Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend (Specifically with Rapiers)
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 28 February 1929 – Age 24

Lynette Bishop (First Lieutenant)
-Inherent Magic: Ballistic Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 11 June 1929 – Age 23

Eila Illmatar Juitilainen (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Foresight Magic
-Other Magic: Bow Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born: 21 February 1928 – Age 25

Aleksandra "Sanya" Vladimirovna Litvyak (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Magic Antenna
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend (Specifically with Maces)
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 18 August 1930 – Age 23

Rei Miyafuji
-Rank: Second Lieutenant
-Inherent Magic: Light Magic, Dark Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 1 September 1935 – Age 17
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Kamiko Miyafuji
-Rank: N/A
-Temporary Member of the 501st
-Inherent Magic: Light Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 17 February 1952 – Age 1
-Special Note: Transformed into her sixteen year old self with complete knowledge and experience of her immortal self "Kamiko Akari", and her alternate timeline memories.

Neuri Tribe Contingent (CFNTC)

Blue Team

Leader of the Blue Neuri Tribe
-Leader of the Blue Team
-Formerly Leader of the Blue Neuroi
-Gender: Female
-Date of Birth estimated between 1900-1909

-One of Xala's Elite
-Second in Command of the Blue Neuri Tribe
-Formerly a member of the Blue Neuroi
-Gender: Female
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

-One of Xala's Elite
-Third in Command of the Blue Neuri Tribe
-Formerly a member of the Blue Neuroi
-Gender: Female
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

Red Team

-Leader of the Red Neuri Tribe
-Leader of the Red Team
-Formerly Leader of the Red Neuroi
-Gender: Male
-Date of Birth estimated between 1900-1909

-One of Xale's Elite
-Second in Command of the Red Neuri Tribe
-Formerly a member of the Red Neuroi
-Gender: Male
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

-One of Xale's Elite
-Third in Command of the Red Neuri Tribe
-Formerly a member of the Red Neuroi
-Gender: Male
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

Green Team

-Leader of the Green Neuri Tribe
-Leader of the Green Team
-Gender: Female
-Date of Birth estimated between 1900-1909

-One of Xiani's Elite
-Second in Command of the Green Neuri Tribe
-Gender: Male
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

-One of Xiani's Elite
-Third in Command of the Green Neuri Tribe
-Gender: Female
-Date of Birth estimated between 1910-1919

Fuso Contingent (CFFC)

Ayaka Kuroe
-Rank: Major
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 17 February 1922
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Keiko Katou
-Rank: Major
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 31 October 1919
-Inherent Magic: Super Vision
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Gun Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Takeko Katou
-Rank: Captain
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 28 September 1922
-Inherent Magic: Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Tomoko Anabuki
-Rank: Captain
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 5 December 1923
-Inherent Magic: Hakushoku Denkou (白色電光/White Lightning)
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Tetsuko Wakamoto
-Rank: Captain
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 14 June 1925
-Inherent Magic: Awakening
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Junko Takei
-Rank: Captain
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 13 February 1926
-Inherent Magic: Inspiration
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Yoshiko Nishizawa
-Rank: First Lieutenant
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 27 January 1926
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Fumika Kitagou
-Rank: Colonel
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 1 July 1918
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shields Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Karlsland Contingent (CFKC)

Ursula Hartmann
-Rank: First Lieutenant
-Karlsland Equivalent: Oberleutnant
-Status: Active Duty
-Born 19 April 1927 – Age 25
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Note: Like her sister, Erica, Ursula's interest in rank is low. She has refused promotions and chosen to remain in research and development.

Adolfine Galland
-Rank: General (4-Star)
-Karlsland Equivalent: Generaloberst
-Status: Active Duty
-Born 19 March 1921 – Age 32
-Inherent Magic: Magic Eye (Galland Type)
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master, Gun Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Hanna-Justina Marseille
-Rank: Major
-Karlsland Equivalent: Major
-Status: Active Duty
-Promoted to Oberstleutnant / Lieutenant Colonel by 1965 (Retires)
-Born 13 December 1927 – Age 25
-Inherent Magic: Marseille Style Deflection Shooting
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend

Raisa Pöttgen
-Rank: First Lieutenant
-Karlsland Equivalent: Oberleutnant
-Status: Active Duty
-Born 16 September 1929 – Age 23
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Note: Despite her continued efforts as Marseille's wingman, she has not been promoted. This is partially due to her lack of interest in rank and partially due to refusing a promotion at the end of the Second Neuroi War.

Edytha Roßmann
-Rank: General (4-Star)
-Karlsland Equivalent: Generaloberst
-Status: Retired in 1952
-Born 11 January 1925 – Age 28
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Note: Prior to her retirement, Edytha had a major hand in the construction of the Joint Strike Force base in Berlin, specifically in the witch training program. She also convinced Gertrude Barkhorn and Erica Hartmann to be instructors. She retired shortly after on a high note.

Waltrud Krupinski
-Rank: Captain
-Karlsland Equivalent: Hauptmann
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 11 November 1926 – Age 26
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Gundula Rall
-Rank: Colonel
-Karlsland Equivalent: Oberst
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 10 March 1926 – Age 27
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Note: She received a promotion from Major to Colonel for her performance as Commander of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing at the end of the Second Neuroi War shortly before retiring.

Heidemarie W. Schnaufer
-Rank: Brigadier General
-Karlsland Equivalent: Generalmajor
-Status: Active Duty
-Born 16 February 1929 – Age 24
-Inherent Magic: Magic Antenna, Night Vision
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master, Gun Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Hanna U. Rudel
-Rank: Colonel
-Karlsland Equivalent: Oberst
-Status: Retired at the end of the Second Neuroi War
-Born 2 July 192X – Age 2X
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Expert, Gun Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master

Light Kingdom Contingent (CFLKC)

Kye Akari
-Goddess of the Seven Stars
-Born 10 December 8028 BCE – Age 9980 (Physical 22)
-Godly Magic: Divine True Zen
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 501st Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Light King Zen Akari I and God Queen Xera
-Not an active participant in combat. Only the Mortal Kye fights.

Rei Akari
-Goddess of Light Energy and Magic
-Born 1 September 8008 BCE – Age 9960 (Physical 16)
-Godly Magic: Divine Light
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 501st Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Kye Akari
-Older Half Sister of Kaylie Maya and Layla Maya
-Active participant as Rei Miyafuji

Kamiko Akari
-Born 1 September 1912 – Age 39 (Physical 16)
-Born 17 February 1952 – Age 1 (Kamiko Miyafuji)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Light
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 501st Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Rei Akari
-Granddaughter of Kye Akari
-Active participant as Kamiko Miyafuji

Kaylie Maya (511th Fuso)
-Goddess of Time and Space
-Born 2 October 8003 BCE – Age 9955 (Physical 18)
-Godly Magic: Divine Time and Space
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 511th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Kye Akari
-Younger Half Sister of Rei Akari
-Identical Twin Sister of Layla Maya
-Active participant as a member of the 511th Fuso Sector

Layla Maya (511th Fuso)
-Goddess of Creation and Destruction
-Born 2 October 8003 BCE – Age 9955 (Physical 18)
-Godly Magic: Divine Creation and Destruction
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 511th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Kye Akari
-Younger Half Sister of Rei Akari
-Identical Twin Sister of Kaylie Maya
-Active participant as a member of the 511th Fuso Sector

Yami Akari
-Goddess of Neutral Energy and Magic
-Born 12 December 8026 BCE – Age 9978 (Physical 22)
-Godly Magic: Divine Magic
-Inherent Magic (Mortal): Pure Neutral Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Legend, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Younger Sister of Kye Akari
-Daughter of Light King Zen Akari I and God Queen Xera

Yuko Akari (516th)
-Born 1 September 8005 BCE - 9957 (Physical 18)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Magic
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 516th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Yami Akari
-Older Sister of Hiro Akari
-Nephew of Kye Akari
-Active participant as a member of the 516th Head Staff

Hiro Akari
-Born 8 March 8003 BCE – Age 9956 (Physical 18)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Magic
-Inherent Magic (Mortal): Pure Neutral Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Son of Yami Akari
-Younger Brother of Hiro Akari
-Nephew of Kye Akari

Zen Akari II (516th)
-God of Dark Energy and Magic
-Born 4 December 8027 BCE – Age 9979 (Physical 22)
-Godly Magic: Divine Darkness
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 516th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Younger Brother of Kye Akari
-Son of Light King Zen Akari I and God Queen Xera
-Active participant as a member of the 516th Head Staff

Ren Akari (516th)
-Born 5 November 8008 BCE – Age 9960 (Physical 18)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Blackfire Magic
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 516th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Daughter of Zen Akari II
-Fraternal Twin Sister of Kenji Akari
-Active participant as the leader of the 516th A Team

Kenji Akari
-Born 5 November 8008 BCE – Age 9960 (Physical 18)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Darkness Magic
-Inherent Magic (Mortal): Pure Darkness Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Son of Zen Akari II
-Fraternal Twin Brother of Ren Akari
-Nephew of Kye Akari

Aira (516th)
-Born 29 June 8007 BCE – Age 9959 (Physical 18)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Darkwind Magic
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 516th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Fraternal Twin Sister of Aero
-Friend and Teammate of Ren Akari
-Active participant as a member of the 516th A Team

