Author's Note
Welcome, step right in! Glad you enjoyed my story enough that you'd listen to a bit my crazy ramblings!
Before we get started, if you haven't written up a review I strongly suggest you do! Nothing keeps me as pumped like reading through what you guys think of my work!
This little rambling will fill you in on how I came to write Power Struggle, the process of writing it, and my future plans/projects!
Lets begin!
Finding the Story
Developing Power Struggle started out innocently enough, just like the rest of the stories on Fanfiction. It stemmed from the question of "How Tryndamere viewed Ashe". It the original lore, they had just become acquainted with one another, only communicating through letters. The inspiration struck when I figured that a great story would be one that captured how their relationship developed in less of a day by day account but instead highlighting the big changes. Originally it appeared that I was dreaming up a collection of one-shots, each at a different period, each reflecting a major turning point in their partnership. As I began to write, I began to string the stories together with a background story that eventually became Aatrox and Co's attempts to end Ashe's life.
As the story developed, I began to realize that Ashe and Tryndamere's evolving relationship was not contained. Their growing affection was also paired with a growth in their characters. Ashe matured and grew some thick skin against the bitter reality of the world, while Tryndamere learned to pause, control, and catch his breath in thought for a bit. Change was everywhere in this story, and so I ran with it, writing about the nation of Freljord surging back into existence to the transformation of Ashe into a Iceborn.
Main Characters
Lets start with Tryndamere, the sulking barbarian with so much heat in his system you'd think he was going through menopause. The portrayal of Tryndamere being a Darkin was a very easy one to nail down, but what I enjoyed trying to do was trying to reconcile Tryndamere with the "undying rage" that dwelled within him. Characterizing it as an inferno was pretty easy: his visual character in League of Legends is very "on fire", and rage is basically the go-to emotion when trying to personify fire... Guess what? He fits them both! I always tried to describe a perpetual metabolic fever, adding in interesting tidbits of losing the sense of cold and a learned disregard for injury to further this strange existence that is the Barbarian King. Tryndamere is the middle path between Aatrox and Brand, blood-hungry like the former and incensed like the latter. As a result, Tryndamere being a Darkin allows him to take a unique position that at the end of the story differentiates him from Aatrox and the rest of the Darkin brood, his righteous anger and his maniacal drive programmed to resist the cruelty and miserable conditions that he and his fellow Freljordians have had to endure. All of this is due to his interactions with the other characters, especially Ashe, who also introduced him to the terrifying and visceral feeling of affection.
Now, Ashe seems to be Tryndamere's opposite, element-wise... "What a surprise", you might say, but there are many similarities that are often missed. While their appearance seems contrary, with Tryndamere a flamer's dream and Ashe calmly peppering you with ice arrows, their personalities are very complimentary. One thing that they share is righteousness, so much of it that they both end up sacrificing their own humanity to be able to bring peace and justice into their world. Though Tryndamere had already cast off most of his mortal coil in turn for a nearly unkillable homeostatic furnace, Ashe hadn't even begun to shed her mortality at the start of this story, and so Tryndamere can stand witness to what he went through. One of the biggest reasons that I implemented this idea of Ashe becoming an Iceborn was that it was supported by her lore: In Ashe's background, the line "She grasped it, crying out in pain as the frost formed on her fingers" directly giving me the idea of Frostburn and her conversion into an Iceborn. The original video of League of Legends also gave me some powerful clues, as the cool mist that surrounds Ashe like a veil also bleeds "being of ice" and was implemented into my characterization of the Iceborn. But it wasn't just the lore already supporting it: it fit her character and her relationship with Tryndamere perfectly, as she matured into a beautiful, dedicated woman that blows Tryndamere's expectations out of the water, and at the end he realizes the impact she's had on his life. The fact that Ashe was Tryndamere's equal (not to mention his lover) made their relationship so complimentary that it was a delight to write about. Ashe and Tryndamere aren't opposites, although like Yin and Yang they both needed one another on a whole number of levels. The growth of her confidence, how she learned to be cool (pardon the pun) was Ashe's personality change in this story, all thanks to Tryndamere and his tough love.
Secondary Characters
If there was a top villain in this story, it would probably be Aatrox, yet his threat was settled in a surprisingly friendly way (at least on his end). His role in the story was mysterious, and at the end of the story he remains shrouded in darkness, still absconding many things from our prying eyes, and this shroud and mystery makes him the top dog.
Lissandra gets a really bad rap. She does, but she does seize the top villain title flawlessly once Aatrox leaves the picture. Lissandra is the turtle in the race, slow and steady, a typical senseless emotional villain that is subdued, and then you look away for two seconds... You know what I'm talking about! Lissandra is a true threat by the end of this story, and one that will not pull any punches in the future, her patience as all run out.
Trundle! Trundle is fun! Trundle is troll. Trundle is life. Trundle is the wild card in this story and beyond, just as he always is, pre-retcon or post-retcon. He unpredictable nature is to the nth power and its clear that Lissandra better keep her eyes on him. It was always fun to write about Trundle, his jocular and prideful attitude a great contrast to Tryndamere's anger: Their clashes always fun to picture.
And Sejuani, the gal with the breakout performance in the very end of the story, clearly isn't a villain, but definitely an antagonist. Despite Tryndamere and Ashe's success there are still people who can manipulate the destiny of the Freljord... As a character, Sejuani wasn't meant to be a Tryndamere clone, instead more of combination of Ashe and Tryndamere, with fury and inexperience jumbled up in one extremely driven person. Flawed as she may be, Sejuani isn't horrible: She does not shy from the hard decisions and seems to have a deep vein of respect towards the Freljord. For what reason? Thats a part of Sejuani I honestly can't put a finger on, which makes her a wonderful independent character to act upon a story.
Novich was our non-champion link. A troubled man whose struggle isn't really explored save for his meeting with Tryndamere. Despite this he is a heroic person, and I wish I could have stressed that quality about him better.
Anivia is a freaking demigod of some sorts, but even she is flawed and biased, even when she's often removed from the story. It was a nice spin on her character, even though she has the best intentions in the end.
Udyr is the mystic in touch with something mysterious... My how mystifying! What a mystery! I'm trying to find more words with the prefix "my" but I'm too lazy to take out a dictionary. Udyr is composed and committed. He, like Anivia, is simply following what he believes is necessary for the survival of the Freljord. I had made the silly error of believing he was allied with Ashe and Tryndamere, but when the conundrum presented itself in the form of a review (thank you Mymely and xSPQRxCenturion!) I understood exactly how Udyr would end up allied to Sejuani, and in a way that gave Sejuani a larger presence in the Freljord after this story had concluded.
Looking Forward
I have decided to quit writing.
Bad jokes! Who doesn't like'em?
My next story is going to center on Noxus and principally Katarina's struggle as Swain takes command and begins to purge Noxus of all opposition. Its a fresh take on witnessing how Katarina actually, you know, performs missions and deals with the common routines of Noxian life, all with the flash and glamour of living in a world filled with Champions of all creeds and backgrounds. Check out my profile to learn more about this project and how I should prioritize it!
Have questions? Feel free to contact! Thanks for tuning into this little rambling!