Hey! last chapter. Enjoy, and as always, read and review!

Church couldn't see the others running out of the room. He couldn't hear them screaming for a medic. He couldn't feel them trying to pull him out away from his friend. All he could see was Caboose laying motionless on the hospital bed. All he could hear was the high-pitched beep of the heart monitor. All he could feel was this numbness filling his android body that made him realize something.

Caboose was dead.

No, that wasn't true. Caboose's heart had stopped, but it could be shocked back to life. Unfortunately, there was no defibrillator to be found, and not a doctor in sight. Wait a minute, he ran on electricity! He could save Caboose! He hacked into his android system, forcing high voltage into his hands. He rubbed them together, like he had seen in the movies, before quickly placing them on Caboose's chest. His friend's back arched up as electricity ran through his body. Church listened closely for the beep stuck in his mind to stop. It didn't. Caboose was still dead. He put almost all of his energy into his hands, pleading to whoever the hell controlled life, begging for his friend to come back, so he could see those sparkling blue eyes instead of dull vacant ones, to see that goofy grin instead of a small, sad smile. He waited, and listened. The beeping stopped. Caboose was okay. Church could barely feel Carolina gently leading him to a chair and plugging him in to the wall socket. His head leaned against the wall, and everything went black.

Carolina stared at Caboose's still frame and quickly looked towards the heart monitor, making sure he was still alive. The short beeps made her nervous, for she was afraid of another long tone, signaling death. Church was still recharging. She remembered how expressionless he looked, and then how scared he became. It was like she wasn't even there when she called to him. His eyes were transfixed on Caboose until he blacked out. Tucker hadn't left the room, but was unusually quiet as he stared back and forth between the two unconscious men. The others were trying to calm down Wash and Donut, both of whom were suffering mental breakdowns. Understandable, but quite annoying in her point of view. She didn't have the time for emotions anymore. She should-

A thought crossed through her mind, making anything else in her brain stand still. She was becoming like her father. A person who couldn't give damn about anyone else. She kept staring at the person, her teammate, no, her friend, who had started it all. Caboose seemed unnatural when he wasn't moving, wasn't smiling. It scared her to think of what could've happened if Church hadn't been there. Dr. Grey said his heart was weak from the electric torture, and all the excitement had caused it to give out. He should be fine, but should wasn't a definite answer to her. It was a false hope, a fake promise. She sighed and sat in a chair, resigning herself to wait.

Everyone else was tired after calming Wash and Donut, but no one dared to sleep. They knew where the rest of the blues were; they were with Caboose. Sarge had his head in his hands, sitting on the side of his bed. Grif watched over Donut, who was still shaken from the incident with Caboose, and Simmons watched over Wash, who wasn't talking to anyone. There was tenseness in the air, suffocating them, making words seem useless. Grif hated all of this. Just when things went their way, something screwed it up again. Why did they even do things in the first place? He sighed, and waited.

Church woke up slowly, eyes blinking away sleep. What the hell was he doing here? What was going on? He couldn't tell. Carolina seemed to be worried. About what, he didn't know. She looked like she saw a ghost-


It all came back in a rush. Caboose's heart stopping, him freaking out and saving him, the fear, the desperation, the feeling of hopelessness as the drawling tone kept on going. He noticed he was standing up and swaying, so he put his hand against the wall to steady himself. Caboose was still knocked out, and understandably so. Carolina gave him a look of pity, but it was Tucker who spoke up. He hadn't said or done anything, so Church hadn't noticed he was there.

"You okay dude?" He asked Church softly. Church was surprised at his tone. It was gentle and kind instead of the boisterous and rude tone that he was used to hearing. He sighed.

"Yeah," He replied. Tucker snorted.

"Bullshit dude. You haven't yelled once since we got Caboose back, not to mention you flipped out earlier. Tell us what's wrong," Tucker said. Church looked at Caboose, who was still asleep, soft snores coming from his nose. He sighed again.

"It's just…Caboose is like a kid to me, not an actual soldier. I always have to look after him and protect him, because that's my job. This time, I couldn't save him, and he got hurt, bad. He couldn't understand what was going on half the time! And I wasn't there! I didn't protect him! So…I feel like this is all my fault!" By the end of his rant, Church was in tears. In an instant, Carolina and Tucker were there, comforting him in ways he hadn't known they could. He smiled after a while. "Thanks," He whispered. They just nodded. A groan was heard from the bed. They turned around quickly. Caboose was awake.