Aero (516th)
-Born 29 June 8007 BCE – Age 9959 (Physical 18).
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Darkwind Magic
-Mortal Magic: See Mortal Variant in 516th Section for Mortal Magic Stats
-Fraternal Twin Brother of Aira
-Friend and Teammate of Ren Akari
-Active participant as a member of the 516th A Team

Liliana Venturi "Lily"
-Born 5 May 2029 BCE – Age 9981 (Physical 22)
-Immortal Magic: Semi-Divine Holyfire magic, Telepathy, Space Magic
-Inherent Magic (Mortal): Holyfire Magic, Telepathy, Space Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend
-Older Sister of Aliana Venturi "Shadow"
-Second Cousin of Kye Akari

Aliana Venturi "Shadow"
-Born 1 December 2028 BCE – Age 9980 (Physical 22)
-Immortal Magic: Shadow Magic, Telepathy, Space Magic
-Inherent Magic (Mortal): Shadow Magic, Telepathy, Space Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Younger Sister of Liliana Venturi
-Second Cousin of Kye Akari

511th Joint Fighter Wing "The Vast Witches" (CF511)
(Note: 511th ages are as of 5 April 2013)

511th Head Staff

Isabel Hartmann II "Bell" (Major General)
-511th Head Commanding Officer
-Born 14 October 1989 – Age 23
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Descendant of Erica Hartmann

511th European Sector

Valterri Iilvari Virtanen (Colonel)
-511th European Commanding Officer
-Born 21 November 1991 – Age 21
-Inherent Magic: Foresight Magic
-Other Magic: Bow Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Descendant of Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen

Rosalie Barkhorn "Rose" (Lieutenant Colonel)
-511th European Battle Commander
-Born 11 November 1993 – Age 20
-Inherent Magic: Super Strength Type A
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Descendant of Gertrude Barkhorn "Trude"

Charles Clostermann (Major)
-Born 15 November 1992 – Age 20
-Inherent Magic: Lightning Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Descendant of Perrine H. Clostermann

Vitaliy Gedeon Kistanov (Major)
-Born 2 April 1993 – Age 20
-Inherent Magic: Magic Antenna
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Descendant of Sanya V. Litvyak

Aleksandr Gavriil Kistanov "Sasha" (Captain)
-Born 4 January 1995 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Magic Antenna
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Sanya V. Litvyak

Caitlyn Bishop "Cate" (Captain)
-Born 15 January 1995 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Ballistic Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Older sister of Diana Bishop
-Older cousin of James Bishop
-Descendant of Lynette Bishop "Lynne"

Diana Bishop (First Lieutenant)
-Born 9 September 1995 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Ballistic Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger sister of Caitlyn Bishop
-Cousin of James Bishop
-Descendant of Lynette Bishop "Lynne"

James Bishop (First Lieutenant)
-Born 11 September 1995 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Ballistic Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger cousin of Caitlyn Bishop
-Cousin of Diana Bishop
-Descendant of Lynette Bishop "Lynne"

Elizabeth Hartmann "Lizzy" (First Lieutenant)
-Born 1 April 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Erica Hartmann

Sophia Hartmann "Sophie" (First Lieutenant)
-Born: 1 April 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Erica Hartmann

511th Liberion Sector

Lionhardt Barkhorn "Lion" (Colonel)
-511th Liberion Commanding Officer
-Born 15 September 1991 – Age 21
-Inherent Magic: Super Strength Type A
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Older Brother of Rosalie Barkhorn
-Descendant of Gertrude Barkhorn "Trude"

Allison Ventus "Ally" (Lieutenant Colonel)
-511th Liberion Battle Commander
-Born 26 October 1992 – Age 20
-Inherent Magic: Speed Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Older Sister of Jaden Ventus
-Descendant of Charlotte E. Yeager "Shirley"

Johan Wilcke (Lieutenant Colonel)
-Born 19 August 1992 – Age 20
-Inherent Magic: Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Older Brother of Alina Wilcke II
-Descendant of Minna Dietlinde Wilcke

Jaden Ventus (Captain)
-Born 13 September 1993 – Age 19
-Inherent Magic: Speed Magic
-Other Magic: Gun Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger Brother of Allison Ventus "Ally"
-Descendant of Charlotte E. Yeager "Shirley"

Friedrich Hartmann "Fried" (Captain)
-Born 17 September 1993 – Age 19
-Inherent Magic: Wind Magic
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger Brother of Isabel Hartmann II
-Older Brother of Elizabeth Hartmann "Lizzy" and Sophia Hartmann
-Descendant of Erica Hartmann

Luciana Lucchini "Lucy" (First Lieutenant)
-Born 18 November 1994 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Sunlight Magic
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Fraternal Twin Sister of Leonardo Lucchini "Leo"
-Descendant of Francesca Lucchini

Leonardo Lucchini "Leo" (First Lieutenant)
-Born 18 November 1994 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Sunlight Magic
-Other Magic: Unarmed Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Fraternal Twin Brother of Luciana Lucchini "Lucy"
-Descendant of Francesca Lucchini

Alina Wilcke II (First Lieutenant)
-Born 11 March 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger Sister of Johan Wilcke
-Descendant of Minna Dietlinde Wilcke

Aleksandra Viktoriya Kistanov "Tori" (First Lieutenant)
-Born 17 January 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Magic Antenna
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger Sister of Vitaliy Gedeon Kistanov and Aleksandr Gavriil Kistanov "Sasha"
-Descendant of Sanya V. Litvyak

Aina Inari Virtanen (First Lieutenant)
-Born 21 November 1995 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Foresight
-Other Magic: Bow Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Younger Sister of Valterri Iilvari Virtanen
-Descendant of Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen

511th Fuso Sector

Yoshika Miyafuji II "Yusu" (Colonel)
-511th Fuso Commanding Officer
-Inherent Magic: Healing Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 20 February 1992 – Age 21
-Descendant of Yoshika Miyafuji

Louise Clostermann III (Lieutenant Colonel)
-511th Fuso Battle Commander
-Inherent Magic: Lightning Magic, Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Born 16 February 1992 – Age 21
-Descendant of Perrine H. Clostermann

Mei Akiyama (Captain)
-Born 8 October 1994 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Fire Magic, Magic Eye (Sakamoto Type)
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Mio Sakamoto
-Descendant of Perrine H. Clostermann
-Descendant of Takeko Katou
-Twin Sister of Kiyoko Akiyama

Kiyoko Akiyama (Captain)
-Born 8 October 1994 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Water and Ice Magic, Area Analysis
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Mio Sakamoto
-Descendant of Perrine H. Clostermann
-Descendant of Takeko Katou
-Twin Sister of Mei Akiyama

Kaylie Maya (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Time and Space Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Mortal Imprisonment (Former)
-Immortal Seal (Current)
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Layla Maya (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Creation and Destruction Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Master, Bow Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-Mortal Imprisonment (Former)
-Immortal Seal (Current)
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Rika Miyafuji (Second Lieutenant)
-Born 28 December 1996 – Age 16
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Inherent Magic: Healing Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Yoshika Miyafuji
-Younger Sister of Yoshika Miyafuji II "Yusu"
-Fraternal Twin Sister of Haru Miyafuji

Haru Miyafuji (Second Lieutenant)
-Born 28 December 1996 – Age 16
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Inherent Magic: Healing Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Yoshika Miyafuji
-Younger Brother of Yoshika Miyafuji II "Yusu"
-Fraternal Twin Brother of Rika Miyafuji

Hitomi Kitagou (Second Lieutenant )
-Born 26 September 1996 – Age 16
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Fumika Kitagou

Mako Takei (Second Lieutenant )
-Born 4 April 1997 – Age 16
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Inherent Magic: Inspiration
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Junko Takei

Kazumi Wakamoto (Second Lieutenant )
-Born 22 December 1996 – Age 16
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Inherent Magic: Awakening
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Tetsuko Wakamoto

516th Joint Fighter Wing "The Dark Witches" (CF516)

516th Head Staff

Zen Akari (4-Star General)
-516th Commanding Officer
-Inherent Magic: Pure Darkness Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Master, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Yuko Akari (Colonel)
-516th Battle Commander
-Inherent Magic: Pure Neutral Magic, Space Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

516th A Team

Ren Akari (Lieutenant Colonel)
-516th A Team Leader
-Inherent Magic: Blackfire Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Aira (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Darkwind Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

Aero (Captain)
-Inherent Magic: Darkwind Magic
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Master
-Firearms Proficiency: Master
-See Light Kingdom Contingent for Immortal Variant

516th B Team (Ages as of 5 April 2013)

Hairi Anabuki (Major)
-Born 11 September 1994 – Age 19
-516th B Team Leader
-Inherent Magic: Hakushoku Denkou (白色電光/White Lightning)
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Tomoko Anabuki
-Older Sister of Hana Anabuki

Hana Anabuki (Second Lieutenant)
-Born 7 January 1997 – Age 16
-Inherent Magic: Hakushoku Denkou (白色電光/White Lightning)
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Expert
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Tomoko Anabuki
-Younger Sister of Hairi Anabuki

Momo Katou (First Lieutenant)
-Born 26 August 1995 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Super Vision
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Keiko Katou
-Older Sister of Nana Katou
-Cousin of Aiko Katou and Eiko Katou

Nana Katou (First Lieutenant)
-Born 8 December 1996 – Age 16
-Inherent Magic: Super Vision
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Keiko Katou
-Younger Sister of Momo Katou
-Cousin of Aiko Katou and Eiko Katou

Yori Nishizawa (First Lieutenant)
-Born 14 March 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Yoshiko Nishizawa
-Younger sister of Nami Nishizawa

