Hey readers, I'm fine. I know I've been gone lately but I had got hit by a car. (I'm fine now, obviously), I also moved back into my mom's, got a new computer and I'm practicing driving still. But I still work, I got a promotion. Now I'm trying to go full time (I'm actually pretty much full time working damn near 40 hours a week and then some). I'm also working more so on my other fanfiction, my Gajevy one. (Oh my God I love them together, it's so bad. I really wish I'd meet someone like him and be like swooped up and loved like that... I doubt it'd ever happen, but it's possible right?). And make-up honestly. (Have you ever tried Stila liquid metallic eye shadow you can get from Sephora? My Gosh, it's love. I know it's expensive, like 24$ a bottle but it's amazing. I like kitten karma and the rose gold retro. The next one I want is Sunset Cove). Anyways sorry for the pointless rambling, I tend to talk a looot. Here's the story. ~

Ymir paced in front of Christa at her desk, the blonde was refusing to speak to her. The second Ymir walked in, she noticed the blondes demeanor go from spunky to fierce. "Christa, please. Let me see her." Ymir finally leaned on the counter.

"Why?" Christa replied bluntly. She really didn't even want to see Ymir, but this was the brunettes last meeting with her boss so she wasn't going to be one to complain.

"She's my daughter, Christa. I want to see her. I want to be a part of her life. Please." Ymir begged, Christa looked up into her eyes, they looked so sad and desperate.

Christa quietly chewed on her nether lip, debating or not on what decision she should make. Should she allow her or not? She really didn't want to have Lily get all attached to her, and then have Ymir hurt her. Lily was much too young and sensitive for that; sadly Ymir was infamous for that. "Fine. But only one visit, and it's supervised by me. And you're not to tell her who you are. Just you're one of my friends. You act like you're her parent, you'll never see her again. And if you hurt my baby girl, I will hurt you. Okay?" Christa finally decided and stared at her dead in the eye.

Ymir smiled and then reached over and hurriedly shook her hand. "Thank you so much!"

What Christa really wanted was to tell her, no, that she's not allowed to see her daughter. That Ymir had no right to even calling her, her daughter. Just as she was thinking this, she got a notification pop up on her screen from her boss saying for her to send in his next meeting. "My boss said he's ready to see you." She kept her face stern, looking at her computer.

"Before I go back, can I have your number?" Ymir asked her flat out.

Hesitating, Christa then thought about it. "...Why?"

"So we can arrange a date so I can see my daughter?" Ymir just looked so hurt, by the fact that Christa would even ask this of her.

"Fine, leave your phone here I'll put it in it and you can get it when you leave." Christa held out her hand for the phone.

Ymir smiled at her and handed her, her phone and headed into the back.

Christa's mission was to go through the messages and see who she really was; she really wanted to know if Ymir had good intentions of actually being part of her daughters life. Or if it was just a farce. Looking through it she really only found that Ymir was still casually talking to her friend Bert and as Christa read through the messages he was the reason she somehow had the courage for today. He apparently encouraged her. The other messages on her phone looked like just random people, Christa assumed it was girls because Ymir was the type in her head that was like a female bachelor. After being left unsatisfied on her search, she went in the contacts and typed her name along with her number.

Waiting for about two hours or so, Ymir finally came back down and grabbed her phone from Christa and checked it for her number. "Thank you. I'll call you okay?"

"Sure." Christa numbly responded.

Ymir put her phone in her pocket and then smiled at the blonde slightly, Christa just looked away and at her picture of Lily on her desk. Her daughter just looked so much like Ymir...

"Thanks, Christa. I'll call you." Ymir said as she backed out of the office.

Christa raised her hand slightly and half-assed waved Ymir a goodbye.

Sitting across from her at the kitchen table at Sasha's, was Sasha. And the brunette was baffled by Christa actually agreeing to allow Ymir to see Lily. Especially with how Ymir acted when she found out Christa was pregnant.

"Why didn't you just say no?" Connie asked barging into the room and leaning against the wall.

"I doubt she would have left with a no. Ymir can be stubborn... or well, she was. She's very thick headed. Lily gets that from her." Christa twiddled her thumbs and looked between her friends.

"Didn't she want you to abort her in the first place? Screw what she thinks!" Sasha objected.

Christa nodded and looked away. "You prove a point. I'll call her and cancel."

"What are you going to say?" Sasha asked.

"I'll say that she didn't want me to even have her, so she has no right to even try to claim her as her child. Let alone see her." Christa pulled up her phone and called Ymir to tell her just that.

As soon as Christa heard Ymir's voice, the blonde lost her train of thought. "Ummm..." Her eyes drifted to her best friend Sasha, who urged her and reminded her about what she needed to say.

"I don't think it's a good idea to bring my daughter around you. So you won't be meeting her." Christa numbly stated.

Ymir wasn't sure if she heard her right, did she just revoke what she had said earlier? That she wasn't allowed to even meet her. "Christa, you just told me that I could. She's my daughter too. I want to know her." Ymir pleaded.

Deep down Christa felt terrible, but at the same time she wanted what would be best for her child. Would what's best for her child be to meet Ymir? "You never wanted her, so just forget about her and me. And just move on, plus I wouldn't know how to introduce you to her anyway." The blonde stated.

Ymir shook her head. "I can just say I'm a family friend. Please, Christa. I want to meet her." Ymir begged.

Christa bit her lip and kept quiet, "I'm sorry... Please don't contact me again." She quickly hung up the phone before she could hear Ymir say anything else. Christa felt bad enough, with not allowing Ymir to see her daughter, but then again Ymir did bring it on herself. When she had found out she was pregnant, Ymir didn't want a single thing to do with it, she wanted her to abort it. And now all of a sudden, after Christa had went through a lot of pain and suffering for pretty much nothing because Ymir did want to know her child? It's bullshit. It's not fair, but Christa assumed that, that was life.

Waiting in the lobby, Ymir paced back and forth. This was where she had her meeting the other day, and it's been about a week now since she's seen Christa. She's come here every day to see if she was at work, and it's been a fucking week. Oh, was she mad! Ymir was down right furious. She had her arms folded over her chest as she paced. She had met Christa again and found out the girl was keeping her child from her! She had mentioned it to her best friend Bert, and he said to wait it out and try contacting her later. But Ymir was determined to wiggle her way into their lives. Especially now that she knows she has a child with the girl. As Ymir stopped pacing, she heard the door to the lobby open and Ymir spun around to see Christa. Her face told her she was tired.

Christa saw Ymir and quickly looked away and tried to walk past her as fast as possible, but Ymir was able to grab her arm and stop her. "Christa, tell me why can't I see her?"

The blonde sighed and looked up at her. "I'm sorry but you weren't there for the past 3 years of our lives. You don't deserve to be now. Especially because you didn't want her. So don't lie to me about wanting to be in our lives all of a sudden. It isn't fair and it's not a funny joke so stop and leave." Her blue eyes were watering, like she was about to cry and Ymir instantly wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm not lying, Christa." She whispered to her.