I'm going to make this as short as possible.

I do not own any of the characters I'm going to mention in this story unless I made them up. They all belong to their rightful owners. And, I'm going to make this story about their love life so if you don't like that kind of stuff and prefer adventure, horror or something else you are allowed to ignore this slow-paced, boring story that I came up with in the middle of the night.



It was a fine winter afternoon in the village of Burgess. Christmas was just around the corner so everyone was preparing for the holiday season. The children were building snowmen, having snowball fights and playing around in the snow. The men were either gathering supplies or busy at work. And the women were decorating their homes with ornaments and other Christmassy stuff. Some other people were gathered at the center of the village, where they worked on the gigantic Christmas tree and decorated the streets. Christmas was their favorite season, and you'll know why later on.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" a very excited voice kept asking the same question over and over for the past hour. Her parents were already getting annoyed; her sister just chuckled at her overexcitement.

"Almost, Anna" said Elsa as she was looking out the window of their carriage. The road to the village was almost memorized by her; due to the fact that she almost always went there.

Anna, on the other hand, was her first time their parents allowed her to go so she was pretty excited. And by "pretty" I mean "extremely".

Elsa could hear her father sigh. "Thank heavens" he said under his breath. She just continued staring out the window, deep in thought.

The dirt road they were on quickly changed to bricks when the carriage crossed a small bridge that was over a small stream of water.

Anna was just bouncing around in her seat, unable to wait much longer. As soon as she was just about to open her mouth, she saw Elsa's face light up and with full excitement said, "We're here".

The King and Queen smiled in relief.

The coachman parked their carriage in front of a massive house. They all got off while several servants came up to them and assisted them with their luggage.

"Wow" Anna stared at the manor, flabbergasted. There was no reason for her to be flabbergasted though, I mean c'mon. They live in a castle for goodness sake! But she was. It was probably the architecture and design to it. It was completely different from what she was used to. Elsa just shook her head and proceeded inside. She was already used to it, she even felt like it was her third home. Everyone else followed.

They were soon greeted by the owner of such an estate. The councilor of Burgess, Sir Stoick Haddock, is one of the king's distant relatives. He suddenly pulled Elsa's father into a hug.

"Ahh Kai! Long time no see, old friend"

"It's nice to see you too, Stoick" Kai was struggling to get out of Stoick's arms. He was almost twice as big as him and he was being squeezed to a pulp. He released Kai when he heard him choking.

"Sorry" Stoick smiled sheepishly and they all laughed together.

You see, whenever Elsa came to the village, the king and queen didn't usually go with her. They were too busy. But since they permitted Anna to go along with her, they went along too, just for safety reasons. Or incase Anna was going to feel homesick. The King and Queen could only stay for special occasions.

While the grown-ups were talking, Elsa and Anna quietly slipped away and headed up the stairs. Elsa was pulling her sister up to her room and Anna, being as excited as ever, just followed.

"This is our bedroom" she introduced to Anna.

"Cool" said Anna as she looked around the walls.

"Hey, you wanna go meet Hiccup?"

Anna nodded very eagerly.

"Come on"

Elsa led them into the basement.

"Awesome! They have a basement?" Anna asked as they were walking down the stairs. Elsa immediately turned to her and shushed her. She pointed to the dark-haired boy that was busy making a contraption of some sort. Being sisters, they knew what had to be done.

They slowly and silently went down the rest of the stairs, being careful not to step on any tool that was left on the floor. Creeping up to behind him, Elsa held out her fingers while mouthing "After three" then began the countdown.




Jumping out from behind him the two sisters grabbed each of his shoulders while screaming "Hi Hiccup!/Hello!"

Hiccup in turn jumped and shrieked then heard laughter from behind him. He turned around to see two girls rolling on the floor laughing their hearts out. One was holding her sides, while the other was banging her fist on the floor. The moment everything clicked into his mind, his face reddened with anger.

"How many times have I told you to stop doing that Elsa!" Elsa didn't respond though, she had to deal with the uncontrollable laughter that was making her stomach ache; and so did Anna.

Hiccup was just about to tickle torture her when he felt room go cold. Soon there was a mini snowstorm in the room. Worried, he ordered Elsa to stop laughing.

"Elsa, stop it! You're creating a blizzard!"

As soon as Elsa heard the words, her laugh quieted down. Wiping the tears that formed in her eyes, she sat up still smiling. Anna did the same. The storm calmed down.

"Oops" she said, while brushing herself off. She helped Anna stand up.

"So Elsa, mind introducing this friend of yours?" he said, referring to Anna.

"Oh right." She cleared her throat.

"Anna, meet Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Hiccup, meet my sister, Princess Anna of Arendelle"

Anna curtsied and Hiccup bowed. They shook hands afterwards.

"Soooo Elsa," he drew out the 'o'

"Doing anything later?" he said, crossing his arms while leaning his back to the table with a smirk on his face.

"As a matter of fact, I am! I haven't seen Jack yet." Elsa said with full enthusiasm. She was aware of what Hiccup was trying to do and did her best to avoid the topic.

"Oh great" he muttered; voice laced with sarcasm.

Anna remained quiet. She was trying to understand what was going on in the current situation but to no avail, failed miserably. All she could say was

"Hey, I want to see Jack!"

"I thought you wanted to meet Hiccup?" There was something Elsa was trying to do, but it was very subtle. [I suppose we all know what that is, right? *wink*]

"But I already met Hiccup. Now I want to meet Jack!"

Elsa looked at Hiccup, he just shrugged and groaned.

"I guess that means we gotta go. See you later then" she said to him.

"Bye!" Anna said,

"Bye." He replied to them, no form of enthusiasm in his voice. He just shook it off and went back to work.

Anna and Elsa raced through the halls and stopped short when they got to the parlor.

"Uhm, excuse me, Mama, can we go to Jack's house?"

The queen sipped her tea before saying, "Alright" and smiled afterwards.

And with that, they raced out the house, brushing past any of the servants that happened to be in their way; leaving a thin ice trail in their path, thawing right after.

I hope you can see past the typos, wrong spelling and wrong grammar if there are any. I'm a bit rusty at my English so please understand. I'm also very inexperienced so suggestions and reviews might help my writing. AND just to make it clear, Elsa's age is around 13, Jack is 14, Anna is 10, Hiccup is 14. They won't age up unless I tell them to. XD Anyway, you may proceed to the next chapter =)