516th C Team (Ages as of 5 April 2013)

Katsu Kuroe (Lieutenant Colonel)
-Born 3 September 1993 – Age 19
-516th C Team Leader
-Strongest Mortal Member of the 516th
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Legend
-Descendant of Ayaka Kuroe
-Older Sister of Kayo Kuroe

Nami Nishizawa (Major)
-Born 10 October 1994 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Magic: Enhanced Shield Expert, Blade Spell Expert
-Descendant of Yoshiko Nishizawa
-Older Sister of Nami Nishizawa

Aiko Katou (Captain)
-Born 1 January 1995 – Age 18
-Inherent Magic: Super Vision
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Keiko Katou
-Older Sister of Eiko Katou
-Cousin of Mono Katou and Nana Katou

Eiko Katou (First Lieutenant)
-Born 25 March 1996 – Age 17
-Inherent Magic: Super Vision
-Other Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Expert
-Descendant of Keiko Katou
-Younger Sister of Aiko Katou
-Cousin of Momo Katou and Nana Katou

Kayo Kuroe (Second Lieutenant)
-Born 4 November 1996 – Age 16
-Inherent Magic: None Specified
-Joined after the Third Neuroi War
-Magic: Enhanced Shield Adept, Blade Spell Adept
-Firearms Proficiency: Adept
-Descendant of Ayaka Kuroe
-Younger Sister of Katsu Kuroe

Maya Group (CFMG)
Note: For Doran and Michelle's Elder God variants, see the Elder God listings. Ariel and Adriel are not listed here because they participate only in weapon form.

Doran Maya
-Rank: N/A
-Inherent Magic: Flames of Valor, Dragon Magic, Telekinetic Force
-Other Magic: Rune Magic Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born: 28 May 23752 BCE - Age 25,704
-Other info: Doran is not a witch/wizard and thus is not subjected to the usual "one or two" inherent magic limit as the witches. Although he has "Legend" status in Blade Spells and Firearms Proficiency, he rarely uses firearms and only uses Iltharion in longsword form when he fights seriously, which is extremely rare. The Flames of Valor is his signature blue fire and he is knowns as the most powerful mortal Fire Magic user in the Seven Stars. Despite his age, he is not a true immortal, rather he is "a mortal with immortal traits" - he is immune to diseases and does not age.
-Elder God Variant: Being an Elder God, Doran has the ability to switch between his mortal body and Elder God body at will.

Danielle Maya
-Rank: N/A
-Inherent Magic: Waters of Chastity, Dragon Magic
-Other Magic: Rune Magic, Unarmed Spell Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born: 28 May 23752 BCE - Age 25,704
-Other info: Danielle is not a witch/wizard and thus is not subjected to the usual "one or two" inherent magic limit as the witches. Although she has "Legend" status in Unarmed Spells and Firearms Proficiency, she rarely uses either, preferring to use her katana and water spells. Her Waters of Chastity is her signature glowing blue water and she is known as the most powerful mortal Water Magic user in the Seven Stars. Despite her age, she is not a true immortal, rather she is "a mortal with immortal traits" - she is immune to diseases and does not age.

Elizabeth Maya
-Rank: N/A
-Inherent Magic: Lightning of Wrath, Dragon Magic
-Other Magic: Rune Magic, Unarmed Spell Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born: 28 May 23752 BCE - Age 25,704
-Other info: Elizabeth is not a witch/wizard and thus is not subjected to the usual "one or two" inherent magic limit as the witches. Although she has "Legend" status in Unarmed Spells and Firearms Proficiency, she rarely uses firearms or unarmed spells, preferring her katana and lightning magic. Her Lightning of Wrath is her signature dark blue lightning and she is known as the most powerful mortal Water Magic user in the Seven Stars. Despite having the Lightning of Wrath, she typically uses standard lightning (light blue), and only uses her Wrath Lightning when she's serious. Despite her age, she is not a true immortal, rather she is "a mortal with immortal traits" - she is immune to diseases and does not age.

Michael Maya
-Rank: N/A
-Inherent Magic: Earth of Courage, Dragon Magic
-Other Magic: Rune Magic, Unarmed Spell Legend, Blade Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born: 28 May 23752 BCE - Age 25,704
-Other info: Michael is not a witch/wizard and thus is not subjected to the usual "one or two" inherent magic limit as the witches. Although he has "Legend" status in Blade Spells and Firearms Proficiency, he rarely uses either, preferring unarmed spells and Earth Magic. His Earth of Courage is his signature glowing green water and he is known as the most powerful mortal Earth Magic user in the Seven Stars. Despite his age, he is not a true immortal, rather he is "a mortal with immortal traits" - he is immune to diseases and does not age.

Michelle Maya
-Rank: N/A
-Inherent Magic: Winds of Freedom, Dragon Magic, Telekinetic Force
-Other Magic: Rune Magic Legend, Unarmed Spell Legend, Staff Spell Legend
-Firearms Proficiency: Legend
-Born: 28 May 23752 BCE - Age 25,704
-Other info: Michelle is not a witch/wizard and thus is not subjected to the usual "one or two" inherent magic limit as the witches. Although she has "Legend" status in Unarmed Spells and Firearms Proficiency, she prefers to use her staff and wind magic. Her Winds of Freedom is her signature glowing white wind and she is known as the most powerful mortal Wind Magic user in the Seven Stars. Despite her age, she is not a true immortal, rather she is "a mortal with immortal traits" - she is immune to diseases and does not age.
-Elder God Variant: Being an Elder God, Michelle has the ability to switch between her mortal body and Elder God body at will.

Gods and Goddesses (CFGG)

Note: Only those not already listed are here. For Kye, Yami, Zen, Rei, Kaylie, and Layla, see their Light Kingdom listings. For Kye's Elder God variant, see the Elder God listings.

Lord Zalen
-Birthdate Unknown, Age Unknown
-King of the Gods (Retired)
-Maternal Grandfather of Kye Akari
-Note: Only participated in the battle after the War Simulation concluded and defeated one of Mavet's Demons.

Lady Xera
-Birthdate Unknown, Age Unknown
-Queen of the Gods (Retired)
-Mother of Kye Akari
-Note: Only participated in the battle after the War Simulation concluded and defeated one of Mavet's Demons.

Lady Zana
-Birthdate Unknown, Age Unknown
-Goddess of War
-Sister of Lady Xera
-Aunt of Kye Akari
-Note: Only participated in the battle after the War Simulation concluded and defeated one of Mavet's Demons.

Lord Zanith
-Birthdate Unknown, Age Unknown
-God of the Arcane
-Brother of Lady Xera
-Uncle of Kye Akari
-Note: Only participated in the battle after the War Simulation concluded and defeated one of Mavet's Demons.

-Birthdate: Exact date unknown, Age estimated to be around 13 Billion.
-Goddess of the Sun and Universe in Toshiro's Universe
-Note: Only participated in the battle after the War Simulation concluded and defeated one of Mavet's Demons.

Neuroi Forces

Neuroi Commanders

Lord Mavet
-Rank: Supreme Commander of the Neuroi Forces
-Hive: Commanding Hive
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Eleven+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Later revealed to have never been a Neuroi

Lord Marik
-Rank: High Commander
-Hive: Southeast Hive
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Eleven
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Noble forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Malik
-Rank: High Commander
-Base: Northeast Base
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Eleven
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Noble forced to fight for Mavet

Lady Mavis
-Rank: High Commander
-Hive: Northwest Hive
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Eleven
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Noble forced to fight for Mavet

Lady Maris
-Rank: High Commander
-Base: Southwest Base
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Eleven
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Queen of the Azarans, forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Makon
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Southeast Fort 1
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lady Maron
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Southeast Fort 2
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Maton
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Northeast Fort 1
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lady Mavon
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Northeast Fort 1
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lady Mabel
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Northwest Fort 1
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Makel
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Northwest Fort 1
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Matel
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Southwest Fort 1
-Gender: Male
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Lord Mavel
-Rank: Commander
-Fort: Southwest Fort 1
-Gender: Female
-Power Class: Ten+
-Neuroi Type: Super Elite Humanoid
-Note: Azaran Elite forced to fight for Mavet

Greater Neuroi

9 Aerial Super-Carrier Neuroi (Class Ten) ("Collosal" Type)
-5 at Commanding Hive
-2 at each Hive

12 Guardian Turtle Neuroi (Class Ten Ground-Only Neuroi)
-1 at each Base/Hive (In slumber underwater/underground until shit goes down)
-1 at each Fortress (Underwater/Underground)

9 Naval Super-Carrier Neuroi (Class Ten Naval Neuroi)
-5 at Commanding Hive
-2 at each Base

130,000 Total "Soldier" Neuroi Forces

3000 Humanoid Neuroi Soldiers
-500 Humanoid Neuroi Soldiers (Class Eight)
-2500 Humanoid Neuroi Soldiers (Class Seven)

77000 Non-Humanoid Forces

77,000 Flying Types
-500 Super Battleship Neuroi (Class Eight) ("Multi-Core Super-Large" Type)
-1500 Battleship Neuroi (Class Seven) ("Single-Core Super-Large" Type)
-5000 Large-Type Neuroi (Class Five-Six)
-20000 Medium-Type Neuroi (Class Three-Four)
-50000 Small-Type Neuroi (Class One-Two)

33,000 Ground Types
3000 Giant Turtle Neuroi (Class Six Ground-Only Neuroi)
-30000 Turtle Neuroi (Class Three Ground-Only Neuroi)

17000 Naval Types
-200 Super Destroyer Neuroi (Class Eight Naval) ("Multi-Core Super-Large" Naval Type)
-450 Aegis Neuroi (Class Seven Naval) ("Floating Barrier" Small Naval Type)
-700 Destroyer Neuroi (Class Seven Naval) ("Single-Core Super-Large" Naval Type)
-1100 Frigate Neuroi (Class Six Naval) (Naval Large Type)
-2600 Cruiser Neuroi (Class Four Naval) (Naval Medium Type)
-10000 Missile Boat Neuroi (Class Two Naval) (Naval Medium Type)
-300 Submarine Neuroi (Class Seven Naval) ("Neuroi Sub" Naval Large Type)
-16500 Mini-Submarine Neuroi (Class Five Naval) ("Neuroi Mini-Sub" Naval Medium Type)

Commanding Hive Forces

Lady Maeve
-Weapon Name: Armageddon, Whisper of Chaos
-Hive: Commanding Hive
-Note: Does not directly participate, instead is wielded by Mavet.