Caboose couldn't understand what was going on. He was floating in black, feeling nothing, hearing nothing, seeing nothing. He was so confused. What had happened after his heart hurt? Was he dead? The thought crossed his mind so violently, he immediately shoved it away. No, he was alive, or he'd be with his family. They were all dead, but they were watching over him from heaven. Besides, he forgot to give Church his orange juice like he promised he would give him when he died. So, he wasn't dead. He smiled. He liked being alive. Being dead sounded sad and boring. He looked around. Still darkness everywhere, he mused. A figure came. She was light, with wings and a warm smile.

"It is time for you to go," She whispered. He stared at her in disbelief. Angels were supposed to be nice! She was trying to make him leave his friends, no, his family behind! He shook his head angrily.

"NO, mean lady! I am going home!" He yelled, startling her.

"But sweetie, heaven is your home, it's where your family is," She said gently. He stared straight at her, and she flinched. The innocence and pain that filled his blue orbs was too much, even for her.

"What about my other family?" He asked fearfully. She stared at him confused. "The reds and blues are waiting for me! They are my family! I can't leave them!" He begged. She stared at him for a moment before smiling again. This type of innocence, trust, and loyalty came only once a century. She looked at him. Maybe she could give him another chance. He deserved it; after all he'd been through.

"To Hell and back," She muttered. "Fine, I will take you home," She told him. His face brightened, and he tackled her in a hug.

"Thank you Angel woman! You are not mean like I thought you were! You are nice and pretty!" He shouted. She blushed. He was sincere, and that meant a lot. He had this biggest grin on his face, and it made the decision so much sweeter. "Will I see you again when I die again?" He asked.

"Maybe, I don't know. Goodbye Caboose!" She replied cheerfully. As the man faded away, she sighed. His friends didn't know what they had. They didn't see the light he held, illuminating the dark path they walked. He'd had three AIs in his head, gone through two wars, helped stop two evil organizations along the way, been tortured for nearly a month, and still remained cheerful the entire time. The only time he actually hurt people on purpose was when he was angry, and that was just a remnant of O'Malley. He was a miracle, a gift, yet a curse. Innocence is wonderful, but ignorant. After all, ignorance is bliss. He made up in smarts for his light that filled everyone he loved with happiness.

Despite what others thought, God never made miracles, he made man. Man created his own miracles. Caboose was a miracle by man, and that made him greater than anyone else on earth. He never bragged about it, partly because he really didn't understand, but that's what made him wonderful. He was humble and loving, dumb yet caring, and most of all, innocent. And that's what made him a miracle.

Caboose groaned as he awoke. He still didn't know what had happened to him. He looked around. Church, Tucker, and Carolina were staring at him. Tucker called the others on the radio. They all ran in. None of them were wearing their armor, much to his relief. Though he knew they hadn't hurt him, the colors made him fearful. They reminded him of torture and pain. Looking at all of them, he saw their worried faces. They really were scared for him. He smiled and pulled them all in for a bone-crushing hug. There were a few pained yelps of surprise, but most were happy about Caboose's condition. They all sighed contentedly and let the hug bring them bliss.

Church could only stare at Caboose as the man blinked away sleep. He heard Tucker call the others, but he couldn't care less. His eyes were transfixed on Caboose for the second time, waiting for any sign of emotion. When the others came in, Caboose looked around. Then, he smiled. It wasn't the same smile from earlier. It was a full on, ear-to-ear grin that was just like the one from before all of… this. Now, as he was wrapped into a hug, every fight, every guilt-trip, and every moment spent waiting was worth it. All of it was worth it to see that smile, and so, he smiled back.


Church watched as Wash stopped Sarge from killing them for the third time that day. They were in the same canyon they had crash landed in earlier, but they spiffed up the bases to make them more like houses. Caboose's room was in between Wash's and his own, so when he had a nightmare, they were there in a flash. The nightmares were getting less frequent, which made him happy, knowing that Caboose was healing. Still, when he thought of what happened to him, his artificial blood boiled with rage. He smirked as Wash pulled out his trump card, successfully getting Sarge to go back to his base. They all were a little more sympathetic to the war ridden man, especially after what happened to Caboose. Wash would always threaten to get Caboose out when nothing else worked, effectively stopping all hostility each time. Sarge had a soft spot for Caboose, and they all knew that. He heard a tank fire, and all of a sudden, he was in ghost form. He looked at Caboose's running figure.

"Tucker did it!" He yelled. Church laughed. He wasn't fighting, but he wasn't doing nothing either. He was with all the people he loved, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Ending! I hope you enjoyed this fanfic. I'm sorry if the ending was not to your liking, but that's the way I put it, so deal with it. Anyway, I have other stories to check out, so read those! Thanks for reading and I love you all! ~Kitkat1003