Black Dranzer by Melinda The Digimon Poet

Black Dranzer

You and me

We are a team

We are mighty

Black Dranzer

My hunger

We can defeat

All that oppose

Black Dranzer

We are one

I can feel it

When I beyblade

Black Dranzer

My power

I shall triumph

Over those fools

Black Dranzer

My great thirst

My destiny

Is to own you

Black Dranzer

You are mine

To possess you

Is all I want

Black Dranzer

As a team

We shall prevail

Over them all

Black Dranzer

Come with me

To the darkness

And the glory

Black Dranzer

Come with me

To the darkness

And the glory

Yikes! I almost freaked out when I wrote this. It is very close to the mood and tone of my Digimon poem "Ryan's Downfall". You can check it out at my profile page. I wrote this poem following the episode "Drawn Into The Darkness". It looks like the second season is going to be more serious and dark than the first season. You can e-mail me at [email protected] or at [email protected] or you can review in my review box. If you do I'll e-mail you a preview of the first chapter of my first Beyblade fic. Beyblade is owned by YTV and Hudson Soft and TV Tokyo.