Lady Maia
-Goddess of Chaos (In Her Home Universe)
-Champion of Elder God Mavet
-Hive: Commanding Hive
-Note: Participates only in one fight versus Toshiro and Aya.

Lord Makai
-Weapon Name: Cataclysm, Song of Chaos
-Hive: Commanding Hive
-Note: Does not directly participate, instead is wielded by Mavet.

Commanding Hive Neuroi
11 Super Elite Humanoid (One in Hive, One in each Fort)
-Over 10 Colossal Type Neuroi (Aerial Super-Carriers)
-10,000 of the original 130,000 were detected from inside the barrier
-50,000 more that could not be detected from insider the barrier

Other Characters (CFOther)

Observing Only Characters (CFOOC)

Aleksandra I. Pokryshkin
-Born 6 March 1928 – Age 25
-Member of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing

Goergette Lemare
-Born 16 November 1927 – Age 25
-Member of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing

Naoe Kanno
-Born 23 September 1929 – Age 24
-Member of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing

Nikka Edvardine Katajainen
-Born 21 May 1929 – Age 24
-Member of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing

Sadako Shimohara
-Born 7 May 1927 – Age 26
-Member of the 31st Joint Fighter Squadron

Mami Inagaki
-Born 14 February 1928 – Age 25
-Member of the 31st Joint Fighter Squadron

Furuko Kitano
-Birthdate Unknown (Est between 1925 and 1930)
-Member of the 31st Joint Fighter Squadron

Ayame Miyafuji
-Born 7 October 1947 – Age 5
-Daughter of: Yoshika Miyafuji (DNA later changed to add Toshiro "Deuce" as the father)

Nori Sakamoto
-Born 26 July 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Mio Sakamoto

Alina Wilcke I
-Born 11 June 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Minna Dietlinde-Wilcke

Sieglinde Barkhorn "Linda"
-Born 20 May 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Gertrude Barkhorn

Isabel Hartmann I "Bell"
-Born 19 September 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Erica Hartmann

Allison Yeager "Ally"
-Born 26 October 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Charlotte E. Yeager "Shirley"

Luciana Lucchini I
-Born 18 November 1949 – Age 3
-Daughter of: Francesca Lucchini

Louise H. Clostermann I
-Born 16 February 1947 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Perrine H. Clostermann

Diana Bishop I
-Born 5 May 1947 – Age 5
-Daughter of: Lynette Bishop

Anastasiya Viktoriya Litvyak "Anna"
-Born 16 December 1947 – Age 5
-Daughter of: Aleksandra Vladmirovna Litvyak "Sanya"

Aina Ilmatar Juutilainen
-Born 21 November 1946 – Age 6
-Daughter of: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen

Epilogue Only Characters (CFEOC)

Akane Miyafuji
-Born 15 May 1954
-Daughter of: Yoshika Miyafuji and Toshiro "Deuce"

Amelia Barkhorn
-Born 20 June 1958
-Daughter of : Christiane Barkhorn

Irma Hartmann
-Born 5 September 1947
-Daughter of: Ursula Hartmann

Elder Gods (CFElder)

The Primordial Goddess
-Progenitor of Existence and Creator of the Elder Gods
-Possesses Omnipotence and Omniscience

Lady Kye
-Strongest Elder God
-Possesses True Zen
-Returned to power after merge of Kye Miyafuji and Kye Akari

Lady Joey
-Weapon Name: Jouten, Heavenly Blade of the Gods
-Second Strongest Elder God
-Possesses True Zen
-Returned to power after merge of Kye Miyafuji and Kye Akari

Lord Phantom
-The Destroyer
-Third Strongest Elder God
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Unnamed Weapon Partner of Phantom
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Lord Adam
-The Allgod
-Possesses Celestial Order
-Extremely Weakened, Not Combat Capable
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Lady Livy
-Weapon Name: Oblivion Lost, Blade of the Allgod
-Possesses Celestial Order
-Somewhat Weakened due to her connection to Lord Adam
-Actively fights at mortal level and is frequently wielded by Toshiro

Lord Mavet
-The Bringer of Chaos
-Possesses Celestial Chaos
-Leader of the Neuroi Faction, see listing in Neuroi Forces for details

Lady Maeve
-Weapon Name: Armageddon, the Whisper of Chaos
-Possesses Celestial Chaos
-Consort of Lord Mavet
-See listing in Neuroi Forces for relevant details

Lord Doran
-Possesses Telekinetic Force
-Actively fights at mortal level, see Maya Group listing for details

Lady Ariel
-Weapon Name: Iltharion, the Unending Rings
-Possesses Telekinetic Force
-Actively fights as Doran's weapon

Lady Michelle
-Possesses Telekinetic Force
-Actively fights at mortal level, see Maya Group listing for details

Lord Adriel
-Weapon Name: Eskalion, Staff of Eternity
-Possesses Telekinetic Force
-Actively fights as Michelle's weapon

Lady Eliana
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Unnamed Weapon Partner of Lady Eliana
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Lord Elias
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Unnamed Weapon Partner of Lord Elias
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Lady Katriel
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Unnamed Weapon Partner of Lady Katriel
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Lord Kadmiel
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Unnamed Weapon Partner of Lord Kadmiel
-Only Observes the War Simulation and Mavet Conflict

Techniques (CFTech0)

Japan/Fuso Techniques (CFTech1)

Reppuzan (烈風斬, Gale Slash) – A powerful blade spell passed down among Fusojin witches since time immemorial. It has the power to bisect large Neuroi and annihilate their core. The technique can be truly devastating in the hands of powerful witches, such as Mio Sakamoto and Yoshika Miyafuji. Can be performed by any Fuso Blade Spell Adept.

Full-Power Reppuzan – A symbol of a witch's mastery of the Reppuzan. This technique was previously believed to be the legendary "Shin Reppuzan" technique, but later proved otherwise. This technique is much more powerful than the Reppuzan, and can only be mastered by experienced witches through arduous training to take the Reppuzan to a state beyond. Can be perform by any Fuso Blade Spell Expert.

Zen Reppuzan (全烈風 斬, Zen Gale Slash, Lit: Complete Gale Slash) – This technique is also known as the legendary "Shin Reppuzan". Only those with a pure heart may call upon the Zen Reppuzan. This technique far surpasses the Reppuzan and Full-Power Reppuzan. Can be performed by any Fuso Blade Spell Master.

Reppu Genkotsu (烈風拳骨, Gale Fist) – A powerful unarmed strike based off the Reppuzan technique. It has similar power but is only useable in close combat. The user focuses their magic energy into their fist to increase the power of their unarmed strikes. This technique can also be used as a snapshot defense to avoid resorting to a shield, which requires more time to recover after blocking an attack. The power of this technique varies; it can be used at the level of the standard Reppuzan or as high as the Full-Power Reppuzan. This technique was developed by Mio Sakamoto and is usable by any Fuso Blade Spell Expert.

Reppu Zoukyou (烈風増強, Gale Augment) – A powerful augmentation technique based off the Reppuzan and Energy Projection techniques. The user focuses their magic into their blade, but instead of launching the attack as a proper Reppuzan, the user keeps the energy in the blade to drastically increase its effectiveness. Similar to the Reppu Genkotsu, this technique can be used at different levels, ranging from the standard Reppuzan up to the Full-Power Reppuzan. This technique was developed by Mio Sakamoto and is usable by any Fuso Blade Spell Expert.

Kakusei: Tsurugi no Sora (覚 醒: つるぎの空, Awakening: Sword of the Sky) – A powerful blade spell unique to witches possessing Awakening Magic. This technique is launched from above the target. As the user approaches the target, the stab downward using their Awakening Magic to greatly augment the force of their blade, allowing them to easily pierce their target. This technique is powerful enough for a younger witch to pierce completely through a colossal type Neuroi and destroy its core that was comprised of seven smaller cores merged together. This technique was invented by Tetsuko Wakamoto and taught to her descendant, Kazumi Wakamoto, during the War Simulation.

Attou Suto (圧 倒スト, Overwhelming Strike) – An advanced technique created by Aya Edelweiss. This attack incorporates the incredible power of her Overdrive Aura, and can only be used with such. Its power is greater than that of the Zen Reppuzan. Both variants of this technique are unique to Aya Edelweiss.
-SaishoSutairu (最初スタイル, First Style) - Aya can use this technique to launch a blast of energy similar to the Reppuzan.
-Daini Sutairu (第二スタイル, Second Style) - Aya can hold the power in her blade to augment its power similar to the Reppu Zoukyou.

