((This is the written continuation of the short comic of couch-po-tato found on Tumblr based on chitaistalker's Five Night's at Penny's AU))

Five Night's At Penny's: Night One

The call ended, or rather, the recording, leaving Blake in a nervous, cold sweat, the annoying buzz from the shitty little fan only making her shiver all the more.

Yang was here. She was here before me, but...where did she go? Why did she leave? Did she find something here, can I find it too? Can I find...her?

These thoughts, as well as many others swirled around her numbed mind, her eyes idly, unfocused and blurry from tears, looked down at the scroll showing the security cameras and their feeds. Everything-one- was fine, just standing there staring ahead as though they were asleep or maybe even soldiers at the ready.

It hurt to see these machines, they looked so much like her friends, like Velvet and Nora and Penny and yet, they were just standing there, lifeless...empty...dead still.

Blake had to look away, at them and at the camera, away from the poster of them on the wall, or the childish drawings children drew of them. It made her sick, made her gag on nothing- or maybe she was gagging due to the sudden smell that invaded her nose - it didn't matter, it couldn't matter, not when she was trying so hard not to cry.

She didn't know why she did it, but she played Yang's message over again, taking both comfort and sorrow from the voice of her loved one. When Ruby had been murdered, Yang changed, no longer was she the out going, social butterfly, no, she stuttered if she even graced you with a response, she looked down at her feet, if her eyes were focused enough, and she never ate anything, or drank the tears that rolled down her cheeks if they stumbled across the corners of her mouth.

Yang had changed, until she told them she was going to find answers, a small glimpse of her former self, a haunting image for the faunus to replay over and over again.

The silent teen shook her head, she wasn't here to think about that, she was here to get answers and hopefully; Justice. Glancing back down at the screen, Blake's sharp eyes scanned each room quickly before she paused.

Velvet was gone! Sure, Yang said that they moved around, but she didn't think that they would move so stealthy. Checking her cameras again, Blake saw that Velvet was in the backstage, just standing there facing the camera lens. It was creepy, to say the least, sent a chill up her spine really, but as long as she wasn't close by, Blake could hold off on the door.

It gave her more time to think too, as she scanned the feed again. She just couldn't bring herself to call these machines by their given names. They were much too similar in appearance to her murdered friends and by habit did she call them such.

Her screen suddenly went black, only for a few moments, turning back on as though nothing happened, only for Velvet to be missing from her view. It shocked Blake, and the small humming, a girlish sound with a bit of an accent, ringing through the halls made the feline faunus quake in her seat as she quickly checked her cameras.

Her heart was pounding, finding the bunny to be in the supply closet now and for Nora to be looking at her in the dining room. The girl always did like to eat, but now...No, this wasn't the time for grim thoughts, especially since the cameras gave out again. The black out gave the girl time to check the clock, sighing as it was now only four AM and to check her door lights.

Right was clear.

The left one wasn't.

There stood Velvet, peering into the room. Her eyes, which seemed so real now instead of cartoonish, focused on her and her alone. Blake quickly closed the door, her hands shaking as she backed away silently. How could she have not heard her coming? And why did she just peer into the room like that? What made it worse was that the girl this machineresembled was a shy little thing, peering into a room before she would make herself known. How could this...this thing act and look so much like her friend?!

Blake kept her eyes on that closed door, flipping the light switch on for a moment just to see if the figure's shadow was there or not. The machine - Velvet - lingered for a few good minutes, like Blake had hurt her feelings or that maybe she was trying to work up the nerve to say something, but in the end, she left.

Nora was in the kitchen now, pots and pans banging as if she was playing them like a drum. This too, the girl used to do when she was alive, crying out for pancakes or just food in general. Blake sat there, eyes ever vigilant on both the screens and the door, mind calculating on how much power was used per minute verses her not using anything to her using everything. It was easy, for the cunning girl, the only thing that seemed to bother her was the familiar faces she'd have to slam those heavy metal doors on.

Blake sighed out, her fifth hour just as long and heart straining as her fourth. How many times had she played Yang's message over now? Four, maybe five times? She had it memorized by heart, even the stupid pun she threw in there. The voice was all she had left of her now, besides her memories and pictures. She found herself wondering where Yang could have gone now. If Yang had indeed found closure here, or maybe another clue, but why didn't she call? Why leave a recorded message for someone she would never meet and not her friends?

"Yang never did make much sense until it was all over with." Blake sighed out, turning her head to look at the now closed door to her left, Velvet returning for another visit. "She was always quite the planner, huh, Velvet? She made the both of us get out of our shells and I never...really got to thank her for that."

Blake sighed as she checked her feed one last time, finding Nora back in the kitchen, that Penny had not moved once, and that everything else was as dull as dirt.

The alarm on her watch scared Blake out of her gazing, looking down to see that it was now six. The whole place seemed to change then, Velvet seemed to just walk away, Nora went back to her spot on the stage, and the whole damn place just seemed...lighter.

Gathering her belongings, Blake made her way out of the building and to her house as quickly as possible. It wasn't a long drive home, a reason why she and her friends used to always eat at the place, that and Ruby loved the silly little songs those machines played for her all the time.

Sometimes, Blake felt as though it was her fault that her friends were lured there, if she had never shown them the place or maybe even lived further away from it then they wouldn't have been killed. When Yang was still with them, she feared that maybe the blonde thought this too and that was why she didn't call them, but over time, it just seemed as though this was how things were supposed to be.

Blake always did hate that line.

The tall faunus was surprised to see Weiss staring -waiting- from her living room window, icy eyes near the point of tears darting around the concrete streets, finally landing on her and widening for just a moment before they began to glare at her. Blake didn't even have to wait and wonder why she was being glared at either, for the heiress threw open her front door and chocked out a scolding.

"You had me so damn worried! I hurt too, okay?! I hurt too and it's not fair that I have to move on and run a business while you go play fucking investigator!"

It was a welcomed sound compared to what was in that shitty little office. Blake gave the smaller girl a small smile, before she walked inside and sat down on the couch, throwing her head back to rest it against the full cushions. "That place...those machines...they're just like our friends. And Yang was-"

"You found Yang?!" Weiss asked, closing the door and rushing over to sit by her friend. "She is okay? Why the hell hasn't she called?"

"No, I didn't find her. She left a recorded message for the next security guard."

"So...she was the one before..." Weiss mumbled, her heart thumping in her chest.

"Yeah." Blake closed her eyes, replaying the voice in her head again. "That place...for something so horrible to have happened there...you know it has to be stained."

Weiss nodded, her eyes floating over to gaze at the pictures they kept of the sisters. After a time, she came to a conclusion. "Tell me about your night."


"Tell me about your night, Blake. Maybe I can do something here to help you...to help everyone."

Blake smiled, lifting her head to properly talk to the girl. She told her what Yang had said, told her of the rooms she had to watch over and the shitty feed the cameras gave her to work with, and she told Weiss of the animatronics, how they looked and even acted like they're friends. She told her that Velvet visited often, that Nora still liked to play around in the kitchen, that Penny was still a little nervous and never left her spot on the stage -show ready- she teased.

"...What about...what about Ruby?" Weiss asked, her tone soft, a slight crack in the normally stern voice.

"I don't know where she is but..." Blake paused, gathering her thoughts and gathering her feelings. "I have a bad feeling about that curtain in Pirate Cove."

"What do you mean, Blake?" Weiss asked, finding the tone the other used troubling.

"I don't know, Weiss. I feel as though...I'm being drawn to it."