Germany/Karlsland Techniques (CFTech2)

Todesschlag (Death Strike) – Karlslander point blank melee technique. Can be used with any melee weapon or with fists, assuming appropriate practice. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Unarmed Spell or Blade Spell Adept.

Dreifach Todesschlag (Triple Death Strike) – Karlslander point blank melee technique. Can be used with any melee weapon or with fists. This variation requires three people to execute and delivers not only three Todesschlag attacks at once, but from three different directions. As the technique is executed, if done properly, the potency of each attack will be increased by each other by resonating together. The force of this technique is far greater than three independent Todesschlag attacks and even surpasses the Großer Trümmerschlag, Großer Zauberschlag, and the Zen Reppuzan techniques. This technique was developed by and is unique to the Karlslander Trio: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Gertrude Barkhorn, and Erica Hartmann.

Trümmerschlag (Shattering Impact) – A technique unique to witches and wizards with inherent Super Strength Type A magic. This technique was developed by Gertrude Barkhorn from a technique, "Power Strike", that she first used in the alternate timeline in 2012. This technique incorporates the user's Super Strength magic with the Todesschlag technique. This technique was formerly the most powerful hand to hand technique until Gertrude Barkhorn completed development of the Großer Trümmerschlag technique. This technique is usable by any Unarmed Spell Expert that possesses Super Strength Type A magic.

Großer Trümmerschlag (Greater Shattering Impact) – A technique unique to witches and wizards with inherent Super Strength Type A magic. This technique was developed by Gertrude Barkhorn and completed sometime during the War Simulation before April 26th. This technique, as its name suggests, is an improved version of the Trümmerschlag. This technique is usable by any Unarmed Spell Master that possesses Super Strength Type A magic.

Teilung Schlag (Sundering Blow) – Karlslander long range hand to hand technique. Can only be used unarmed. This technique is usable by any Unarmed Spell Adept.

Luftdruck Faust (Air Pressure Fist) – Karlslander long range unarmed technique. Based on the Teilung Schlag technique and developed by and unique to Lionhardt Barkhorn. The user throws a fast, powerful punch toward the target and uses their magic to super compress the air displaced by their punch, saturate it with magic, and launch it forward at their target. Lion taught this technique to Friedrich Hartmann, who developed a Blade Spell variant.

Luftdruck Schlag (Air Pressure Strike) – Karlslander long range blade technique. Derived by Friedrich Hartmann after being taught the Luftdruck Faust technique by Lion. The technique works exactly the same except that it is performed with the pummel of his glaive instead of with his fist. This technique is unique to Friedrich Hartmann.

Donnerschlag (Thunderclap) – Karlslander short range unarmed technique unique to those with Super Strength Type A magic. The user claps their hands together with a force powerful enough to generate a shockwave, which they amplify with their magic. The downside of this technique is that it also knocks the user back. Trude developed the technique, but doesn't like it yet, stating that she is still trying to figure out how to avoid knocking herself back when she uses it. This technique is incomplete and currently unique to Gertrude Barkhorn, who intends to pass on the technique once she perfects it.

Zauberschlag (Magic Strike) – Karlslander long range magic discharge Blade Spell technique. This technique is the Karlslander equivalent to the Fusojin Reppuzan, and is comparable in power to the Full-Power variant. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Expert.

Großer Zauberschlag (Greater Magic Strike) – Karlslander long range magic discharge Blade Spell technique. This technique is the Karlslander equivalent to the Fusojin Zen Reppuzan. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Master.

Zauberstrahl (Magic Beam) – Karlslander long range magic discharge technique. This technique does not require a weapon, though one can be used as a catalyst to cast it more quickly. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Unarmed or Blade Spell Expert.

Großer Zauberstrahl (Greater Magic Beam) – Karlslander long range magic discharge technique. This technique does not require a weapon, though one can be used as a catalyst to cast it more quickly. This technique is the Zauberstrahl equivalent of the Großer Zauberschlag technique. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Unarmed or Blade Spell Master.

Gegenschlag (Backlash) – Karlslander technique that allows one to absorb an incoming blast of magic, add their own power on top of it, and send it back to the source. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Expert.

Großer Gegenschlag (Greater Backlash) – The improved version of the Karlslander technique "Gegenschlag" which allows one to absorb an incoming blast of magic, add their own power on top of it, and send it back to the source. This version allows the user to drawn in multiple incoming magic or energy blasts and reverse all of them in a single attack. Minna later performed the technique as well, but instead of reversing the multiple incoming blasts as one large single attack, she rebounded all of them as individual attacks while still adding her own power on top of each. This technique is comparable to the Großer Zauberschlag and Zen Reppuzan, is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Master, and is a signature technique if Isabel Hartmann II.

Vernichtung (Obliteration) – A powerful blunt force Karlslander technique used primarily by Sanya Litvyak. The technique is executed virtually identically to the Fusojin technique "Reppu Zoukyou" employed by Mio Sakamoto, where the user charges their weapon with magic and hits their target direction, instead of launching a wave of magic from the weapon. However, with Vernichtung being a blunt force technique, the results are different. Where the Reppu Zoukyou allows the user to cut through significantly stronger targets, the Vernichtung doesn't cut into the target but rather disperses the power throughout the target and obliterates it, thus the translation "Obliteration". This technique is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Expert.

Großer Vernichtung (Greater Obliteration) – A more powerful version of the Vernichtung technique and is comparable to the Großer Zauberschlag and Zen Reppuzan techniques. This technique is usable by any Karlslander Blade Spell Master, and is a signature technique of Sanya V. Litvyak.

Sturmkraft Brecher (Storm Power Break) – Karlslander multi-combination magic discharge technique. Requires several users to execute. Users launch the attack to a central target to deal massive damage or be very showy. This technique is unique to the members of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, the Strike Witches.
-Demonstration Variant – Users discharge magic blasts from their weapons or fists at a central point to be showy.
-Combat Variant – Users discharge beams of magic toward their target to initially immobilize them, then pour the full force of their magic into the beam all at once to eliminate the target in a resulting explosion.

Wärmestrahl (Heat Beam) – Developed by Lucchini with the help of her Karlslander comrades. Based on the Karlslander Zauberstrahl technique. This technique is almost identical to the Zauberstrahl with the exception that it incorporates Lucchini's Sunlight Magic. This technique is somewhat more powerful than the Zauberstrahl. Toshiro's variant uses his Sacred Flame, but produces the same result. This technique is unique to Francesca Lucchini and Toshiro Edelweiss.

Großer Wärmestrahl (Greater Heat Beam) – Developed jointly by Lucchini and Toshiro after Lucchini taught the Wärmestrahl technique to Toshiro. The two worked on the technique together after mastering the improved version of the Zauberstrahl, the Großer Zauberstrahl. As with the Zauberstrahl and Wärmestrahl, this technique is proportionally more powerful than the Großer Zauberstrah. This technique is unique to Francesca Lucchini and Toshiro Edelweiss.

America/Liberion and United Kingdom/Britannia Techniques (CFTech3)

Power Shot – A Gun Spell that imbues a single round with magical power. The technique has power comparable to a Full-Power Reppuzan. Developed by Gun Spell prodigy Caitlyn Bishop to be usable by any Witch or Wizard without requiring one to have Ballistic Magic. This technique is usable by any Gun Spell Adept.

Burst Shot – A Gun Spell that imbues three rounds with magical power. Designed to be a three round burst variant of the Power Shot, this technique fires three rounds with an overall power rating comparable to a Full-Power Reppuzan. Developed by Gun Spell prodigy Caitlyn Bishop to be usable by any Witch or Wizard without requiring one to have Ballistic Magic. This technique is usable by any Gun Spell Adept.

Rapid Fire – A Gun Spell that imbues an entire magazine or drum with magical power. A one hundred round drum can be shot in under five seconds with this technique, and each shot carries power comparable to a standard Reppuzan. Due to the large amount of shots fired with this technique, it is particularly draining on the user's magic power. Developed by Gun Spell prodigy Caitlyn Bishop to be usable by any Witch or Wizard without requiring one to have Ballistic Magic. This spell is usable by any Gun Spell Master.

Speed Breaker – A Gun Spell requiring a special round previously imbued with magic. The user manually insert the round into their chamber and imbues it with even more magic. The round is fired with a muzzle velocity of five thousand meters per second and carries power comparable to the Zen Reppuzan. Developed by Allison Ventus with assistance from Caitlyn Bishop and requires the user to possess either Speed Magic or Ballistic Magic to augment the speed of the bullet.

Ballistic Barrage – A Gun Spell designed to be used specifically with large quantity drum magazines (100+) or belt fed guns. When used, each round fired is imbued with power comparable to the standard Reppuzan. Due to the large amount of shots fired with this technique, it is very draining on the user's magic power, and even moreso because of the requirement to consciously control each shot with Ballistic Magic. Developed by Gun Spell prodigy Caitlyn Bishop toward the end of the War Simulation and requires Ballistic Magic. This technique is unique to the Bishop Family.

Light Kingdom Techniques (CFTech4)

Mahousen 魔法線, Ray of Magic, Lit: magic line) – A simpler variant of the godly technique, Mahou Shinten Taiho, that takes much less expertise and power to employ. Usable by anyone capable of Neutral Energy/Raw Magic techniques

Kousen (光線, Ray of Light, Lit: light ray) – A powerful light magic beam attack, a staple to any user of light magic. Usable by those who specialize in Light Energy/Light Magic techniques.
-Modify: Keikei (Modify: 炯炯, Modify: Piercing) – An augmentation for Kousen that gives it the ability to easily pierce through multiple targets.
-Modify: Kibaku (Modify: 起爆, Modify: Exploding) – An augmentation for Kousen that gives it the ability to explode when hitting a target. With the Keikei augmentation, the Kousen will explode and continue through to another target.
-Modify: Bunkatsu (Modify: 分割, Modify: Splitting) – An augmentation for Kousen that gives it the ability to split off two smaller light beams. When used with Keikei, the Kousen will split off two smaller light beams inside a target as it passes through. When used with both Keikei and Kibaku, the Kousen will split off two smaller light beams that explode inside a target as it passes through.
-Modify: Sanjuu (Modify: 三重, Modify: Triplicate) – An augmentation for Kousen that allows the user to launch three simultaneously Kousen attacks. Sanjuu can be repeated as many times as the user wants for exponential effects (eg: the first fires three, the second fires nine, the third fires twenty seven) so long as the user has enough power. It is ill advised for a user to attempt more than two Sanjuu augmentations at once due to the immense strain that will be placed on the user at three or more.

Light Darts – A light magic technique where the user spawns a selective number of darts, which can number in the hundreds, and fires them at the enemy. Usable by anyone capable of Light Energy/Light Magic techniques.

Nova Techniques – Powerful techniques where the user forms a ball of compressed magic and throws it at a target, afterwhich it violently explodes. These techniques are based on the real Light Nova technique, which is one of the Seven Primordial Techniques taught to Kye by the Primordial Goddess. These techniques are usable by anyone capable of Light Energy, Dark Energy, or Neutral Energy, respectively, or by mortals with Light Magic, Dark Magic, or Raw Magic, respectively.
-Light Nova – Light Energy/Light Magic variant.
-Dark Nova – Dark Energy/Dark Magic variant.
-Magic Nova – Neutral Energy/Raw Magic variant.

Void Bomb – A powerful shadow magic technique where the user holds their arms outward and wills an omnidirectional wave of shadow magic outward. This wave will vaporize anything caught in the blast. This technique is unique to Shadow.

Seiken (聖なる剣, Holy Sword) – Light Magic Energy technique developed by Princess Rei Akari. The technique launches a powerful, but small blast of light energy from the user's sword at high-speed. The blast can easily exceed the speed of sound. Once it arrives at its destination, the user remotely detonates the blast, causing a powerful explosion consisting of a shockwave and light energy. Rei Akari only taught this technique to her daughter, Princess Kamiko Akari. Both are able to employ the technique in their mortal bodies as Rei Miyafuji and Kamiko Miyafuji.

Seiken no Choushinsei (聖 剣の超新星, Super Nova of the Holy Sword) – A vastly improved version of the Seiken technique. This technique is so far and away more powerful than the Seiken technique, that if cast by a mortal, it requires the usages of the Awakened State. This technique is more powerful than the Zen Reppuzan. This technique was developed by Princess Rei Akari and taught only to her daughter, Princess Kamiko Akari. Both are able to employ the technique in their mortal bodies as Rei Miyafuji and Kamiko Miyafuji.

Seiken: Heikou Suto (聖剣:並行スト, Holy Sword: Parallel Strike) – A technique that can only be performed by two masters of the Holy Sword substyle of the Divine Light Style. This technique requires two people and is a Battojutsu (sword drawing technique). If performed by mortals, both must be using the ultimate level Light Aura. This technique carries comparable power to the Seiken no Choushinsei in each user, effectively doubling the power, but the drawback is that both users must be in perfect sync or risk a backfire and must also be in melee range, because: similar to the Reppu Zoukyou, this technique augments the users' swords instead of launching a magic discharge from the swords. This technique was developed by Princess Rei Akari and taught only to her daughter, Princess Kamiko Akari. Both are able to employ the technique in their mortal bodies as Rei Miyafuji and Kamiko Miyafuji.

Taihen Mahou no Bouheki (大 変魔法の防壁, Barrier of Great Magic) – A highly advanced Pure Magic Energy defensive technique developed by Princess Yami Akari. This technique erects an enormous shield that can be modified by additional spells. Modification spells include Kyouka (強化, Enhancement) and Gyakuten (逆転, Reversal). This technique is usable by any Divine Light Style Expert capable of Neutral Energy/Raw Magic techniques.

Holy Blaze – A powerful Holy Flame technique where the user launches a strong wave of holy flames at the target or targets. Liliana will frequently use this technique as a distraction when faced with a large group of enemies to better execute the Kiru Ichiren technique. This technique was developed by Liliana Venturi and is usable by any veteran Holyfire Magic user.

Kiru Ichiren (キル 一連, Kill Series) – An advanced technique belonging to the Kami Hikari-ryu, or Divine Light Style. The user teleports between their targets, killing them each a single slash each. This technique requires the user to be proficient with the Space Magic spell "Teleport". This technique was developed by and is a signature technique of Liliana Venturi, and is usable by any Divine Light Style Master capable of Space Magic techniques.

Kami Katto (神 カット, God Cut) – This Technique is similar to the Reppuzan, but launches a powerful wave of light energy. The mortal version used by witches is comparable to the Zen Reppuzan, but the real version that was created by Kye Akari of the Light Kingdom has massive destructive power rivaling that of the Senkou Suto technique. In the hands of the mortal Kye Miyafuji, the mortal version of this technique can carry greater power than the Zen Reppuzan. This technique is usable by any Divine Light Master capable of Light Energy/Light Magic techniques.

Makai Ken (魔界剣, Devil Sword) – This technique is similar to the Reppuzan, and is the dark energy counterpart of the Kami Katto. A mortal version can be used by witches and wizards and is comparable to the Zen Reppuzan. Similar to the Kami Katto, the original version of this technique, created by Zen Akari Jr of the Light Kingdom, carries massive destruction potential rivaling that of the Senkou Suto technique. The mortal version used by its creater, Zen Akari Jr (while in a mortal body) carries greater power than the Zen Reppuzan. This technique is usable by any Divine Light Master capable of Dark Energy/Dark Magic techniques.

Shitsunen no Tsurugi (失念のつるぎ, Blade of Oblivion, literally "Sword of Forgetting") – More often than not, users of this technique will speak its English name over its original name. This technique is a very devastating technique, not for its power, but for its effect. This technique is only available to those with Telepathic abilities, and is able to destroy the mind of its target for an amount of time relative to the power put into the attack. At higher power, this attack can permanently damage or outright destroy its target's Nervous System. At its best, this technique can completely wipe out a person's brain, thus reducing the target to nothing but an empty shell. This technique was developed by the Venturi Sisters, Liliana and Aliana (Shadow). This technique has been deemed extremely dangerous and its use only permissible under extreme circumstances. As Liliana and Aliana are the only two with true Telepathic abilities, they are the only two with the capacity to employ the technique.

Spinning Dragon – This technique, despite being developed in the Realm of Light, does not have a Japanese/Fusojin name. This is a dual wield technique that belongs to the Twin Dragon substyle of the Divine Light Style. The user spins rapidly and launches many blasts of energy or magic outward toward targets that are surrounding the user. This technique was developed by Princess Rei Akari, who later, as Rei Miyafuji, taught it to Toshiro.

Dance of Death – This technique is a very advanced dual wield technique developed by Princess Rei Akari that belongs to the Twin Dragon substyle of the Divine Light Style. Like the Spinning Dragon technique, Death of Death does not have a Japanese/Fusojin name. There are two variants of this technique, listed below. If the user says the name of the technique, they will say "Dance of Dance" regardless of which variant they employ. Both variants were developed by Princess Rei Akari, who can still use them in her mortal body as Rei Miyafuji.
-Death's Dance: Multiple Dance – The user executes any step of the Death Dance against any number of targets. Rei taught this version of the technique to Toshiro Edelweiss.
-Death's Dance: Single Dance – The user executes each step in order against a single opponent. This version of the technique is unique to Rei.
+-First step: The user dodges left and strikes with their left hand blade against the target's side.
+-Second step: The user spins around with the momentum of the first strike and strikes with their right hand blade across the target's back.
+-Third step: The user performs a reverse dive upside down, twists clockwise slightly, and strikes with their left hand blade against the target's right side. (Due to how the technique is performed, the opponent is likely to perform a horizontal sweeping attack toward the user. This step allows the user to dodge such an attack without interrupting the dance.)
+-Fourth step: The user twists further clockwise and brings their right hand blade across the target's stomach. (If the opponent attacks during this step, it is modified to redirect the opponent's attack and force them into striking his/herself.)
+-Fifth step: The user continues to twist clockwise until upside down as they move around toward the front of the opponent while simultaneously flipping backward. With the momentum of the flip, the user holds their left hand blade firmly and strikes across the opponent's chest with the user landing facing away from the opponent and their left hand blade over their head.
+-Final step: The user, still holding their left hand blade up, they twist around clockwise and bring their right hand blade up across the user's chest while simultaneously executing the Death's Dance: Grand Finale technique.
+-Death's Dance: Grand Finale – This technique is the finishing move accompanied with the Death's Dance: Single Dance. Executed with the Final Step, the user empowered their right hand blade and strikes the opponent with a powerful blow.

Senkou Suto (閃 光スト, Flash Strike) – This technique is among the highest tier of techniques within the Kami Hikari-ryu (Divine Light Style). The user executes a simple draw cut at a speed far exceeding the speed of light. The technique is done so quickly that onlookers will have though it was instantaneous. The user starts in a position to perform the draw cut, then jumps forward while drawing their blade, slashes their opponent with the draw cut, and stops behind them with their blade extended in the proper position after performing a draw cut. This technique is usable by Divine Light Style Masters, Yoshika, and Aya.

Drachenheim (Dragon Kingdom) Techniques (CFTech5)

Dragonwrath – An immensely powerful lightning bolt attack usable only by Elizabeth Maya. At the level she was limited to in the War Simulation, the Dragonwrath bolt was ten kilometers in length and capable of razing everything within one hundred meters of its travel path. This technique is unique to Elizabeth Maya.

Dragonstar – An immensely powerful meteor style earth attack usable only by Michael Maya. At the level he was limited to in the War Simulation, the Dragonstar meteor was capable of the same ten kilometer long by one hundred meters wide destruction line as Elizabeth's Dragonwrath. This technique is unique to Michael Maya.

Dragonfrost – An immensely powerful freezing water attack usable only by Danielle Maya. At the level she was limited to in the War Simulation, the Dragonfrost water stream was capable of reaching ten kilometers long by one hundred meters wide before freezing into a solid mass of ice. This technique is unique to Danielle Maya.

Helix Barrier – An immensely powerful barrier consisting of Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, and Air. This barrier even with the War Simulation limits is very powerful, enough so to protect the casters and the Strike Witches from harm against Mavet's massive beam attack. This technique is unique to the Maya Group.

God Techniques (CFTech6)

Mahou Shinten Taiho (魔 法震天大砲, Magic Heaven Shaking Grand Cannon; Lit: Magic deafening cannon) – A powerful raw magic beam attack. Usable by those who specialize in Neutral Energy/Raw Magic techniques. Only Yami with her godly power can employ this technique at its true power. This is the signature technique of the Goddess of Energy, Yami Akari.

TenraiKurayami (天来暗闇, Divine Darkness) – A powerful Dark Energy technique where the user engulfs himself and his opponent in a pillar of darkness brought down from the heavens. The user suffers no damage from the technique. This is the signature technique of the God of Darkness, Zen Akari.

Dimensional Gate and Time Erasure – Two powerful Space and Time techniques. While the Dimensional Gate technique is a basic Space technique, the Time Erasure technique is only available to the Goddess of Time and Space, Kaylie Maya. She dislikes the technique due to its nature of erasing its target from existence.

Arrow of Disintegration – A powerful Destruction technique capable of atomizing its target, even down to separating atomic compounds into individual atomic elements, such as splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. This is one signature technique of the Goddess of Creation and Destruction, Layla Maya.

Flame of the Rising Sun (旭日の焔, Kyokujitsu no Honō) – A powerful Solar technique where the user summons a solar flare from the sun to incinerate their opponent. This is a signature technique of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu.

Seiken: Myobatsu (聖 剣:冥罰, Holy Sword: Divine Retribution, Lit: Holy Sword: Divine Punishment) – A powerful Light Energy technique where the user swings their sword in a downward stroke, which brings down a blast of light energy from above that completely engulfs their opponent. This is the signature technique of the Goddess of Light, Rei Akari.

Zen Wave Blast – A simple and powerful energy blast technique that uses Zen Energy. This is a signature technique of the Seven Stars Goddess Kye Akari.

Elder God Techniques (CFTech7)

Sacred Arrow – This technique can only be performed by a witch born with True Zen Power. The arrow is a made of purely of True Zen Power. When performed, the arrow launches from the witch's bow with an incredible force that can generate a shockwave powerful enough to throw the user back a fair distance. The technique carries a power greater than the Zen Reppuzan when shot from a normal bow, but when shot from a bow of great power, it is said to have a power comparable to even the True Zen Reppuzan, though the truth in this is unknown as it has never been done. This technique is the pinnacle of bow spells. This technique was developed by and is unique to Yoshika Miyafuji.

Celestial Arrow – This technique is the Celestial Power variant of Sacred Arrow and is identical in all ways except for the requirement of Celestial Power to perform it, instead of True Zen. This technique was developed by and is unique to Aya Edelweiss, after being taught the principals of the Sacred Arrow technique by Yoshika Miyafuji.

True Zen Reppuzan (真全烈風斬, True Zen Gale Slash; Literal Romaji: Shin Zen Reppuzan; Literal English: True Complete Gale Slash) – This technique is known only to three mortals in all of history, Yuko Miyafuji, Yoshika "Yoshi" Miyafuji, and Yoshika Miyafuji, each born roughly five thousand years apart. The True Zen Reppuzan can only be performed by a witch born with True Zen Magic. The mortal Kye Miyafuji, being capable of True Zen through currently unknown means, is also capable of performing this technique. This technique is the pinnacle of blade spells.

Celestial Reppuzan – (天人烈風斬,Celestial Gale Slash; Literal Romaji: Tenjin Reppuzan) – This technique is the Celestial Power variant of the True Zen Reppuzan technique, This technique is known only to two mortals, those being Toshiro Edelweiss and Aya Edelweiss.

Light Nova – The original Light Nova, one of the Seven Primordial Techniques. This technique requires the user to land a blow on their opponent with their sword, even a flesh wound. Afterward, the user pulls their opponent's magic imprint from the sword and imbues it with their power, forming powerful energy ball. This can be done with Light Magic, Raw Magic, or Dark Magic, but is most effective with Zen Magic or True Zen. The user then launches the energy ball at their target, which it carries the target away and explodes. At mortal levels, the technique can carry the target several kilometers or miles away. At godly levels, the technique can launch the target off the planet. At Elder God levels, it can launch the target off the planet though it launches much further (possibly out of the solar system or beyond) and explodes much more powerfully (think a giant star explosion – super nova). This technique is only known by the Primordial Goddess, Kye Akari, and Kye Miyafuji.

Himmlischer Trümmerschlag (Celestial Shattering Impact) – A technique unique to witches and wizards with both inherent Super Strength Type A magic and Celestial Power. After recently mastering the Großer Trümmerschlag with Trude, Toshiro invented this technique on the spot during his fight with High Commander Maris. He later taught this technique to Aya after she received her Blessing.

Himmlischer Zauberstrahl (Celestial Magic Beam) – An advanced version of the Zauberstrahl technique that requires either Celestial Order or Celestial Chaos). The beam is comprised entirely of celestial magic. This technique was invented by Toshiro while he had the Blessing of the Primordial Goddess that temporarily granted him mastery of Celestial Order and later taught to Aya when she was given the same temporary blessing.

Chaos Cremation – A technique specific to Celestial Chaos. When used, an enormous pillar of chaotic fire erupts up from the ground and engulfs everything around the user. The user is unharmed from the technique, but everything else is burned. Unique to Celestial Chaos users.

Chaos Wave – The user launches a power blast of Celestial Chaos energy at the target. Unique to Celestial Chaos users.

Caelestis Telum (Latin: Celestial Weapon) – A technique that requires a form of Celestial Power (Celestial Order, Celestial Chaos, or Celestial Equilibrium). Using his/her celestial power, the user imbues his/her weapon. The charged weapon can be used to launch long ranged power discharge attacks (similar to the Reppuzan) or significantly augment the power of the weapon itself. This technique is currently usable by any master of Celestial Power.
-Himmelsklinge (Celestial Blade) – This technique is a sub-technique of the Caelestis Telum, developed by Aya Edelweiss and based on her Overdrive Magic, and given a German/Karlslander name as tribute to her heritage. This technique combines both the discharge and augmentation functions of the Caelestis Telum technique, but requires significantly more control and power to execute. When used, the user strikes the target with a standard melee strike using their blade with augmented power, but it also discharges a blast of Celestial Power for greater effectiveness. After seeing Aya employ the technique, Toshiro Edelweiss was able to learn it on the spot.

Atomzerleger (Atom Splitter; lit. Atom Dismantler) – A melee technique developed by Toshiro Edelweiss. When used, it envelops a single limb in a bright white light. The user then strikes the target with a powerful punch, and upon contact, the electrostatic forces (Coulomb Force), binding atoms are nullified, but at the same time the potential energy is also nullified, preventing a potential, and fatal to the user, hypernova from happening, but at the same time reducing the opponent to atomic dust. Requires a form of Celestial Power to affect Coulomb Force and Potential Energy, otherwise the technique will work the same as the Karlslander Trümmerschlag technique. This technique is unique to Toshiro Edelweiss.

Spells (CFSpell)

Rune #11: Rune of the Twelve Signs

Spell Details: This Spell appeared in Chapter 15: An Unexpected Visitor and was casted by Kye and Joey. Only the incantations that were spoken are displayed here. How this spell works is the user(s) speak-cast the initial incantation to form the base, then speak-cast the twelve pylon incantations to build the pylons around the base, and finally speak-cast the final incantation to finish the spell. Once finished, everything within the area of effect (which is several kilometers wide) is trapped and unable to leave the area. The user(s) can then target anything within the area of effect and it with the full power of the rune. The maximum output of this rune can reach anywhere from two to ten times the power of the caster, depending on how versed the caster is in high level rune magic.

Initial Incantation

Circulum in duodecim signorum! (Circle of the Twelve Signs!)
Surge! Figura! Iungo! Transcende! (Rise. Form. Link. Transcend!)
Da virtutis duodecim! (Release the power of the twelve!)

First Pylon Incantation

Uno de duodecim venit, (First of the Twelve,)
Fero tui. (I summon your power.)
Veni, ostendis potentiam tuam, (Come forth, show your power,)
Tibi nomen: Aries! (I call your name: Aries!)

Sixth Pylon Incantation

Sexto de duodecim venit, (Sixth of the Twelve,)
Fero tui. (I summon your power.)
Veni, ostendis potentiam tuam, (Come forth, show your power,)
Tibi nomen: Virgo! (I call your name: Virgo!)

Infinite Spears of the Gods Light and Darkness

Spell Details: This spell appeared in Chapter 21: Vi Et Animo and was casted by Rei and Zen. This spell is unique to the Goddess of Light Rei Akari, the God of Darkness Zen Akari, and those they bless with the ability to cast it. This spell requires one Light Energy Master and one Dark Energy Master to cast, which they must speak the incantation in sync. To begin, the users must join hands while standing (or floating in place) side by side. As the users speak the incantation, several spears of dark energy coated in light energy, dubbed darklight spears, will form around the users and begin multiplying. By the end of the incantation, the spears will have multiplied exponentially. If casted by mortals (or gods/immortals reduced to mortal status), the spears will number depending on the power used. In Chapter 21: Vi Et Animo, the spears numbered in the lower thousands. When casted by the Goddess of Light and God of Darkness, the spears can number well into the millions and beyond. To finish the spell, the users speak the name and will the spears toward their target(s).


"Reach the depth of darkness,
"Oust the root of evil."
"Let shine the brightest light,
"That cast the darkest shadow."
"Chastity and Lust,
"Temperance and Gluttony,
"Charity and Greed,
"Diligence and Sloth,
"Patience and Wrath,
"Kindness and Envy,
"Humility and Pride,
"Virtue and Sin."
"Open the Hand of Light."
"Open the Hand of Darkness."

Sanctum of the Light Goddess

Spell Details: This spell appeared in Chapter 21: Vi Et Animo and was casted by Kamiko. To cast this spell, the user must be masterful in Light Energy. The user forms light orbs in each hand and throws them in opposite directions. The orbs then split into several more orbs while the user speaks the incantation. The orbs form a makeshift sphere around the target. Once the incantation is completed, the orbs connect in a glorified connect-the-dots fashion and form a solid sphere of light. The user then speaks the name of the spell to finish, after which the sphere will contract on the target with a bright flash of light and deal major damage. This user of this spell must be blessed by the Goddess of Light to be capable of casting it.


"Light from above,
"Light from below."
"Light that shines,
"With golden glow."
"Come forth now,
"The light's bestow."
"I invoke thy power,
"Destroy thy foe!"

Mind Reading (CFMind)

It is possible to read a person's thoughts, providing proper training. It is also possible to block others from reading one's own thoughts, providing proper training.

Any Immortal, regardless of mortal status (be it a Rebirth, Immortal Seal, or just their actual Immortal form) can hear the thoughts of anyone on their tier or below.

Any God, regardless of mortality status (Rebirth, Immortal Seal, or Godly form, but NOT Mortal Imprisonment) can hear the thoughts of anyone on their tier or below.

Mortals cannot read minds, regardless of proper training, but they can be trained to block out Immortals, both on the same tier and the tier above. Same tier immortals (Immortals that are currently in a mortal form) cannot penetrate that block, but Immortals in the tier above (that are in their normal immortal form) can penetrate the block with enough effort, though not passively. However, they will usually not do so out of respect for the mortal's desire for privacy.

1. Elder Gods
2. Gods
3. Immortals
4. Mortals, Rebirths, Immortal Seals, and Mortal Imprisonments

It should be noted that those with the magic "Telepathy" can read and probe another's mind on the same tier or below without fail, though usually just prefer to use it as a means of nonverbal communication. The only known users are the Venturi Sisters (Liliana and Aliana/Shadow).

Inherent Abilities (CFInher)

Note: Inherent abilities of anyone from the Light Kingdom will not be listed here due to not being witch magic, but immortal magic adapted to witch standards. Similarly, True Zen and Celestial magic will not be listed here either, due to being Elder God powers.

Creation Magic

Miyafuji Type
-Base Level – Healing
-Ultimate Level – Greater Healing
-Yoshika's Ultimate Magic Aura – Divine Restoration

Vision Magic

Sakamoto Type
-Base Level – Magic Eye
-Ultimate Level – Obliteration
-Mio's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Eye of Destruction

Galland Type
-Base Level – Magic Eye
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Keiko Katou Type
-Base Level – Super Vision
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Ballistic Magic

Bishop Type
-Base Level – Ballistic Stabilization
-Ultimate Level – Ballistic Missile
-Lynette's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Ballistic Surge

Marseille Type
-Base Level – Deflection Shooting
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Elemental Magic

Clostermann Type
-Base Level – Tonnerre (French/Gallian: Thunder)
-Ultimate Level – Plusieurs Tonnerre (French: More Thunder)
-Perrine's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Orage (French: Thunderstorm

Mei Akiyama Type
-Base Level – Fireball
-Ultimate Level – Fire Storm

Kiyoko Akiyama Type
-Base Level – Freeze
-Ultimate Level – Blizzard

Hartmann Type
-Base Level – Sturm (German/Karlslander: Storm)
-Ultimate Level – Großer Sturm (German: Greater Storm)
-Erica's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Sturmschlag (German: Stormstrike)

Lucchini Type
-Base Level – Sunlight Strike
-Ultimate Level – Explosion Strike
-Francesca's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Solar Storm

Anabuki Type
-Base Level - Hakushoku Denkou (白色電光/White Lightning)
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Strength Magic

Barkhorn Type (Type A)
-Base Level – Super Strength
-Ultimate Level – Ultimate Strength
-Gertrude's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Transcendent Strength

Speed Magic

Yeager Type
-Base Level – Speed Boost
-Ultimate Level – Speed Control
-Shirley's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Speed Force

Time Magic

Juutilainen Type
-Base Level – Foresight
-Ultimate Level – Influence
-Eila's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Sovereign Prophecy

Edelweiss Type
-Base Level – Time Dilution
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Space Magic

Wilcke Type
-Base Level – Space Understanding
-Ultimate Level – Area Destruction
-Minna's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Absolute Analysis

Litvyak Type
-Base Level – Magic Antenna
-Ultimate Level – Advanced Radar
-Sanya's Ultimate Magic Aura Technique – Spectroscopic Radar

Awakening Magic

Wakamoto Type
-Base Level – Awakening
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Inspiration Magic

Takei Type
-Base Level – Inspiration
-Ultimate Level – Name Not Revealed

Universes (CFWorld)

Seven Stars Multiverse - Contains seven individual universes, home to Kye Akari and various others. The four realms below have been mentioned or featured.
-Light Realm - One Universe of the Seven Stars, home of the Light Kingdom and the Akari Royal Family
-Drachenheim - One Universe of the Seven Stars, home of the Dragon Kingdom and the Maya Royal Family
-Mortal Realm - One Universe of the Seven Stars, home of Earth and the Atlantis Royal Family. Not the same earth that is home to the witches.
-God Realm - One Universe of the Seven Stars, home of the Seven Stars Pantheon. The War Simulation planet existed in this realm and is the primary setting of Legendary Witches 3.

Seven Stars World 1A - Also known as "The First World". One of the many universes belonging to the Seven Stars Pantheon. This universe was the first additional universe created by Lady Kye roughly 14 billion years ago. This universe is the primary setting of Legendary Witches 1 and home of Champion Yoshika Miyafuji.

Seven Stars World 1B - Also known as "The Second World". A copy of World 1A, this world was created after the event of Legendary Witches 2 to keep the integrity of the original World 1 timeline that did not have the Third Neuroi War and the alternate World 1 timeline where the Third Neuroi War took place. This world is home to the 511th Joint Fighter Wing and 516th Joint Fighter Wing, who are descendants of many of the Second Neuroi War veterans.

Toshiro's Universe - A universe belonging to Lord Adam the Allgod, meant to be his final creation before killing himself. Unbeknownst to all but the Elder Gods and the Primordial Goddess, he did not die, but went into slumber in a severely weakened state. This universe is home to Champion Toshiro Edelweiss and Champion Aya Edelweiss.

Seven Stars World 27 - One of the many universes belonging to the Seven Stars Pantheon. No person from the Seven Stars has entered this universe.

Seven Stars World 98 - One of the many universes belonging to the Seven Stars Pantheon. This universe is a copy of World 27 created by Lady Kye in which to send a mortal incarnation of herself, another Kye Miyafuji, at a younger age and a cousin to Yoshika Miyafuji, rather than an aunt.

Azaria - One of the countless universes belonging to the Primordial Goddess. This universe is the home of the Azaran People. Not much else is known about it.

Mavet's Universe - A universe belonging to Mavet. It serves as his primary home where he lives with Maeve and Maia. Not much else is known about this universe, though Mavet claims it is a paradise.


Thanks to everyone who read the story and thanks to everyone on this list. This list was comprised on 17-January-2015, a little later than the final update to give the dedicated readers time to finish up their reading, post their final reviews, ect.

Special Thanks

Atikabubu - For being a fart...
Seiko1979 - For the Tsukiko!
An0n Author - For the Hype!

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